Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1968, p. 9

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taMiton ter Safety i9c lb. 55c lb- 55C lb. 69C lb. 7sc lb. 59C lb. 55C lb. ra $1.49. $1.75 for 65C si1-s, i lb. 49c 75C lb. tore 878-3161 i lana8 res ;TER ETC. P.L. ROBERTSON Janoary 18 Lates' igb slogle, Beanleay 811- lattas' Kgb triple, Wmille Other godggem l3ma Gre. abs 276Km coda eaes 351, Wlie Wilson 248. Gtar oud tapezi ai.etéPay 653, Dusm Grena 647, Lots Evn-e55, Mary Ilelpel 12, MaiaI Store: 589. Groaka ton 5 Br 17, llambly ton 5 for 15, Solisinai ton 2 for 14, USd6iehZfr 14, lllpel 5for BMu-ry B for?. Brutti a fr 4, éeeay à fer 4 24 CLUB Late' 14unl,PotiyCss. non h 8 ats 4btriple, jasa GIbon' goed stugeaJeKo 283, Florence MoCahn 228. Glber good triples, Polly Ce. "X Ea 0earr eu. Beseli for 61,P Ladies' 273,1&ad Eeg. Thi triple, e 288, Aui G. 265,]L Royp G. s 230, Lan 225,liai Deug P., Otberg IV" C. ei 635, Jack Eeg .a 629, Deu H" iR, Jacb P. 15, Roy 9,Sadia Lattis loy mec% siagle,D bttlpi Otberi 213, tilti SienaM.2 237, Jack tber1 7, lai Ray W.a 618, liii lune G, Jack Pi tan 7 fo 5 for 12, for 7. Ladies br 241, l Hall"s 6! Other Murray2 233-231, Pbillips 202. Darc 669, Var Lang 561 bcas Phit 605, Fr Camipbell 552. Arlene Wllhrdit 20, Sally Hall 7 fo 22, Betty Latte, Morton Merlans 14gb sicg man's bM 217, 81l 209, Reg Harold 0. B.3221-2 C. 219,à 214, Kma 204, 8am Mal H. 2 Roger W. 56, mal5 66, 8H1 59, BIB $9. rlty 548, Jea Prifl ie5, Jeons Babb 558, Lynne Parbinson 569, lady Nas,.ti 508, Gal Coîson 547. Ariaen tlles572, Von& 3'btllim U8 Juaamarly 526 AntantalSU tMon7ti 4, Wlbrttou Van Grnaven t for 20, tSany L'Mot Sfor 59, Suiey tafl 8 for 4%,REs. Dvin? for go. Bety ingft 0 Ofor 45 48 ALLaiT ROCKERS issasy 15 Latte' Kgb igle, fautmit. ebei 287, lsttos' 14gb tripl, Marlas SPeeb Qumr 4MgeMarleon Spetia 7,Jane MtbalI 212, tode Saunn241. aillit £66trilsJst)il. obal 7100, Mrlnî htr 68, Marlon Gotisg61. Dters ton 7 for 63, Seuile. bisa 7 for 62, Pin HeaduS0 for 58, l KOol aU Ofr 55,Fur Plu 2 foc 54, liai bbts 5 for 53, Kt5< Pion B for 52, Hlid pns? for el. 44 fr 7, Jan Oiti2 IATEPAVEBS PhylEasbrry forSi, Jamary 16 Lad ýies bin taiGlanda EARLY BIttE Sberwood274, lattes'idgbtripla, lassry 1U. Amalla Batt no6. Mo-à bIg singl, lJac hasapoux256, is Kigb sngl,JuneGuld mn'a 14gh triple, Bries lJackson te' bigb triple, Aodrel 653. 70. Mo% 1gb sngle, tomas 292. mele 1gb tees Gray 679. Sono a crdeccdeait good singleaIa ,drey là. 27144 D $ti 1,925 àiwP 243 lleg G. 22 as , Mtcm Liona Club bas bda men m. 22, Normaebc.d e Cmlleted costsruction and a- rry S. 217, Ray W. 13, action ci linsontaccl boa 211. IMalt. At Moday'a reglar goodtrtple@,JuneG.712 meeting, membrs learsd thai 165 Reg T 639, taie T. Sbater No. 6 tatabas plaoe4 ln kG. 634, Joan W.630, service at lin Inersection ef 623, Roy G. 617, Ray