34 The Cnadian Champion, Wednesoiay, Febreary 7, 1968 Senior Citizens review busy, succesisful yec Tieefelleeing e an extenie nnt Ireport o0011e 1917 aci- IIesofetMitSno dr Clîlen Cuh as nrîmidhhlhc reirlet ouretry Mc. . W. SarlelliO: 911 - "'Cesoesniat Tenr'" leced onec et uSicorenil yeinc an a Mitan Senior CitinteCIeb, elSi Alender Watone s Ouc capaliepreideel. ted n fu laIe oni effidrs. 94e tavn Sslmemboeteeitled iavistg an aernge ntletdattre ni 65 Mss MgeonTelgmtanmoveed aeny te Ki inaleli l y, tîeet fiee membocc cere remoned by dette, Micasitelein MonlidI, Ms. R. M. Ciamon, Edard Syeman, Mc. Frank Car- erighietedLMss Jean GilSespe. M. Watsont Inn preided ai 10 reeaimetti, on île tmmd Wednasdyeeai 2;3i p.. inKnx PrecbyeieteCerre Sal, and Il eecetiemeeing egalin the Ton Hall Committea 1100e ai 2:30 p.m., oneîle fiet Mon- day ni île moi. Theee meat- ins lave ioiioeed theeama hide standard ni gserinsinOnther yence. jJaey 16, 1967 clarted of eitiltheelargecl anment turkel banqe nOlerecsia yenc, et 102 memiers ted nec gesseRI cilttg don legeheor ett Fred t' W. Sacbelila retiritte renldeei icharge. Tabeser eseaili- r ti elle ed careaticns and whiteeit munis, grarlnesiy dnteuly Mr. and Ms ery og ere, feorlis i frum lilbicde. Ak 'talen,pree- ldent-elorl fer 1967 inrederedt the bond tale, Mayor and Me. S14 Chlld, M. and Mc. H.t Stanley,' Ro. t-. T. DsaninMr.1 and Me. F. W. Haceetlte, and Mr. aed Mcc. . ktson. An impreccive memoriti ser- vice nc lheld fr île four ment- tare nIe lad eed drig966 - Frank MeSteen, Mc. G. K. Man- ore, Mc. t-orge Alein, and Charles Kerr. Scipluee ns rend ly . W. Strbotlie, t mie- iuesslecreea esecned, thein K De, T, t-clan led in prayer, I foloeed ly ose erne oni "Alîde i ite M, uog e9 aSl. i Dr. T, Dut-c i, sle Ine- -mark, apoke feellegly et eue -Miton Senior CitizenecClb;itan- h ng lcg en neked le gine is pic- ýr teren of "Indit" fCccl ni tey rgatdeatiee. He commeoded Iff M.S.C.C. oneîle fine ceire ni ýy nec Ceneniti Proieri, froic- th ing n ingle ceem le theenec ,ddlloiànime ISa te Di- S rirt Hospttl, ted 11e fart ltat A lree clerlen cere cocktng j 101e hy nide, ecomeidcallb, more n, theu acy Othecrsecciitieinilton. le Mayor Sid CildîroughI greol- o ingeandd bld ns of île iteereel- C lng CeolennialtetSresStceewold$ le in Milton inter te île yenr. Mcc. . B. _Mngee ndded more le nec eoettingIc enlertaiement I ly lac pleanini colos. Henry 1 Stanley, gueoc speakter, Haltiet's t AgriroSortil Repcecentttive in 1 lic lemerone iogll-preeekiog, ederallottat nddrecc, ele Ic is spacelini cil and intlligencre cIihfiguresnclil e long remem" leeed. P. 9W. Htrlellie preseeted "Te Oîno" (elgelfirant et et- f ce)tone le epcesidentA.Wnt- son, leen le ol îlhe cri, rai- Sng onTom Sradley nIe pre- santed F. W. lIarbottfle dt lic past procidetes jecel. Mr.Wtt- ain foiiloig île oampleni te rellittng precideini, gaeetespat- leg corde, 'f ne ratteol do greal Shilgc, let us do amallthi Ii