CmIl Wki.+'n Mot Needed With A& Champion Clossfe Ad BIRTHS ADOPTIONS CMN CLASSIFIED RATES fiEPATD S HL WNE 3 FRRN CECNTYPIST, bilingotl for French WAITRESS, full titre, only. ROOM and bard. 878829 CECN- Mr. and Mrs. Rion- BESSEY - Alan and Parn-Ia The February meetingofo the't an glscorpndceA-CrvnRsaunt8-30.337W ti ai Cscn f19 MinSiBessey are ptesed taan Milton and District University Teephone mhe Caain 11MinSt. dEtlncorpidncAcCan 830 c3-O Milt on oft1n08Ma-n83i.,8sein.3c2=8ton-853,FURNISHED rotantsaillth ariitasnd to ain- nounce th arnvat of their sn o-e[ lh iih hl n 87&-2341 Champion Miltaon, Ontario _____________ M i na c th j t t t e r d u h i h y L oran . A r the n for T h u rsd ay, F e ru ary i, at th eC . F i .s d , a ilf b e n w 87 20 3 nuther irigh bi.. o., Oniarjo Sooot or hrf îTn e ilSAIBAGES. FOTttnOtNMG MontaAOtS. le- WOMEN for picking musli- 1id,3voa3e8o-.783 on thean-f GI eOHSEAntTHS C-Nnnsee ron ts, near Camphevill. tea- B o d 83 79 8 l a i-Dre.chnM.R. Argali, Audiolog- nsiE M NTeonaSis t S.tnn=to e ri 5s wis dy ompnyntCnt. Mastipronideman prv an Dstrit Hopita on an- hen r -0tc non nid .C M.eett '8n1.23nnes ilea.i naee deentttnFURNISHED ra rttel toiititHsia ____________cal Services dvisor, -lIt con-M u, r lucoi eif)iiPhn 878- Town of Oakville hathronm, sitable for i or 2 uar5'D 23, i96i. daul a aor a h bid 2g. 5 î.nc ds o n-t ow ne - e ourcah s ment n 9375. ic3I3tSladies. 878-9078heisseen 8 tand DAY - Mr. and Mrs. Bch Day CARDS F THANK I Meihers arOashed a asseobte.t5Oforotîînirifti"cI5nennen n i R .R . 1, M o f ia t, are n t t S e i r S h n l a d io - c M t fo r htdiine T . C X s 0Flire. t 2-StM ENt to tin Onn R eoin n 9. 8 a n . ad a ie 3S 8. 79 pieased i h eirSho uio- itrt PC AOnie ie E -ntdfrmsmnt tn annoanco the irihi nf thnr Once again, t wold like t10 ont ai 8.5it .proteptly. 1n- nen M-5 St.25 plstc pririte f 0ft arining, sîeady joh. Appty Mc- B SD IE son, Michael Ednardweight 7 ihank enerynno for ihe loveiy c3U-22 cnssrten ri csR EAL nSTAsE - $n0Ilte netenInn ms. Nir Munhroom Farne, Hwy. 25, MALE or FEMALE lbs., 9 ons aiMionDsrc Itse, cards, gfis and itotair- er.iaietni t sol, - 5 en noidar. Acton. 8h33808 onn n ieeoai-p Hospital ont January 28,198. A ion nhile t1nas in th hospitat. _________r______.r vjtesiiiactc s hrailher for Stenen, Ken and De- Specialtîhanks tn Dr. Hohsonn MATURE nonan ta caire for Satary according ta schednie: 14 WANTED TO RENT horaht. Dr. Moore and nurses nf fifiha FOR SALE DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY tatnily oI 5, in Milton, tbrtaary Fringe henefits.Mitn3stu _____________floor, Goneral Hospital, Gaelph. yWitnapiainevlp R3bdomaatet GRANTlo. 