Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jan 1968, p. 12

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YOUTH FROT1 a~ am Sm ,le _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ihrpo ersayjn y3,16 là RIIRTw o o groups plan youth CE N.B. - The Front realnen tiereoil prroisoly e people ohlop i i t viii~~ glsoeas m Ovlnloer rthe lolloOlOt commente on our proosd yuts cnte treret h1, hut ctit puliioneycon- public speaking- rooo oute ete m gretyet Tasc e r trehehlP, ie O t m It'smit liely he aJOitY f Fonts reIrsP, hle Cloe te 200 paret and avresoeisogI hle oo 1 e nyouth prgrOl r cotr d lar sdlone t i aiog muoc e g pilogatise cntre Inas ieods otchedastdnsb t et hvingmuc lur inpielingthe --e-1 tcts Of Mlton puisllcs schisceiste m at Mtohn, a e on a tî g , p htc t co tr d lctory Opi nion s a d com petEat for arels In mp tl irg rdn ie prQo l eilsoctredeot' puhU ofentingWe<issday Miltn Qytc StC uhyesgl.et h s o t o t i d e l o i c n tdi i h p e h rl , e n -0Ih e e o l g i i . S e n - H e r h H g c o h o s te d a iee t o g h selpont fin hsoei idiviauelsl iO oeoo ts or Pule Ichout, îoeenOGpl i tdrectors ond tise Ssnds tobmo 50 d Otac acolkeia eiw fte Chired hy teachier IR. eecutiVO ot Po e r aI s Wstrantlcn oyoe yd1 edhtodsooi Ts ros ' McCaw, tie coaPetîtlon homo TeSdaY evening, Jaeuary cominent, and ureo ostra w h dsyyortel he yrtontos resulted 10 tise follooilog 23 cotiens ad 1ontrt wo O sppr ethrbywrtngus vcors.Tise meeet ws arcango dte or codcttng tiegroOF ohcis appelo 10 yo. Mary Simpson o W . L give ots groiso ne insight lto Tie slo pîIt ClubsJbs gced Intentions O Our loca OP_ Ulcis Grade , spentiiog 0' ohat aie ther as digteunrds0 TeMltlonl lieito Mltoii'5 Ilmît Clubswe eel tiere 15 iorses; Van Mhisl Of e pttiog n yestis actisties r- ed o e yooth factiltIeS coosiderai logic ie tise idea Martin S. Grade 7, 00)0k- gram for Milton. slretiel trmttn yagno. that oer-nrtosnzation, Oasit tgo îlrtei en onti Pewer yesideni oe At iselrGo in too Id c-ias een clled, cli rosi Isonotidrtn tiGrde Feter othined hsoups inj- kteir, odla onîir eeshosclodO cegtîc feelings 8 speatdog on L. S.D, tentions ohichinlcude the est' quslndase ieedaUs lro ie age.groP tise centre (Mern also cqudred tise ahhshceot et a cetlee-heesa muetîntet abcente h î slgis fontul odeslgeed an atract. Judge M uro cou tor kesa siere Congpeopcan eneter et mce tuadentre bsix nthln on- ltoeer ve tlte sma l n-rouod) aeest nyrenseeable heur and craie vst dde ed. u n th I ll om eate traise ndois t int s Pon er F rsi ruceer-O F lograde ltier taise p n rttile sha e ser r- crae asdeide. egen ofth cubYOth er nr t as Sosan Aic seni- gonlned actisîtieS ara happening, Intie meaotme, tie OPtîmîs mel Tesday evenlogt Aar ngo Hfrir,seod rrlainnyw tywsh ymdis cnmmtae, chaired hy Jm meo oheohelOsiosYcould atose, log on e tner ws Losecond erthreangrcrs Ov Elge, had een gathertailintoc- guide and sponsor itisc e 0 ih ho0 r0ce serro Lo s Fty, n t coaytby ie - mton and statttcs aboutOther undmoObngly elot restritive. - joti ht ntr s ecss- eit, her'i5 ceoas er' slcil centres i0 Canada and U.S. li's a cotd act Young people e.stiorctee Abotsmanth& goa, ngrop 'IfSoeeîhrgyhnke rceod 15 active Ycen people 10 tie Milce area kegan meeting weekly ite I0CUSS hatlisey cmld deloceds a ceffeehodseUk8ie centre viere tislgisschoo g perseas ccld relan, -Usten- te musc, ced pay gomes. Whien COptmssi a ustsi onnre on Tise Front recetly tie grant, crreotly clledyoulis Po yr, dclded tl dm0w up a Pet- Apart fromntbula, hoeer,oh cciesf ag d idtndepend- entiy. toutis Power elected lis o- ectîve, ndaPted tise constttilon of sîcethr earisy orgeniion, and egan tenttltely mnktong plas.s Frt officai contact et'eeen lise tva groupo oaos made tat Tuesday eeio,under an ai- mospiean otdcis eoied fr000 anme suspcon to enlhuisulstic cooperti Tise