ers AuanaSt- ta a plt Ring lISs- ors. The smo partin and jR Sa Ion to te yttered hi$ t red ta 1450. t a iB tte i iarly. ON UARY 24 t and Pre t Admis$!i.n Hour lton Minor I ARY 25 à ste Skating >-Arn, Ed- 9.10, Cain Y 26 Rerhant VS UARY 27 10 - Milton -loose Skating 25c c Wee Oame tam ullic Skating 61V 28 j Clubo 1161V 29 Monday aise game dgnt game lovenile Rame UARV 30 - Figure Am,. Turner ns 9 p.m. Wil- .ES E NOVICE LiSte Fîresen >.mped from tBird placetuna tie forftiret place whton tay btanbtd Meuamy 3-. Those two Scams are preaenttp tied fer tiraS place, Sun poins in tront noflise Litle t>aaSlacn who fl teDSRa 1.-0stefe.5aS athe bsandaeofthlie CrasE Seam. In uSIner Novice action B eech Bren, blanloed Rehalaseha4-. Scott Seeney and Chrin Ompen ncnred Creat's goals. Eris EU. lan pcked np a pale uf assista Mnd Seeney plcted Up an assint on Orpan's goal. Terry Nona paoed the FIee. manswuth wo gRaIs nMd Franh Hume asslsted on hoth oRithem. Hume soa-ed the alter goal for te Fîreman from Jlm Clartdge. I3esg Ernin regliered a shsimai for Ftreman. Rotaert Fs-smo led Beechllros. ilh a pair. Johin Noble scnred a go9an d t ssit anal d Roger Lielnin sored a geai and tue assse. Leo WysmMn pleked np Mn ain MDelnos goal. BANTAM PMul Motan paced the MIt- sen Police in a 3.-E story (as tap etendedteIr ead Su six pointa ever second place Bell Brs.) wtSStwSuegoalsaMd aM ansstl.Clarhe ncred thetird goal Mnd ClarkehanMd Rush gai aiaste nMonaio's goais. Pesndah soned the lone gRal from Cairns for the Mlon De- pastmenl liore. In thecter game Local 4870 boai last place KelSh Real Es- ixte 4-.. Rob t tigor ssored Ssoo goals utile Sam Fletchar Mnd Rot Bradbsury added sngles. Phil Rhynold Mnd Randy Hosoden pich- ed up assista for te oInners. John Mannerowso uored a goal Mnd au assist for te IlogKeltt Rnal EsSaIe team. PM1l Cols ssnred a goal Mnd rla Lyoos plched up an asslol for te Keltt effor. RBilClarrtdge paed Broiels Rsmtars solt a pair as tay Mlon Ford Nvices strssh for kree more ieores, sseling ele total1 to it vwins and 000 oss. They tn Preston 4-0 atsrday; Buringion.t-i Sunday .d Gereton -i Mnday. Bruce tlson sored Sins tîh sngles goiug 10 Brent Mr- ay and Dive Turner lialurday. lnrray and Stase Powers sasi-S Ellison picted up Rase goals itus assiots agalnai BurOin- nu Ssnday. Daoe Turner tad îree goalo and Paul Sproalnocor- J a snsge. AI Nethery plrted )a goal and tren asslnts for urliogtos. Miltou had i1 oumo suit four goals to tantte neliogon leam ln the tat of e clus hIren soeend games. ono Tains and Paol Spoal sud ree assis eact. Sill Bot, the Forai lronned nergeion o6-i1tdonday. Ellison Ppad titres goals gtveg ise et cpturs liturgoai The Western dinision ofte so C Susehban league totk mersp ou thele sahorto lote temo division sotompissg tem -4 in te East-West Ail Star me Satnmday ntght in Ajax. dli ergousy unn. eargetosonts Paul Roinson Kaispaha of