936.15 to March à, sleep in, Si5 a iitnapiain nelp R3hdamnatn, - M s. T-- a te Maaen. lYEAR-OLD hens. Rel y Bon 235. C tîai n tt a i-niIMta, 3 s al child en. Wii 4 No r n McDn erad rf h3y 3 Het3-i26 TtCnadian Chamvpion, Wednesday, Janaary 24, 1968 Champion. 83-6 a esnbemi 630 Snoneth Mifi o f ple e wonish taexessounr heari- SIONS nf al hînds. Ray Guay RUA onniO.Ao a- Secretary - Treasarer, cotteci. 4c38-789 dagher Tr L ,wegt fltth FR AL VEHICLES FOR SALE moton tfrecIl o rn Business Adminisirotor, daghnr Tn yn . gh cr relotives, riends and -_____________opportatitsrynil, warking in las., 6 Os., ai Milon Disrict noghhors for iheir mnaty acis BALED irnoihy hay; 2 tmil-' oscr on-n commn-m ty. CalI 637- 166 Soath Service Rd. I. Hospital on Saiunduy. Januany f indnesn shonnta0us durnozers. 878-9873. lc38-7961 CAR TRUCK & TRACTOR TI- VOLKSWAGEN. in nurprising ý2408 aler 6 p.m. 8c3-7721 Oakville, Ontario. 8c3816 SRIE 20.he f968.M8.15 andFirs grnd- no abeoe CEli.MiKi.adT IeyS, rngied tires intock, han-p 878-9353. 5c3U-l3 RAWLEîGH business avait- ilînesand lionr pe aleR.8Ü77 c 8- i ies, l rin att lats o e ,08ccn iiio h PnTny W ey- atHatncuny x thank yoahîttnpari.Haton cootymuEs-Help Wanfed Female TOWN AND0 COUNTRY enav daahtt Io Mr an Mn iSshudataff her.iloA Dstrct- Rd. 8786757.oto -S its In-pics:lII ise,1962 STRATOCIFPna.pzrience unneoossory.Above av- howing driven-aye and parkin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~bItres for -m125osi l bla c ar .0 e Mot ho sotd ta selle an ts- orage earnings. Write Ranleigh, os tatM Fdepin HARSN -M.adMs .Hsi ,te Res. Stanley mobile and traiter. ColltRcn han-o ttresfr o trs tlc 87"160 8afler 7. 5c38-24 Depi. A-284-240, 4005 Richelieu St e e t Typist 8823.1i3 R. Harrison (net Harrison)o Smih for is visils ta th bas- Htopkins 878-2369. 1,:38-798 and trcks. Milton Tire and Ra.______________ 28 BseLio oa. iton aePilai and is consoling wondt, ciaicn Service. 191 Mill St., 1966 FORD Galaxie 90804-oon Si.. Si. Henry, onret pleased ta announco the binib 1r thtn-any messages of ADDING MACHINES type- 8782711. c52-3473-tf brdlop. un- mileage, gnod con- ___________-_and__-_Li Dftersn a i stral w icht isiforesaiher878-6962 Hhrris Siatinnary. Ibs.. 15 uts., ai MitonDsrit syn-palhy, hed n i 01 the t-îen r sl rrntI htdilion. Phone 878-6038. 5c38-775 broho tn Juaao D ant.Biflgflodand ibtthe um7y- 6963PONTaCrtatin nagnniHARDRESER Posting Clerk Contrattar Hosptal on January 18 1968. Adonations ta thc Boston Church - ti-47 P19CEFO3SLE OuNnICainontion, Hen-SSE We reqoine a yoang lady ta a Pinterntg. Cernent Work~ LOE-M.adM.LnsyStcenaktr Funeral Horn-oA- ADJUTABL dros fort; letrpaint job. Clt 8784325. WANTED type our inanciat staientents 0 Chirnneye and Firleplme Love ofMn.3an Mr. lnayon, ton thir indtfficSini otrn trio HAY and tIrais. DOavillo 845- 5c3"2 ne S' d tlephoe abc 111 EXPERIENCE'D adt otetist u eg xeirSu please Pilano manaement f theservice. 