Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jan 1968, p. 3

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Ult-I Md the )g But- )e land [tare ci ry. u sera irchas- air cm5 Sommai te cou- s Inter- le ta- euth the protéot ]Factor .':t .9533 Elecric signasfor theproiec.. lion Of millorinto ohould la ta- aiaild ai ail rslmway crOoSnga tallae Connty Of Ballon, a coron- er'o Jry recnmmeoded Wedes- day enslg. Th@ e em& Jury ofEsqueaing reoldeon, called tb Inesligate the tragir deahlor ni IMiton tenagers on Chrtmon ene, acbied a rtder tu their recom- mlendation. Tlaysald efforts nhold la made ta espedile the nsotalsntion i tlaohing ighio lsd blesai theN. 5ilderoadcross- tag In Enqueiog, here Mchael Robiert Wood, 18, and Brenda Janse aP" , 16, died on Den.m- lar 24. Thie car in wMetdchey ma r ivtng vas rammedhbrnad- ide hy1h C.N.R. train ai the 5 StderoaLd crseisg. Evidesse presented hy it- nasses Isi5catedilisi tWood, the drtner ni11h ecar, did not pear te hasee s 1htrain. Tlreare algos tsdicstiog the crosn tla se lghta or belti. Thetoryrot- éd hoth occupats i the car dlied ni muliple traomatic latories, lsd the accident wao cassed hy "Inattention On the part ni the drtver and lach ni flashtag mrs- hng S19MUS and ablllaithe cross- in&#$ Ceit. James Bodsenciini- ton O.P.P. as h. lsvesligalng offier. Be tbld the loquet the accident happesed ai appron- tmsiely 4.50 p.m. lsd il as a hrtght, seony day. Tie soti- hound rais rammed the nlght aide ni1hveshhonnd car lsd earrted Il 87 eel doms the track, whsre Il bit a imd-car ila-ff lsd flem aoddler 34 teet In a sotlarly direction. Corpora J. L. Kmaie sumitied il photo.- grapheofo!th. reclad car andtla accident scese. C.N.R. ralaman RolartBoon. larger, wcoinuansltisg on1h lait ide o the train engins, old la aw the car aptrnacbiug the crssg chen il mon abot 300 teet easl ni the crssiug. Be yelted bo the esglseeroruput the train ons "emorgeocy scp" chen la SaW the car 411 sud appear to la slncotsg dnwn for tlie train. Mr. Bonlaerger uald hl awm ORIy1h driver la the car, lsd stilced the driver dtd soi appear te tara is head Isn1hdirection of the trais, hupite the lratnss uhistle, blanld fulllaeamlaad- ligld. "The driver vas lsebing stratghlt oheal, ho miner termid ai aI," saad omilrger. Thé lraln's itremls JoltKisg, cho wu a0100 itlisg ose ie lat aide cfi1h cab, gave a isdtar teelimsy. *"B cpeeared 1u me the car vann't gotsg tuoptc&Ws f yelled te My maie to put 11h trais se emergescy." h. sad. Engiseen Brcse Dunop van ait- tist se the opposite ide of 11h enginselsd did oit ee the car ontil the crash, chentwoorthree *et of the car projected sts bic aide of the train. TUi. ratns wotitehad tesulnoisg coila 1h l-mites-on-hour trais lad tranVern.d &boutoses-quarter ei a mite, he tetilited. Tvo Mlton resldenso I ot- missed 1h craoh, Mr. lsd Mms. Reg Zenatta ci Maris S., ere failomtag 1hWoo e neicasonil arliroached the crosestg. Tlay eatimated lhe car'n aped ai 30 la 40 m.p.h. Thq car didno alter ile seéed and there mre no hralaliglds, tlay tenliited. Mr. Zonnta 5814 the driver (ddot affear tu lookether vay ana. aWlrseched the crooatag, lsd la van sue the car's occupando did sot se. thé train. Creva Atorney P. K. McWIl- liasa catied EsqsisgTovsnbip Clank K. C. Ltadsay tu the ctandi 1u