Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1968, p. 7

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ard. 87t"829, t3c37-805 rooin, south !3c38-788 roace, private1 bic for 1 or 2 between 8 nd fier 5 P'm 13à38.793 'TO RUNT )n apartrnent, i I cbldren. Wil cent with all ut- GaIt 623-2511 l4c38-785 ýVICES COUNTRY ina' mays and parii stcFaddefl. phan 16c38 cMULLEN ftactor Cernent weck and Pleeplace Stucca nI Replia ton 853-1818 e Restoration refinishiiig, uphel g. Antique gpclaý site. Pick - up an, -833-2210 lITE - ERIN 16b2 LUMBERS trpcitiy and genei ýg, remodettitig, a .roomsS, irim wor ON 878-9937 :)N 853-0633 16c381- Bflk Pumpinç 1CF ENTEI8RSE ccad Industrild. -878-6869 UT RANCF LTD. and Disibied Cam nd Morses Hour Service 133«RP 208-C îwn MU 9-104J PACONI ,tock Remova LmITED .sh prices for de"d cows and herse rATOR - ASIC M niti, 9-7950 S. 4RP68 126CRS 166 a Handymari ýion Rooms ,ns @ Remodeli s a Concrele Wc Tree Rensovai SMcDOUGALL >ne 854-2337 1 IEAL ESTATE ONS, TAYL( & NIGH AL ESTATE LTD. ikeshore Hwy. Eas ýT CREDIT, ON1 one: 274-3413 lt, ccir Trafsijar oantry Club. ci, icvei land, 4th Oakviiie, asodet CALL BILL KELLY IONE: 878-982« 17 REA ESTATE FARM WANTED We have a purchaier for a fimn 75 acres and up, iii good bulding s. Lorge cash puy CALL TOM GILES OP T. S. H. Giles & Co. Resîtor Oakvîîle 845-1633 Evenings 845-4483 t 7c36tf iACRES BUNGALOW, POND =5W 0tDP., bal cash, wiihbha- lance on i morigage se 7HK%. 48 acres rolie5 land wtib2 ponds and 1,50W Scotch pine. Sionec and ciaphoard 3 - bcd. ronomre mlib ianeiy nem kitchen, iacated 6 ries from Na. 6 Hwy. and 4011inter- change. There sa an adjoin. ing 28 acres itb pond ibat is avaiabie, the asklng pice being S12-301). PREE CATALOGUES Listing farms. acreages, harnes aed rrani praperiies. BARBARA KING tO0 Matia St., Milton. Tel. 178-3551. l7c31 Par Service & Saisfactian camailt 3BEST Reaitp andi NInsernsce LIi. 310 Main St.,Ma, Ont. 878-6292 878-6592' COUNT" - This affice bas satd the foitowieg prapertics siece the ItcJaeaary, 1%8 (3 eek): 3 praperiics in Mitoan, $18,300 ta 125.010. 2 cauntry harnes, $17,500t ta $20,000. i farm, 1»4,000. 2 country lts, 12,111 ta $10,5W. Rentcd i1redicai suite. Duc ta these sales, wieaurgcnt- iy require listings an ait typ- es ai prapecties. LIST YOUR PROPERTY "NOW" and bc ready for the SPEINO RUSH. UST LISTED- An exceptian. atty wcii iocaîcd borne wiib beautifut views oser Oubvitie- Rartingion andedite. sua. ated at the edge of the Niag- ara Escarpmeei, spaciaus iv- ing raom1i' s 14, diisg rrn h s' 15, 3 large bcd. roorne, Hlywood kitchen, but-mn stase andi reirigeratar, field stane fireptace, therma jpane windows, blcoey, TV amwer, watk-out basernent. Taxes S40. Partber details an requesi. st CLASS CONDITION - Weil located in Miton, modern 3 bedraam bangalaw. spaciaus living roorn. combination kit- cben with dieing area, bath- raom. cornpteteiy finishesi ce- cca roont iib bar, P/A gos ieatiel, paved divemay. Listed price 121,000. 6/% rigage. $118 P. I. & T. ODERN SPLIT - LEVEL HOME - Siiuaied cent Ioaa park accu in Miltan, large iv- ag rmon, cambinatian kit- chen and dising acc, 3 bcd- Mnts, btbroom, attacbed rpori, ideal accu in the semesi for receatias oom. istesi price $25.000. Open ta fier. DER HOME - Centraiiy ta- ated in Miltos. 