W 10 Stdroed aut ApPleky Lio n l sg P. 6S, 140 . .6M, NortisrU*gha, there 8 la .604. «1g agod tekbai leepisg stsd- P. won 2 fer 16, Ede 5Ifor enta tarm Nis hl tbey tait for G, 5 for 14, Bruce 7 for tieir achol bas Ib9as tintry 2 for 7, Bill i for 7. das A gPest at Mmdys meeting EAELY 818138 W"sMrley Richardis, a new iaauy 19. car dalefta BMillton. Lies George Cteme,4a sbeued estr- je 14gbaingle, loy Mo. *4 sOttes haolta on a remili à176, ladies' Kigb tripla trip to laisaina letlasd 709. Mee s gb Membara mad plansa b attend Deug Pichet 285, mens lb thditriceelnetion ln Qashan l, Jacta Gld 735. City ivt May, end 10 bot District ,gond anagles, Jacb G. Governor teviad Stewart et kd Rige 272, lune G. 251, ttreetsvilte ai their Fehra"r 246, Ray W. 241, Roy G. iseeting AIse plasmd tas ai- kP. 231,lvesC.218-126, tndânsa oitimeeting id 322-18. lofai Servicesclubs ln the sar gond triples, Dont P. futurs. dik P. 843,tiens M. 635, Iltau reporind Dr. Leggtt 638, Roy G. 626, Ivan C. bas voleteered te basdia the eye Idâ R. 684,#ltarry S. 621 hanh trasplats ai MehaMilles 615. Iloaital, Eye Bajib chirmes P. tee 7 for 2 3, Roy G. Bob Brown said about 50people )r 21, Ede0S for 15, Satte hava wlled thir ayes te the eye 2Broca 2 for 11, titi bask projeci, ad cted more wmuld SU88bhawlcômed, Lion$ Gus ltotkray and Albert WKD.NITERS ScbOutao tare mamed tocharte tmeary 17. sprnt fertiiser saes tts. Meishars cocrred In a retist t' blgb aingle Fres lion- b ib-as al ftutre donations te ladies' higbtrlple Arlene sporis groupo lbrougk tie lotnas 169. ReCreaios Commilsion. gond ingles, Shirley New memhrsFredVerstraae 207-220, Arienesalles and HIlte Scasmîl, thoviereiln- SSy Lang 234, jean Itiated anod ibcied ai hlenlt 219, Fran u iotar 241- meeting, tare wlnmeed te tha club. gond trples, Lyime ra, Philtipa 1, al 1, Lone Flarity 511, làth mete tiipe 557,Starley Murray ,ras Haner 641, Joan s t I 506 Cossia Dugeay Savon accidents h lnllton ln1 tie pasit eeta aumd a total et i BlSeswon i for 46, $1,925 properiy dmiage. Lm Van Grassven 0 for A car Irivan ky Stanen Wayne yLang 6 for 64, Shirley Darvai, ot 78 Commercial fi, for 52, Ras e Dvis 2 for mffred $125 damage Tueaday, yKingde 7 for 52. Janaray 16, vdeit wu ln noll- llta itin a tahicle Iriven by LOWVILLE Donald Alhaohead sf 75 Victora lanuar 12. St. Damage b Ithe second car vas $5 8 hgb single Maarene An International Coqierage 317, ladies' Kigb tripla Company truck driven hy Fred t Mrton 679. Mle s . jeftrey o! 62 Milea St.and a2 dle Phil CSudoa 283, car drives ky Duglas Ityatt ut 1gb triple Phil CaUSon S68 KlnsllgCt. reeelvod $5 ad $210 d~ ,6ereapestiiely god igles, Amatia B, than bey eollldd on Marin 61 WU D. 219, Jlm N. 204- Wediisday. g S, 225, Roy D. 224, 11» Intersection of MiIIlad 3 23%, u K, 293, Bertha &M gtesltsas the ocam oi 169, Deug C. 213, Eugene a collision thiesane day htteen Ml D. 212, liarold I& gvhicles Irivan by Roer joseph r 'S903,DOcrtD. all f 31ýKng«IghC. md [I - . Iyw ae fR.6 laiton. 