0 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Januany 31, 1968 a 'fil P J ~IÀ V/ LGWVILLE 24 CLUB ,lonury 24 Ldis' 0gb sinfla lanaKnx 313, ladies' 0gb triplae, Garnioy Foutat 711. tbea fond sinflas, Thaina Bounfild 288, Grthy Fautant tbar fncd tiplas, JncKnx K.a..Oaoanal Inn 82, Thl- ma Bonnttad 5 tan 71, An lmlitb 2 tua 63, Phil RactarrU 5 for 5. WED-NTERS Aouanl 24 Ladie s' hiogb ingl, Lyune 2 Parkinon o275, lades' 0higlrip l, Lyssa Parkinsuan 665., Othenn gond snglounottOl Laf 6 141, nana Dais 203, Lona Flar- ly 2a2-216-215, Connae Duguay 214,' Ontiy Klngdam 210, boa Mittu 1238, Paya Wood 2581 No- ' ma McLud 227, Lynn Panl sono 200-15, Gil CouluoIl 2 30. Otbr god triplas, Arana Boita 511, Aan PbillOps5 23, Gai1 Couca n563, Shirley al 506, Lyuda CaitanS 51J5, Shirley Murray 301, Sally Lang 561, Race Goulu 538, Lauao Flaniy 633, Conalo uguay 564, Boa Mittus 4, naty Klngdam 577, Papa Wood 63, Lynn Pabl- sun 665 ' Nrma McLaud 603. Ârn aunRalasn cu0Sfr 46, Wllyp Von Gruiloven 2 Ina 25 Slup Laing 1lion 66, Shirley al I for 57, ouaeGais 7 for 29, Betty Kiogdom 7 inn 59. P. L. ROBERTSON lancano 25 Ladies' igb uing, Ousiole Fuy 293, ladio s' igb trile, W11 lie Wisou 709. Othnn gnnd singes WilnleWl- non 2t2, Gona Genafa28, Acd ras Hamblu 260, tac Mctacb- reo 251, Aoyce acchlz 244. Otbr fond triplas, Bonnie Pop 64, Audey Hamly 668, Donna Granta &43, GonOe MUc- tain 54, luaun Schutzr38td. Grenai uo 4 tua 21, adOnIsZ 5fan 19, Hambly 2lIna 17, Smthi 3 on 17, Bipl 5Star 14, Baul 5 on 9, M o-ri Z2ionr9, Sneoa 2 tua 6. LA ny OSAul lonati V_ Ladia' higO Snge, Kay ucico 095, laiOa' igO iiPI, Canclia Hoapu 652. Mr's 0gb Single, Frank Peoallîa 31, meus ufbh Oipie , Mita talc0dere 41. tban gand singls,.RoayWall- a*uos29,Canuiso Oapu 27ý3, Trudy Puland 263, tant Churh- il 25f, Mihn tiean re27-24- 241, Mari Lomoci 22%, Pete Vndeninuiel R2, gca n229, NicO flin ZZgt Chas, VIodn- Bruni 226. Ohear gond trlptn,racikPal. uIlt 73-î, Paie VaodnHLeosl 46, K05 Hutan 638, Ro, lallastua 629» Chas. Vndasarancb 621, Bier Chuchill Sai4, Nich Kip Jmnuary 29 Ladies' tdgh single, Jeatte Pacuetta 310, ladies' btfb tripe,N Jeannette Paruette 691. Me'n igh singe, larque Paitunttia 14,h jin lieneili241, mei'n btgbtriP- l, Jack i ng 660.6 Othr fond sinlenu, JaakhIf. 227-236, Lan C. 215, Pat G. 223, Oi . 203, Austin H. 207, Honni P. 221-237, Kn P. 219, boniba . l54, Duf C. 202 ' Maniha . 2i, eg a, 218' Harold G 11- 2liStaon . 21, Harry S. 221, Drotbeao. lai, Grdon H. 14- 240, KarI C. 237, Amaa.0Z24- 239, Phl B. 231. Gibr gnud triplas, Grdon H. 656, Amlia B. 61, Harld G. 635, Beniha B. 68, Pal G. 603, jim N. 605, Honni P . 65. Stu acn 7 tan 65, Jack 7 lar 1 63 , Mat0S inn 6, Maniana 5 tan t 73, 0111 . S tan 62, Rofer 2 tan 64, Bll P. 0 tan 6, Liada 7 fnn K 71. 