~u.~IamponyOu TH FRO0NT.~ 8 The Caadan Champion Wndneuday, Febroari' 7, 1968 ~'- At M.M. Reisoa 52 -u OC T~'~iL Remember Buddy?I the beat goes on liy Larry Martin a lot o stuf you hear right lis minute. The Front desn'l ollen com- liroon-eyed Handuome Man' ment os the Musc sonne. v as an eariy cul wilh hlm, and reannon n forts ilu Genaion i's right ach p ihere fghting. '68-s raiher ickte toiiouing. Asyhody oho pays cloue a- What's Number One ai cupy dead- tention o 1the Roily Thing couids lise Fridcy couid te hisloiY I2Y otihou 100 muchIs maginaion, thse ime The Front makes the piclure hlm loiowiag the trends streetu Wedsuday. and doin someihing pure smil Tiere oas an ris, howve, wilhh t ond 'Valley ni Tear' or who didn'l stop eing popular groovy andi psychedelic wlth ees aller 0e died. 'Rearhea.' t's a prelty turned-off yanlh lHe wan'l the type ot man tn who heun'l heard the conident go donuo ilO a inidng hlp. ne lyrlcu nI 'Thc'ii lie The DaLy' or and 013 Crickets would have con- lie enu conident 'licybe hahy', verted. or ose nf the mot mind-hiooiog Chances are anme nf our tos drum nocisu ni ail ime, 'PetIT talented present groupsowouido't Sue. e getiof ar-rsem i1111 hdo' Okay - SOu ddyHlolytelnogu Oes tfor the plummeiot nf a 10 the cge ohen everyhndy had omal charlered pase lto the glisimotot black hair and girls sno-sepi neat lands Fehrucny wore pony lali and the lyricu 6, 1959l -- almos1 ntne years ago had aot au much deep thangiol 10 the day. bo lhem as ihe average deodo- That crash rohned us nf Rioh- &nl commercial, le Vaens, J. P. Richarduon (Thn We ail recognine Il as a decd lBig liopper) and nuddy. cge, ul loly'u muic 15 otlll Richarduon'u unes have een very much live. renlned semeushat hy Sam lihe One ni the iggeul ecniy leat-liham and the Phroah. Tleo'u le hilu as 'Wondu nI Loe,' on recording ni 'Donna' made orillen and tîrul recorded lOi'accomehach rigisi 10 the top about Mlm. Laer the Rogues came ot ton yearu ago. oith 'Everyday,' and i's lui' linBddy'u sle, uonguandphliO- every grau nth10 melngit sophy o music are so preseol yero tbs id ac h aci'That'lithey're nilennot aven noticed. bs 1e Day' aI on lime or Lie one nI those long-gon anoher. early ites rock 'n ol hils of Hi5 erilefe of hci-country is ald . . .luddy RoiIy 'N01 and hal-rock tunsnshowsup 10 FadeAÂway.' IYou Heurd... I y Lrry Martin - Youh Front Co-rdisclor Toe Fros's lways getInl luy over somethio, as you may have nttced. Lacis o letos, laclo of phone nls. bal sor nf tbing. Oe ibiof ue deocuae some compani' an apparsolly ilu tte A whole ide& nofnoprlnt dedtostid 10 Genc tions'6l. "Nuls and c BUIs,"1 the hase magazine ni Metis St. Senior lcoant as put ou c stoepagu Janucny edtlon, w5110fition, crtoons,and il. a Lots olulch on lie projec, cre. t undernsîmothe10r sobools aroni putIngot privas sheels as wel. É O"lIotinig-to-do-to-Miltoo, Ocoponied" mot foot igtoutant nI il Iis mont. ThlnethOe higi school snoO carnodal cod a 9 vcnlty olgOl Iis latrday. Te Iollousbng weck thn igis schant drcma cluO presents the tree pîys, and Ferocry 17l VoulO Pou-1 r kicks off a groat n reich in