green." Oue groinlecl areieeeO and highlight for 'Ceetennint VYear"' ens ouc proetrlte feensinta isingle e r n e enec part et A CAMERA AND SF8088 UIGNI netrcb iii bo ice f net. e alicrf'fet ti téis qienhelofel in the morogue sni other depeti creesMtla D.V Wlef(Bt«St' menetef Milton District Mepitl ha eioe pthlogietepiina hem t opecates. purchaennitmh focale oante4 69 tho Camp-(SafPo) helilcllo deemensictirteo Mec. Moine VanttffPoo H-ospital auxiliary plans annLli Fotieini desoe tad cetiee ln ai 2 p.m. n u. Pacte Christite t] FdurtIienCentre (Peileccldhp hb innem Fen, 14, tha inneeni mee-v Annual meeting Preshyterial U.C.W. Tle aiSixtetat almeeing ni Maltai Peebyleia niteSdis Cuere Wemen o ble lebld Tbecnday, Felcetel 15 ai Wolt- ingon Sqre Unied Cerr, CarolilnS., Bintoln. The mernuet progeten clicI legin ni9.30c s uiune îl te notilI of releleillee ted ent- abllainrionuliOn clîl cl e preseted len amorkT.V., Pro- gram "The Way S t,"tfetr- ing Misn lealieceelsna medernier, clacciog Mines eten Mark, Fred VurIne Mision; Me. Jean Prler, Cercre Scînelc and Vocations; Re. MaCaro -de- Uttqaont boya' cn et; o oud- tey, Betd Park Ledge; Dr. N. K. Campbel, Imette ALlen tead a large cet et supportlgcaracl- Thee U. C. W. et Wellington Sqare are pcevidiiig a Vttentine lurhenn. Tue genlseaker for the aitstninoune sn leRe. SermneB. Macezie Mk, 0D. D., Pecsonntel Serete eofthîe BSrd ni Wrtd Mismos. is tapir In "Ocr Mdeen Wectd Clans ne PrPOse." --The pot offrce dock le ctli oit ni ordet. The e o parte ne( on order. 2 MAIN ST. 878-2343 Pucked Up A Diivered FREE OELIlVERV ai meeting îg efthîe Miton Dtict lPtpi- 1 1l Wemee's Anelllney cll l àTera eSU ta b reporta efth1e 'acieun artinitten drigt teePact sa, apprenti ef ly-lae rhang- tsan te1eelertiesi et ffreca.- An lteretllO film "'A Cent- ury ni Medietr" cil abeeon. )Memleceip tec are due ai Suas meeting, and al meMbra are eeged tleatteni. Teose lterested in le e oton- tact services n te eospitai ire mnited le core netd loin. Grant relief on lot size MiSton CemmittenetofAdlucl- ment granted relie ncide yard requireee olel W. R. Morltn ai 92 Heatop Rend, nI n meetieg Tueeday et tant eek. Me. Moton astPPnretty gleen crottg inftormation about the reneicemetiain 191 lene taiS îlhe bouse. Tue hueestands 2' 21,ay irothluetl Sne d regelinncite 3' t11 ne 11e minimum detanre a buileing ment le buiS teome 1e ne. Mr. Moton Iceegul île Mal- ter ne Commlltee ni Adiestment co e ol neid nathîe bouee iS n lrieed et 0$595 ac ver-cel- sciel d1 coexetra gifl e e e Orvice t2cr urec cci, 1h01 bas RelS or 'dccc _-- Milice Semeor Othe] nsCil." (ce raued a picci, CampS, Lees etebaqetspetker derleg &ney, ce lad Failer J. J. Patin, hy et Holy Retttry Clerct Terot il, spetieg c"TleClec- atedtIl ohm et o Senior Citinena," Musir j. Ciemete polte onlte reora .y Dtyin Milton," a eery progrg coîsujeri fer Caeada'e 10011 Mr. ay . e re drcurcI sernire wetc ld C.O. i ny zi. 1907aIit1a.m. le Mante