Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1968, p. 2

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2The Canadien Chmpio, Wdnesday, Jeouary 24, 1968 Pla n improvements for Kelso skaters Bein e Rofon Conservation Aubrlly pans la bacc a large fre-acrroares.of hlloina Kciua rieared for ahallof ofUi- ara usoenads, and la planing à9venulI nvilons for the ca- canence and crrof gliars. Bocciron are avallabie forvWaron- th, and a rbuoflaat acbu a ceen erarited ira aboera coM BOSTON AND OMAGN MIL PRESBYTERIAN CNURCNIS 306 On Macalua Chai Rea Stiaale, E Smitah, B A. nm SUNDAY lANUARY 28a6. lobe 10 .a ,am-9.auc:Wrsbay SUNIJ Seavice 1030a 11 1 .; am.Buaaa C hurcb 121-5 Shol 700r j01 , .a-Octugb Cbura.h Wada Il 30 a.aoaOcaîgb Wr.iy Ail Tbe LOWVILLE - ZIMMERbIAN Igaaua UNITED cHIIRCIES 0F mn TNE UNITED CNURCN OF CANADAi Masasasa i;Raarad Eres F 51 \DAY, IANUARY 2e1h, 1968 à 1000 na mSrvcea uaZirn 1130 au hua-Se ul aLuc o, IaiA b\uausrs luirhe The bhrdnca01ci le hall be 1100 li eiltlu . entacer ers.- EMMANUEL BAPTIST CNURCN Cuoamerciaal Sareet. Mlaone q,3 Pataun Oea Clu. lue Cles 9704473 87-35427 10 TIae Lrd', DaY SaSSAS IA'ILARY 28h, 1908ti Spuaa tea M. M Leud ul Torontu Bble Clloge 945 z.asn-Sund.avScbeoul lui lsii, ..s-M.niurnag Wrhay b3t)p m.-SuuahSelace 7.0p m -sacssg Wuashay Sua ,s a ai Sundav e ses.e Wdn,,dzi..000 prnc - BibIe Sljiaîlaand Pl'esaMeeaacgý 511SAs, Warmiy Welsurned GRACE ANGLICAN CNURCN h Milton.Ontarasou Resaur s OuaT.M, Dustana, BA., 4 BD.. D.Dý MA. B.D. SUNDAS. JANUARY 281h, 196ï Eiyb.aes IV 1 8.00a.rn.-HalsComm5lauo. 925 are-Jr. ChurchS bhuol. 930 za.a-Huis Cmunonu and Sermne. 10.45 arn-Sa. ChrchSchaoaol. ll a.rn.-Coclicsatiaone Sr- vire. The Rigbl Ro. W. E. Bafumil. D. 7.00 p.rn-Youib Goup. Tba'sday, Janay 25, Cnver ion aI S. Paul - 10 a.m' Noly Coconuaian. CNLUIC9 OF CNHISI No. 5 SiiturOad ait dli Lice Trfallar 5UID,JIJARY 281i. 1968 10 .0axaBleIsciée1 Ca- ao foraiU ages- 11.00 ac..Moi>i WWoraIaP- si 0, ~ ~rucln t li chMfc ite 1klr b"ade6 Tin ubauity prmoste tut d, a usr tanb lathe Mac future for coachot1ke lae's lic surfaîce for a smooler surface, ant if 1the catia lu asu pilun a the ciilaS gled at eiso, ficcdillt t mI tlalied for ight ulallag. Ruinao taffro ad t1kre la over a fotctesuiOn thsla». Sin laiccollet ta cmoergeocy sylueay araa jousaietgo 1k dam. ILTON GOSPEL NALL cluarau Sa.N. 870.-2022 saa.aon, gaîorodin lathe of th SeLordalelaoChrist. Lords, Day IAY, IANUARY 2eab. 1968 ) ,.Bre.ukanof Bead. yj pm-bonaasSubool. y p.m-Gllspalsi ervice and Bable ceadinu. .arc elcome tOo thes buesoofman carne la n. Math. 20,28 ST. PAUL'S CNUSCN Of TNE UNITED CNURCN OF CANADA Ma.an Si.aat James hi. Macnister: aCý A HaaaacaB.A., B.D gan0,tandl iChoar Leader: Mas Harold Magro. 'IDAY, JANIARS 281h, 19( 00 arn -MaarniacdWorsbii scermneubect O CIliRCH SCOiL 10 arn -boudavs bsaauuif aul bus. aadgirls user %c0ar,~.aau55 caargeaaflîegîuaerod nui .and casserv deyaalflent w0 r, incusive adglaile haraSculaith arentsla paua.aed Iau berdryý KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCI Maculter. -0 cuoe leius asorshil bduc cJet us bceel ha SUNlD'AYJANUAR 28taS. .4 4 a.