Streetssilie bti seded hat tricks la th0e ttile lie dream tams. ralf resh ssoredSaice wtlie Riddell and Sickle al ut ton conted singles. Blet eof GeorgetuonaMd McMl- each contritated one goal to Wesern saune. lercumie, Grllts aadChis- were the Eastern martames. o game tad taen sohedated ta played Mouday nighl in biut tad la ta caaselied ta- s ofthe airon. ntams win one 1 ose two gamnes ilon Leglots atamsostas-ed e tOe game sireat att in taution, riealing a -i1ilefeal Clingacsusy Saurday, btt ot t1-S 0 Brlinglon Sun- and 7.0 to Oatiltle Monday. sOty Barker pased the Milton 5500 Sun goals solile singles to Hrold Merry, Hugh shall ad Richard Murray. e Burlinglon game sos a heastreater. Mlton mad about the urlissgtoo sn te nfliumeaoRptay with a three man-adoantago. ngton sas tua mon short Mlton lifind goalie Par Des- or ttcetra oruard. Tue uith1e asiamo came sot tea power puay sas a goal sas strisIIy no sonleai he y nigItS as the Qahillie * tmtedte Bantamu T7-. eteorolo gy niversary SndnamroM ciseeteorology dihali te lasteti Bpte Pout008on fice egh 1I. 8 on Sepltes-e 17, 1768, countrya0meirtlocg-tam Poinwt eder otoenaline rccorshd, aS Ftrt Prince of ChureMi4 Bp William Md Josephn Dymnnd. an erageofo thee a game tom the tree game. xinges senl lu Stene McCutstaon, Dave Turn- or and Paul Spoai. lproat had threassiaie utile Bai Guodlng and J50 Saliha ect assisted Tue lords play thetrlant gamne oR the neason againsi Oahille heme T p.m. Monday. Gmdskiing ut Cie,, Edean Gien Eain SkixArea, 1n o- speratîons aith the Aposte Si Club bn Oahilile have adcled anaiher innovation 1 teer cunrsiculum. SposIal buses oUIl ta sent trom Oakvilie te Gen Eden esery Saturday monsng, ieasteg Corbti Sportlng Gouda nOtqQe lfltVilli a aRia.. Alsout 0BtrlistodnMs tre- queuS the Gien Edaislopon for Instructinpusposo eact unet. HR.C.A. field ofRicer Dise Murray said crodsatait1e area soeefont tain pont seetend and the sarm sus diA nu damage lu the uiopen. Coudition s ere re- pried an eucellent Sudyafe- MItn Minor"HockeyBu M it. c. go H o u s e e a g u e h a p p e n n g s D t s t ilo i d n n ta ae alch m pions re Hou e lagu ha penngs ai the renner-np Bsl showsu Mlton sent ta the fiatssaJu Jnvenfle, Minget anoSlyRee ntrîes. T'he tollsaiog in a lUnR oS thtesinners and rsmners-sp 1n eask ctegory. Te nme to the eR Of each category are champions tram 197 RilthIeainMes to the right are runnesem-p. Simcoe, Inermedate (A) Mar, Bnlngtsn; flunstis Intermed- late (A), Wallacehnrg; Camphallllo, iermediale B, Petrolia; Waerdoson, Intarmediate (C), Corsnns. Siarnia, Junoer (A, Hamilton, BOdoay, Js aId, Juventie (A), Gergetoun; Ctippaus, Soney Creet, Midget (B), Mlton; MlcteI down; lenhelm, Tyte (B), MilSos. bttlled bo a 3-3 ie sit Milton Departmerd Store, and Riot Jsht aUlled one goal aMd an aslst. Mite Clemendo plcined up Sus assistesuMdRBil Lattosoeno, Lee Fllnr and Jlm Rotartsos at added single