S6 Th Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Jannary 31, 968 Campbellville woman reti res as Brampton Presbyterial head Bracmpton Prtshptecialta.M.5. hed lils third socati metiicg cc Jsnary 24 ln S. Adcn'a Pcec- iytrian Cisrcai, Prt Crtdii. Mc. V. Nacin f Campel- aillie, tie eticg prasidet, caiartd ististisheacadnng acd ai- tenocan cssions. Mc. S. M- Noily ai Orageaillitiad caragn at tis heaoinsa fr tise marndcg acd taa ladiea ram Mlta 1r thea ftcnc. Dring tthemr- 1cr secamo Miss Lis Pcacl, SogioalcaSrtcry fteisaSycai aoi cpnadicaai atToronto tnd Kicgston led ln tisa discannaiccf tae ariots reprts, mastif ciniisc ssod an icrtase anr 1966. Mc. V. Sarcla romains an tan eeantila as pasi prociient, san s etaray oer tisa girls' grcaps. Mcas. A. L. Casistai cf Ciachac la is e en praiient. Ai te lseaconia aey fSn luonsecrnedSp tie ladies f St. Acrt's Cisraisngcotlcgo soret ctoilita tise W.h.. frcm Prtsisyttcy iy tise Maer- atar So. J. . MaGoas f Mli- o, frcm St.Adre'a Pcrt Cco& il hy So. Jacksn,ad frcm S- ncara iy tiesa cracer-pres- iioci Mc. J. MFariad Drisg thteircnnsesssion tie ladies sort pinaad anne- ligisied te star tisa report f Prnciiylarv on Miniocnas giaen hy So. L. D. La Grat ai Diie. Mina Paarle laaacad aitis a ieactisai, "Letithra lie Peaeo ns at." Mc. JaSa MClr af Nerval inirodcaed tiese peaer Miss Margart Las, 5", M. S., M,.E. ci oftat lletcMalicali sci at ofIcdia. Mina Leash is ic Canada an tariangin bt ail Ian cauinig saonctacassurea ist inties la india. Secacceof changes la th ge- rcmtnt f ledit miselooccea are hang troahle scriognist bo rtoro ta their ccrh there. Miss Leash fonis fortasRtein havng eto gratei a isa 1r ai Itasi on ear. ichertidrosa MiassI.ocsh cas lttrestlcg toi ictcrsettive regardiof her cork amncg th girls of hec arho. Sho ashont tspenilp for praers ot mci tfoc th girls in theitoeno MccaliScnhnl bt cico thone in tht Gonocosett ohool checo iti is ard lodoti toNb a Christ- la. Miss Leah stresti tht lmpcrtance f praylsg foc thoe ai hocme toi trlsLg to is tane 1r Christ fr It Is thep aho on aap cili e golog aah to their cativendondnttaise tht message cnth taem. his. Casheai f clarhsOti, praciei oer taeneancbusinesa soi Mc. Nrr lcondttat met- Icg citis prayer. Ove, 1,000 horiof servkce Manor Auxiliary annual report Tht CitanccetonnclMar AciUacy hisacisandysoisac li yeac osier the capaisle lea- ership f tisa Praiient, Mc. S. A. Aler4 Tea cagnar meetings atro iei, fouccoalaisaisarapcaei isy a poluionS inaiean. Inaili, c ttalciof omec 1,000 1 isnrr pt laniy Aoibscry Wrbtc. Misc Ccharlaa Ci, Sper- icr aI caisisyaf ro tranhie Dtpartmesi ai Weitaca iciaed use Msnoacan FPtisrcy 6, 7, and t, ta dicpiap isbeaisp t wanci. Meseers f iise Aoiay atan- ni il ateccaecasesasiis te dtes tla cnlat intrutioncanso ideas lancranaetio itis iobsby- cccli. Tise Wold aciofatPrayer waso heu la tie Cisii on a Feiroacy 10. Salis mec sd omeno csi- ients cidtisaCiapel tac tie Sraiae. Eor .Soolacy mai- ers particiaptd, aslaist yaone rtsies. Tht 'Onar Niaaly Cui" pi- tacts art on dispiay la taeial f lie Cammna Sam (PeStit Sasse). Aitishe prasoci time, taeca are 24 mesehec. A Book astitliti'"Th