2l-2 aro 10annunt h Mrs. Frank Robertson, loch, 2775. to38-774 2 1882 966 METEOR S-33, bronze, ers. 0 Piasterlng lkepaies Jaes egtd9 M,1 za ODR oe,2yas o cITSlrnii ndeititeirobiseiVi FLIME Applicant n-ast have fast, a00 Phone Acton 853-1818 Mirton nistrit Hsplon Edn- olni Ibn. cO l rom isDERN hn s2yasnd,2 n-ppes oad Don-tond., autcn-ticgood condition. 878- n' 7 -4 1 cri yîgaiiy o- o Jamns n3ih1968 . . ai Ilrocms 27"ki7,hens and-2 cP-32'I0"92'- i38c8 eoptrionce is preferable. Iliilon87District Hospito4792.5on& 85tPhoe.n87824878-ret7e7,pi324biWi________ost-_ oar 23 198.IN EMOIAM nard. ic08-752 orNIT c nined bas. 966'62 FORD Fairlatie 500 4-doom PO ELons.odrs ugiclo, naînut; acd 1967 crcps. als t ci nran-. V8. radio., n-hiien-0lls, dises, APPLY TO: Furnifure Restoration 7aum i-acml te t C oe .siery repairing. Antique tpecit pleased ta announce ihe binih dear basband and foiher. Wit- îacbmonis inclode loor plish- ,BALED. dendr - c te o-nexce67llecrnitionone heSls n H.KPotrC. i. e sime ic-upa ni iheir son, n-oght 6 Ibis., 263 liantClarence, nho passed away e.a o- orge O 7-57- t n. rtd Hrr. Mi hto ne. 675n fu-11664 . ho17 n - adino anmn r- (aaa t.1598321 nosaiMit, Dai rctHopitlionar 2Di166niniaotw.Ge Hospi87-574a.. arldnuary Mlto,23,n 531966.b3 de0 Caad)iveryeivry c38-32 878-9846 or 878-3509. 2c38-785 Twqu ire tionnan- soese Lid. on lanuary 16 1968. H s ntoory is as dea îoday, u r d b R e s a Sh s LI .1 5 9 8 3 2 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A s t h e o r l ho p a sse d a -a y . D R Y h a r d od a n d in d l n g G O O D q u lit s ti n d boy F o r Y o u r eI C a r . . E p e r tn c t p re fe r d u e n o t A C T O N , O N T . W . W H IT E - E R IN SAMPSON -Mr. and Mr s a mis hynt t, ai ils besi, ireplacejor niove god grass ho'. and baled ncsay aal ftkn e Mm dly isd b i ,Elmanocssory.Capabllof îking nr-_Charles_ ClueSmsnif417 8-ng-mKnneth, Marina and K- io.lngtbs. Delventd a a. any- trn- iI dîvc. hrts0h3.. R UMER îeigh Ci., Miton, c lasdi 38-783 nhero. No charge ion dnlivery. Asin 878937 2c38 s7O2 BUCK HAIOiILTON 19En 853212 are-4100.ah2ed4ta -9APP7E. Mttnh - UC AMTO WitNr ppyn'esOK 0 Cr&fedcR.pMEnRyad en annonce the birth of thir son,8740. bG6ft Richard Pol.n-igbi 77Ibhs. 2 FRANK - In Ining mentnry of YOU WILL LIRE buyint your ltcds, Dlicioo,, Geenings and I27LKSOER.E, 9EPQMN ATOaI ooniacting, ren-odeilietgat oz.,a MlonDstic osialseds BELL BROS.__287___________RD. E.,i9ns, roc. rnoms. tri nos., ~ ~ ou aMionDsrcHoiat ondean laitier, n-bn pa sdbuildings n-atoniale and coal tt Spys. ancc acd CEE grades. RIL. tBABY nitiiof n-ioinsigh bouse- on 21s1 lonoary, 1968. an-ny lanuary t, 1951; aseouna Cranfods Comraileiville. 