200, idaclha H. 218-290, Damags 10 the Bell car tas V.140, lacl C, 221-223, $75 and t he. Wlr vebicl vbntf 18 abta$ifor 1. Cartwrigbl of 3866 Mpletosd 5 for 64, Melalns I1fo Crescentd d dwrd W. Perry D 2 for 55, Roger a for of p,1, î,billionrecelvad $150 P. 2 for 59, LindLa 2for aMW $100 damais reopectvely shan h 1.t cltdad la MIBon Pia- îImu1y il rtiao! $71, M.adowkroeta Dr. .:ia Ç ~ff h V45(AE4 I ________ Other gond singles, Brin Jackson 243,Aiaiaoassnt2o. 229, Martba lticley Z52, le De Ble 387, Bette Gwym 229, Bmn. aie MoLesd 235-238, Grane Lit- tl$ 247. CIler gond triples, Frank Ben- ton 606, Boula Mea 638, Gleada Sberwood 644, Jack Chlispoux 616, Mildred GloVo 603. Btnikadhwonisafor 73, lippia Cafor 71, Oafey Plus S for 68, Cehrlea for0, Blongirs 7 for 60, Spltflres 0 for 57, Cor- mat Blues 1 for 49, Avengors 2 for 38. LADIES SPECIAL Jesuary16 Ladies' 14gb single, Thalma Bmaufleld 270,, ladies' 14gb triple Tbelma Bmsdiald 733t Gtbar gon4 singles, Inabel Timbers 266, 204; ThalmatBous- field 264; Marg Murray 251; Audray Mauon 232, 217, 201-, Bort Brldgea 25. 208; 62bol Arnold 2lBtNessia Fergeson218; Jean McDuDle 208, Ailes tep- Other goal triplas, Inabel Timbers 6§2; Audrey Masn65O; Bort Brldgoea 624. Irenels vin 3 for 13, Bert'. 4 for 11, Jaess 2 for il, tbols 5 fnr 7. LOWVILLE lanuary 19. Ladies' bKgb singla HasalPagg 328, ladies' 14gb triple toaIe P099 668. Man's hKgb single 14.1 tsod 261,1 men's hKgb triple PKil Cesîson 664 and Jack King 664. Other gond aingles Jack K, 232 -230, Lea C, 222-202, Bill P. 257, Jacqu P. 202, Martha H, 209-207, Marlous M.202,Ametia B, 225, PhiI C. 206-252, Bruce P. 208, lus H. 209-401, Bill D. 224, Ils N. 203, JanttB. 207, thigene C. 203-222, Gerdon K, 205, lJtin B, 215, MelD 207-U3, Jo. D. 203, Barry S. 207, Mary C, 207. Othar gund triples Mal D. 626, Molli. 617. Uta ton O for 58, Jaca O for 56, Marlous 2 for 68, Mol 4 for 68, Bill D. 7 for 6Z, Roger W, 3 for 62, Bill P. 7 for 66, Llsd& 5 for 64. HOLY tc8AEy January 18. Ladies' hKgbsingle, AstaWtml. moller 249, Carelyn lias 249, lattas' higb triple, Carutplyliaps 702. Men's 14gb single Bort Zwobsas 265, men's 14gb triple Jaca Carroll 702, Gibor gSodt!anglesMlle Boive. doe 260, Jacka Carroll 259-241, Don Tieleisn250, Vie teapa 250, Bort Churchill 244, Carolyn Heapo 245-208, Kay Hunier 231, 1MryLam0n6226,AutaWlndmol. ler 219, Dina Sncuten 212. Other geed triples Nicb Ktip 640, Martin VandenHauvel 633, Mine Bolvedere 629, loba Van- darmarel 622, Vin Heapa 619, Reg Gray 618, Bort Zesolman 614, Asta Windisolter 677, Kay Honler 574, Mary Lamont 546. Bert's Bowlaways tes 7 for 102-1/2, Botvedere's Ktogs 7tfor 74, Boy'n Thirteens 7 for 63, Lamonl's Lameaiers S for 56- 1/2, Gus's Trimmeras0 for 