isttay nuise Ma- or" ,maie op ai pitocea itisen iy Tie cscodiso Champian dacicg specali tenisa tcpnrcasctii tis prpace, cccpretedialine Commutte af Mcaacmeci an May 3, 1967by isp a. Aleso bhiaioth ie Aoiiscy. M. tic- tan, Ciairman ai th Cammittea ocptccced tli apecian. Tise annuel iscnar waoc isldini tise aditariumn an tisaearaan soi eealng ai May 10. As thm asa Cecti ataiyarue audilr- icm wanc eottnlly ieaoatnd, nis lisathema la aid. The centreapiema lacrlie tlac abia, fealrai cialcaadiaa flaga. Tht reaieni' isadicoiaatb ccc Cri pplar, Si esiiecis iai modeo ltai f 279 aricales for ale. This yace lie ladies of Gergtoanaesor eapancsie fla ttheisame boisatabl. Tisacaaa seac, Mc. J. Giosnnagil er assistaninbdlage acety affiscking and casdy, waidaisas qisiahy caid. Tht dana Sisie Soot, penny taland tlac alsi ceca ailwl upoicacinad. Tii isoosor cc tie ma ocacis Se o tadot. Tht Amiiacy inca ers, aalog ilhSoame oathil eaieni, acre drscadinlaCai. tentiacsaumes. Allishe anai iecnctalai oytiese tacors, a relatiatsaon iiania iomain nec tie cnty caina la liemin or, mting il psible fr tisa tareseacanacea. On Joiy i8, tie coaay Caunai met l intauditariuinoaitheo Man cr tla nnint thitin eguacamon talp meeting la acier htsie ients, staff and Amxisaay niai hems nanii abservetheaprcaednr taiiacei ai Ciunay caunal Mat icg. Fcls in minig, ti Aailicry preectd c eleiei set ta he piatin la MotînCan Tht Provincial Cancentian f "Homes for tSe Aged" con he Septeseher 18, 19, îc0aid21J Ottawa. Mc. S. Alen, AuxiSi aelegate atteaioisilsesCiooa. ttertatiag report f tanenoni Uo ccc gnon hp Mc. Allen c iucontmeetng, chen i ladies f Wtntnaeth Laige Anx tary f Dasîhassrt gsts. The -otoaci ialosea Part «sa heu in tht Auditiortamso odehber 27th, soi cas t ver neirtlaffar. Tht staff ao aoiitrycemhaaoi te pretid tma Party fer Ete coSSants. Th stait ieacattd aieai caiors, prapared otmes, adiacistai tise rtsidects ln dessing for tise pcty. Prisn sd etresmonts atre cppSiedisptise Amilry. Eaocp eident attacdicg tie paty nos giaocaafaccsond many rsiiecla cas priots. Four ladies tccm C.W.. f Ceîy Ss- cry Ciscaisstai an inigos, soi Il was o scmll paisiam aisasing tisa Iccec. Martn Caous, Cltac Cnten- tiai Mar ceatiaiditinnia cfficialiy spocti cc tis afaternono f Ncntmistr 9. Open iosse asa ieli Navemier Il ani2. Tie staff acidAAuxliaryco ndtti tours f tiebinldings, and sacati eictcsmtnts ta isilara incing tthlsen sternacca. Tht Aniliaca mt an Dce- becr1 soi 12 in arap Chrismas giftsnorlac ataiscaiien. Tht Chisticmas prly nas Sldinlatisa saccanona aibenemier14inlatise chauitoim.Th taff and soili- iacy )iaad foacans tl a isatie partp t reani ucnas. Tie staff maie sandwiaisec ccdthet Ancl- lry maie taaay nanies, tats, soi sqarec. SaaiaClas, aays paplar ils tiesa aiiecia, cas iprtctiaisad utmi fs. Tht Aaiiay aicacnppLisda a lar tac tatry eident n Christmas Doy. A mactisiy birtisiay paaiy s isl la tisa Aditoriume ci alinh tints a tanis ccnt aiscralcg c tiriisioy dnrlag iiat patianiar macih arthe us aia shncccai na ieai tali idislasitcislp n iannrotod, incaiding c large s irisioy cache ails ndes. Tieson - parties ara spaccacai y c 1,diltoreci