goals whtle Bill Presnlat, Lee Fusler and Don Leslie added assisis. MIDGETS Ray Evans reglstered a ht trick as te shosoed Pigmentland Chemisai In a 4-3 vin oer Part Farm Dary. The Insu moved Part Farm from fIrst tb ttdrd plana. arris ot over fient sPai wten Sey lanioed Ksdght's 5-0. In oter Mldge acion Blll's AuIs Body edgod Ledsdlt'o 4.3. Evans scoreAtree for Pg. mesS and Chemisai aod Don Crorse scsred one stAlMnLew- lu assloling. Ail Evan's goas soare inasiuted. Pas, MossiaSo senred Solce for thr loees. Riehard Lors added Mnlu he ParkhFarm taliy. Harold Salon had a pair of M.- s15ts aid Heu Gbtons assisted Ruduit; ThomMas rned in a fine prformanse for te Bill's Auto Rudo Mt lhree goals aMd an Mssist. Marnai zrsolmM assit. ed taise on Thomas' goals. Robert Csndy, Jett Cooson and Bon Dusmore lliied sing- les for Ledsolltl in a loing 01. GarnS Mitelliand Dave Moriey btitasslsted. Daony Evans scored lysce whte s otartson, Steve Cie- mensoaMd John Penuon gai sing. les for Harris Stalloaery. Leslie Wilson, Bot Knnwles and John Penon ail had assiste., mot Miltcell asulnled tIsol. PEE WEE Blair Bosoman scRred the oly goal oR Rhe geme soaoiaied IR give Rod's Chisten Kingoteir second isnifte eason. They teal Milton Lumtar i-0. Dog Brownso gaithe hutou. Sieptan McCamo foud te range and reguseed four goals Mnd Mn Misi as te led Fay Plumting tIra aC-i is onar Me- Cuaig's lsuranse. Marc Hyatl ncored Suo goals and three siss ndRBruce ail. ey tllied une goal. libye Wliso asosRed luise utile Terry Doug. laa plclmd np an asotat on one ut Hyat'n goals. Glen Murray scored M. CuaieTs lone goaifromDaneRot.. erson. Cal Hilîz ooored thn on goal ni te gome from Boas Fller Mnd Eddy Ford 15 give Canadian Tire n i-Sawin verMltloPhar- masy. Van MsPhail gotteshnl. :)U. Flyers win three games Arnold out *of Iineup BadalitoElectrs Fiyers are not on t0e pah onase again ailes- as- lot their undeeatednreûnter- rupted h0 10e Prenton cuh a ueot ago Sturday nigh. Tue Flyern picted up ttree ins ln teis- last trse games against ulingon, Georgeownn anA Orangoitie. To date lliey sure Oad ose lbssn s tir lunt 22 ganes. In t0e Orangeilie gomne Tom Goolot paced the leam silO tus goas 1n the 5-2 sin, Mary Seeda, Paul Rutches anA Manrie Cassidy ail scored ose goal earli. ColtacA anited GooiSg's fSont goal and Kichen'o third perlio marter. McTrash, Parton and Kitchen pisted up ansiss. Miltan mtshot Bus-Suglon 33. l3Suuday ln Rringtoandscame out ufth1e Ssme sith a 4-i1sot. MartIy Seedu scnrod Miton-sfirus goal SfthSe game minutes aller BoUs had snt Briigtos ilo a i-S lead. OtIer goals Oy Pil tartin, Gary ayier and Barry McTrash assured SOs Fiyern a sols. tchen asulsted toise utile Parion and Higgs picted up unisîn on te last tus goals. Mlon skaied tIna -0Shnutout user Georgeoosn here Monday News f rom O. S. D. a report on actisities et GIS, tPORTS Batetali neanun is here againt Tue cqenlng