en Gîtes and Falls vtsited âome of Mr. s llaareri ast Rp flr- land a tarEs ICITY JSINESS tkerer wlth an expert for JITS IL OUTLETS STONE RIC 78 CONSTRUCTION IS FORCING AHRAD through the winter months on three local proîncts, Mlton District High School's conversion to a fu composite program involven- an extens ive ($1,500,000) addition to the school, which is underway by the Stewart-Hinan Corporation from St. Catharines. This photo shows the morb in progress, while in the second photo foot of the contractors talk over the plans, Stan Stankiemiz, fore- man Werner Koreck, Stewart-Hinan soperintendent Cole Bar- ber and masonry contractor John Pries. Below is the vew $100000 chorch being erecred in front of the preset chorch on Commercial St. by the congregarion of Emmanuel Baptist Chi.rch. Wotkmnnn are stili laying blocks for the mails in pre- patatioo for fiirthnt vorli to corne. The bottomn photo shows a portion of Scpersweet Feeds, a division of Robin Heoi lor Milîs, unhich iv addivg 2,800 square feet of marehousing, re- pi acînig some rnechanical facilities, instlling four finished product ntoring tanks and nmm grain handling facilities, andt will 5000 erect a mens locher room and Isnchroom. "Severat changes are beng made vn our grain handlivg facilities, de- signed ru reduce doit both inside avd outside the buildings, to speed truck loodlivg yod reduce truck noise on the proper. y,' Sîiperswent manager J. Pettigrew said. (Staff Photos) ASIl Zimmerman Church honors E. Campbell lhuwis pick five has in meting Fine eecutiie memhers ut the Ration Lierat Assocition ece setecleit as ieegtes bo RitLheceai leadership convent- Iola inOtawa la Aprit, ai5aimet- ing In alsoitie tasi veek. County preuitent Teccy Ke- nedy e! OU-vilelntice-presiibots Bob Biaise, Ratph Zar suit eaier blsson ait ut atnile, aelcUry Ernte Zechmsu, Oak- villad Geerge Jackson ofMilt- on vili voie o iebalie!itheiiotio iy aafogeiaimsin h leadership race. Don Cases e! Acion, Haroldt Yong and Jobn Raighi e! Dai- vilta are altecnaie ihiegatus. A sph.aiSaii nid Rie gruephbu ne! yei dociciad which candidate Il oilisaci, siiiscgb M.P. Dr. arry Ractey Is suppocing Traspoarti iniser Paultettyer. wilIt 11h. sap or cloudy? --Tb* QNt.LR. coebtes 5 pusdi jlrW e tbU blint diI anse We, Febcssryd ta 10. .-Ous gced iing aboui &U usai sawil covred up lice uliy grossiâtud ited .ititrict ltasacacdte pot once mre. --Thits s Misor Hockey Week --t's easy bo place a Champ- in Mitonu. Are YOU sspiirtiog incassifieit ad Auit vuu esu the boys soit the aituts whu are tetephosse il in free if youu bvin inotnedInluMiio's miuor hock- Georgetownc Campbetiuille,Oai<- ey osînoe? ville o ur lcingtou. by Mrs. George Pettetteclo The congregalisaf Zimmer. msu Uited Ctucrh recesly madta a presesitsaiosanngraneit gotit vatnhts 10Edgar Campbelt for his msuy arie!fMdnesses, ad msup yeacs o e ociai service sud rare e! tise hrht. The preseatilcas amate by Mrs. L.carntStspard sud Allais Pattieson. ReanditMrs. .E. Rasin assi ,-Iogtîec Matteise and M. suit Mca. Harold Sastlaraon ere dia. sec gsts os SsadaLy slght vitti Mc. suit M. Alias Paiterson. The Evning Bclsrh cf St. Lsbe's A.C.W. ettheir meeting tac Weihesday tiObi atthse borna e! Mca. etrice Lawresce e! Oakville. M. suit Mrs. Gordton Sinclair ait M. suit Ms. George Pet. ltteie vece geets e! M. suit Mcs. Vicior Lawrence