-enaor Churea 9 45 a.rn-SoucI Proyle& Bables Ciass 94,Su.m.-"The Tbinlaer% 050 a.aac-unaor ChurcO babuol. 11.00 aa.-\McnigWar ~Pataern Peuple: (1i thc ConeraOd»" 1100 uan-Narsel. NIGNWAY GOSPEL CN% A local asoembly of TIER]PCITRCOI1TA ASSEMBLI25 OF CAlS poclor: Roc. M. Chrnnu LORD'S DAY SUNDAY, JANUARY 28al 9.45 a.m.-Saaitay Bale 11.00 a.rn.Maroiug Wc 7.29 p.rn-Rvangelisti Bervice. tudeutcad Friitay, . p.-YiasulS Servie. A Cburcb Yoo CM A Warui Welceiflsto si NOTICE!! Due to iii healtb end the need for atterations on the promnises, MILTON PHOTOGRAPHIC WiII be Cîosed rom Feb. 5 to March 6 Customers are requested te pick up their photographs, etc., before our closing date and AGFA-RAPID customers are reminded abat Rapid Film wiII b. available at either Harris Stationery or Esey's Pharmacy. JAMES BURGOYNE, Manager Cufre 1) Paul MADA b.h 1968 mi. frsbip. Ade'sn ~JThe Mutonal Lite ROBRTSi. HAST Wl1 Oraiiir Romit. Aa*n. Bus. 416-451-3460 Res. 519-853-1527 Ct FUNERAI. OIRECTORS MrESIE PUNERAL HOME Complete Air Co"mDne Sincera, Courieoiib Service Niait or Day OPTOMETRISTS Phone 87&M9972 l-s 8709 Tucsitayso9 . 9m au Spoun Pniitays. 9 a oui8taB yu NM. C. MILLGAN,... lie .~~l Cclu à Five bids on cruiser Five tude&ra ue rrcelvcd by MauteaiCccl fOra pouce oier and refoaredtotepollc ide for rccoBOaedoto thle1 tnmmlftss. Tib. net tender price apaaed d sio naiUowuSoer tra&t- ba n rovlibii ales ta. Adt- ditionial onil outra for pou- « alerlng and pour bruina ?1I IS leder -prIe qapoed vore Johnsonl Broc. $2 6U4.95; fali moere $tsà8. ~s~5 OSIT".A1 fl eWin cniaty hnur ut 4H9ecievweat 4ey by lira CecilPailersM vore fivn by lira.Colin Mac- shah which abem ib"tall trosu Coogratueltu le Mry Dad bteu insy ud bcd beoa pile Irer, EtMe« SithMd my ssafuL. ballorsM ddde- Mcrry on reOOlviilg finr=oo vitcloncl»e. imei a y ILTr96C. but pans enddifStlCaifor Marsal. mileuial oz alii bO la" lir.-C.Pflr a, peoalcDeL. Ilememeliug Clubo0Ie o ee st cpal aalnd 1 the, aoolau biroc years. Th ii.lsIà.Ollta ooithe lin Ulw Meirc se ci Boruby South 4" Club le-tam vigllera, lira.F. Amui ceiveit their vavarde at Aubins- c e in coM pyPer. SeY ment Day January 1ilnlu61011ai. relSlaetters vae r aud Md lis- Maiaon 1MU1gfe Coiflen ~ poaed uitb. B wua deded to foc club esabbt @dMdttyCmsroo an1the mthhary of Armnagb ai and EteMnor Smitbtntrodered Ctarkno. tUnCafl wuuoauusrd tbeir leiiow club mombera for l>y stUtlgWIt my luth meua foc faim Ilparade,.leu mc». lira. I.Marshllit fi" The out unit *111 bte "Po&l- obaplert ram foc iody bout urluf Fruit." Thiala aM 6100P- ad ustuf a uaup afthe worid, tlonauly luteroSiuf cOottng club galmed whra amissionarc Mnd wiît te vcry popolr i loucted lun l&, Jupon Msd aIber aUirls ru tub onPart lin heralaeîied. prugralo.Buainess for theiIewycOrwoD Leadters gfllornby Souh lirae. liacucd dplana ocra formaed Cccil Pateruoo