48 ALLIA ROCKERS lonuocy ll ladins' lgo ulin, lune Gactd 303, ladiesu' Mgo triple, Aune Gnuld 830. Othon goud singleu, Rusie Shannon302, EileanMcGouufOi 283, Conmn eMidduinOunb257. Othna gond tiples, EilenuMc- Gaugaîl 641, Annula M'cCiniaOd f39, Bazai Rond f33. Pic Bouduaon 7 ion 65,Inifti- ans 0 fnn 63, acutttobumu 9 fnn i2l, Four Piuus 5tunr59, Haad Plus 7 ton 5i, King Pins 5 inn 57, Koul Ka 2 for 57, Hut aîutn 2 inn 55. EBENEZER Choir, U. C.W Oy Ms. . McLaan Etannaner.CW. ioaid ibai aunuai pt-h ics chOou ai tbe aurch. Aftnn a cariad meal 1004 boas enioyad by 20 Peopl, Roc. Runuet Filay tunli aargeofaIthb installtiion oni ufilcens Ian 1968, an fuitunur Pot prasidaut Ms, Macolm Moiloil prasîdet Ms. GDonld 10051 vice-pnonideul Mrs. tari Ward; secrrtary and press e- porte, r Mn. naid McLaou ..aurr ru^e tO Moore, pionat Ms. Wi. taripI uppiy ecretara Mnu. a. .Youngf; mane ommtaeechrarman Mn. Murray Haycordl crodîn naît - Ms. Hoce lp0; cîittn orn mittea cbnnnmau Ms. Macolm Mofft; fluner rammiitechir- mon Ms. Art Gamuud; inn' a he haSraon Mn. Wrd. y Numîatiat rommittan chnair man Ms. luonnnulmaepnWat- atiu tuotfilciai Board Mn:. Ass; repruseciaticetOu OnaiÊ onal I 5Stand4 Temua Li.oa it Slow snow removal Puslinch's faul .iiac1d-ta-n-ara ci ina-2 lit ad RATEPAYERS Jaauany 23 Ladies' bigo ningle, Norma, MaaMarpby 261, ladies' bhinti- pie, Grae Little f13. Men Migb single, Bill Cans 283. mea'n htfb triple, Jim Colvîn Gtber fond sngles, Alm Col- vin 263-224, Atm Gwnm 266, Botte Gwnn 225, Gran Little l2i, Dace MGllneu221-255, Win- stan Camern226, Joch Cbamp- ana 245, Padline Shont 055 Dan MacMlurphy 237, Brion Jakson 22t, AnoynaParierM2Z3, Gond Mallin3, Bonnta MaLad 06. Tom Fan 041, Sam Coulard l29. Othar gnnd triplnes BlilCatron 630, Banale MaLnod f03, Tom Fan 622, Onian lJackon 606. ltm Galon 676, Norma MaMur- pby 645, Don MacMurphy 668t Dace Gilias f32. Beatoiks non 7 ton ta, naoetY Pin 5 fan 73, Rippies 0 for 71, apîinran 7 tan f4, Blooperu Ev day co n Oakville Pollution centre for Halton Otepo are t l totan100cou- eStages e!Il ve pair anar-au trai air Poillutin oJi.ton and progroi tmetoadly th. prenlan Pea1 Coanila, caysu itln East caligovernioeit. Thie Gikott o,..Am u a ffine aiti ta afed tila Dis- Mn. bnoa naid itI luhlion ntict Engineer, au neli oaslI- lion af the Hon. Matttinn B. Dp- sPtintanod Ottar sefeOsOT mond, M.D. Mteloter ci Publia staff, Mn. Son reports. Iteaitt, ta set up o District Air Pollution otfic n 1 oaiLvtu serve italton and Peel wittin tise F r0000 fonda were invented loy sent fiucat yeor. Chaorles Birdeee nio disonar- TIbi nul ballo the orea uoden nu liai for the tit enuts fond alose surveillanae 1n the eonly bad ta ta frozen fait. i s i a day&-j s n r Ail ne r oads lua