revlevthetevsshlp aprogres ls oldalnlng auomaic crosng protection for the accident ite. Mir. Lindsay sald coinil applied prtor to April ci test year ondan ordar iras the Board ef Trans- port Comssonomrs for Canaà cated Bovester 17 had approved the installation. The orulr ajina ed thé rallay 10 moths te ls- nIallt 1hprotection. Thre are amot 30trains aday pssg the FIseSilderoad cross- luit, Mr. Lndsay reported. A csenty esgliner's traMic studyson WodPh.Ips inquest Jury urges protection for al Knox -annual meeting Approves $15,900 operal'ing budget tlon sehaillan rgan," Knox Pres- hyterton Churchelder BoiLahing staied at the cengregationoa an- sai meeting Modayeening. Mir. Lailng's sialemerdifolloco- ed a prcposali y ithe inard of managers onggestug n slary terreasses la authorized fnn asy ciurch esspoyees for 198. The. aglog nrga i laose ni sev- erél prolams ai the ciarci re- qurtsg fitanclal aid, Last year's allocaion fromithe Pr@chyt.ry of 4,9Was mlased hy $112. A bisel an las laen tala el uttcurIse bhe dei. Seneral memlars nifithe con- gregalion feBlt brrowlogmoosey irnm otide the ciarci van an ubsesolila meiiod f oabing op thé allocation. A onggestion rom lie session anted endorsemeni fnr1h National Developoosi Fund, mhIch wi11 require lie ralalng of $11,260 oer a five-year perlod. Knox .D.F. atng rialrmauu Ken Marsiall niomed a moie of a speech ip Dr. Flay Stem- art ni Kithener, otliding tic aime and fnrmat ni the Fond, An aotilrpated fine and ome- haiS million dollar budget for lie fusd mi la spent on shaplug the deslisy ni the Presiyierlao Chorna ni Canada and maino Il a more active service. Sisce se people i.lt the mosey proposed for donailon i the N.D.F. old la lalier speai la 1hlocal congregationiuther discusions nithe proton mwas deterred ntilaler a talai meet- ing ni thé Sessionsand lieBoard of Sasagers. A pnopoaed operailag ope of , 15,800 vans sggesled iy clirch Ieasrer Ken Basard ton l9ti, lsd appnnved, Chasges collin the cnngregs- tise isclude, la addition 10 the 446 memsas ai Jlsuary , 1867, 16 added by protessionsof fauth, cmi. y Inanser aon e iy reaffirsafion. Tuis vaslomeredy iveitrans- ferast f lie congregatIO n ad line deaths, leavtag a litai mec- laraip as ni Deceolar 31 of 454. Dorng lhe year ihere mre slgiil Infant iaptiamo, fine adot bapisosa, fser sarclagesand 16 liserais. A leoni iranci ofiPresbyertas ysesg peopla'c Society mon or- Ianiméd. ondlmmediall becani activ. %sgnalionso drtsg lie y'ar llilsthone cf organlirec. Ducées Smpson, and Jonior' gliocci echol suplissidan Mmr. ILl.ay. mbe Christian Word Pregas, under lie aiewardsbip of Mms. P. Denhoee, made svallahle Christian lsd othen literatare ah reasonitle prices linsegiiont thé yea. bics. L. WiUas, seinr chrc scisel operntesdest reported a toal ennlmetof ni96 ili e scioni, iti as average veehly attendasce of 80. Dsrnag the yean lie pupita purchased an a Ceutenlal pretect, Ima rom. muiontale le tnnnaondSBiles ton presestations inMisesn and iramalea rnogregaises. Mrs. Mac ElUidi, miv toto ciorci as ouperintendent, repnrted lie schonl isan l en- roIment ni 65 ili on average ailendeace ni 50. The l'reniyierion Memry moru course ao lolliated ila yea7. First h£Iton Cempany, Boys' Brigade raplais A, I. Wbiteide soed lie senior gron, onsmati an lie juidors, are