Milton yanIh activttes ostO 'Tise 1 S. Valeties Day Mascr, c an.ur ayhabte nf te bandsa dane 10the Legionoal.1 *aîouhPower lso'l runniog abot omelessa alIhe moment, Thai' held a regler funît meting 1n Oe tbond lor nI Oe Royal Canadlan Leglon Hall Wedasday, and are tinoes of moutof in permaceotlti'for a ev aghs a veel. Tosr sew u outes are wonoderfulti' siaocas, and an on reasi ati' tseconda ago 0111 ho the sceneofntlie love day mssacre. *Opttmst YotnloCommiten hirmandli m tige,int lklisg 10 The Fr001 roceotlli, exprasseot admiratonand pleanne aven the Power's flodlng a home. Ton Optimits, oee, vilI continue thor long-range panu Ion some mcjor contrbotion 1n Mllo's yanllo cdiutieu. lie todcated the yongr etght-toli-ycan.old Oankel wooo'I ho orgoten. * Althangb Toe Fr001 deals us110 IOn sulolat elseusere, t len, storeIl've pu Oe grais on jut at eueny pions o msic lise gui' made, 1 should make some note of liuddy oly's death cosoter- sr' eslerdan. t1uann'Ivin c teenager 000en v as SP-TOP, bol I heard 'Myete aiy' onos Ileuhboch pogrcm nani muonan &go, and hou en saonnfan evenstance. For those niso ara inter- esed, ho oas ors In LuOloci, Texasn d ld hbeu menned onîn a short wnOue coore lie plaee hwuas nldtag toaksvec lo IOn flalcleud. 110 deatO made a delIctency pprecichiynsotlneahle ai the ime. * Tflos psl week as Oesu cgreal ime tu Ud ot if noun la- oritIeVohounageno malt' fins, Il non dine m Caoadman Brnd X, yan may nonice some ananfdc indgeuston iter passiof lhrangis bomper-denp puddles. Mechantru 10 Oe kbonus 111l el you this lu caused On ot olces. Whenodatsg, ilIts bOssIn10 votd lengihy cocis o the sidestrots, les you Elnd nan amd Misu Numer Oe puddlng buard tOn sone wheo the moon quls. Il heu also teeo suggesed the largeoumanof i aro granno, lake-like ulînys, and gnenc asenoce o gond now preclude snoomoblllg. L's lace II, bten 1680ts qtlecaotisnen al 'round. r olsDoing This Weekend? Friday, February 9 Saturday, February 10 in OAKVILLE in MILTON AI the Pine Room in thre A he Agrcultural1 Hall in Aena- Corner of Kerr Miton Far Grounds, on and Rebecca Streets. Robert Street, Second Week of thse Big "THE NOMAD FIVE" 3-Band Conteat supris eholidatesIa lyurprisa ZoWrdo Reseatlîn. the leanr's Rigis a istd ail IL. ).Robinson. Il vas matnty for t0e grade 11 and 12 studens and tieir parents bt stedenlu from te aber grades vere alun permilled lu, come. Representatives lrom thre CENTENNIAI AINIRTE AWARD mu everu in Miton elemnentary Sohool (Gold). Alec Duecan ni W. . Dick IGod); Kirk Mîssl chools haon receeed the, r oests. Eeryone ocho tooh part of J. M. Denyes (Gldi; Stepluen Wloughbky of lBrnceSreest in the exercises reccuceot a participation crest. with the more (Goid), and Rocky Barber oI Martin SI. Senior ISiverI. ukiled eauming bronze, sucver or golot awards. Among the recuyentu mre Anelin Sincovuch of Hoy Iosary Separate (Saff Phoo) laps should be blown on Yankee draft but fighting's end couId make it good al (i On JaeulFerrier Amof nahemany conversion- ai articles 10 loday's wortd isîthe rouer ilsiof uar ni Vietnam (aoy war for tisaI malIen) andîhe amount