Fro01toders, ioneer, if tie apparent compahhbiltY race dep enoig Isle ke constructve. Tise mals prohîno sees ilt lie 1ineSte ges cotreofuttise centre'5 progralmmiag, memker- iil egnall ecdhurs. tntsFyrsants nisseiste final vord lef In10tise bands cIl its esecs, wott is ntervention tram adiers. Mr. Elge ced cmmttee gree ICSEKN optio etMriSt cveilfo tetya'winrRchlA an eertlne et Yoing peuple sItI PUBiIPANOceptto utMreSt cse foaasCeasaneteali bu tormed, hua her decisiono CSerr Scftssl os WednesdaC esening rese l!ed drene as Mitno Hydesro meager Oz. Hadl wuid be ubcect tb approsl n raioe C sucdent Merra Wlson captureS and coaspetties chatemanriyncpal R 8 C gf~onna ord oftgeretrs &ç Ovle Jdg Mero trot>hC t-fre sfe ne- loioko.Staff Phot pinte4 y tie cli. IfgOpttfoilst moi' gos toward fise praiect, the cuh eosld alsa have use of tise budldin stien vonIt attend soiethislo that ldces taey regitre I. net cool Ieir prol, ced tise The New Mulla-AngIte Tlien tiere'5 lie charter. exe cutve amis1 ho more 1n tise cMro Il an ptimist Ymuth Grcep sisen o ohat' s pstnlr t han nid- PanoramcMro estaklilsked, a proincl charter r peope i-ould. Milton brach a corpoation andsure the suspictousublie eey eaa .W N part onfhanchneratcornlegn aed 0101 nu dis ptigI, ced rng a ANCSST FO atota oerOlnO roae diterent iewoint Inttelnscs. A E SIT FO Tiera are seerai npreciaist o GtiisItsnd-raisiOg ram- TRULY SAFE DRIVING adantaes I0 h10 set-di. paigeos have had puhliecoposure, Youtis Power eets, hoeer, and mgit tare an Uttle etter &lta dlpatcptointethan Power's.NNRDIP proiect svmliddeplete tnterest. O o faltiw hud' UDESO Tise Poer has oos goeaiead torgel the Gtmist Cluh han HAVIE ARSA and organize4lils frst prolect. speoln t o ftilme ced effort BAE N REAPPD And at lsn't aoactly small pot- In ohalolOl informationn d ar- WITN QUNR aols. rangtong fr action un tise cenre.SAPTt MIEOR rangedi, but If etures a butle ollissut. of tie bands ced daactog. Tie sher idelfthe conhas CAL MS EE agreemient Tesday olgit, have 'donti Power îsn't i r an GETS bue eealaig aI sttaile acaions orgaidastion trytag 10 start AoVANCE baNCE fer tie centre. somethiol ar Generallen, tt f THE SEAT BBLI. Se isthisdes are varisisi. Ca- 15 Geeratono'te. opertlatio. Souderfia. TieC, tu, hase pured hurs But -- tisjo e er ta tancd dolars lto mhe proiec. 300% MORE REAR VISION dons. Oicttorgaoation 011140 If thisngs cotnue the voy tiey WN l eu lla 18n0 veev hat is sx tees iode. aneno. one o! a buuery etf lCcaaai a. luite OU 83) can keep nsye on cars i eYeu as el st fains coiAPPe. behlnd yeu.No Need tee wistyour hecld ae Bottaisdes mny et dscour- VADE SELECTION essoft eHh.rend. ngeid agdan nd quit.0F LNSOSDSAPR TIse geerl yRuaig pubiUcvtfl __BLIND _SPOTS__________ get ae0 cenised tiey'U buceme * INSTRUMENTS WINICS matIt mrrers actnally leek aeeaedt cerner dsgusted witis Ils vlole Ide. * RECORDS teeeen Ie pl e e VRTIOa Som diRETc powr pay IClfer safer lace ha'sgitg, hacS ne and parkig. Sase Snd t anir pay dU * TAPE RECORDEES be amode isy cm silli or ttur ten MUSIC BOOKS FT L AS - ISAL Nç!! geirga tiscellIl Ikir Grand *RECORD PLAYER IALCR NTLSI EO plia i Kor Iate. *TRANSISTOR RADIOS WINK cn b .aslty leaîaîted n leuon ls15Minte UmV iiU endi np villa TWG RADIO & TURNTABIR extra sfety, WINK te dosigned te peouentel haIReri ___ ucntres.COMBINATiONS «- ef collison.Panengoin esc petened ega nt l or ____u oge horfrein fMyng pricle' efglenn. owr . e egt ~ W Y ESNOW SOLO AT 00tm. a FrW 19118 IL RMNYALLAH CLEMENTS and SOI aubma f pro 0 1110.M M 111mm 1171112321 Elrete Si.S ýs, Youth entre ahble ocoee twit 1h a building her uee,aes oereo Ti e 0"l'iis.arecor ently tealant10 0siiis. is ToutS Poer plans tO t2e Pt 4 le comcdnity work,.inclold chants drives. cnan ced ot hes Otslcist yoais cOmmlttee chaSrcntic tige describudis fuectlon et an Gytimist TotY