56, Pata's Pin Pain 7 for 55, Chas. VandenBrnec 0 for 49, Gord's Clippers S for 48. YOUTH BOWLING Bantain - Steve Smith, 252 aingle; 355 double; Aona Wils, 105 single, 337 double. Junier - Bey Tomisos, 213 single, 359 double; Gary Sutioo, 204 single, 344 double, Shares Bradley, 185 single; Kathy Rnsta 298 doublo. Sanior - Duncon Ramaay, 221 single, 409 double. Kin seek members MlEla uimea ead unir iorO Md lsvltad giets tb lbeit dissr mtng Mouday utgbt ai lie t"AW. tan! on Mirtin S. The Klasmon, proaently 1gting a prehlem O! 1d*6wmhrsb, lied District 'Gearaor 131U Wat- son aI dDopty Gcernor Dicli Gravi ouI ote .meeting ta tati as ailier vtsitfog Kinsmnea troin teapeler and Burtisgtor4 Fotioting dinner a film tas shows talting the siery of bot Kiasmen tare toondel. A spoheaman for the orguaeon old he bapasto gain et least two or tbree net isambors for lb. club IbPasgb Due meeting. Ymmng men ltrestedlIn loin. log Kinsmen sbesld contact Dan Pagg, prosîdint o! Due club or esy Easta momber for fontmer information about thae rgasica- lion. 2 46 MAIN st. 1878-23431 g PRESCRIPTIONS F icked Up I Deird FRtEE DELlVERv SUNDAY IfIRSÇJ, CHICKEN WITH RICE SOUP 8AKEO SUGAR HAM & PINtAPPLE SAUCE COLE SLAW CHEF SALA5D lai By Lrry Martin Pceseitiy occmiig of a Ometf, a Mr- Oseai, Oie conslabs,to ratta.qàippad parol cmarsad radar "ppmeit, lMtton Patine Force bas aftectlvely Biperveod MuiBon gacé 1988. EtIldeanOfee to tWS' aareclaalgrst. lb sne@ thon te glven by recorda tept ky th0 Poties dapartmeut. Théettal ailoestof!fines end curtcomis aaéeem xfraample, bas rtsen trois 225 la1860 tu $21,433.05 in 1966 ad $20.019 In 1967. Exactly 11.752 etirats tlth11e public lunltta taislgsaéringOf oumim, iiastisis, lvesigaione!vaiclea and ettceeta rEcarded ing 1967, ceiparlg favorabty titbB9,7teprevlous pear and 1,133 In 1960. Atbesgb recordasaniisneflanonasItems have selteean soparahad tefere tliiiyear, tbe force dirtg 1967 altentled te 12 as- sorts, 34 lectrtg alarma, 126 hesily nomn. pilai", inea elghbbr disputea, 17 reqaeslu for gant I inadaie, 114amvrtmpanli. lg4 ceeks, lad 662 ciler mltmoum Items. Tboy essisled île pubic in 95 separain instances, and beiped othor palice ieprtmelg08tira&, Iro.tanti Cabs tare gitan routine checks for insurane, mater acouracy, etc. Iliore tarasn lurdr a Iiton ding 1967, the ladt kelag a non-cqtpla charm in 1865. Ana ttespted lourtdertas imnti galel lhe same year. The farce renelved ne rapa complainte, bt 17 seffemses oler than raps tare luveslgatad, tlb20 par mae!ofthase te- lsg cleared e00er tbrongb court antwltb. dental ef 180 charge. Nine stiampted chiid pictaupa, two eh. Mscantileptas.Clla, s. M WUng and 36 asasts (ait ludacnut) tare reponhad. Polmc cleafi uit 100 par ceo teD assault Incidlents. Bresb.asd.eutry of 20 chopa, lbree boutas, and oma cbsel tanlnvestigsed, titi, 45 pantot 0 lb. incidents