2The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, January 31, 1968 Grace Chui Chercic offIcers or 1968 were amad aned a budget or Oaa yer wie idraled alien parlahlara ci Grsca Aglcan Clurch hlai thir ameal veilry meeint en Ledaih a lahOaa Daceaer Ct. lalnlry oet he Dia The a p erd ar csao nc talIar 0ndlagale. seccssilco for the pis. year Oaa Syaaed a Eapamsstit $ien ender the a aslga. 1967 buadgatfigure et $26,8iond Adisory conc Oaa clurcla cemplelad Ie Clarch year are C. Ci&: Milsaion largel o $6.200 Suesdletn and Lira.L. paying $1,000 off toinse otrOa aa racler, cardens, laielanmd the Dioca et Cof iagra, tu Synoeiamd Oaa and tufllinE 110 Dloeuainin- yel lo e 10 me( leanceasaemaament et $658. i lsainail on t A 1968 tbdge et $28,230 wu5 Audileora C.E acceplcd ly te parta. 1The Lr. J. iarreci Clurrta Lilapten lrgel caeupped cd. Peler Pi le $7,200 vaaitcIncden $2,000 venlry rteric for locards thae Anglicn WrldMita- le is annul sien, and the Decenan Mainte- r, e. Dr. T. once asaesmeel has tcrenmed uleced an ecc 10 $135. many taglaghl: Henry Staley rettred aller evrryom elco c( lIree yeseas Pecaae'i wrdeoneruces et196 and Roert F. Argol cm elerl- te pretir thE ad le reptaee 1m. Howard ergansan d cli Armatrnt con re.appelnled buletiet lr R Recolra ardenanmd lRay Watra The parish h wcliiserve as dpuly warite. e lectcudtet Lr. ealler ectert vane re- 54 1tadvidela.1 iermed an reasrer mnd J. Pli- adit and 28 cl cher cas agite mmed envelope 14 marrtae, secretary. ahriegth1e pael Lay deegalea le tynoat are caadrnied. Hugb Beaty, Lr. A. Lediti Peoples ac and W. B. Etley, cilS C. Clark reperted the le andLrs. Robeat Arglti malter- tncreased en tl ailes, Ulneau anther parlshalltamd rga naed a comm te attend Oaae llectr'a wrd Syned on thesanme eveiadg, Lra. arent reviece( BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHUCHES Miieler: Re. Saney E Smith, BA. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1968 10.00 a.en -Boso Worshif) Service. 1115 a.en.-Boston: Cicrh Schent. 101 a.m.-0magh Chercli Scoel. ii.» amOmagh: WrShip Service. LOWVILLE ZIMRLAy UNITEDi CHIIECHES 0F THEi UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Mieauer: Reered ErnestîE. Buskier, BA,, B.D. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1968 10.00 .en --Sersace at Zien- 11.30 c.m.-Service at Loa- ville. Loavle - A Nursery for the ee folk during erve. "The bndees et Ilie eketl lie lted tor al who elter lera" MMAANUEL SAPTIS? CHURCH Commercal Sareet. Milon Penler: Ao. Claylen Cotes 8784473 878-3542 The Lrds DsY SUNDAY. FEBRIJARY 4 196 Speeker, Re. Rber Sopaici forener panir et Eeanuel Cicrch. 9.41 a.m.-Sunday Soen fo 11.00 e m-Moraine Wrnip. 5.00 pua -Yoolîl Tîme. 65o pen.-Sot Service. 7.00 pn.-isvenaOg Woneliîp Speciat enasic, Rosa BrocS. Nursry at edaervices. Weinesiay, 800 P.m. - Babl Sludy end Praer Mertiai Att Are Wermly Welcoeae GRAC ANGLICAN CHURC Milto, Onio Reccen: io. T.M Dunlea B.A., B.D., D. Asciale: re. Canen F. H. Mason, MA., B.D. 5LydDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1 EpiphcOy V Dl c.m.Holy Cemmeeli c25 c-m-r. Ckanch SoSc 930 ce-LirisI Praye id cua -AnS. Ciurck Scxa 11l9 ASc.