82062k Bring on-n contIainers. Roy 878-638ietc SMITH - M. and Mrs. Gord ary 26. 1961. Cantpetlville 854-2232. cif-46 5t Ph n 84 - 22 keig87 9. c38-3E MILTON 878-9037 Sttileo Thomn-Pncofn 107 AInays enenthrd by EIn-a,ACIN8303 Court Si. N..-Milon. Ont., are Pearl, Andy and lune. cz38-784 WALNUT dining u. as ne. FOR SALEdo __________ana_____38- peased 10 9nnonoO tbo birih n 9 peons; elctr -partn . oi 3 ANIMALSFOSAEirtosPhn 7fl their tdaughior, Lori Annro. HAMILTON - tn living mnt- ment sien. $20; înlight. tînir -- 6 BUS OPPORTUNITIES 9c387iSpcTakPmn n-igbi O lhs., 8 ots., ai Milon ory nE my dear hushand, bit- n-ndel, Indian rog; 2 pair skin. 50 YOUNG, pigs. O8n-ees d. MALE HELP WANTED II etc«akPrpl District Hospital on lanuary 2,.ltint n-ho vilapassed an-, fi,. Aton 853-2158. c3879l 878-2638. 31 O AJRA a s F rntr a fin-- 6 p. n-5 L URSPUC EOTI&1 1968. Sisier for Roi and Jlie. lonoany 27, 1967. MAN&dIC in ndsPG.9cnscd as RATRUHan s frarOi--925 I %n-ha o Ied yoa, adlynis 0 enoh, nen-; chesîerîbeldn; spoce 9octGhmn9f l ;ald80Os CFEATHWOR-5 U P îo1 metMangefr Fia-9c38 BUES795ENEPRS SMITH - Pati and Tani are As i dan-ns anoiher year, oon;chnbabnts hcnoPhnE88404ItAiTn nMiin.DYCAEIo btdt i ytueti en td Duia.D ni ber neebab snie, onnTbughn t yu reaImyners iacLcabints;crmPone.87U-48E. Dith c38-03 AR TMEVAANY Saidstioren andcmi-gneo-,lmie ot happy ta annunce ihe birih In nty ioneîy hboum ni ihinhing, suites; drssers; chesis nE dnon-PATIM CNY Sahepoionndcms-w oeVmlswstf laun 2,160 -ighing 6 near Chaersicn Ccllee-BreoEs Lîd. have sienin. Finst cîoss con-pany bene-Mtn0823. 93-2 MILTON - 878-6869 Jaur 13 0. 1, iinDsrc vrn-e br edhybs-itb30-l376 blond fie. Bovier des Fîond- tngs tor n-en and nontentlis n-nfis.Maturemar-an ith soin-esali D CR E hudeni m Iis.1n s. , ioitnDsrc vrreebrdb asvrl rs, I1 n-ie and 3 Ion-oins, and service the Sin-plEonFnsh ns ospenience. pneierohly mrei- Zon-C lkhome, nv âernokin loir16c Hospital. Lillian. c3g-777 WESTINGHOUSE 4- barver black. On u gcrd or wtcbdogn Bren- CoElee Units ,on proi-tarcexoperience.gonds.o 878-3561. o 38-6fai VANEREYDN Me ad HMITON- n înig o-sione, ccmpIntIy autcn-aiic i hoetcrld. Hon-Mol Knneoîi chIe îîiablisbnd locations.MR BRYSON REPAIRS 1 trcns74n HAMILTO - In lving m n-îîih cock, 25, 365 or betonIf- iEeg., 737 Wcctnicb Si.. Guelph, An invstirment cf 5t,600i e EPIS t Oatr n Mms. William Vanderhoydeet ry oE a dear faiher and ter; Gnenal Eieciric nringr phonn Guelph 822-8837. urs reomec. ak i- arTEL. Wet.Wedg and LUT .AN Lmnete, ila ams ahr hlmeradpm,3c393%6 ncîng ayalabte niîh a tint-tie n-onb. Gannet Sheppard Uner pleased ta announct nho passed an-ay lonuory 27, S45 or bonI aller. 878-3626. mon- of $250 deposit ion individ- hein-nen 9 an.- 6 ptm. 634-2750.937)4 Cipe an sbld ow the birih nE iheir son, Revin 1967. c38-771 ii wt od rdtstanding. 