and lira. Marte lu hoid a pet tuaitlunciénnMi ltiernauu ulîlinoteudn leaders' Maro)4 ila theLSraaaas trainunas u inluMiltou ai t1 The mestlagcioaeduthPiYOr sud ci J&nuary, lu camp$ly vlfoMnd byma, alier wblth a suioli leadera fran CMSecfcc at-uBn "beMie wuabed for the Mpiy cmaiy. Girls mer '12 7rare uld fniM Lnc u fmed by the arc luvlted ta juin 4-B vork Md oteasMocomittee Mrs. Jeff are auted ta cuiat leadera. ouft aMd lire. J. C. Macrsalal. Tue tirl et l5f for the MV BHmer MoCaraa ctient lu year cg omagiaPreshyteltiWo'. agle 80*1 a lt smrgerypl Mee'AssociatlinsdMd Mlsio doleg vU andMdlr&. Graham &ry Society uait!dt thehumte OlIls talunMilton HBsital and gf lira. Robert Marshall M progreuua ueO. FricUde gi Thuraafay JsUacy 11. tkm a spOedy ratora ta inolth. Tbe W.>.. proaldeai lira. J.C. Frlcadsa Mduel1bbtOfllir- Maaluru oii ncud 1theeOiuggfo cad raeutiy et Boyau CODÉtrc praycr, fuiiaocd by a bymu aMd mur ngwywds lir. Mddlira. Aumtte'Cra5d. Inut1k absenceOg Jetteatark og theLaver Ba accratcy lira. F. Jdbuaitvu Linu. Wlfted Lawrence us ecrary pro leui. A iviter for row for 1the vculag. ex fruit and fiuucrg wuaraid tram ,I tgla< Oit ptud gainsta thi Jaci Jgrvis, aise for U bluen Yom coupl. They rauilvcý aboun frontlira. C"C.Jarols niweteotifoan d uacfai pilats Mnd famuiy, ad lMm S . FluiEMfor ulIcb 1key capraaad t1kl ar. agpracallul. EuchraelVOu Thc ladics ocrea sbd te calter ulfo prisas £01111taelira.GOrdi et a wedi in taApril aMd facr Bc yuar sud ficanur Doogiai arranmot it go temade ra- A lunchbeMd ~Aa"1aiali 2 grlmaf titi. Flaulcil reports ocra enjayed by &il. We ocicua lira. Starktute ilacOmmuait e aMd ecicuit gains for mua i8 cif a deagider. a Osral ndu ohild for Mli nud lrse Clarec ACCOUNTINO Pcan d a grea-gr-dlal for lira. Gorge Mliey EARL G. BL.ACKl )MM B. comm., RAIA., CA. Dirthday gmetifaltu Val&a Cbarlerad Accoutaul Oreon, Karen Marshall, Mora' fMunicipal Aaditor CurtIs, Jli Srauaridg, Ce( 163 Maitreet atrsnSrancRi, e to Bon 460 MitonOun t. esnB. AcBb~P or 87"8942 Pstlcraon, 9Win 0.0e, mi Cianeoce Paterso, lira. Je - Wtiiot. EcaL uu, Misa t ARCHTÉCT Crouler, lis Isainl Stocl,8 Brande Palteruon. DONALD t. SKINNER lira. George Daby ratuir BArch. - MR.AIC. bome on iuaday foiiuutiig &ai 117A Miii Street, Sauite2. Actnina la huma Baqaltul. Wc ga Teerhone 853-2140 or ohl 20 Siavebaeh Rd., Pari Creit W. B. Sta.rkhogthecLLa Ofic 7N4r-y f pismelBue e ailu onvalesrliig ai D. ofice oursby Apoin bount e faluadut maay veeba OakviUe.TruaJIAr ItIpitat 1 CHIROPIACTORS Stc.±raived Socrea ljut OS6 ___________________ Md brulin basea lu bsci p A. P. KENT D C. a au1111 ta cladder eille bo ron Doctor nof i pfcic paing last Octater. 