In desperai. need of offIcens. Il1ta eared lie senior ironri may have tb la termtaaied If more ielp te soi received, A report fros the Rbeatoon Aonliary of lie Wnme's Mis- sionary Socety noedî0 meetings mare ield vili on avenage ni- tendance ni 16. Durixg lie year, a seedy larmid-set thmily mau ielped, T'he evening department hld aIse meetings ili an average ailendooce ni 14. Ladies' Aid, onder 1h pres- ideocy of Mms. Roli Locie, sec- yod reiresisents alunchai soverai church lunclians Stxty-two subscrlptils s ere thrseghout h year. sent to Enery Day, Iscludisa Chir president 5111 Loobie thon. donated in the Mfanor, hon- reported the. mate Section han piailsd chsrch vealunIle. heen pralsed as 'mont onusual P.Y.P.S. president Marg Bel for a church ni ser size', lai th traced 1n her report the nom. ladies section csetd stand some erous activities entered lin by building op. the newly-esalhed croup. Keep Your Car ON THE GO With Regular Service ~rLUBRICATION SOIL FILTER ~'AIR FILTER SUNDERCOATING SWASHING ~'ROAD SERVICE jOpen: 7 @.m. Monday thru Saturday - 9 & .m. Sunday IClosing at il p.rn. Sunday thru Thurnday Open 'l Midnight Friday and Saturdoy MILTON ESSO lFormerly Allen's Esso Service) Cerner Main and Onario Sts. -378-3641 00e ono, Ail Special Bocklets Previonsly Issued rail crossings motecroasinlesti mmer shomed 314 vehlclescrooseinlhe crosslog each day on n tour-day ennui. Testlmony from the townhip crn&aout 1h C.N.R. malilse cronaing at he Foorth Lise pro- mted the tnqueait jry tb add thé rider b ls recommendallon about expedIiig the Installation ni ights ai the Fine Slderoad crosslng, lghlos ere appied for and npprond, but lhe railmay mas ginen a sta montha exension snte Installation daie. Whletihe ignais mre tloally lalnglnta- led, lscthn taaity claimed the Ile of an ares mon. Cnomn A- torse e tWilams onggeaiedthe townshp shmdld aloo pressnthe Board tb speed op 1hcostrsc- lise on the Fine Slderoad Cross- log. The Crocos subIdtted reports shomlsg boh occupants 0f ho car d1ed o multiple lrsomatic lu- Pite. There vasno5 alcohol tsdiedd1lnilond lests talion from lais deceaned. liichaol Wood's tatier W. . Wood bold the lnqiry bis sonhadt been drtvn t hree yeara, mon Coooldered tubelaon "expert" drner, mon ln good healli ond eeemed tobeli excellent spirits the day ni the acciden. He lad worted ai a part lime joi Ilal morisg ond lun1h early afler- soos iad gune for a malli on the Brnce Trai ith is siaier ond a sephem. There as n radio ln lhe car, he oaid. iel Phelps, Breoda's laiter also gane eidesce ronceridsg the lime is daughlor leit the hne b go for a ridaelthhe1h boy. la do charge 1u lhe lurons. Cross Attormiy SicWtltamn sug- geoled "your nerdltheretouigt le soi gotng tubing tach tien. Ivo young Peole, lbut çe 10 t 10ears smetidsgtÉtatiprenent tUrther accidens ni 1h10 type." Jurors Cmlgltoyce, ClaypJubh, Ilolart Crawford, Leonard ZMous lsd Perey Mokca deilaraled for on hor and 15 minutes lafore returaiog ith their coclusionsu. Coromir Dr. G. E..Syer condoclad the Inquest. C rîcci came le bilIon iroor Sic- l1s' ta 1951. The mcsey la donated by lhe C.D.F,5. in lie Cacodias Red Cross, and trlserred in lie Itation iranch for useiln tenarea. To date, $40 lias lacs dooxled iy cusiomers ni Sun store. «I icpo you dontthIilulimc ion ynung for marriage iii youn dacgiier,» said lie youuc mon anionsly. «Tiai's ail rîglil, my boy,' mon the clieerfcl reply. 