Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1968, p. 17

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idge ýoyaI e jelges fer - .eyai at Un- iMarcit 9. legs animale classes, ai- rsomdsgthsm clos vas re- if the turnip rio Fruit snd Assoclettes 1001h assai Harold Batl- eispresiitid ipioin id I p Provea or Be FIED MIES ited fer 1abflity 1 cutoUt ITRAL rARIO E DING ATION kt ysu isil Zenith Centre PLAN sepuîe Minlsiteu By lirs. IL. Rchardson On Wtdaesday, J"n 10, te afternoon A.C.W. cf St. George's Ctarch, Lesile, met etaite home of Mrs. Doittel for te attasimeeting eatd electimi ef officers for tht ceaitvaw years. lTe metting qtesed wlttt e Iymu sud te pregram tram the Living Message. Mrs. Rommery gaee the Thought for tht Day. The rail ral vas anavered hy Il meuhers. The conseners re- pemled and Mrs. Ritchardson read ettiers trou te Prayer Pari- ne rs, Eleanor and Derald iaye of La Suel, thanldng aIl for te Chritmas preseni. lots. Jefiaren loitihe chair for the election et officera tehicit are as follos, henemamy preoileni, Mms. Jeffares; prettdenl, Mrs. Claode Toi as; etot-itroident, Mrs. L. LePage; second vice- president, Mrs. McLean; treas- urer, Mrs. Reg Tos; asssant treasarer, Mrs. Harry King, sec- ASNOIOVI "NIFTY NAPPEtS" 4-H hoeeek- aiiîafad Hall Saterdsy. Coeivrecator Onace ieg caub presered anexthibit, 'Oood Seep- Sud andt cubrltader Mrs. Htesteesar r ng 0arets athe ach tieet dey in shows euth the dispias i(Saff Pheto) North Halton 4-H clubs end sleepwear project Fise 4-M hsmemahlng clubts froum tht Northittlon rea par- ttclpated ln tht sMut-annuel achievement day et Sllinafad Hali os Salurday mornlng sud afternoon, as they completed their utInter proet, "Sleeping Garments". Fashios parades of igittits, Pyjamausud nlghtgevns te girls matet, tahle enhihts, sits and dOamutilons highlighted tht aflernoon program. Participa- tlsg sert Norval, BSalllnstad, Ashgrove, Sllervood and Dulin cluit meuhers, Irene Koîr cf Sallnatd dlit eaued e provincial honrucer- tiflcais for ccmplttlg 12 4-S KILBRIDE Recrea-ic meet to hy lire. Wliam W&tsos A Joint meeting vas held os Wtdaesday Jsuuary 10 ofte Kil- itride sud District tecreimos commite of tht Teen Drp-In Clui. Tht meeting dscussed tht alme sud ojectives eofte grnsp sud vas veli atttntitd. Tht Recrellon Assocation met t tht home 0f M. sud Mrs. Gerdon Harris osThursday, Jan- ary Ill vth tht teen euecutise lu atiendance. Plans sert matde for the dance b lvb held Fehruery 3 ai te Commsnlly centre. Mlers Orchestra i Ii pruside thtmuasic sud spot dance prises yl la evardait. Eseryone is velceme, lunch ilila procide. Stiueuis mt a stotitt cerd iii e ad- mitied fr 7Ç. Discussion of fure proecis of tht Association oit place sud l vos decide t lita abarbtecue wi la held egain iis sommer. A casino ighi vos alto saggest- od. fitvas noced tht thtetc init ai th scitosl 1leaing seil used suddiheurs have let pested ftr hockey playtng sud shetito. Tht Local Associaion of te First Kiliriti irlGulde ccm- psuy sud Lsnd Ranugers mei os Wehwsday esuding Jsnuury 10 in tht Suday sciteel rosu vith District Commisatene m Ms Grant sud ihe Lcwvlle Ouidle mothers as titeir guesis. Thteson fer ihis meetng cas btesplaln tht