2 - turey nase, separale living and dis. ni raom, spaciaus kiteben, 3 droams, batbeoarn, /A oit etisg. Listed price $19,500. Pen ta ai fer.6 embers ai tbe Brampton * Real Estate Sourd. * 17c38 st 27 i1 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE a Leonard R. FARM FOR SALE CHA DLR aria- 160 acres, aill mrking y- C ANDLR ictadisg 75 acres rentesi for REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 968, 65 acres plowed for ipriel seeding, 20 ocres fuit miteai, ba- Couricoas, Proiessionat Service.'tance seeded ta resi ciover, gand Thinkng o Seîîng? ater suppty. buildings in gand FOR PAST RESULTBS, Stack - 12 Shaciberc cam, LIST WITH sarne fresb mitit cuises et fnt, others due nom ta Aprit; 3 tf Leonard R. Chandler bcaad same; 100 bags on fecd. Ateadlng Real Estate Seaker Irnpieens - Mcm Ford trac- 824-9199 toc ansifuit Une ai fans mach- R.R. 1, Moffat 5235 GUJELPH LIME 1 2 MILLION PURCHASERS LOOKING FOR FARMS AND ACREAGES Do You Have What We Are Looking For? Cali JOHN COLLET COLLECT Harold A. Clarke Ltd. REALTORS 62 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit 17c-tf ATTENTION FARM OWNERS HOW MANY PLACES ARE YOU TREATED LIKE A V.I.P. 'h aout V.I.P. realmesi yoî reatty bit the jak pot mies yen ne tu sec us, patticutarty if poa have a farm rn acountry Pr>- ytu c seli. We neesi propeniies so earnesilp hat ere practi. pY ciling oct the resi carpet every urne a ikety bacinE pro Yf twner crosses air abreshalsi. The ent estute business Ihese s, great, as a malter ai ai iise gond ere abeaut sîsi of country properties ansi yct me have hourda cf ciiy people t afirui wanîîng ta bap. Att idding uside if POU mini tu ynu'tt finti aur service tops, air acommission raies masi nable ansi wht's most important for yia, me boom esuty lita do ta gel yaa fuit value for pour propcrty. Tep ai.. 2!,194 ater clients have dornnete pasi twastp peirs. PAUL S. STARR and Company Lmted, Reltors WB SELL RURAL OMTA'.iO" Martn St, MitonPhone 87UMI5 Mac StMlGuelphPhone 824-5M Waotmcja î Gseiph17c39 1 Ph-6'-'17c381 Tel. Area 416 - 878-2576 Ra5. 3, Milton, Ont. Hornes - Parna - Acreage- Basmneusa 17a4-tf Homes, Farms, Acreages If You Are Buying or SeIing Caîl Gibson. Wiloughby Limited Representatives Anna&Archie Caims 340 Maie Steet East Phono 878-6980 17c37 A. E. LePAGE REALTORS UMITD Member ai ihe Tronto, Ontario zad Oukvitie - Trafagar Reat Esiate Boards 55 Yeurs'Catiscoas Service MILTON ATTRACTIVE 'HOME $23.000 fuît pice, 5-rooce bunga low. atiached garage, asprait drive, tacatesi on large spac- oas loi, mcii ieeed, canveni. cci ta scitants and ctrcehes, 5% macîgage. A reat farity horne. Inspection by appoint- ment onty. Cal BOR McCUAIG 878-2894 17c3g -9-ruant fans hante. ituatesi an 10 acres mtgooti roasi front- age. Hause bas nem beaticg ssetmand bas been modern- bced. Goos invissement. Cuit laday for uppoietmcnt ta un, speci. VIA PROPERTY Mcm brick bungalow miih 3 bedroami, large living roont, kitchen and 4-piecc bath. fuit basement, garage, elctria heai, situaiesi in an excellent location ion comntuting. Ask- ing 123.000. 10 acres ai goad gurden sait ansi encollent nicm, on Guelph Lice. soutit ai 401. ta acres mith oarge aprtng pond as Guelpht Lice, nntit ai 401. Pieuse cati pour local Kcith represeetutive STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 17c3g Christie & Woods REAL ESTATE BRORERS 189 Main St. - Milton $21,000 fuit price, starey ansi a bal, aider type home mith kiîchen, dining ans i ving ruant mth fireptace doms- stains andi 3 bedroami ansi bath up, fuit basemeni. aoù heat. COUNTRY HOME 125.000 fuît prtce, 3 - bedruam brick ranci t iyle hante, situ- atesi on hati acre ai lansi, an main itighmuy, large living coant, separate dining rance, bmtght kitchen, 4-piece bath, fuit basement. Titis haome is nemiy decacatesi throaghout ansi wett bepc. Tems. $23.500 fuît price, plastic coat- esi mhite siding. ranch style home. 3 bedroonts. kitchen mth saturai mabegasy rap- hourds, dining roont. luving romr with firelace, 4 - piece bath, fuit basentent. ait beau. garage. Tens. FARMS 100 acres. 