ni draft dodgers nfen nesn 10 Canada. Liobiog 10e IwO igether lunot colocidental, il'u fIes the lina oftoughl connecied witO c draft. Canada picys a seuiral part 1n niay.,anwrld aalri, 50 O 55meG rei ast 10 pnStiesouital '1001in Americc's draft. Toay scy the cge olîl sels yan fnon 10 maoy 000 opportuaolîns, and yan are legalty an aduit. AdulIhonul, au tue Il, usuali' comeo a loi sonner tban tbal. In tOnetu. S. yoog bonys ci the age of10 are liante for the draft 010o the acmod forces. WiIO the draft cornes then cnt six nools ni extensive bard traintng, and io years of active duty. Many are sent overseas 10 figOl nuch tuattinu an torse taistog place 1n Vietnam, pecce-keepiog Iroopu 10 lurat, and otbor oell-05000 front-page 00505 sites. These ldda, and mont nf the lime tOa'S &JI Oey are, are green, rushed loIn traiinga, loto war, and us- ullyiy lto deato. Perhapu ilI lu pessimistiO ulco. boltOchedeat] rate cmoag Young peopte lumuei bigiter Ikeatiatoithe pensiosers. I onder il Oie bous-misnoce bold tbsy bad tb igit Ibeir owe wars and serve the ponchos. i bhey woutd b t e mdo lu dol bombo. Tese bidu raptdly change fron Beltles and Books, 10 gens an bang-bang, irom nn otd t another. t'm ni suppontiof th draft dodgero oho pop up inoCan &da, non do t Oslieue 1001 0 si oeeis traindng pertoot lu prepan ilion enough b usend youog me 10 nec. Nolonger are thon lu plcylof loy soldiers. Il lises lot more bhan a gon prnpped up on c houlder and a leader tosaY "change", tu comle home clime. To dodge the draft, tubi dodge oureoponlhllltles. Iftlie rote 10 there, il ubanîd not etgoored. Ignorance on refusai lunot an însepted excuse ni tisa lao. I shald bope hoever,lthe pnohem o tise va n bvleboam lu enon- cled souri, teinre tonmany mors tbgo ifghtI fora cause loaty be* mn 1*s9el ol n the debris. Mayos yan argue, less 18- ycan-otds are Ian btter off lobth cnmy bhan eing don-nuls, pro- lestons, and unemplnyment in- uuranne colleclore, bol ocn lsn't eoaclly tOc mot destrabte a- cupaton. Il oa'l Osoome so- huret, people are ton argument- alive In tlirIschanacten Ion 1001. uI il un hoped the demand Ion 1 anch a n oupatonowili derease. I mot gise credilusOronredil is due hounver, tisaI the acnoy'l Lobasic training lu gned. Il sup- plies c dsciplnenot olen ds trîboteo th ie pare nts, bno- t edge0 u ial, and othcn0as- 5 sets uihiss herdtsarytondlvtduat lu sualty ton lany 1n annomplisb imuelf. Toe crmy mai05 a boy toito c man, il sels c degreni h standards,,and vihlise ac Il plisismeol ni less standards, 4 bhers emengus aleter devetlnped e tidviduelat ltSand tbat Mot On Ibtis training receledtodytusfor LI tisa prpose ni va. y 1 could tie ccnused of saytag1 heliove no mne sbould fIgisI fora ni cause ai the cool ni eodloui id detks. t don't mebi Iiss,1 teeo LO if bore is an alternative sai Ton skic 100 idea is credileo t 1 Rohenl Ronce 000 placedon oe in operatoon Januany 1, 1034, aI Woodtock, Vermont. Poonrusas lurniShesi y a roclon. REGISTRATIO MILTON OPTIMIST CLUB ORATORICAL CONTEST This Evening, Wednesday, Feb. 7 AT THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL From 