'You'll age fast enougil Sicily disaster fund Iaunched by A. Crisci Several Millton are rosîdeols are among lie Canadian maldng donations 10 the Canadion Dis- aster Fond for Slcly. Slclly lias laen almsnipu lin total rein hy niorms n ld arti- qualas mldch hane soi only idlled maop, lai leS murs or the pop- ulailoshomeleso. T'he luod won started bo raise musey tb go lomardo llevialixg lie situation. Alfonso Crsc, a Mlii St, iun- Isesoman, las allomed is store tb lacome ose ni lhe collection depuis for 1h projeci. hMr. fatal accident lu oarly Decus- lar taldng lie linos of four Nas- agsmeya youtbs may have heen prevenled. Be urged council le speed sp tunir limee year stop sign prngram. * Auiiorlued presextalinnf honor ucrolis tb Grant Campbll lsd Alex Near for active service toe t ownship. ALL FIRST QUALITY 100/oOFF ALL KNITTING YARNS SPECIAI BAT OWES Pnk, Vellose, Gold, Green, Blue $2.n88, A PAIR REDUCTION of BALANCE 0F OUR TOWEL STOCK AND ALL FACE CLOTHS 10% OFF 0 PILLOW CASES " SHEETS " YARD GOODS 0 TOWEI.S 0 BEDSPREADS 0 BLANKETS 0 ODDS 'N ENDS 10% OFF ALL Yard Goods SPECIAL BATH TOWELS Assorted Stripes and Colors $1.88 A PAIR *b Tea Towelos 0Curtains " B.d Spreads " Bath Mat Sets " Chenille Ruga " Shower Curtains " lbex Blankets 10% OFF 0 KNITTING YARN 0 TEA TOWELS 0 BATH MAT SETS 0 FLANNELETTE 0 FACE TOWELS 0 CHENILLE RUGS 10% OFF ALL BLANKETS Remember ... You cun stock your linoen closet now with savings - on aIl first quality On Sale Items. Tex-Matde and Wmbasce Hm*eleg White and Clored 0 Sheets 0 Pillow Cases 0* bex Blankets ed m1t ther blankeea 15% ORF *FAMILY CLOTHING SPECIALS. : Ail ladies' winter coats I j * p Special rack of skirts, s a k ,d s e s w a /2 R C trs, hats, girls' dresses 0 Ladies'dresses 90 Ladies' carcoats ObMen's tepcoats lb Girls' and kiddies' coats, carcoats, ski jack- 1/3 0 FF ets, snowsuits lb Ladies' suits : en's windbreakers, ski jackets, carcoats t0 Men's sport coats, nuits, sweaters, sport shirts, corduroy Bo "ys' winter jackets, corduroy and ined pants, sweaters, Ladies' slirna, akirts, blouses, shirt tales DS P dT 5 COoff 0 shirt ulvrcrias, sITEM NTOTE Mén'a Tailoed-eé.Mocsure SUITS Alce Speee demis - Tepeémes 2O0oc CLEARING Al SNOWBOTS1 COCKTAIL BOOTS Now $7.98 Reg. to $1495 MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE MILTON 200 Main St. E. STU-9261 i. At a rogulan meeting cf Bacs- fclonyn Conseil Tuenday, Jan- cary 23, Councili B eard Gs Gotosti ex- Press dlssaIsfaction aiout the uction talas on provlding stop sigos in lie area. Mr. Gouinu- stI succested as indsiglit liai If a stop sigu lad 1h00 ai Ile FirsI Lise and 10 Slderoad, the. .2345 The Trustees of the Public School Bord of the Township Schoni Arse of Esques1ng cordially nie you t0oattend the OFFIC IAI OPENING STEWAR1TOWN SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1968 6.15 P.M. OUEST SPEAKER MR. D. 1. YOUNG, BA_ B.Péed. ASéSSANT TC THEREGIONaL SUrRNENDENT. LThe complet. Fashion ffl§?gfIJ@Look for Spring la yours - IPREVIEW Drp nand ed , il:h er ye The Canacdon Champion, Wednesday, Janeury 31, 1968 Nassagaweya ~~~Council Briefs 4 878-9261

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