2 fantity home, large banh bacc. Asking $30.000. 100 acres. 4 - bedroon hante, large hurn. Aeking $42.000. Cali 878-2095 878-6057 17c38 E 19 LEGAL - R. S. Adams StoresE Limited NOTICE is hereby giee tbat t E. S. ADAMS STORES LIMIT- RD ictensis ta surreeder ilsi Charter ta lte Lieutenant-Gaver- non andi ta disiribute ils assetst rateably amang i ci shaceboldera t as incideniat thereta. Daiesiut Miltos, ibis i7th day oI Janaary, 1968.t Lemin Sales, President.c l9c38 Notice to Creditors 1. th. Saset 9IRVINE AN-. SON DEVILIN, lare af lhi 1 Town et OmkvMlue heA Conciof aimlien, diceasiaL ALL pensons buving unyi claime aguinat tte Escale aIflthe S abave nases deceasesi, mho il lied on or about thc 26th day i cf October. 1067, are requiresi f o sensi notice aiflte urne ta L the anderoignesi Solicitor on or mifore te 291h day ai Pebru- tE ary, 1968, aiter mhicb date thc fi distribution of the FSte mil ta made mith regard aity ta ci tlatma an notice.a DATRO t iltIon chia 11cho dap of iaauacY, 1968. HAROLD C. PUbFSC. Succlater ansi Solicitor,. 219 'Main SI., Milton, Ont., Solicitor for the Admlntatea1 tara.l9cIl 20 AUCTION SALES Ward Brownridge Licenscd Aaciianeer Farm -Livestock Parniture Sles RA. 2, GEORGETOWN. PHONE 87"-730. Complet. Auction Service Chris A Schouten AUCTIONEER Suies ai ait types. Sales candactesi anymbere. Walter Reinhart Brampton Livcstock Exchange Sceigrove Licensed Auctioneer Parn Sales, Hauschotd Sites and Appralsais PHOME Seigrave 843.1071 Saucen 857-1726 Cottect Kitchener 519-742-7437. AUCTION SALE Cmfstredt n qslprnent and Prip-y Laaated ai; 513A Waterua Anc., corner ai 24 Hmy. anc Truck Route, City aI Guelph. SATURDAY, ZAPdUARY 27th Carnrencing ai 12.30 p.rn. The iatlowisg: 55A Series Tmc Michigan lader, t162; G.M.C, t. tac pick-up; 1962 Iii. pick-ap; , cernent mixers; 2 fiisiig ma ahinses; samp pamps; vibratot and grinder, gas powered; 3gu iicca.ces; Ram set carinidgmg and pins; eteatria drills; ridgee flarng roofs; 2 sets pipe dies; farm tics and wedges; paint iprayer; tact shed; etectria fan; becabsat wiibH Y.harse maioc; tarpi.; forge; unsil; maad shap er wiih 3H4honse motor; carpen tee clamps; Cuierpiltur geus gua; 1959 Gidi. sedan, aitamatit car; National cash register; Un- derwaod typemniier ansi stand; qatity tile; tambcr; plywoad; plate glass; tuais; bricks; ciai- sert pipe, variaissaites; 2 SOI gai. gai drurns; qatity doors andmwindows; many other itemns ton numeraus ta mention. TERMS: Cash or certiiied cheque on day aI suie. AUiitems mstibceemoved b) Junuary 31. REAL ESTATE: Consisting ai a 1 - storey cement block buitd. ing 31 it. by 76 fi. Lot sica, 122 ht. by 126 fi. inciading under- groand gos tanks. Ternson pro- perty made knawn an day cf suie. Mo reserve as propnietara are gaing oui ai business. NIARS5IAIJ BROS., Pirep. Cierits: O. W. Mais, G. Camre. C. H. TUPPIN, Auctiaccer, 20c38 Phase 856-4246. 