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Topics will be asignod nnch boy immediately following registration, JIM EIGE, Chairman, Oplimist Cuk of Miloce Voutir Commtes The tat romains, teenagers are reated an admIts tegalty Os. fore tbey are 21, 10 tOeclet oic, yel obhenîl comes 10 vottog and credentalto, betcome non-menionoehleu. Toc yath generalionobas a lot ni pIteoblal pet a lot end up boavinE il n a hanger in Ieir cloue. gond and bLad tiigicabout the draft, for non mater 00v lougyou bon Il or tisser ltl 10e same prou and gon pqop . Perbapu bhers witl Os a lIme the questiosnifU. l.'s draft nili show mors gond pointu Oian bcd, obicb prebably wstl Os snever, unleas ocru de- grease c mite. Hi-C's visit O.S.D. liy Carole Tyrsr On Janary 22, Oie Yonog pan- S plesigroup of Si. Pîol'lilUnited 1 Cisuroti vas toulîed bteaRtour cf lise Ontario lnshoni for Oie Dea i R uas qotte an excitng experleilce for all ni us a as gelt te ses and speaktstosocf the grîis and oys frem ise Sen- ior Resideace. vs vers liter serued cold rsfrsimeats by tise girli. February il, there ustl Os a discussbin panel lisld 1n las aud- tonriumeni SI. Paul' Chitilan "ation Contrs. 1Ur. lBennetttle1 ar gest speaker frein Toc Alpisi Agats an Feisrucry 18 OisRl-C granp jta teed te oltismaissin Strsetaville. Il uhould Osencit- iag and diflereli ntaswb oiete l bave ane lite il Ibis laula n r ovonOurris. We are plannsing c toboggan pirly for tise lister Ohant Feis- muary, bol as haveeot sal a de- Itoile date pet. --Copies n often0ev Central Ontario Regmanal Deustopmeat niap ni four cauntes are avai, coe te IToc Chsampion office. --Wtnter wou't lestaiech lang- er. ldany local organlitiliSu ars planning upriaf proteots. olleges i olavisShserian ad Eriadde vers gueit speakers for the euealag. liholents avOins Oes slSd te briag in any nid or outgrevlu doctes lisey cmo lad. Tise skates collected vill te sont tu an ted- an resereallon te Meesoils. Pîclures vers laissa lalse piut wais of sparts leamsanmd aler scisool sluis. Tisaspctures sili Os ussd lanlise yearisok. Congratelatins tlaour usres- jinig tei.iis visentise vrstlag niscmpioisip fer liar arsa. ln the lest matcis liey defested shervaed 01111 a bscore f16-7. Tissy OscameOie chsaminsaahsa Oasvielli dd ot lareup for lise lest gamns. ÀdditioWaIcoungratulatios a"r exlsaded En lhs cliii01I1t1R. Tise Oasbktbissil lOfm ni lls won tiie girls lalramual champ- loaoip for the scisel. Litassi eaeded on a esry happey nsiees otioi wasdss- asased fer lesoisera' conentin on Friday, Feisrsari' 2. MIE SELECTION OF *INSTRUMENTS *RECORDS *SHEET MUSIC *TAPI RECORDERS *MUSIC 1BOOKS *RECORD PLAYERS *TRANSISTOR RADIOS *RADIO & TURNTABLE COMBINATiONS WAYNE'S HARMONY RECORDS AND W00K XCHANGR 14 Merins Se. $70.2131 (Regutarly SoId ut $44.60) FIRESIONE... DELUXE CHAMPION "Original New Car" TIRES -- Ail Szes at tremendous savings such as 8.15 x 15 First Line Whitewaîîs $10.95 each or SET of 5 for $100 Installation onîy 75c extra per tire -- No Trade Needed 1 NW IRS sEBATR 878-2883 IN MILTON PLAZA .... wondering about new tires? Se. Dur ARLOAD CLEARANCE SALE