Grouis, obicis, chie cootrolied Sp yeuths, dues have direction ced gidce froc tise parent ortacdcaiOn. The impoertnce of houingthlie 1roposed progrnc accepted Sp tise cltirenry oas ecisiied strengly, ad tise yots groasP recoiced tis, Sut noteat a set- uts hich gve tise ipearnce Of cosiderable regitnittiO ocd yreisnhly eniserlece dit- ficulies lu acquiriol cemhors ib is aren. Yeuth Power ice-president jane fle05cecaiso sggested Mitn yeutis wuuid ho less en- tisusinstic about n pre.foonded synsatcateat croup tisce abutOce starleted ndsept goief 10 on, Tbe yedths are, isooever, ap- precýiative nt cey assistance otise truisare siliot tegise. Mr. tiiggs said lie recugoboed cey isrograc designted 10 bece- lit tis o yutis of Milton oouid have te isave support arum the teees tisecuelses. At tbe cnclusoOof tise dis- cusion tise Optimiste promised t oe xe a miee s e veal buildings sultaiste te tise poryse, ced isotis ides eopressed a oiiugoeSss I co.npeaate vis tise eRier, Ice creac, as weisno i t, dates hack teuharco Pl in Ctonaohc ndd crocO 10 ices cade icun the las sout eco. King Cisarleý i of Engiand deseioised a mor' cedcru se rsin ad te idea wo1 breaigbl 5tuarnica îis te 1t ceotaire AppROACHINO THEATEiCAL dates 1indmec- acfes troc eIt tas Beta Mardîe Gises Marg isets uf Milton Diastrict Hfigh Scirool Dramna Macisuy a herd right> Gord Ticisers is on the CloS hard at practace n an unc stesled scene (starfot aeltff Phot o) frc Stali Standis the Ifouse, Daee Regis O.s.T. tesi public speuki Sy Marsisa Zuest Tise cent dance ati M L Llteis laSson ,Ill bu el" Frlday, Feis ruary 19 . Tise Lisrar Cui upoo s Ihosdace ced tise "Rya lan"011bue etertana d Iog. W e are isoliaRtgi is dan e e i 1 b u a s m u c h e of s u c c e s s a s pat dances tis yenr hase buen. Thursdny, tise Grade 13 stud- dents orote te G.SA.T. test. > This test oas orliten hy ail the à Grade 13 s bu tise preeloce nd tu j«partly abuss for unvecstv entrance. In tise near future a public es spealdog coaiest 0111 bu iseldt a ho tise sciel. Tis w 01 t h ie sm first ye&r for a competîtten Of s thîs type. Contestnts 0111 speai e on a toptc et their o-vo slc is fer fle cloutes. y tne h Congratulations ar& ntne 10 hoth tise icior anoc eior Yoný V-1 iuuSte Fo stInjiley S t -iN L 4snt rswitnHarester plant. hyvrtk ts wrtten en trougis the offices eoftisa e plat aod oheroed taon systemn ng cein u q a ata part of the business girl' niiehai tenS. heysuhect taloon hy these students. isotis wece vctoriens oser Oaks- QOr sche okyta e 5jll.Trfaigr IîgisScioolIaoer Nelson Higl Scisool hy a receint doube eader tomne, score of 521 eetgse IDoing This Wleeked? Friday, February 2 SaturdaY, FebruarY 3 in oAKVILLE in MILTON AI thse ine Room in the AI the AgricultuySl Hall e1 IMilton Fair Grounds, on Arena - Corner of Kerr RoeaSret and Rebecca itreets . 'LrI DA S m h 3-Band Content Sbal Gens" c our w onvenience i8828 lr Shervice camng.rt ,Our Conort Loore Aut air,8-r28e8i3 ts Teso-rose Fnsh. power trakes, power eeed- ic. 25837, 005 custornradio, le mle- duced te $ 695 ge . ire aculate rhro gho t . educe to $,695.Lic. 648-801. 1963 COMET 1962 MERCURY SEDAN CUSyOm COACH mical trans5portaton5 ar Auorati,custorm radio, fanst Very clean Lc. H94739. Uic .J8213 Only $645. Reduced te $695. 1 entre D loi Pei Its wi atc hol De ici on Ca ah flu le, a yc go st opn su be T si Severai à rre anseng i LU I eer Galba '67. a fine day du g Decemire Sipesoredh )srance Fedai w tliJn A. id lise Atiia Msterence on enIo Fouisead ha dols l NI lecemiser il Main speais J5 6astan, ai )uLtrle Hospi Sue ssggesl mnse lu s Il sho 10Wliey ar] fa.ailly prohie me ng seclal Anuliser gue di(rectar an ilclias la ensk, apakea sociai drinial laook ce dcii scleiy cBri Ren. Fats S. Jeaepl's Teagrs,' aggestlng y1 be mere ap, F dley

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