491h RGCKWOO8S IMTEIgOATIOOAI Consigniment Sale Pelday, 26th 3mnuary, 1968 At 1.30 p.m., ai the Georgeton Salas Aresu (14 mite soaib No. 7 Hmy., 8 mites narth Mo. 401 Hwy., ut In- terchuege 40 as Trafalgar Rd). PEATURIMO; t5 open heitens, mayfrmm ROP stock, isatuding an Orcb- ansi Vate ARC f nom a finit tact 12362 lb. 4.15%t dam; 3 Disidcnd Clippers irom 16000 lb., 165001tb. ansi 17000 lb. dams ccepeatisety wiuh 4% test; othens by Dack Leader Thamnica, Master Maple. front ROP dams wiih records sUch bas 14000 lb., 17500 lb. ap to 2131ttub. A typy, 12 manihsolad Roman- Jute Refectian 'Marquis SON. fromn a Veey Gond, Citation R tam mith 3p 17783 634 3.60% ansi 4W00 lb. ta date - fuit pedi- treesi - dark cataresi. A choice group ai yoUng came ;eleacd iront floosi bnsding tends, isctUdisg a Roelansi mith 2yc. 11037 lb. 4.36%, due ta Per- seus suie urne; a Roelansi with 2pr. 1581ilb. 3.14% lue sate tme ta Hersimusicer icm a Gmd Plus 18872 4.16% dam; ber Goad Plus maternai sister by Siîisg Tracne Aaittee, aiso due ao Hersimaster; ima maternai sinters, anc mith 2 yr. 12701 lb., the other 3 pc. 15060l b. irom 5 generatians ai oser 100,000 lb. dam -their own dam aGood Plue 2 star mith 8 pc. 2W051 lb.- abat a pedigreel RSeerai quuicy hellers, the najaniip ipningers, wiih a fcm ecnîlp ireshenesi, inatadieg a ;ciling Rockman front a 16000 l. dam, due suie urne ta Seit- ig Petr - a fll pedigree; a frsh Rraans Admirai Burke Lad ansi ber heiier cati. We invite yaar participation ao select f rom, chie assembiesi ai- fring if quatity cuttle chat ectru" miih o ascrry pan trough. a 1cm fouation - type elimait, ansi a groupaIf grimthy open belfera. Officiai catalogueaciaisale. Lunch aviisie, Rlockwaad IltermsslLed. Sale Managers P.O. Box 67, Georgetomn, Ont. (416) 077-4181 877-6101. DECORATING DRAPERY BROADLOOM " Resîdenîill " Indactil " Cornrercil Ready.rnade Drapes in stock. Par Custome Service CALL 878-2067 FOR HlOMsE APPOINTMENT SYERS 228 Main St. 878-2067 21e-tt GENERAL CONTRACTORS RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. " Haome Imrpcveceenis " Renavattans " Ateratîcea * Additions " Commerciltor Indusastnl UL 4-2263 eo Canadien Champion, Wadnesdey, January 24,1, 968 - va4u(e44 uag BEAUTY SALON Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COIPFURE Deatgned Just Far Yoîî assiL - .OILTE BEAUTY SERVICE CaIl 878-2461 192 Main Street HENNY'S HAIR S1YLING 198 Miii St., Milton. CALL 878-3711 POR APPOINTMENT Moderacqaiprnent. Expert siting. calorieg, mmv. ing. 2Ic-c ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC e INDUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL e PARMS & HOMES e ELECTRIC HEATING INSTALLATIONS 66 Chartes St. Mittton 878-9513 - 877-3752 2tc-tf TV AND RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV ANOD APPLAOOCE SALES & SERVICE * Phitîpa TV &i Tape Recardera * ÎLCA. Sterco, TV, Appifanes * Spartan TV and Signao 2m MAIN ST. 878.444 a-Il SEWING MACHINES SI NGER SEWING MACHINE SALES - SERVICE R ENTA L PHIONE 878-686 Milton Fabric Centre Service«anmd Repaira se sul mains aof emtng rnachlse. 20>0f TAILORING - REPAIRS TAILORING ALTERATIONS andi REPAIRS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 main Strect PHONE 878-4472 2lc47-tf REFRIGERATION KING REFRIGERATION INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SALES & SERVICE Member of:t Refrigeratian Service Reura Society - and.