ue nAr a iedoo teat o a e wancon- tihircag o ad Cup nd tna M ia ntthe a n tdont n tithm -l ton Wes teel itncncOuS nt unl i s apansb Mr. ta midt o a storm wen tbey are er dy s yea r k u A e n road Up ud Ch a n i gi on h fr nt s tion ih our i A C M L E E E ERySE V C 0000Ls" Mn Ctiannig ual eep te ruO q aNnaaui te iequal ius u nre tu ual eeve Wilnom Cultr otered gnwya ad ted ad n ni i l ihe me taLECTRIC E T I ani p usympathy t pinted tn ng t an na tem in it u O SI NTAO IM eCTR IC A TtN COLLa FON HALT nEATIN onnoa n 10 NuLb V cSOmen P cuclo cc lied atoRtaoTIN Our Recade s SautS ite tion8u.048focFREpplpAT thtU ------anMO TotM IN VIET NAM VIAN le ditunt o Vit o i Cetunlien n inn n, Cr- The non la Bles 2 tan 51, Acangans tragic miah, 43. on andm matao1 The Vienuam VGIJTH BOWLING autiof lion tAn tirty bloln d tam - Siacan Smih, 184 This toggarna e319double; Nancy Blakann nulai luionh lin, 336 doube; Sandra Satets vta lui .175; Ana Wiiit, 313 Inenloynan, le. dollarn un lass don - Gary Arpo 255 siogle# Viet Nom wnon i doubtle; Daold Smith 356 At on ime e; Aiiau Smith 303 dube;lofUt ed fiate anMcCliiOd 193 siogea, n onaoamic doublaI Lyn CucIson 199 nurid aud ltot a, 347 doubla; Glone Tin- ion. Buino 3t3 dube. Ilotesn ecanom moun-GDunanO Ramsay, 214 ucriflaad unt a, 39q duble. Vit Nam Hon uil t the UJnited niat vide econumil lu anonumia c rAd elections Ina wna u .l-- Itaover. Oaat 199 si Gun, doube 356d double Adria ai8l snge tans1 Sem snoge hg Ki6tchiug. Eboneer hoir eld ibaîr anouat metin ai bihe mnse, Ra. Runsel Fulep sainmcaaroge f tbeelaction of officers, ntdab renuliad as iliaVin* precîdeut Mrs. M . Haynonds snaretony ineanunan Gong M- Lean; librarloos Mrs. Johu Kit- aldaf ond Mrs. Holt. lue Wrd s tb auninue Là rganalt, alto Mms. Erly as assistant ugaint and assistant cboir loader. Johu KItablof s lu cuntinueaso choir diroatu. t. leader, rgnidst and nambrs fur ibein failhfic sice durno 1967. Ms, Flinyeruad lunchb&fier ntdabaulicounare aarn nndlua 00arrno cni af sng.ua. Theo auainf clond nhO Fan Thay are Auiiy Guod Faluan' Ifon Re. and Ms. iio9. KILBRIDE Panel o n "eisure timeCe held at home, school meet A panal discussion"Arn the tn Jiuma ual Schoul Pnusidiag ton a, Lu lucre Tîma "' SgiStld 10e S jaa, 23 meeting of tOn KitOnide m Homea nd Shol OusurlotiOs. 1t G. Pelînteiai, Oulntois b Bacd cI OduaOilO as modar- t aton 1crthe anaraICOasisting f u pabra ChlIe K. SOrrati, Nicha Palpa, cUParsiSor oI PySacat OducrtiOR, lIrs. William Trea- itand Mlbru. G. OannnOO, par- niar aurore Party Ou MOnudy aeatuf lonuory 22. TO ern e e nseO tableu ni eucbra is play 010h the prinas going lu 00e fui- uownil Mas. Jack Robertson, fan. wiltaat Pord, Mas. Fran0 FIsomora, Gonald Gouglas, Mas. George Couluonamd Mas. Reg Coulson ltlayad