grop, lois, or rgaa- ne ian on is hmacth, ciso s praide ericclmata ortaa esiets aioag itis a fanr for nah oncort gent. Tise Auilacy soi residets ace iineti gratefai te tht foiiccing sponors f hrthicy parties tMis yearn Enetsg Sttr Sehetais Lcige, Miton; Caltas Chapter Eastern Starl Sctch Blont taât- Ioute; Siercoci soi Lisehot lastitutesu Verduno Seheioeh Loige, Georgetotwnl A. C. W. Orcam Anglicnschornh; Mount- hion istitote;CorohyWcS- en' sInstittel soidiC. W. 1.. Ccip Sasarp Chrnh. The Asoiltrp spcsrei threo irthdhpparties. Caishynradi b heu eerp Thccsdoy ailrnoca te assit tise cecîdenta cita Sheir hsodinrot car. Voicteoro art aicapa soinome soi otedeif te heip ith tis carh. The Aaillcry pro- vides c hotesa fr eery ptrtp or etertiimet eii tthe Man- or for tise rtsiiets, assisting 1Is tie se"1nç,nt me.hments. This ear tan AasilScrYpscch- cmi an netirta nciog smtchine sandacnh kfor tht hohiynctft casse, a teleisionseni for Mainl Caoteian large teapta ferSae aditorium Iiinhn,asi$lfcccth cf Chitmas nieneatiena. $25. cas prasident for trtC 1r SpeciOsCae Sestdetaiouriogthe scsemer. Espnnas for hobb- catsucplles soce $08.19 cita tat esiients rtnolvng $341,11 tac Sheir hasdinrsdi corh soi $0.65 cas spot asn enertain- metifor parties. Tise Aaolltrp cashld he te thaonStise M&nor staff, soi l the icid-hoccti peuple chenlsit and etetain at tise Maor, or heip Lil aay cay tc mût tie recilents' le a hasppy an. Saces Cuins, Scertuc. Manitoba wheat pool is explained Tisa Nanagosnyc Waiena'cia- chIala imeta ctlie haine ai Mcc J. cRoberts aa Weiaaaioy, Jar. id, ci 2.30 p.m. aili a gacd c- tenanace aifieiec. Theprs- ieni, Mc. c. Dciaiana pna lie minlg wtus c pomnflactue baw lana. The rol ail vs a saecad y noin a oflacar Saginnag ilS yau ni tila. A ibapan la latr aanainlinn c datonwanc eci mnd oali sinessaîcdenl is,. Tbn aliiîîslod Waina's Insil- oc ad bcsentai mlnitatinn ieir 501h anntaaccccy eing haid an Marais 20. Tht lisaniaf aielise tingeiiag Agriauliureaamd Cmoadiant- ny, and the cimncite lanachcrge ans Mc. De StuandoiMc. W. Lcas. Ms. D la isanrend t to ladies pmem "Gr Cententiai Yar in anr, I ndMc. Lucasi eai an instructiae papor asAgrînaltaco A isaeiy discaussionen cc seitslS pradoala soi tarse palns foi. lacai. Mc. . elisteai so article an tSe pasl ytese ctgctinisac bcng la Maioba soi shccei sasepie oaMMtttobsa N. i chaât Mcc. Zinhe gant as intertstla4 tais anihaset ietnrtting. fSh desonstratti spray pinting nK sitaouette oian noinni c homentspcn seteriai nsoieo a lcnaly fraseti plent chiais sh% iai prtniansly dame. T'ht luni nseseltiete, Mrs. D Ycung soi Mc. W. Freeseai cernentetonbiscusand o a ielln ians alai plate asontsciaitin lacent tis eanoythi eteting. i Lf i. s, RICNARDSONS RADIO IL TV h argect iSelectian ta Cflaase Ftain 201 Main St. E. 878-6949 FRED MILL'S MENS WEAR Fred Mlîs, Prap 216 Main St. E. 878-9541 CNASE'S NOMS APPLIANCES Ycar Westnghause Denier 181 Mill St. 878-3221 PRERDS TAILORINO SNOP frent Vestratte, Prcp. 217 Mole S. E. 878-3302 NARRIS STATIONERY 8l OFFICE SUPPLIES 182 Main S. E. 8786962 MnKIM HARDWARE & APPLIANCES -lt Seraes Yna Right" 260 Main St. E. 878-9222 KNIGNY'S DRY CLEANURS 300 Main Et. E AITO CannelPainîlMCitfigSTRE 200 Main St. E. 878-9261 IVEReS PAMILY PAINIONS Ciathine -Carpets -Draperies 228 Maie S. E. 878-2067 ROSI ERANCIER JEWELLES FormteoFnetîin Dîiands 220 Main St. . 