237 Kiogo Couri Creaceai The Bayas racrasonkiii cc Corner MartinSt. aittees inuit outher marrai or Monday. Wedeesdac. Thursday sucbra ponty ai the contre 1 P m. lu 9 p.m Frlay sasalag Juary Tuesday andt FradaY Tusrdy cas tablesog pic) in 9am, io 6Pm atende and primea for nt1 laturday aIlam.co. O3 g.. acoras ocrea arded lira. cese Pbone 878-201 rail Ford,-Ura.ClarsnCeli5C 4- willilam Clarltaan Md i teâ INSURANCE Bcafy. Locytramcuoli t ond Ma ieWright, lira. JetteAnar( at CO-OPERATORS INSeJOANCE Warren Taber and JaOU 5C ASSOCIATrION rin. Aisauite a inuty1 Au,.Hume, ProtecaiOa'Accitfvaas r'ved Md aLscIlai eci aod Bickaeea - Famiy eaisyed. - Liabilay Frtends ara pliant! fou Paroit Liabiliiy Baa RBothekFmurhL Your Milieu Agent hiome Md dubn iuily fle1 :H Mrs. Thea Kaira a mm wee ueacy la Bru R. R. No. i. ltion Hospital. B.A Fhine 87843%90 BILLY BAlIPIBIRE wesb. Paitiarars ocro ai gilghbor, Johnaensd Edwerd Brown, Jlm Faher, rie Wli aun, Stanilison sud Jackb Ru Ses. Bo. S. SithboetBoaton Pranhyterton Cbarbce ndartéd the service. Barnili Forgus, ha rame tI Balten Conly ai line gaetf ev en Muonsud nyeclthe recuan dec of Mi tf bora, lis grand fuihor Johliriiafhloeert ed te Row Yorb ilate inl 51 fro e laue, and caene leCan adinl 1815 1 e soleloun Eayaes lng's TownUneia, . r augit un van Esquoinra Oral rear a memter of Baleon-s fral cee la municipal aff'aIra, de dL- roatrhrch coker, Wiiamr Jsaes Laird "Bilyl Hampshire of ipoyalde wue lriotle Faila- alcu Cemclory, Atan lant wOebt. Be lied ilaMiiBan Dstrict lana- pitai on iuturitay, Jsuuary 121in Mae 961h yaar. Witi naus lrogh lalou asu a mon inéreatedinhluM a- muty. lMr. Hampshire posueau et a iSnn It sud on encellant mmory n slaater yaaro. Be res i thelinlaeNahChRp- el lu llton, tara a memrl aervice wus hlboun Jauary 1. Burl o ochplace ilcr I10t1k lillImi CmmctJ mlii lavealigole usai g 15 peruesi uejbl te ait 5,01 usa raipdrod. 1k trou romoaci program la lin Oskaihte leller autedhbere W. J. L Hampshire Brampton, ibocaMin ta e under ltis violer vorin prcgrai, lu ulalcai aead @ltlreea ara re-à moced fbore rivale ant pubie propaety. A lettsr ta Conccli tram Gsi-e villentod chupintla lsfl- luion sud certain roapacoicnta fout made Il impossale for the1 manlcipiUly ta reonve resa tram privale praperty agaluat wlich the amoSaur uod Pay ooly lin differoace binîveont1k amount puit by tas province in a puntansd lithe tl ruai. IBbat bssn tbogbi a bouisooner pay- en.r. Bempshire'0 lecuiy bld e 500-erre ferre i Speysbte and la Me youtr in boiped rtea.c thé virfin pies wblrb rovorad foc land. The gnd pinuou s snt tb England ta uit nMhpcsud foc suampu ocra uuit for fencas aitalrb atilt dcleOa rea. lIbn the19's 1e carniet unr- 1c and siam e o epbuld a aIone bouse un Blgbvaey 25 t-at belas 10 ildercftd, wchlnter bogt la 101. Mr. Bampshire anld is ululer Uvdit tira otIlS elgbl yarc ao ewhen she ucu Idlet lnaa rr accident. licce Oen ho rauldet wiOa asîihor Stanley Brownu eautwonyears aowbon te reovedto1011e Kelly Nrsing HBeeai Aclon. Eturited i Dufferîn arbeol. Spside, h a ter e rvet 30 yeern sa atrocte of the achoo, plus n priodeas creleber. Be ayant ceven yaerae the Euqenlgrcrii.lue V ofthoal on deyuy-reevo sud lwe as reeve givlaf hlm four yaaa nn aty rasarîiar. A membor of Bnaton Presbyerien Churrh fr 8l Iyaarc, be iraI tendeit servicea