as a mas) olnd Genald Wismoa. Mn.ClifFnaia cou the don palme. Hustu Ianrunthe vflg anre Mr-Ger e îitson and Mas. nana cunlilctisIn ltatd Sateoln nua dllaOsaOn.r- igburdenu au e-t umalient Uniedt recangehcalad ln jcni 1.9 bilian sr n au OfnitOn budgt. eithecOif ano its on taeif ot- Wgioflu Onitilailuthondonh daYn if the Blila. Gomafnd induntry ns nantnnad, andthbomtadhifb- rays nd railnadu ana Oackinl opacatua lan amattan ci Onunu, Nurth Vienumaun cuppliec of anmn lcnm tha Sncieniodn and Cbina ara iccrand an ihn nnnd arses, and scuin annOilsuc this in a miniarnon tin the United Satesîau anecua bad mnd Ouncia and Cinl a ionth aibenUUniaed Satets, Chlua and tha human I peace ilu bambluf,t lnned byt United S510 ailîl faCC ana must Viel Nom and nuent nul dlaimj theiuNrt lie onauth National cumbluati aid ia the ic free ,RoL ~ ~ icln th dvloig . -Fanln o ertson sbnuld le uo mnre on United Funalrvlunice wans btdfrin tlae60 oic aid hboa n theRumioyutiofimohna tuannl nautnals 10e atan ni non la homo,' Aclnnon Tbunsday Aanary The Cc 18 Inn Franklin RobetonoitfFlogran it oaip freedan i R. 5,'Miltun, aoc pannad anOy ai tabouf or es' lailuno ta pno- Mîî i tonticti HnsplOoi,JAnuOry Thora . c assistauce renuts 16, 1968. HaeOA anu l inLi nco ain culapua 10 lodia un heaitO fun rame tîma, Commuîi tn ai South Amer- Hea eus L cOinthormerinorloios ibseipleOt Commun- Mary MaLoOn, mnd braen ss aduptilu Johnof aiLondon, Sali and Bran o caPiiil boiO ai ho, is tatieh a llSeia000 anufta wni. la- jomin, Mltonu, musisinnu (Jann)couarseo îbing ai then North Mnc ack MaGibbon, (Graco) ian ilaC louBudu f islio.ns Mn. Cashnin Hume'a, nduAa Lied NS: ns damagad lucalin-0 brothar Douglas M.,l ait fR. f. Huu500 an bionu up section 5, Mltonu.is mthen, 8he0forim- arota cc i f the ailrooad an Monagart Ariioonnand ina goals. îiogbays. But thebe otbens pnndacoasnd im. annain He nau bora lun tria township, egngur aapîamtan 13, 1911, At the ato nd mon af Ina yaaru is pareils nturn- Cummu select ed ta the Roertson iarm la fie Cana Scotch Block abero heha Oaae- thir gi sLn r ided snca, Ha atioudad u-i- zatlu wýnners Iria Pulie achoun, S..Nu,10, Pres noru of tion Lion Esqesluf. Later ha toh freat no. ina 1200Club" rua- prido lu fananluf. He cou tbe uo wrenmad Mo- iaurth geonnaîlua un 0th anin S tub Boardof 1000or tatbas taeniin eiamly aame db Bard l Giectusislco 1822. He a ns linesdin 100 Wurth uf avll, Botinudalay caile ondallOnrm sy Grvas ai Miltoun ugarîa Rutindge ni Nubito aniatin abnutucn SoonPracopterion Chunbndbdlab PL ou on civeapari ahen hOaaOh 'cuilsa eanuod4SSbags panmitiad. a zer are Oua un bond Inn Rau. Stonley amith, Mutina, gsa ins b ita. E y ag a ns - c un d cc ed tO ne lu o nr l s e ric e ppnacad Ion a oy ia a d îinmaut nos lu Fainina