rPrenlyterinClurrI edt Anges j. .. McOowntglieg lte repnr sge. Ftfty mameere inN embe d. tonue he museln part et our pro- whoe .s cere exrellent. Oece la prena eiofthîe article; US.C - Marie Henry clîl 1er 12 beldi ng geilar. ivorE - mien Doreen Simpsott, or- and: nI tand cloUireder O ni oe te Pi ;ebylerlte ClerrI gave loth le r %I and piano ttelre. deter elfei. gave deilgtd iteal. Cl rîloo litnlanraiotttc'kr le vie occn oodestd l C ng ne n tnmiiy. enjr 4- Our own Mrs, Tom Brad- ner yanid Sel Lnldtg aang mtey n m le. tle 5- Mien Marge Cinrkeott steg 14 teing coton, nies 6 - Mrs. Ste WilnttosfWest- Cir eeleraned cul thvrioespitee oe eletin.1 7 - Junior carmaera Trio , Coi cees Wilimno ad ReIl Masne ad Jey Hnycnrd. Tlieir reind- n(e ýon ef narins piores con Id inni l e urpasead. Ge oteer fine nembere for corne ed ogrtma roeisted ef danrere. diseesIKarein ted SecaneKirk- ne! let and Milas Maelytt Martin, Sp ano a sperlal danre ly Mise gargo ClnrksoIL TIen ce eadl Inn enttndioi acelltteita, Mca, er ge tact, CtmoPleiOillO, and Mrs. orne Seceit, Carlsiele in er adornble rentume, Atoier iorm ef enlertaimiet ina fiee evenitins et tranelegees dien Miss Otadyn PeathersninO Itoaed eer pirteces efthe Teip Festrval in Hlland, Mirhigan, lipper Canada Village near 01- tceam Hameilon Rock Otedene &nd nin stogal sconse. Mc tand Mr. Citatiosnteceli tank ne te csome ijtereslleg amenas in Mexinir,andeeme more persnnaoalt enietî. We lrtneiied te inend wetî Mec. S. Oreolte.I inenea et tenommer lolidayI ai port Elgtin noce down ly Me. and Mca. Jono alea, aise nec C&anteWest pictuee. Pisally aillhe Derember meet- intg, Mca. Gerge Ekiel cee lnd tcnnveited toEure bislIa pat summer, aleced Grentrtaint, Nncnay, Sceden tedte rai Milton Senior Cîinazns CIl enrelled le eperial occasioensin 5912; ce oece iieled te fie olden Wedeting Amdivereartes, stamety, Mr. ted Mec. Johin Me- naI, April 1;Mr. ted Mes. Win. k6asai a ; Mr. anid Mes. Lloyd Cracer, el 2 Mr. and Mca. Sel Dredge, Sept. lo. Mr. and Mri. George Biley, tSept il. Sperîil5011 ainniver- 1 c ary rards cer seinlteanSi oneples. i'PIedue orLv s WITH A - VALENTINE DIAMOND * FOR THIE FINEST IN DIAMONDS ross brancier <w jewellery 220- MAIN E. McRTON 87"3241 rotteer Mec, William Sm inbcarne île binde ciJOho ýDcc, 54, 1961. bei ýr ,c;cytli cîccncrc Ici ce ni crknicrd'e bale cent nel belicille andd Ilce bistripa Clu tee yenr, one teîNigara pc ,J e n e i 3; n e te C ty H a ll, m o,tead lugh Park; Aeg. 2; n he teird le tee C.S.E. ne tSi Snd Pincer Day, enoiing bta ved ouats fer île onenitt PIS îm, Angeint 24. fi and Mcc. P. W. Hacintite m( deleg&len le île ninîl U.S. ti. Coeintlin hld nI Me- V le Unineccily Hamiltnin Pl' i ,s 2l, 29 ted 30, 191; teir le ris cere ginein ai lice Sept- w! er regeler meeting. It isise l'e ety l e ta llisdti abontn l u yeu are going le oe dtInca- si ,oi île M.SC.C. aI île fenil W .o. inc. Coneentioe bet 1ai WaterleooLelleete Un- O iiy, Waterlonen