glelred. Fifty par ceai ef tba 28 auto DuOfs re- porhad tare ie cleared. Auto DuCrs lait Yeua- lotalled gin, omaparlng Ite1lOin 1860, Incidents luvolvlg DuOs m«er SItoUal- ed 20, wtlbàa30 par cent cearasce record; and thofli ondin $10 totalled 94, wtt a 31 par ceti clearange. Oseb hùmdear cent oftDu Stolnagouda casls vaigted tare cleanel up, and 74 parascet Duhe24 frauda. Du tota ding 1967. ýP0Ic year-end statistics indicate 1967 was busy year :i, uý&WINeA*CAReNIVAL ... I HAPPENING NOW! Win one of the specially-built -grs S I -l la . with slidlng sun-roof -or any one of Evoryono more than 10,000 gréiOt prlies! Lts a prîzel1 Cornein b o ny Mercury showroomn for the nusînsi, grealeteul .Iýý d wt a yriznv nier. Ail you Soin 10 do in regisber and yon cen is vmend u~v e a specially built sun-iol Coul -Or a Pîlcos portable A .pa Shoot- ci)tOur TV. 00Er «bbra e ta eit u6ry anti yeuAUosîl hava 10 etswiv a tripy lea Stanley Cnp titoy-slt ganise -ase uests lbîsugh one ofte largel ol tobby Hu! holes. Wv-A-Cur-nvaoil ime n s ao the beot ime 10 make a grosi' - deal on svly model fronm your Mercury dealers gresl '68 WI-A-Cr-nietîIme lino-up. Meteor, Cougar, Moiego, Falconv, or Mrcery. os meassensidoute -... la noise on iv 10 Wi-ACar-nvaol. #mtntIhe béat doatse erl ecCOIJGAR - MrRCU" - .MITOR - MONYEGO - FALCON Milton Plaza Telephone 878-2883 l~ wthé $400 laa ciflgelo Ai'u coule àa qle 'sodyfr$6 Ra 4014 Yb. Mdî ALN MOTORS LIMITID Cemplete clearance vms aise recordaI for the tbraa Incidantsofo!offemsive taap- OU asd Infractions et Fedaral Statuts& catr tbisdrivlug. Liquer complante, oi whinb Duere tare 123 (coupared ts 105 luit year, and 2 5 ln 196) bave a 99 par ceai clearance record. la 45 es police conscaiedl Uquor, A total of 181 banquet persils wtom ohected. Complet@ clearng ef Incidents nolvnug imicipal ky-lawn <her thon traffi, and lncluttsg tanlel Iarsoma, warrmitsetcom. Iniil. airrants te apprebol, search war- rants, evldentlal enhbibts, >suea reperts, Paroles and probaton tes sieo renordad. Average clearance record on ailterta dons hy Ohe dePartisant 10e stimatel at 62 par cent. In additien, 224 Inuenure propertiestare fesal dortng 1967, neisparlug tb 244 ln 1966 ced 38 ln 1960. Losi prapenty reporta tntalled 131, tith 99 propaties tesnd. Potine chectel 540 premalmo for vaca- timaers and investigatal 141 dogneomplatt, *tlbtDu dag certrol effler meig 52 vis. Iti s l ots. To Oeacute thaîr dtias, police spest 1:,42 horsoOn fot parol, compared 1n 206liyear; 6,168 on car patrol, 5,906 luit year; 483 heurs on radar, 647 test Ysear; 333 heurs ln court, nompared to 344 ln 1966; 220 es accidenltovestigation, 164 last year; 978 hours on crimnel investi- galles, 502 lui year; 73 on iquer Invasi- galon, 79 bust year; 104 hoora apent ln cbeding vehiles compamed to 140 lait yaar; and 1,982 heurs of onnie daly, nom. parlsg