-HolS Cemenii Mdl ermbct 7» pà-ot Grnee. gWn, p Ffeccia 2 Presn ni Cr n teL Te te 68 cna Hecy Ceen iiSaeend aMa 4tta L Trafalgar -dw ci ~ off de nom j&,MF5SIdicI £ t tiret comm 1in acese othiagari Il con )eit list approvcd wceal nl mecaherithia ris, Ren Apiple-. SReicheri. The is ay detagalci ce pariahloners d ky lIe rector the cennecit. E. Bennsait mnd i ere re-eppoisai- imlpa aclcd on Sa temeeting. 1report lice rer- T.hl.Dstaire- eol year cOla s. He lhaehed eonlrlheled le 1he 'I anai menlloed e grenp leeders, Milrs, and cherra eau 1,484 adicer- 382 tamilles amd lie cendecled nix tdreo'eicaptlsmu, m'ad 26 teerialu year, endilcare deo Hlenry Stanley nurance Sad tec te cliereh, parlnh an le 1967. Tha doe Howard Arm- d thc cork oethla MILTON GOSFEL HALL 306 Oetario Si. N. 878-2022 Chri'stiangaikerdai n h oa me of t he Lord Jesus Christ. Luird, Day SUNDAY. FECRUARY 4. 1968 10.30 a.m -BroakingofaiBread. 1215 i m.-Suoday SchmI. 7.00 y m.-Oosyel Service. Wdneda. 8 p.en - Prayer and Bblle reediot. Ail arr asiouse tlelcse Be i sonsreadY. for in neeh a eera, r a aS tieS 001 h So oman o ceol. Math. 24, 44. S. PAULS CNURCH4 TEi UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ManSt. ai JamesrnSi. Mnister: Ren CA. Haicr. B.A, B.D. Ogaeisi and Choir Leader: Mrs.Harold ag ee. SUNDAY, FECRUARY 4, 1968 1100 ai-Moingiodrshiîy Sermon ujc, 'Do Yoe Brlioso?' The Sacrement of Bapiem. CHIJRCI4 SCHOOL 90 am.-Suoday Sckiaei fri ai beu" and grls over 8B 11,00 am-lîaoiNursery in charge of rogiseed nurse SB and ureondeparlaOefa. x'1100 am.-Bv andOgirls 4-8 i ver inclusiveo ilt attendi cl ch ilS perensandi or yirood tu îhrîr depara- croie lollsuîee the ec- ond kymoý tnvitaition To Ail KNOX FRISITTERIAN CNURCN Miniser: Rou . .K.L. Mownum.. doe 8786066 878-2652 n 0 ciame let us coruip and Si oiedousn eus eeribSoore - the Lord uur Maker. tCH SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 4,1%86 9,45 .um.Seor Ckenok 9.45 am.-Yaieec Pelets Bibe Claus. 9.45 .m.-"The Thiekere. lScoam eeeanl.inO 1100) a.m-MoreiOg Wirskîp. 1968 "Th oulr- of Characlor 11.00 am.-Nurseou io. The Gel -îogclkrr Greep pot mi luckeeappor meeeting. Sen- hl. day Sch-aolHall. k.30 yM. r Loodey. February 5h io. HIGNWAY GOSPEL CHURCI io A local asseenhly ot THE P.NTECOSTAL AsSEMBLIRS 0F CANADA am- Panir' Ro. M. ChrinanflaO, caca- LORDS DAY SUNDAY, PBBRUARY 4,196 9.45 .m.-Suay Scio. îî.en a.m.-Moraing Worship Uine 7.08 p.m.FRvanaeCisi5c Sereiciea Wcdacaday. 8 pie. - Bible lm Study and rayer Liecil Cas> FPiday, 8 pmn-YSaaulflke serie.. âtp. A Charch Yeu Cie LiaL A Wrm WekmcoIn e VUW~ prcçerty commtea in remsdei- jieg lthe neetera, pantng and cerint en a caler drainage proee. Lra, B Ioron, smcrtary of tha A.C.W., ravlevaed the re- ergonlcatien oethIe grenp lite flue amatier ibrancies. 'rler chiet Inrome la calerlng te ced- diogsanmd dinraand teOaa iaia vati s la ajot effort ila lie memiiema efthle parlsh. Tie grenp 1014 a bStliday parts tor menr residentsanmd a mtier- daugilen dnmer or lhc jnior mnd girs' aenlltsny. The senor choir report tiy Lr. 10 Smith iodlcalcd $500 et a $900 Ico-year plealge le thc ergan taed had Icen demlted 110e yer, ilh Iloe rm tre iean- nuit rammageanmd a Schneider Lale Choras concert. Ciancel Guiid Irecîresu Lra. 1f. Wison reporled lie alla, crossaend candlesick e eare- tisisicd