Ladies Aux- itery sud ls papose, as te Lowvyllitguiesihae no amtliery laitinit them. Il wen dscussed about fcmming ahbrovnit cempsuy at Lovyllie. filtes uoved y the meuhers tht they voutld hast a eucirt parly ai te centre en Stirday evenng Fthrtary 10. Mms. Roy Couler, elce-pres- prejecis. Mms. J. Mcnry,past president fitshe aton Wcens Insfitutes, prtsenled tht certif- traie. Certlflcales of echiese- mnt vtrt hsuded cdl lu ail lie girls csmpleting te sîtepsear projeci, sud 4-H leaupsot sert pesenied t ail fimt oer m bers. TiteNorsai clubt hati su eshiit vith Setit Lidlavcommetlngos i, whidit race imd cas rom- menialor for Asigroe's dlsplay sud Leure e ennicit told tht story laitind Dulinsenhlit.tAD tht girls of tht eiiafad cluit looit Part ln ea )tt on seltctlig sîtepsear matertal, vilthtielt Silvemvosd girls thrt a "pyjama idet ut tht Hotes Presityteriel Unted Citurcit Women gaens addrtss on cames in the Bîie sud te Lord's Prayer ai the cecesi meeting of tht Uited Citorcit Womes o Klirde in te Sunay scitool rosu. lirs. Fred Aibtti and litas tetasrnis aise trah part ln te pmogamn arrssged hy lira. Ertc licArtior sud lirs. H"R.M- Doald. Tht teen drc-tn utulars hase pleaed a prograu videi lhty itnie iiila funsud Inter- esting foraleteonsfortho foliote- tng dates, Frlday Jan. 26, ibingo, it's yosrmoune, splling lat; Pnlday, Fei. 2, cardsansd darts; Friday Fei. 9, soccer sud volley hall; Fmlday Fei. lt,Valentite'e daece; sud Frlday Fei. 23, mr- der ln ils damk sud dattce. These art jui eafev of tht Police vesti» t thefts, escrpees Mlton O.itehd 27 geraral occurrences dartog the pasivetit toctudtng osetbrek, enter sud thefltanNssugeseeaTup. in ohicit e large quostitly ef tols seme stolso; tee miser titcfts tnsesttgnled; oe misstog persen eprted sud Iter eurned houe; ose persen chamged vit tmpetred dmtslng; onet person ctiarged unier te Jusenile De- lOnguent s At; ose persen ar- rested for Melmo Toronto Police Dep.; asststed Oehille Police Depi. tlte epprtheestonocf tva oscapees frmmBrampton Traio- ing Scitool; Ivo offlcers f the detachuent removtd four sueti chittdren tram a bosse Scre on 25 Stgbnioy. Ait otier occur- rences weme et a minor naturt. FOR FGAS I APPLIANCES I SEE...I Richardsn'% TV & AppIiamc i m0 M I ST I. MLTON al7484t Party" 0h11tb Show howmucit tey had learned dumlug te course. Duong tht inier proieci each uemlar pleoeed sud matie htr ose grment. Aitlite saute lIme site ltamted meny stving techt- niques, suriath lat tlell seam, frencht seaun, ewlng on lace er eyeetl, sud epilying corded pipnf. For tht moretng pogrsm te memlara jodged tht quliiy 0f sleeping garmentssund maeial, sud detoonstmeied sewisg on lace hy itsud, Partnts sud frtendu vert seeti et aitht aflernoon pro- gram. fosetnsplaosed fornosv sud thert art moretolecome.fi lis iteped that Il thetleen set in tht area viii corne oui sud 11oin tht festivitits. M. sud lirs. Leslie Richard Willsher hast anounced th en- gegmeot et their douglier, Lorraine Elizabeth bo Charles William Stystos, son of Mn. sud lirs. James Sayeton of Camp- blisille. Tht veddlng vilIl aite place to KutheldaDUnied Chomeit os Saiurday, Fehruamy 17 ai 4 oclogh, lirs. CIme Bllard of litlhride Sretl sltd vith item son and