Angen 27 ig 2l, 1968. Son la île lime s ut alde a Uittle enel metî r conne tee eepeinsec ni île t aate.t leaieber et nec M.S.C. th binE te OPPerinnity te ge kepo" 'le Montrent feem May dcoler. A Jely hliday con pyed aI Port Elgin fer i1 ni rSenior Cilînae, nais eltte 'l u n e r a a l l e d I e n e ev e s i ic hq c l ie tFlecida fer ior r ir *pRiESCRIPTIOtdS ELSLIY PI.IARMACY 24 HOU P puSCRIPfON SERVICE 8784492 - Aft* Houri 8784961 FREF DELIVER< B EVLON COSMETICS K H ELSLEY, B Sc, P5 chan ie corne t century of our blvdCM daya in AftiÇ Cti oe la m W e ca ail bm ep I b is iiddeanS B E A - cije Tour for 22 daye je Oct- beip carry the boettr t itete- lerad Noverner. btd terecte ni eider people, and In 6 BES T Th zne13penc el nespport of tha atandards audisigith" ronatton Park, Otkoitte. Jute ideain ni te Senior CîteteT D CS;"O cas attettded iiy 35 ILS.C.C. ioneoteet, firet, e eieg gond . T- R nES id at tee Zoee 13 Fait Roiiy Cteadiaon, tsecond, loyal cut- ?dai Hoty Crotte Chorel. znsanad tird by tcieg irunt- i orgetowe, ce nere reprecent- cortby Senior Cititteon. Our Six M.S.C.C. mesebero cere alerattoti and otecttvtlt oa1.8Y LRN ted te le jedies n Mitoo' prtttted on tee cocet ni ner Sein- LOOK . VLTINE RIDA trciai Centeotdai Day ile-ictoc Cîitzenes BleittRo. -,N'SDA .. WITH A NEW, EXPEBILI STVIBO COIFFURE. YOU'LL BE TMB FOR THE BEST 1H"ETTESE"VLNIE HOME DECORATING ESSENTIALS Ça/en CaIpi1 878-2131 133 MAIN ST. WEST M -R n Were You Born On FEBRUARY 29? IF YOU WERE A LEAP YEAR BABY, AND RESIDE 1H HALTON COUNtIl, YOU WILL RECEIVE A ONE - YEAR SUBSCRIP1ION TO NHE CHAMPION * The only requirementi n that you bcîng your picture ta u office 50 shat it may be publinhed in The Champion - If you know of nomeone whoee birthday es February 29, tell them about ibis offer. *b f you are now a subscriber, your subscrîption wiII ha ex- tended one year. ta Parad e oupIe '«O rt Primea for thiar lite cent-j lenerini et 0cr cilbmembersI igbt île aracie U.S.C.0.5 j bliie, reliSe and geld pinlO inr. Soe eoeCitizecu :uIc gave tisepicnesfanero or An "Ie Memortin" plaqyte con nade by T. A.Itntcdnttottclitiial he olmen et nec dereanadmett- 'rns. EnrI regetar meeting tlde aque te piaced ontte el nilt it iec ofet nerynte, lIen ce- nnved ceutete nant meeting. The new Slctiftetiokd Court it ictoria Park con n peanniar plac n Tneday and Prldey ni- trinonn for the IL.C.C. dnrtttg te fine cealler. Thds fine court an given ly Sic Ton Rerreal- cen and Parbn SnardCeomittO c co-cpecltte0 tth e Couttrîl. Shnflebord le ptayed itt reld îenllner le teinter teod&y Sbboilloom t Knox Preelyler- an Clurcr, and taisenrare et ly tome ni île mon le île Senior :itizno. lt.s.C.C. are molt pprerta' teve, and vcee Ieir icece tIa tubhe lofict isofinox Preelylecite Cherrit Hall ninder ile retued ose oeteir lelld- ing, attd te ie uSeffleloard court. Cetitetttiai year le oner, and ce nec face "Cottetttiat plus oe," ctarllng idto île necnd SI SI B 1 mý