amd am honor rol o former raclera cas remeunee and retramed. The corS ef Oaa ciuroh chool wain ravecad 17mparinteiadeal Lr. M. Wlltenghby. Rgitnal Ion cas 156 cis astaaff ott?. )dore teachera are naedd. se saad. Ipaciai actlvllles cere Oreencher trainin ensions, tha pcolo, lthe TeuSuSndaySen- vice and cçM ennuen'lice Cisit- mon parly ter yeengcm chisldran ond the Christmas pageant. Girls' AuilUnry memiera 10d a teaay year, smlto casier hon- ies amd candy, c-sPensem " ..Courtt onuden" nshew, hoidng a mther and dauger baneque, planto fleers, pibltnhkag a ceeS book, atlendng a .A. tast- tuai, ewieg, matant cindy and helpînthtIe necdy ai Chrismnas, leaider Lr. T. BaliS reprled. junior Anillary teader Lra. SentieCamn explaei nh o eeg- er greep hScIa i umitar pregraae and cortecain 0e iir triPen andl r badges drleg the yar. Leader Gary BOntalen eportea on lise nec youth greep clici r meela Sunday evelinga fer dis- - cussion oetlopica ut cncere hc é medern yeeîh. Lr. Freda Itl' telnd reperled the Jnior chatr hon grocn te n memteriicP 0c 1 20 and lley are aledylet Mode r t churci suir au ccilian tears- * lng thc IredillOnt muiroeth'0 * chorcl. vtowby ey WtlaîOO0taeed Who n es cirport? reviws sccesful eur negcative report saYs reviws sccesful ear project unnecessairY DeIegates first woman to Synod pineldidscusion. apeaer, me- les, trips, tnd-raiot in(lesa. and cens armund 1e parls cere hghllghla et the yer. As à centannil projaci Oaa men ln' italled a cire 100P end9r the ciurdli flmor l e a aiaaldrea trem O.S.D. ln earîngth110ser- vir. The club piano 10 Panai the nec vealrY rmm. Lra. Jaicslte LedclOa ravlewad Oaa orgie enmmndtee mome 1n raiing $2,100 or lie nm ergen but notad tends ara 8a11 celeomad te finanece addllle 1expenses remuttlng trem Oaa ait- eratten et the chancl i10 accee- medala thea mc argon ceniela mnd pipas. On bahait Of Oe Commill9ea e iStlewards, Cagis BatY enPreeaad d appreciallon le al the niellra ciao heipad in the 1961 iteward- t stttp rampelga and aenoneaie a oter viilatten salit 10 hld Ihin -year. eo netore the meetng cioed W. B . Elsl.ay aopreaied tthanaeh ýr ofth1e parh to the racler and D citail. "Yen bave hr-ealid -n enr horzns & grat d111 and -. ce appraclale ait thnt bthOayen ie and Lrs. Desans have dem ter us," ha oatd. OnIy the shadow knows for sure G. ALLAN BURTON . . . SIMPSON'S PRISIDENT Ta speek et Chambarc anuel ahner meetng speaker for(bomber ennui Smpsn'a Lieited and ownar ef a armmIn lIe Lilton inca, il bw ges sparfr tr ilayear0n aseunt meeting et Lilton Cham- ten et Commerce. The atlnnrmeeting ili té islaikl 7 p.m. on Thrsdey, Fe- renry il ln theCandian Leglen CaSl on CharlesSi., enaculive mecrelany garI G. Back anmn- ced lis ceca. Ictetu are avilI- ahle ai $2 a prse. The meeting di ean amuai reports et otficens and lec lIe direetora tom thec eeeng yer. Li. Berton, preuldeni efth1e 9,100-mambar Torono Bard ot Trade 1n 1962 amd 1963, taon c 1 vnried backgrond 1n busin and eir caffaira. Presideit O Simpson's, Limiled, e ta ala- a drecler et Slpimo's Accepi- o nce C. Lld., Simpnons-Seirs Ltd., The Royal Banli ol Canada The Lonreat Trust Co., Power Corporation et Canada Limiled, The S. Lawrenca Cament C., and teBordenCo. otCaeadâ Ltd Educaied 1n Lienanane, icit- ze ronai anditnive rnlty ot Torent( (architecture) ho lea a spcilil ineitelrer amaing. 