93-4 rpld ae ieid Cn W iliam ,. eigh i 8 fls . .1 toz., ai C oin- and pe ce u t. hie is s re - B x 2 4 C N D A H M PO-o -a d H r e Si. losephs Hospitl, Hamilon,________________FOR adSALse onJn-not 16. ral ern t rsi tia i loo-npain; 1d iae lE00,8 x nts 6c30 821p..-4863 i 11 LOST OR STRAYED 24 HourService Mor aionEIel oy and W nbnIonved it sadly miss 7s t-.8o10 sie. $1.501 plus 8c38 Lic. Nos. 334? 2006"-6 Rdhbie. it. Ia. Cash mutoccompanry or BUY WITH CONFIDENCE ANEOIn-eCo his a Gu c- m But rot in Gnd ta lae again. der. Enqire non- ai Champion 7 WNE we alsadQenSs WILS- ogaJciLo gyrmmeed arOfc, 9 nS. i1384tonestraina a- d Denycs choni. Phane 878- Waterdown MU 9-1nA Lilson(vieoGoismct) of 85Ma in S i., M ttan. f nomr- WLO-Dogand pledAbr n aiy 371PIANO, n gond condition.396 c32 Srah St. MiltaSrn IaedAbn n omy 3- MILTON MOTOR SALES phono 854-9861. 7c3g.393 conat LS on o-bneml so, brpe htJoh n Eihi ITON- rin nd gesnon. Hundncds of excel- PIANO wnotnd, Hintan or To tube tuti change ni a st coi, long blacishbhromnfurin, PACONI so.Crsohrlbnogry nodean toîhaser and grv7of3bok ad47 Dead Stry buhylatk Removae I HaIspî13t .,a ilon Dnestclana- ofrandathn fnail lnt Christianboonks i ball 388 Main St.. Mlton. ony othr gond malle. Phone nE onsad ct sSeet--ho y ttI Kib dn re. t Hospintayl27n1967. price. Come and bron-se. The Phone 878-2355 Oak ille 845-37. c8-4 Treasarrn. soOreabouin knan-n, pIeuse edSokRmv1 Ir'ngcote ad eatsar Boan-Ble Stoe),olin68nWANTED, used siniiomi, 08- Mon onrnotan iih caronro ...y.1 ..168 Pntnecn-e n Bbat r nand .BuionHOs. 4681968 PONTIAC PARISIENNE liances. pianos. gns and ant- impiement daertsxperinnce Hgttcs ncefrda lis rla.enl. Br ors unpoiteA .St o e.lgin, Ont. - 8 8ARDTOP iques or n-blai baye yau? Phone poemddiatd cntcdhne LayGMARAES sed nes nihcrsu-opole A îr Lic. J34419. Equippod mtO cuo acntime 827-4334. ira.O.800 - errd13 FOR RENT CAisaLe oPERandTor -ASC _____________Lilo tons an. ne Encsn ha's n-ami.poner sînering and trab- LD eansy-î eGacd soaay andn-armng con- -_-ALOEATR-i SENCAR - Ms. trot, I NSU CE nsmoith32 V-8O tan fr LD eur salctae ii. FURNISHED hedroant. close Zenith 9-7950 SApLgSeneer-emcestaca osd don-otan-n.c878- Lic.uNo.low.P6ill26C6 MENtCnR But ot the sane since n-extr 327 nngui n e icfluinsr bbgutn-.Wi Sain J aLSles .tat, tn tra, cieato ndpohebat- Il cash it tairiy priced. F E 2030. iSc3faig xle-tu Plz ad dontw. 7- i e.N . 4P6 i266 Onar istan anSans, Mîtone Yeu. l-SAVE $10,00 - $20,00 O dis. ienlîs cc n200m-eosession. PrincipasoDin ______t_:_2056._13c36-732 fOnt., mîshos arramnuno ibo Loinaly nomembred by WidsnDisnli hn .0 i leane repîy in insî instanet Ionicanmigmarîne otbnîlis Vida and family. c3g-77O - $3000 OR MORE tri. Only $3,560 tor $29 down andBo23.CndnChmiTOEIannicme7Il daoghien, Ltann Marie, ta Brt - 12 otl.Bx26 aainCapo. MLO QIMN TRSfrrn:oe7 an Senicon, son o M. and Ms.