Saisritay eneniog. Mary Aexander e! tise Uni. vsrity sitOuelpistasitwiee. end wiuh hec Parens.s M. oit Mcs. Fred Aexander. Arrangement$con e h mode te.have you sklng iu the Leentîans, the Alps, NorthomC roacl or Banff. *CRIJISÉS - *PASSPORT APPLICATIONS *AIR *BUS *RAIL Lot Us NeIp Yeu WIsh Tour Tnavel Nondu Milton Travel Service 14 Martin S. 878-9211 - 878-2527 M. suit Mcs. Rsy Cipps aitendtitas concert ai whie Oas school receotty, opooreithyihe GObitie COmmssniiy Conert As- socistiionThse geesi Panai for Rie eenitog wasu Tteodore ltt. vn oewevYork Ciy. M. sait Mrs. Floydt Oetitsosse e! Istingion iSiteit on Tuesitay eentIng vIihRie Peiltiterlos. M. assitMcs. Bill Mashall sud sos Treni t dMr. suitMrs. Chartes Btsushacit suitTracy e! Burtsgto n isiteit Ssnitay vith Mr. aud Mrs. Jameo Marshall. Mr. soit Mcs. Buward Heid- mass andtfamtlyofTtiurntilspent tant week-end wth Mr. aad Mcs. t. Scttaoit. We are soccy tb report thal Jlm Vaaslcbte is a patient lu Mlon District Hosptal. Thts Item vas lococrertty wcîtten iu tasi weobs uevs. Il stsossd have bes as folows: Two baMoes teeo vptneit ai Rhe mocolog service aSi. Lsst's AngUican Chucch tast Ssoitay. Thoy were Keuaetli Bcuce, son of Mr. assi Mrs. Srcre Tyretl, a gcaaduoo of Dr. and Mcv. Grant iteslup sud creat-grasisoo of Mc. assi Mrs. Harcy Richardson; assi Chrisiqiher Richard, son of Mr. sud Mcs. Ken Stasstiy o! Oftbtillea grsutsos of Mr. sud bics. AbJdassasoftPalamo. %dlan Champion, Wednesday, January 24, 1968 6 Winter construction rojects eCana --This year ls a teap yar, Su Febcuary bas ose etra day. --7h. ILO.P.E. workalcp as. lon Wagon bus, drives hy 8ev. M. C. CrIslenson of Mitton, vas in- votned la a mînor accident lu Acton lui ng lastucu kv vivorm. It receit $600 damage, but thece onre ninjuries. /Just Dial 878-223:'U%. fTo plis, a sClasslfied Ad Chmploat __ Milton TV Clinic HARDY NIENABER RR. 6 MILTON Phono 878-3836 REPAIE SERVICE ON " TV 0 RADIO 0 TAPE RECORDERS 0 ANTENNAS " Specalizig inviuopeav Hi-Fi Sets 9b Hi-Fi Repairs and Cus- tom But Hi-Fis :LEAM PMuI 17.50 18.60 f21.33 19.63 20.00 i 20.45 20.9S 22.55 24.35 I 27.15 f19.80 21.00 21 40 S22.95 24.70 27.90 VVIIdIJt WAStILK 30" ELECTRIC RANGE ýý e by Kelvinaîor SALE PRICE Reg Price $23999 $119.99WHITE SALE PRICE - ~- OGlass-smuoth lferme1 9- 9 puircelain tub Model KR 313 0 Acrylîc finish on wtînget, skîrî and tub top ilNun cluggng pressure 0 Cuoneint fngnt-tip cont ru i Modnl K134t 9 FEATURES YOU WILL FIND ON EVERY KELVINATOR ELECTRIC RANGE ... RANGE: Hined, Rod-Type Rake and Ereil Elsanents 0 Riler, Reaster Pan sud Grill 0 Remaeabl. Oeen idle Racs, ta failitatn aven nieaning O Remonable Surface Vecnent Trian Rinus sud Dip Pans 0 Raited Rim un Surface Tep te catchs spilI-eners 0 Easy te replace fuses, lseated bnhind pedestal tinc, hetween rauge top and baebesard qO Lifetima Percelain finish ounlise oven and ail ester surfaces of tise range body. 0 Zere Zone reezer wvus oenient Dosr Raciss sud 85Spssnd capacity 0Automati c Defrost - Presis food cempatmsnt L: Liftime Uniclarsne Cabinet $biss DiCuveul ment fo usbaItry wchittc. * -Tear Warranly on World's inast "Polanspise" Model Kelvinator Ui CK5it3 TWO.DOOR Ui REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER WHITE SALE PRICE $249-99 SHOP AND SAVE AT YOUR CO.OPon BROTIETON BRANCH UNITEDO CGOPÉRATIVES OF ONTARIO 87 8 -2 3 9 1 -I