ganes of te CWOBSA *,BI'Leagoe sau Milton playluf ai Sels. Unorunilely vlcory eynded O.S.D. as tey ocra iSeReOed 27-13 andteytant 29-lt 1a a greelliof btile in uBlct O..D. Iad te ead for monioth Se gee. Doogsie tRu tojý8ommeRuaiteR lproecthe R sbail e Rugirlal hetig math. lTtey banc nuS psactlnad alne Dec. 12 dubo 10R fin ePlihmlic aSd ebtlett5l. holidaya. perBajs pracld e ates pas-- tact????? HIGR SCHOOL CURLING On Salnrday, Januas-y 20, one leans reprseented O.S.D. in Ihe Hlgh Sntshol onspînt. Gosaid Wisemn wo skip, Trenos- Car- les- wuasvina stIp, utile AiRes-I Wte and Greg Crocford sera second and ead raSpaulinely. Tue teans wuamaoaged Bp Mas XMrGlhso. AtSteabed'àonti unIqg boise te sEntnt. enjoend thecase- palilios and htloustip u400tRu oter ajudenIR D ur taste go In PMI Garter iRe oaS IIn éarg of Rue Bnsapleland seasite eauesMIl day possible. sdgtd. Coltast, Hlggs and Seeda ail Scnred Nwo eash utile Ms- Trach pcppd onse ls. ilcteu and Guudng had tree assista utile Nayler, Parton, Goading and MeTs-ash eash assistedunna, Tue Flyes meet Oulilie here Monday nighltar the last loagoo game ot the seasos. I is eopeot- ed Hespeler and Orangeoillie MUi pay for the righI lu meet Miltan ln t0e Tel-Cooty ptaydausss. The Monner ut tha seren Mili enter the OM.H.A. playntts ssheduled 10 get undersoay February 14. Milton wMli Play wMîkout lte services nS Wayne Arnold for Ihe remaioair of the seasn. Arnold rsas Injured dasing a game and unilerseol anoperalionloremovo one third ot BisIkdaey. Juvenile Set date for tcurnament The 1010 annuai Tpf-Counnty Jusenile hockey tous-sament han teen slaled 10 gel undas-uay April 6 and gu ail day and then go on 1n ttceeenngs ot April t, , R. 11, ten ail day Goad Frlday Mad Salurday. The losnug date for ents-es 10 Fets-uiry il and a meeting Radeawunp the sctedale tas teen net fer FeIruary 1. BiSl Brrai of MalIons,a rap- rasenialive tIntRu O.&..A. aMd the Assistant tecreas-ofutTrl- Coty la teny sendng astile- 011155MB Rnpmffeus n eeRy Rsme trigs. BillBouney, Milton Mnor Hockey Presldent, late Drect- oror Sas- Ru ramsen. JR Klaklcy et ESMobio ete ra- tbe-e lnastief. Prom the Milta, Monday, Jas. 15 T:00 & 9:00 CMaieled due in storm Tnesday ai T:00 M. Pheipu, C. Restos, A. Calons, P. yo s -1. itiI;n. rFaO. R.RoSS"le. 5 BIMCinre, S. Me- rsior (B), Milton; Thor- Faddes. aJuvenile (B), Miao; C, Sweelmnan, D.Hilil, L. Samp- Il. Pee IRne (C), Waer- son, E. Tamplin 9; S. Fay, S. Ctilds, R. Core, B. Casson 4. D. Meritt, P. Gartar, W. El- sley, J. Piicte 6; . Weeiee, R. Polies, C. Martin, S. Ciem- Midgets lose te Oukville Martiy O'Neii gave Mlton Mid- gels a i-S iead eaely inte firss paslodai ag aiSl viIle Frlday nigh. O'Neil scored 000a poer Play goal trum Jins Marshall and Don Chuctmact. Mlon toul the game 3-2. Spenal scored fronsGary Young ta gve te MitIgets a S-O lead oves- OahMSle tefore the Onhyiltî team gt on trust. Tunomson