ýa tamly. Camnîary, Acitnis Palîboorrs nana VIila Ha- 2 ludmuiinn ni Campell- ris,1 Gordon Huma, Ronaad Doviu, p dMorley RicarOdson uf Murray Curh,DGuagas Cumrin s.TOhaclubhappruued o iatilu Ou Mlonu Mîsn oucghte o tunumaernai- mittee*PRESCRIPTIONS CORRECTION ELSLEY )ry in lou nek's Champ- PHARIMACY' Docoraing tOn H.O.P.E. op bus talaf îuuolcad in 24 HOUR PRESCRIPT idninl Aclun vas incon- 8784492 - Aftt. Tbe veOil t lnid ouita GVR isa eScboolstationowaOf- FREED LIERY lRatd as a bus ton carry-KH LEYB dents 10 saionl. essant boOt ban mode hl homelens, bas dtani d ht afler eti maiun uppiy1 Lions 200,o Club aI Mol tat for 196 day ai a clil metin. R( Ms. Mony and CarlB nere iOe c f featlize the spalut nedy luca villeanmd Milton c members. $75 dusa Bal 00vo iou cmm A sulu: ion o nect. tea aSmu on outi ing siciE cuin munita Lpeaan, îuly aoy ta achinun by the cessation 0t theaneugaliotiun tal- ihOnuthdronlof aithb say 101 at hn Viet Nan aommualsi. Theans-5 it nurato etator th lui atanado Cammcai5t a tchaitd Satesudoen .il cichnu in nuanrunr i, Viot Nom angIne. la th the0 ppaneninare lion 1LitaratinFani, a tIan ni o numbor cf pol- amenn. Theon bjaitiv. ýa colition gacarnment SouthtI)aned au peoce, amanmecnstution.u o manlibhia structure ardana tram thn Kremlin. Lu a graoafin ndepaod- cuaf Ioustera Eurnpnan uciciniOte. yusavnioc o n ladapandeat courue nimportntoil nmannt0 tiicc acnamp. Raum- tulinnnan indaPandeul su muah 1001 a ioauman, non pracidant ai the iUn- qatînn. Eues liongimntn, auad Cina, llun nap- coursc a b o00n national Peaca la Vint PINmuill the pncnibilitian ni am- coinai uua enomantnbon nre ou uatiOlailm 1h00 on uaium. adiauv ai ail l lsthrouh gacennment,thnuufb rga- ous aud auindiuidaunhcuîd lufroanend ni the Viat Nom Saaina onn Argua a CEMENT S SAND 'LASTERING MATERIALS 0 GRAVEL mnd a hait of Building materiala Michaels Building Materiais Ltd. 2436 Lakeshare Rd. W. Phone Branta 827-1087 No Toit Charge %LL FOR THE BEST IN FOR T IEST 'N mItIoN MARTIN sy. Nýl ESSENTIALS ýECORÏ HOME DECORATING ESSENTIALS C Cà OME ALL 8-fia-2513 MARTIN ST. WINiA QUIET at your Ford Delers... 1 Gate pour Fard ledit i Glt Saia. 2. Eater tear cama i the -0.1." Sweeutaes. 3. Waeers ageta0'68 at PeFrd T. COME IN flow TO YOUR FORD DEALER.a 517 , lb odamn583, Novenuls. ....- -ge .. . Gray 579, Tacdy PolamA 17-,. PanaI icembo uOOCs ONfCuss alb os Obar iinrulottion f .2MisPdn' Ben'u BOalaoiayo na1 forton eOn opîr alen Whch lcO alisiu On loncans 2, -MIss Poddno a - 109 /2, taluadean'5 King of r la crc aubd qestionsu num the Gradec one n ad Inn bld 0eir T D 0YS B S 79, Rov'n Talnlaenus 1fo 68, 10cor. A sale Out fhas s'as glu- Friday moriof asambly. aula peefas -pn Pals 5 on 60, La- os tn panl Oî At Sa. tokesian the noiuiucer and