tith 1,740 in 1906. The forcewteha atotal o! 14,362 bonis, cempared te 13,760 doriog the provies yaar. A ttal O! 1,435 Mles tare cmverd ln 52 patroîs. TbaY receivad and invastgaiel 3,217 complatta drtng theYear, cemparing to 2,795 the year bafore and 966 ta 1960. Becovery tas mode et $17,315.01 tortb Of the $31.088.45 of property stlone. la 1966, PropertY wtlia value et $17,295 eau stolon, $9,794 of It recovered, Properiy damage dues t car accidents aonted te 846,216,cOompared te $48,005 Due previma year. Break and entry, Ibetf, and vandaltis dastroyel $2.019 werth of properiy wtciin Th. Canadien Champion, Wednesdey, January 24, 1968 for fi'. Mrventionprogroen A Program on tie prevention February rataI top marks, and that Milion Pire Departmentheld Chie! A. F. Clemeni accepteâthe for visiting firefightersalamoat trqtby Sunday on babaf!o Rthe a year age bau aarsed the local mambera of ils brigade. lire brigadle a ircçhy. The annual meeting of the Dartsg the alenties eofIfIners, Hamber-Credit District Fire- D, Little otOngevtlle wu an- figbiars Association tau teld ln ed presidesi. Other offIcera ta- Milon ire Hall Sunday, ad cincle Peter Dyer of Million and amoof tha Items ef business wun A. Walion of Boton as vice- the presentalion ef a trophy tn presidents, Frank Naton of tbe brigade wbtcb gave the best Thiailetovis as secreiary ani AI! program ai a Humer-Cradit Waldle et billion as treasurer. mneeing ln the pasi year. Milt- faneraI csmmitiee chairmen ce'a lire prevesllon dis>lay tout tare alan namned. Post lraff ic cop for snowmobiles -Snowmibiles nooming armmd "We've got lots of hlls,pleaty lbe tobn6'ganng areas of Kelso for ail the people who show up, Conservation Area are creating but they ail seem 10 head for thei a miior irafflc problem, and the same spot." parb'a eoer HaltNeRgonCon- mernation Autheriiy bas decided A large are&aons thealopea to place a mas on dsly earh enot o! the labo ta bept opean for weband bo dirent motorlced toboggnan d motorzedsleigba, sletgba away frem the more pm> but the area heiveen the labo nioua areas. and the muemisemrna te h Kaelso buas leenheleged hy the mmi poar spot for vis- tinter fus-sebkers for the past Hors. month. The Gles KElen Ski Club ta bavlng as overwhelming yesr, aitendasce-tine, and huodreds show op each weebesd 10 run toboggans and sletghs dovin K ni- INSRANCE sos buodreda of alopes. But complaints bavelbeu ro- ceival about the moorined snow- mobiles that Inerfere wtb the M satety of the tohoggans and slelgbara. "te are psttiisg a msas o dsiy t pairol the area asd try to beep the snowoboilos . F R away trois the toboggan aras" Mlon- nt 7865 H.R.C.A. fiel officer Dave Mr- MltOe 745 ray reported. ,~Multiply This Family 4,590 Times That's how many Familien Buy and R.ad The Champion Ever We.k Il

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