opened the ssnrlog for OakOollie trom ChisnoinsaMd Liliey In Ru second poelu4. Ton tBird pas-idgoals y Rîvol Md Pesras put the ganseons la. Milton hadntne peoalies lsnled &Msnst Ihens, includlng a 10 mnix- nie mîscondact tb ReiIh Brsdg- Mas Oakvlie had a ulmnilse re- cordaif ine infractionsnlucluding a mIssandasl penalty to Rlach. RIGOlOS Tnesday ai 9:00 M. Eceaed, A. Munrs, G. Snell, E. Tamylis T; L. Fnoian, J. Bon, A. Cairns, G, Sinclair 4. S. Lorirs, V. Barea, S.Winrh, J. Reid 11; R. Sers, O. Philiys, C. Ford 2. P. Barr, M. Rastarry, J. Kenrny, P. Jnhnson 10; 0a Me- Cunig, G. Fletcher, L. Sampson, D3. Pegg 3. MIX513 COMPETITIVE Wedoesday aiT7:00 L. Fnrian, R. McKinnn, A. Moion, N. MoKenxie T; Id. Erstine, E. Miller, R. Rouioy, R. Caresîteen 5. R. Harrison, J. Harrison, A. Arold, J. Arnold 8; S. Nadulin, D3. MoPhail, B. MoPhnil, R. Nnd- aisR. E. Milison, E. Emeard, R. Oraosiee, H. BoMocier S; R. Hern, L. Hors, P. Johnson 3. O. Nerseil, W. Neweli, S. Leg- nie, D3. Waikor 14; R. Riddoils, IL Bell, B. Clement, R. Clem. ont S. Letter In defence of Red Sox On most uee's Sports Page, 10 wss oaled hy a Jusenile spotes- man thal 010s eamwuns on t Seen- ed uRlty te Seniur Red lion. bn reply tStatScommen, 1I uld lite la mate Ihene remneho. In te1967 nenuno, lheJnven- îles sore spoassred uell ty te Sendor secias. AStte egluaing ai te enso,enlry fees (apprna. $40i) for te Junenie players sere pad y te tanises. Asthe neasn prsgeesned, the Senior Red Son huught about threendozen tals, some bts and helmeîo (valued aS appro. $125) for te Jsveale eam. Along solt tis, te Seniors gane ther lo uni.d farmu (ln good condilion) to te needy Jssesles aler asquirlng oewoanas donated ty the Saon merchans. Duelng the season, umpires for ench Juveulle home game seee paid hy the Senior cluh. (appron. S$li). Betore te ane MM sous over, Ihe MitonRedlinaaold lickets for tree donus b toon, lryiug Rn teep up it tetilsa for sponsoring Sux eamu. In- volnedln te ellisg ai ickts uere only a smail minority of Juvenile plapers. Duringautole season, Rai ana Juvenile playes- approached me it a suggestion for rassng maney for nar al club. To dae, te Senior Red Son are ln debt apprnalmately $150l., îarialiy tecase soRfte Juneniles. Hou cantheyhonealty oay w un lht reat 00cm nîtel? Reterrlng to the '"vnuw math hy eveo different Juvnoltea tha: hey soold raher playpforCamp.. tallile nexi neMson, I teetl tey are taldng buo much for granted. Woaid Camptelîlîle sani 114. nellot groop atftboys? Bill (Red) Currie R.R. 3, Milon. soldor, à FAY'S ELICTRIC A COMPLUTE ELECTRIC SERVICE * NOUSIAL * COMMERCIAL 0 RESI DENTIAL S ELECTRIC HEATING *RURAL'POLE LINES and SERVICES Three games Ellison paces Fords with nine goal effort ad or es of ILE STdRE mite Ford has a better idea- We figure YOD might like a littie quiet savin,. We've got Mustangs, Torinos, the works-and the best deals in town. So c'mon iD