1He jetai lac Simpson trm n tn1935 andhe Ot came lia prasident 1n 1964. Mr Se Brton caaarad Torenl's ntti .. Appeat in 1961, cae 1067 presi O 5 w.A. SAYS THA2RS Dar Sir %8 mhe CNUen Cntainil La Aeilary vlah tt lae yc ip. pper , tom puhlishlag tiesne et lIir meeting. Tilmengh kiadeUaecifpuar paper, I ga le nanp reaidesara mach ais £6 . etthes moit ictivitia ci Ycara minen (Lirs. IL) Botse Cu mianlen, ervedas a atrustes et the Hospital toc Ock Ciidreo. ond chaeed lie RetauelP9loi Cemmtfee et Metro Toronto. He con cemmteniomat in thc Geseroor Oeemmo'n Body Guard in 1933 mnd sac ictive service cllb ..H,..rom 194010 1945 1n Canada, Engtmnd.llatly,CHoi5ld and eemmy. He cac ardeat Oaa D.6&0. in taly la 19 3 andthe Europe Dcorattoo in 1949. 1n 1966 li elcoame Boeorary Lt.- Cet.ofothIe ..H.G. Li. Buron bleooge to several cIlus amd eectoltee te Toronto, Liontreat and Loedo. For e- 1creation lie entoon rtdtng, paint' t ng, ishteg amd uhoing. lHa reliaicle then the average greunalheg on Febreary t. Accordengto10the eocyclcpodi miS 'iuperatitill ePeept helleve tha tery abeut the groeni.tiog cod'ng ap trOm hSm Sole on that dey Inleookhftrbils ahade. Science, tise infeilible guide te al mr aitiena ln lis moderm age, as oit centirmcd I. TiinFriliy i'a lime or Oaa frry Utile tel ueerge trem bin heme Uan nd tllius hec mach oe ie cr ceall- ar ce con anpecl etoraathe.iamy irsses et spring rtera. The itory goci 10hat asickse ils tendentt md ItSa e sbis ihadow, ke hata a hasty rtreat back te sicep lscaeteOarela gotng tl e 1 niticr soixe et ofvntr. I Se deant eiiasihade, 1fr. Orenndlaeg stnya out et ia bis olehcase Sprlng la eontfar scay. Fer tlIefuset ancacnt decide wcthlar Oe scentiste er Oaa tokore poople ara rtght, Iis Friday la gint 10btea memoraile aily. WiU Oaae gronndieg appear? Or viii iltiappea on Oe egg heads pradict Otidlachecortd'a Mst enrelitnte prognenllcator laDo at ellamaha his nnal progtpitce.- Were ceiiectleg avidenna fer 10411siads. Thaa inaugral meetingoetLil- nls 196a8ltydroColeistn wu eld Tharsday adernee, aid Wiliam Recmey con rermd as ciairanne.New memerChirlaa Thomson cas namad vice-chair- Theaother meanter o e aoma- mission la Layer Brion Seat. . t. Hadley, maeager of 1he local office, ta smcreary. 1 Accenole oereasppreved tor payosent and $157.9 inunceflet. alle accennis con crltieeoff. lThe remainder et tha meeting co aspont ln acqaaietlng tOaa mc me mtero Thomon ond Beitcllh lice comminsie'n pant cerk and .tice ml-up for amergency site- ations. )P mntntatns a home in the city St spends met oet Sm spire tiaoe il h15 conry iceme, Limeaon ýe Hait FarmnLlmtted,nearLiMilon. MILTON 878"4272 VPE5Usé.daIMURS oM à Sa. THATREt eta 2af.m TI4URS. FR1 SA? Fil 1-23 PENELOPE" - Color NATALIE WOOD "AIR RACINO" "JERRYS IARY" - Carcean SUN..MON..TUES.-WEO. FM. 444-7 "SULLIVAN'S EMPIRE' - QAWo MARY MILNER "WACO" - Cotor Ir HOWARD KEEL - JANE RUSSEIL ae " DEAL IN DANW - C ho ROBERT GOULET ",FIRSI TO FIOHI" - C4We P. CHAO EVERET Borlingten cmuneils aeigat (Wed. h nenday) te disease the proçoied bi-toco gilpert ill e cel aup- il pIed 110 nanive facors. A report complld 17 D. C.I Thomson, a lrattlc co.ordieilorI and a realdent 01 Oahvlle Wrd q one, cm sabmitled Lionctay te tha coanclitor slady. 