___________ CAR - HOME - BUSINESS 12 oiî 7c38-790 CO. D V. oe2l.onM-n1S3. Phone77 FraiE Senicar, Milton. The ned- Puni Service 1960 OUICi< LA SABRE 363BasliRd.,Milon. V ue88W3 33-7 edaHnya tarda c OMNG e ET ImditeCasera n 4.D....I.8AODTOP 8c38 ELECT-RIC HOT WATS.R 0e Rcrealfos Ratafis ding ta taleiplace Sa . OMNO VETO n4elo HATES -itAfet eric Fdrany 24, 1967, 3 pti. I~Lic. J9309. Rîch naroon inish 8 HELP WANTEO keHumaER wyd r 878-23c. eAdtns eRe GO c n glicnFCr an. -Mlia. fa.,.auCvîîeoo..t-,ie-s n-lt contrasting inlenlr lc On.ridpae 78-2d.fah cd siigb nnvilrol, powsen tering and 13gcg«425 e Garages a Concrete W rie, pon 08329 - CORN'WALL v r ihsnt pn I E lTrnC FURNISHED moant Ion gentil- eTre emva Euchri ai Paerme Hait, Fri- cotce OGr sking prico e l'93 l I C I ) n-n okn acil.. 878-3182 $ETS& IC 2,955cor25 down and S9275 aller 6 p.m. 6 Branle Si.. Mil BOB McDOUGALL _________________p.m. Admiîssion 75c. Lunch pro- Et192 monili In lc4l-797 1967pNiENAlINAonItJVIs4 5..J i1-BEDROOM apartoment. Phone 854-2337 Gueph Generai opia, nHlion Sporsmens Associai- EVEINGOgnand linTATIOyNdeoWAtdON Stra Jnay20, 1968, Jan-- ion Dance, Canadan Lagi. Llovd Pasons 45-t155 gTRAVELfAor, STATION WAGONd es A. Simpson o R.R. , MatEt, lannany 27 1968, 830 pm., $30 JacE Adamts 844-9810 Lc 162.Onlu 14060 guoan o n feret nil l oaio.0n, -oily.baoh, bon s7 E Gr eooMood; Lus- . 3per2 ck pyoOPa u t~Gr prce S2,390. for o rewardmng cancer in fîre fghfîng services? 854-2211 an 2213. iSc3Ii7 tnanMrr.TeSoch Blck Wcns In Almanac i nar office. 1904 VIVA 3vdO DOOR if you con meet these minimum qualifications, Mloig o ide 17 RELETE 1 Jon Riby (hel titue wil hod a uchr pary 1c-tE Lec 637530. A tnrilîc lth ecar 1I rap2picaion will ho Conidered. agcd couple, priirahty cetired matis adMmof ulhnay(l- heScG. od ecnepatynth ooly 27030 mules acd rie. lor anminns, n-bnllaauitke ta cent ol.R.b1,b o Gei, dMs o-a i al an Wednesday, ed ta gie gond naIne ai $8t8EG5 t.i a nen-iy consinacied bungalow- be r.t. ttnMaolit. dfMmRn- Jai Lmgy 3 i83 pt Hc EIH '6 n-itail n-adernsconneniencet ai PARSONS, TAYL SFtOn Mrjai 0A.lnnyta .0pm uc EF lc$5dnsd545on a mmdeali rentai. asd hoard kl;brother nIf-, .Eizabeth poidnd. Admission 75. c38-IiO y WEnIG5HT - 140$4.50Ihs.h Kennedy nitarOn ., nd Mrv.MitonsDsrict Hospital WOa WIG19-650 mn-c no ingle n-en -onking onothe &N Mage r O g me' Axlar nua eeig SPCA S 96e EEO OTIL an-. Possikiy kashond could oNG aie retsdnBy iggor, nE ens uilars un pit. i. l'seting3. JrLhedin eta5 AGE - 20 f0 30 YEARS cdd jobs sncb as painting etc.. REAL ESTATE LTD. res, Unied C haro, FelowshiP 0f Federal Inspected bloc nitO