- Association ai Refrtgaratian Contractora CAMPBELLVILLE 854-2228 21c.tI Teill 18,000 Readers About Your Business CALL 878-2341 AND PIND OUT ABOUT A LOW IMONTHLY RATE IN6 THIS SPACE Council briefs At lest mcck's meetisniMilNUI fan Ccentt the mamers: * Accaplcd an tInitatice frnm ltae Oukitte Ramane Socetly la nusit ltae nom facilitaes on jas- aey il8Ehctsg lise anuet opne bouge. a Appinded .E. Pearen acd G.C. Gamiansi la tae RaRc Cnt Planning Association. *WaU advlaad bith ie Pacha Board cf SManagementlltai lin piacilng ai tulips e l tae basin CaeDatlPark motisi bc pad far ityte Board an tîs con- triutiontoI tae asacati pralact. Tite coneciltmd arier gced la uderwme ltae cost Bcd as- peasaedlils aWrieciatton la te Boaird. *Approeavsipayrnat ai $2,000 le lin Public Lthcacy Board ce Ils t968 tavy. *Acteorlisi linemacisaper- Iniedesg and a cansittor la attend tae Ottario Doosi Roads Convnteinn laIe Peitcsary, Bcd goy counccltiseleattendlihe oae dtLp cemnmeoracounaiectora. *Proctlad iisr Hoceyn Wech Ocamn Janaiy i0 la Jan. cary 27 aI lin reqaesl of lin iltneMinceRackey Aisce- BE SURE BE SAFE BE CERTAIN MILIPLI illtUB 5019111 CONSUIT A MUMBIR 0F THSE Brampton Real Estate Board- f -«ý The * Raeares l e taadrnl.elila- lic rmmittae a drait resailiisi fom ltae HaStnPlanning Asc-t itilas urgtng grenier caniroi ns the sain of110 scre and larger lts intia country. *Appranasi payrnto! ai- emelts ttaicg $23,388.69. A macn îccea n lgitbccitnm pool hait sit a pars af papar En is bond and saidut«Tthis ts a li1 n Oit llthe manc ra whip.1 'Is ny cnae lbera?» asins a husky braad-shoutdcred bickc- aycsa 'WelI, poutant nip rnel» «Are ym sure?' 'Darc rigitt, Pmn sure.» aOkay, repltad te mrn, t111 tain yom an the lit. 10-25 SERVICE STATION Welcomes Their New Heighhor JACK RICHARDSON CHEV-OLDS LTD. and wish ther. continuai sccres sieOse Sspplp il STUDDED Winter Tires for Complet. Travel Security 878-2952 Htghmîy 25 tNo. 10 Sider«as IRVING ROOFING SROOPINO RAVESTROUOINM s ALUMIMUM siDim4 s Re-Roofing car Specjlty PHONE 878-6020 MILTON FrPee Estimates - GARDEN SERVICES Formosa Landscaping CONTRACTOIR e Seeding ands addeg eWecd spraylng e"Pe-ttleln e Patias 878-3263 lic-to 1PAINTING AND DECORATING GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contradtor Induaictal - Reidentini inielfor - Etertor Cuti nom fac Pree Estibatas 878-6137 Rax 114, Miton. lIc-cf WELL DRILLINO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Mlton, ont. Phane Braningion MEtsn 4425 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY MILTON UPHOLSTERY Nam amnesi ansi aperatesi h p Lire Arhur PHONE 8783-9094 R. R. 3 Milon * Re-uphaltiry " Auto trias * Uphatstery cteanhag * Custom bait fueninire * Pree pick-up and ieitveey ita-If Halton Upholstering Re-Uphaitering Custom Sut Pameture Chrome Kitchen Chairs Rag ansi upholatery shmmpooing Free Pickup ans ivetery. H. JENSEN RER. 2, Campbctlilte. Phone: 854-9939 21c32-ti Harold's Upbolstery 379 PîME STREET CeIli878-2056 Reuphoistering clumatarfl .3 sites, chrome chais, teUc seaIs, customn building ansi im eIyiing. Prie satisaile Ptckups ansi Diliyain HUROID RELUf 21.0 nPhone RESTIVO'S 878-6043 T. LAWRENCE FRUIT GROCERY STORE No. 1 Ont. CARROTS, i 6-oz. pk. 2 for 29c Sw.ee Juicy Sunkist ORANGES -- 3 doz 89c Florida Pink GRAPEFRUIT ....... 5 for 49c Rase Dle TOMATO JUICE - 19. 48-oz. tins -. 3 for $1. Parchceent Pack TuIip grand MARGARINE ....... 4 lb. $1. Breakfast Club Strawberry JAM 2-lb. jar 47c Lean Pork SPARE RIBLETS ......3 lb. 89c Wsx We.pped Maple Leaf B0LONI................ 3 lb. 98c Peameal BACK BACON --- 65c lb. pe. Pork BUTT CHOPS ---------------49c lb. Frsh CHICKEN WINGS........ 3 IL. 8W Rldlss Slic.d SIDE BACON-- 2 lb. 79c 1-

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