1fr. TiomsenN nlady ahowsa tha amatl reamen mc transPr-i allen servces are contracled -t - pubiSe menslty _ Sas nt haan ahosan in 110ecasa. Air cargo le a nly cempmaed et objace chlch a Ugisiand isulhy or extramely vaînaisie and non ndaalry in OaJvia'aslm-nd- $1,000 gift A dntion et $1,100 hon Icen donled 1 lIheLiocnt Canne Rtreal Asocitioen msppor et the cork et tha Sitra ot Socal Servira. Sisar Rita, tise Previncial Of 1 OtaeComennty ot Sitera ot j ociai Servic, acmeptad the it 1 ai a meeting et Oaa anaculîvae a enclaiten lait scaL, Pote. r llcily direcler Lra. A. W. llay repors. zi, gej tu M iei wl 'il tR 10 01 loi cw th( ed mi 00 to au fui psieof mcd toc . por, and 1,tn cms Incleded ropliostreanplea- AitnPai ra.tllemn and enlaitta cempin- 246 MAIN ST. acs he ctaimod tohaeetly 878-2343 otraitad intacillîelnea in d COSMETICS in his report, 1fr. Thomaon r Eliaeh Arden ntraatad' rempanlos bad cen- Du Brry-Ma Factor t a it e 1 0 e i n d u t r l l c o a m M I Sa - C h e a l N o . 5 m er l se k o llew -interm ilio n A gev cy fr an Oaa propeent. LAURA SECORD CANDIES "Thera are oaryte cempan- A SOFT NEW STYLE FOR YOU ... Caria forMiady... A tavellE, afii approach ta the s .a' aoseaifshta'o' Came lt u e sacle yaaehol" for a soaN and pretey baL. At, 171. Main St. Phone 878-9533 I n h e av a n t a le t o er m c indnstries reqaalrae ccasnalalrt ahlpmel, a mîork et sracec traeaporlaiencon dhiver tha tem s le Toron o airport as queclcs o rm Omagla.a Limounesrvie tur pans- eagar sa ond a uI pac ksaga s, trachlng service tor mediumn- celgsi packsagan, and tarlher lraching o et aer oisjcte la provtaled et teait daily, amd ln mmlt casas olteiser. Tise lien- ousesrie rnesialt-henrly tram 'I a.m. le midelgal dally ecepl Oalerdy,cisen il nase henriy. Onty i1 et tha 60 replies ra- mîved to le cAirpert Coan- h le a te srai qierailat umr unl PlIusea lUdm e."Te t00W saLa deo h, ter*l-O£5 e6 aariice connmeon -ci mna alcaln U eci-om'IU Saveneoca aa9Y - ton Martinl ce carrentexppritiandthe attantelexpenditueaoff public fudS." The argument suggestlnt Bel- tnuille sirpert (siantler to Iha propesed onbohea) la aelf-aiis- taining maraly ampcazitresanlid exproriation and axpanltura ai puhie fende la aanecaaairy. Brampton Flylag Cluba, cm dited as prima poeantiau ea ofth l'apert, havaeasinea perchai- cd lane lelirea i Ihair a enpese. r.Timc urgadth Oa avill airai la con- linue ratarring le Toronto Inter- natinal Airperi (ahlch Oakvnl taxpayers alrady lelp lauap- port) on an lndecaieit ale i- dusiry reiler dmaed tu the la lairden 17 geiig ,aid ulit the )oint federai-municiCliprajaci ai Omnagh. church Services ;i ge thst ie ID rEm .j ti Il 0 Knox i n hi hytarlon atala eual me. 1fr. L ed a Pi Increaa charch a Th a oral pra gipng 17,$212 taLon o lever gregatic trom en op tha a A Sul ashad National chhA $11,260 Kenm e f a eP art et aim ami fend vaI tha des Church i more Siece the N.D discuenI data rre, lag oftI A pre et,$15, alarch tor 1961 tien lac 446 me 196 7, ta hh, ci reaffirc Tisla fers oui flua dca iership 454. lglt le feerala A lae Youneg1 ative. Ilore Lra. R. 1 jjr ý If 9. " ." ...