bIne inteior. Equ18ipUAIN- GRDEiINEsp arme. E 3LkeheHy.Bi FoatraI service ai tht Mcin- Ronm. Dessert and cie. pnd sii6 power siecrino andi Bon 590,ADE CE sip aa inteteChompins 3 aksoeH.Es lyre & Wilkie Fantenti Home. c39-779 Grain Fed Prime Beef brakes. dutal ange autmaiicBo50,CmdaChpin Guth.o 'atdY lfuaY22. uefailal meeting of lialîone -t Oogn.nn îd The work week is 42 hours on fwo shifts. Mlo.1c016 PORT CREDIT, OT cenneee. enof fs iClud ai .Intrmt Ebeeneer Th annoinires for easy n-inter dmiv- u c t Iter men lb Agricotural Society nilt ho heîd * FRONTS 47c ing. Only $1.790 or $25 don-n and Bnft nld hospital, medical, life insurance Phone: 274-3413 n th o Ontario oprtet * SIDBS 57e $75.40 n-onihiy. Iadpni.URNIT RAND Agrcalture BoardBom1 n art- tanpeso.FRIUEAN AriarJUG LEAING tO cre lai, near Trafaliar STAB ebet -A rday, lanuony 27 1,38 p.m. t * HIHOS 67c 1962 PONTIAC IU LAAIG 1 Hendersnn Hospital, Hameil- - 60 and Cat an d foryu Yaun ohoire ni 3.) STARTING SALARY - $438,00 PER MONTH MiNEadCunr lb ton, an Wednesdty, lsnusny 17 nar Fit Aid Clnsone- fredor. ynun and Coa890.yMClub, freeezer.r.R. 168 i ar. S.JonPosrAISCTdIfONi 89.Aplcainsml1h eoend miiPbesy .198 Do yoa ownn ursiîureanid 100 ocres, evel land, il Il. 968 i bis6IstytarHerhrt. TondayinteMailto.nUARATEEOrog ctoaning. Reni one oni or norih Oakvitie. todenti Roter oHile-n., Mrv. rin.St.,Miltot. for futher WfTH-4EVERY SALE AT Apply in persto thl-e cieaning nmachines. Simple tM bonne. Pero Lret) r.C. Arn-- informatton, cai Ms. Don iI- Wedeaedays and Thsrsdass. operoteanus.Fl str trog(RiAta) and Norman of lu I- c39-8 MILTON MOTOR SALES CENTRAL FIRE HALL HMIMt o Miami andbO Il Efldirct frbntheParty, td125 Randaîl Sreet, Oakville, Raies tom hoanly une, CALL betof Watdstock. reary 10 ai i pin., I ho ln U R~EJ Yaar Cadilîso - Pontiac - Buick hfwe .0g.ad50 .. I EL Reuem,'fassaras n-s e r al, p re Milo BDORA eae bten .0 .an .0 l Monday f0 Pho:88-994 H ELL8-82 S be eatiret 89661WAEI)W 388 Main S.. Mitos. 878-2355. Friday, or caîl 845-6182 for en appoîntrient hn:8899 Rolsy Cheech on S LTtY i pelan Pim ld6894%1gSdi 13e-tf thBit?2n-lobmWerrnen-t5ç.3 PaOE. L7-982 nasay»-tat 0getd- Il lel-f 1l il Evenareencesetel. Amsi 17 FA We ba fare. 75 ond bi CAL T. S EVeI 48 acre ponds Stosec kftcben Ha, 6 chang, ing 28 ie avai hein8 PRO Lesting f and ru BA 1001 For S 310 Ma B78-6: 'VTS TH COUNT soId tht since tb nteekni: 3 prope 2 counr t fane, 2 counm Renied ue 10 th Ip reqi esof Pt 8'ROPBI readyfo IST LIE aIiy n-e hoaifu Barlingt ated at ara BEs ing non rooes, field si pane n- tomer, Taxss nequesi. ,i CLASS lonsted hedronen liingrc chen vi creolion gos Otea Listed mnortgag ODERN HOME- park are chen ont isiedp DER H case, n ng mno drooe Pet ta Rea e 10 y on-n Of cn< ig az Youii Woo