thoro 13 yoarn ego. Fr26yealr he t lea a eBible cnana, ho uas Sundey srboei sporialciadeal 25 Iyarc,sind amombro gibaa Be wa an eider tram 1900it il a la 1935 Ibal hé ieae Sharlf, urragale Couirt Rafla Ll trer, and Leca Regirer o rd hecto for the Conty of Bitta, 1. a Potheha bonitnl196. HE ascneer hed eny baaflags le do n ici bed Ibrea jalbreaiba le rq d wllh -- on the ral aluy ho hel Oaa office of sheniff. ta A ilte-leef Lieret, he rau ,- the 1926 tederal eterîlen bal w.: e- helen hy the Ceeservtelvo ru L- didabe, Dr. R. K. Aederso. Mr 1- Hampsire wa ao pranidonto 10 laie Ceunny lnayircheniAnsooi e- aiee fer seral yaeransd did )s- lotetf public apéaluf il rurrbe a- areecal the counly. Be ces ec e, prealdeni et the Canadien Ciu u- la Milton, e mensa snciali na REOWHITE &, BIDE __ 1SALE REBEL 550 flARDTOPS COST PLUS OPTIONS LESS SAVINGS SELLING PRICE $286000 202.50 121.50 $2941-.00 *LIGHT GROUP *CUSTOM STEERING WI4EEL *WIIEEL DISCS *WHITE SIDEWALL TIRES Regulur Value $202.50 YOU SAVE! sils5o REBEL 550 REBEL 550 4 DOOR SEDANS AN D WAGONS *VINYL ROOF* TWO-TONE PAINT *LIGHT GROUP POWERAU lAD * *CUSTOM STEERING Sdu15CUTO1 *EIN WIIEEL WHEEL *WHEEL DISCS SAVINGS iEL D* C *WHITE SIDEWALL TIRES* WHITE SIDEWALL TIRES Regular Value $202.50 IH GR U ON Regula Value $21 5.45 YO AV! THESE y OU SAVEI sliso & ffECsl29.5s COST $284600 MODEILLJ COST $31 80.00 PLUS OPTIONS 202.50 PLUS OPTIONS 215.45 LESS SAVINGS 121.50 LESS SAVINGS 129-45 SELLING PRICE $2927.00 SELLING PRICE $326600 ALLAN CLEMENTS & SON IRQNE ST. NIAR N. 10 S1DEOAD 878-2321 js c dLMuOdty ila aMaliIl uhatbasd romecc from toua yrsiaarty, balta e nter private prcportY c speclby-aW vwu raaiarad. Tbi batloin oPrce- ed by tbe Mlalatsr Of Agricultue thorfued t dtisf UYCC or partiu .tain- sued ta the landoOaicr. CouciflLor Bob licCaalgPCdat- et cul Br=rptBoc- a arosdyadu- laf 1Ms ond Il wua aggeated the avcrage cool for ramovil t101k prçasily ounr wua$25 a troc. Cooscl agreed lu hve 08 cleri lovasigat 1Mbprofrikm. THU-aTR 2Lp.'? TNURtS.FRI.-SAT. JAN. 2526-27 "TIHE WAR WAGON" - Color JOHN WAYNE - KIRK DOUGLIA.S "THE BIG SURF" ,"TENtE WEENIE MilOdil' - Causa SUN.-MON.-Tufs.-WEDOJAN. 2te294041 UIEY NflReceremeed & S Imm l Eti.ta fnen -VL ( T ulose La Tri k» Lmïm -Catoon TNURS.-Pst SAT PFEU 1-23 iPENELOPEa" -Color NATALII WOOD ,,AIR RACINGai "JERYS DIARY" - Caussen ........... ........... c' An a ab e ce incdu Campba river. A0pr te subi nay ua averioc Nrtb 1 Authi Lais p the lau Ara'. First Bi ery soi for lie Uiveriea piaved irlvews clded l desptc malma rounda. firmeas rialilo servsd atorm, pooslbi Pos rlearad uaih ta or tbe et, ., 1 ConCoI paymee bcd bei urfor. gf wslf additloa mlghl 1 aelallea reporte *nLe tee wal Cooncil ths Ou * Wa C. lui propos wouid anavez celved, uouth. * A@ iram a on bob. itseve ,dea.o. ho ccn usii aa oaral 75 WRt formai atiestea andtil lave t ngted c er pra ot aide the Roi Irnprma proleat sBi toaloIr von a lis roc * Ad comunil T

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