87"-341 Milteon, Led. 194 Maie St. E. 878-4463 LEDWITIFS SUPER SAVE STORES THE FLORA INOPPE 224 Main S. E. 8784482 MILTON PAERIC CENTRE 12 Martn St. 878486I LLOYD DAVIS JEWELLERY 184 Main St. E. 878-9972 Ycar Finrd Denier 409 Main St. E. 878-2369 MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 Maie S. 878-235S Yaar Cadilian - Pontiac - BinS Deater MILTON PMARMACY Presrpions - Cesmetics 246 Main St. 8782343 UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Keiainatsr Appliances Emonte St. 878-2391 WEST END MEAT MARKET Ross Holmes 140 Main St. E. 8784501 CREST NARDWARE & APPLIANtCUS Don Marrite, Prcp. 136 Main St. E. 878-6011 ELSL8Y PNAEMACY Presriptions - Fne einerp Serelce 212 Main Se. E. 8784492 MLTON I the friendly town, invites you to help select uts AwarcI M/ Weit CLERK of Ail Shoppers appreciate fruendly, ef- ficient, and courteous clerks. With your help, we'd like to see our employe get recognition for that lîttie effort that means sot much in mpressing you favorably with Our stores, auto sales, and office, and with Milton as a whole. You, our customers, wtll name a "Clerk of the Week' from the sponsoring - listed tnelow, each week. The person you olect, the winner will receive $10. in cash and a framed award. Mis or her picture wiIl be published on thit page the following week and each weok the clerk with the greatest numbor of accumulated votes is xc tho winncr. (t $Y~.Clip the coupon below and mail toi MILTON'S CLER F THE WUUK "Clerk of tho Week" Contest, c/o The MES NERIM! ALIAN, a dlem n the men's and boys' wecar Canadian Champion, 191 Main Si., Milton, section aifi e iSeiite Stnie, wacseected as Multon's first Ot oretisms ercie y1 clerfi cf the Week"_ She fias wocried ai the iSelite for thle Ot orotisms ercie y1 pasi S8 years and the shoppers oafo gaae ber fie riost vctes a.m. cach Monday. inithe conresi's fircr.aeek iermead htr "peasan, couteos, fleipfoi and tloaays miiiing Io ass *CLIP AND MAIL TO: CIerk aI the Wsek Content, a/a The Carain Champion, 191 Maie Se. M *MILTON, ONTARIO u1 NOMINATE OF THE . STORE * * MY RMAtONS ARE: ............ .. .. . . . . u...... . .M.. . . . . . . - . . M u ritt My .....A drs:..... uY u Mae w l e k p n c n ie c ) T w ;......... MPNOE YTEEMITNBSNSMN LT --- Our experts CUt, set your hair in 0 tyle to flatter J>YOU more. SÇa/en Caprti 133 Miii St. West 878-2131 'c i ELECTEC other e member dent. h dent an NE in Tht as cf thetMt sets ha Kno Ch Alec Wsi cornai th Ocets Seat toi 5y Coheri Caleer, i linitent CI W. Hrboi A dcet Bcadley s iheir anti annocacat Uiotedi Ch and tht ira Mrs Of'5 ise Son Sali their homîe cfr Mca. . portent the stane tin P.. Worl Ladies An installei. Retportn aime meni chiot Snhc Ichan. t fiiated t( eeteli taencese pr ýolIton Lai forth CeCi, Tie oc, Mc. J. do Instalis Piton *ST FRU No Can. Fa Golden Califor, 100 TEi Buscagi Kennel Large etw Daily G Maplei Lean Fr Lean Le flaira an Rindiesi Tende P Cicken ille t Mqp- m 878-9941