out of the racket-and listen to the crackle of the moiey you'II save! Quiet Sale means quiet deals. Look ai the cheicor. But dont miss out. Mo're eting the price tag s d 0 he Nnw thatt asic heck i u r c tion Th e Quiet Sale is going 10 Ar quietll talking this lime.Corne inand o1 aooo ev ot al/Ihne arey ag u orgai!, acesbnefore you know isand so ill the ar0usd. Let a sOesrnai silos you a could askfor. (And fhyrye alngfr 'a vuu gs. Make adate wl h yoiurslf t quiet deal ue piomîso it*II As u.illy ou nio.1) gsrisuîlodow n toyourFord Doeltis sensational! Ck. You may cornse aay shouting! FORDS THRER POINT 5.TEAR/50,ooo.MIE NEW CAR WARRANTY-YOLJR FORD DEALER lIAS AIL THE DETAILS. TRAFALGAR MOTORS CO. LTD. F R 409 MAIN ST. RAsT - TrII.. 878.2369FO D M ton The Canadien Champion, Wedinesday, Jansas-y 24, 19685 lie, J. Reid t; C. Andesonuc, R. ~ Conter, R1. Dents, J. NRMi5IIn4. PU S ORES - cS. ad,,,n, A. Calrns, F. Dix- on, C. Thonson t; M. Beatty, CaciE fl A.Mile, S. Wnch T. m Carlin8 Ctub M., Pilps, S. Luciw, G. Sin- clair, B. PnltiI 8; L Siessoso, R Rowley, J. Kelly, B. Casson 6. MIXED COMPETITIVE G. Fletcher, R. Clement, T. Wedoesday ai 9:00 French 5; a3 Rosley, A. Fatk, L. Fortan, B. MeKtOsons, A. S. Chiids 4. MoRmnons, A, Leslie 1S; .Neso. ell, W. Noueli, L. Walkor, D. RK ore . orJ.Nbl, Scoring WheeA. Cairns, B i.FIekad A. Muro, A. Leslie, D, Les- l a ers lie, . Monos 13; . Frame, L. Afier 39 games the Mlton Pe Frome, . McCualg, J. MeCsalg Wees hase 24 slosunodBr Riir . bt it wiii eyes tonnes and niglal D Plolemy, A. Ptolemy, S. lien or 56 points. The following Harrop, N. Harmis S; C. Anider- 15 tke Indlsidual scorlog for lihe son, J. Aniderson, R. Petîi, J. Mtons Kinomen Pes Wees. Kellty 3. G A Pis MENS COMPETITIOR R. Bridgman 38 40 7R Tknrsday at 7:005 J. Tonelli 23 25 48 D. Rowley, L. Fnnlun, R. Sou. . ~MKennie 29 18 47 loy, 1D. Leslie S; R. anodeil, B. R. Fny 22 24 46 Erokise, S. RoberRs, R. Harris- N. Mssshrny 14 ST 31 ond4. G. GoodinR il 20 31 M. Eeurd, E. Toleloka, A . R oers 14 9 23 MoRmnons, . Snel S; L. MeNeliP. Cknosmusk i 20 21 S. Chills, R. Crs, P. JnIinssn4. M. Ford T 9 10 R. Si. John, D. Ptlemy, L. G. Rond 2 12 14 Hughes, R. Wnod 12, C. Ander. G. Hunt 2 S 7 son, I. Siesone, R. lement, J. MeMillan 2. P. Grker, . plaît, M. nos- terry, C. Thomson, ky detanl; --Bnriogton and Oshvile B. Reed, O. Yomoî, A. Skrukkte- ssnncliors wiil mesS on Jannary Smong. 31iSo rosiers the RsrS-Oak mun- icipal airport proposai. The MEN'S COLTS $6020.200 projectle st5515 awliog Thnrsday ut 9:00 Snsncial approsai trom tke Ont- S. HrropI.LFnrlan, D. Les- aris Municipal Board. VOR- RJSPCHICKEN SNACK French Frics iC ~ SPECIAL PAK 8 Pic,so Flavor 5$Crisp Chiken $2*19 Reads orsen CHICKEN IN A BOX FAMILY PAK 1 sPi,,,ý 1 Foi t. CA, ls Rofl 'i B si 13 Hîîras Bo __ $1.39 PARTY PAK PHONE 878-6028 20 Pc,s of ý5 Murray Hood Drive-In BASE UNE RD. WEST 0F IGNWAY 25 AT MILTON