nanlt's Lomentenu 2 Ina 58 1/2, TOn VIndînS rldîden, Patr Edwin Senasi read tion Bible. Guan Trimmers 2 fur 58, Cas, 10 , Rosn Maie, Rus sel and TOngraude One pupilu preent- VandBnoeh 2 tan 51, Gods rlon enteiane i h h IOOrasel- nd a poe m abocOut nn fuu fi- Clppers a on 48. ctions, iannd by o clap dauce. The e M s. . umbrs grades -3 maladen ni thn progam nas cni sua the aanad mnd sild fnn duclod y grade lau abo pans- lonuaro Z6 Ms. Mary Rostaras aared lion nmed Oscr. Ladies' bllb singe, Audrny 5 E E ! Masn 343, ladies' Migh triple, Audrey Mason ti1. Me'n Mg I H R E l sitngle, ahkPakinson 316,FO men'n Migistriple, Jacis GoId .T K O Ohrgond snglen,filon Ms. T D Y A U 267', Dwug P. 2151, adie T. 249, WIDE SELECTION Norm Mct. 242, Hildo P. 239, A P I N E Reg T. 232-ZZ5, Reg G, l5t- A P I N E 230, Brute Moe. 231, Ray W. 23, ' WAVI S RI HT SET FOR YatU - Lrees 226, Dean G. 226. AT A POUCE bUILL LKI Otisr god tripes, Reg G.t9.itL0, Jacks P. et, lIvn C. 650, long p6,ReT.MStan SI. 133, Le L ZJuneG.612,Bruce heLA1.a.aa Mae a Fr.. Tricit on Us 1 jaP. vS. 1-3 fr 26, Roy 201 MAIN ST. E. MILTONI4 07044 ci. 0 fr£il £à 5 for20, Brue I H A D S N 101I MAIN 704949 1 for e jO. 4fr 6 I heo f ondîttu aler befeter0 on Monday afler thba a ami nana foeya wn o ta loe ara 0f main-t 5000 llioard MoodaY, JInuisA itorm 1n aven n0 yaaru taiodog the rond t ould ne- Il oiîtd NosogonnYa Empbauis non put on geiluf ansitate anottar pean af mah- nono1ali ai eir metinog littbemain artaien pnd o neya 1oao i $I&,nBn. Tuenday. fine and amblana'. e me rfeni . i, Dputy-tle Willpiaene TonoyCbhannn, ab malien is M. Coiter euplinad. "If on itrensed tlioneedfoptîO. home on tbe Puslina-NO5fif' emergeuy araue mnd pour cOta "Wn bave fnn nome ima trled1 nova Ton Lîne, apressed dis-oan ablîdran bad 10 gel nul Ina2,ta convinceanmd persuade Pun- utacionabot te 00 a fen n ba onotalith bah aI the ned for mainte- nai- W.-nlt should take care of the roa ,ý2 . - - ___. - I- --le iil ý OAs tocal eÈaisi Ieo, lise quaa oral, eornam defned plana ParkI tu ala of roiltoieta aaaunt Il «tlse. Theotà à very ncea rOèlOd te bc &%JL'a the .uy i2spatioyre yen woald go cre, tisane Ilallyte ni Migisr speechi fer tise propez Anld >st Soli luIe. sject on pn cal aaseaasei for, and rela por cen1 t o ua er nal alisontlles m property wi Ilofortunat wap tiese. da Tisa nld bsave fermed wap, Oand tise les anar. Il igisi fleodi cuver pasi 1 aMp tise go malr. Stace tse tu aprila, e la mare a iller. Tise provincalal Il matatg $11 Brewers ganarament ..t gels t' eaY more. tisomselnea Was ratise vaei &bout centre ailIl 1410. Bt Barliegton eons selon Mlliaits, iH fuis4, petis laals, motil plais and qullters, irti înatrn Eagis peai garnua suis ama left cdl C. Young, t 51115. Ch Ioqll tn t 051TUARY