hMs femlly, M. sud Mrs. Kon Bllard ai Sudury te first weeh of Jaoamy. Lest lionday Jsuuary 15, vlan sciteols sert closed, foilowlng tht artas camaisostoru Bons eider, seseral preteen sud leenage boys made spendlng uoney by sitostlitng snce. A VASIETY OF SLIIPWAIosas os dspiay t the North Hal- tes 4-H achiesersent day ss Saierday, Oints Frs tire aliisa- fadi 4-H Clubr, rte Sleepy Gas, devonssîrate four types of bedtrse fashionss rom top t boiners thty are Kurhy French, hery McEnery, HeatherBhianan and Nancy reygoose. Staff Photo) LOWVILLE Chturch women study Japanl hy lirs. A IP. Couler Twtnty uemlamooftheesttdng uni cf Lowvillt Unted Citurcit Wouen met ai lite houe f Mms, Ertc Oudgeon Wedesdayteedng o lest emei. Mrs. .E.tastiem iostalied tht officrs as fllovo, leader Mms. Bruce Miler, sec- retiry Ms. Reg Cosison, tvea- scer Mrs. Orsal Pttr. Mrs. Ros Coserdale preslddd leadershtip for tht singing et itymes sud tht prayers. Mrs. Soss Roelrtson, literature sec- rttamy, lnlmodaced te stodyhbok "Japan PreSile", sud an accou- patuylng rtcord vos enjoyed ity ail. Mms. Bruce Millar condacled tht irief busness session sud plasts ert fiuained for calertng tu te Lueilit Bowling Clubts annuel bnettt. tettrtuitenin sert sersed hy Mms. Reg Col- son sud lirs. Ken Smlit. Congratulations art totonded le M. sud lirs. Hugit Powell on tht irtit of a son dtrteg tht snuotoru lest wsei. Jut a remnddr thatithe utter itours for tht LowsillSt rsuci Llhary art Tutsdayo and Thoms- days from S2ltu 8p.m. We hase laen eshtd te dmaw le tht atttiton ofte iewieg pubiei, special TV prtsenlatioes ty te Canadien teational Instit- ste forlte Sind.Thestprogreus siti la presenled ai 4 p.m. os Jsuuary 24, "Oet of sgitl, rat of utnd"; and ce Feiruars 14, "Presentio of Sindaees". De- !Caravan-Restauran I NT O N P L A UA 8 7 8 itelleaneau efmund te ysar TV guide. Mlton Phurmocy 246 MAIN ST, 878-2343 GO SM ETICS 51'zaerhirr, Prpre t cs Du Barry-Mas Factor Chanel No. 5 Agenc0 for LASIA SECORD CANDIS retary, Mms. J. Stoes;tassistant secretary, Mra. T. Sonard; Dom- cas secrttary, Margaret Haerris; assistant Dorent secretary, Catharine Crrte; prngramn con- vetero Mrs. Rommery and Mrs. W. Powell; Extra Cent-a-Day, Mrs. S. Crnie; Thanit Offering, Mrs. Waller; Living Message and prayer pantner, Ms. te. Richard- sent social service, Mrs. L. Jay. Little Itelpers, Mrs. Doîheit atady booit, Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Doihel ilelecste Itesannuai Mrs. t. Ktng sud m. Reg ttss. Mrs. Jeffaressvacatedihe chair sud Mrs. C. Tiss tht sempres- ident loch oser fortite remainiler of tht meeting. tees. Jeffares cloed tht meeting and Mrs. King euctioned the sale articles. Lunch cas serveit and Mrs. King acted as courtesy ceesener. --A slory on telytesary Par- isit (Milten) Credil Dnicn's 101h ettttlersary ditteer was carriod In a recent Issue of OnarioçCre- di Union News. ,Wednesday, January 24, 1968 67 ST. GEORGE'S The Canadian Champton,' M,& C Twiss is preosident of Anglican Churceh Wmnv FOR SAFE - CAREFREE FUN AND ENJOYMENT i DRIVE A "DIABLO ROUGE" i 0 The New Advanced Snow-Vehicle f rom Bolens I DUAL SECTIONS Advanced twin-section de glides smoothiy on laminated arethane-coateti srgn of the Diable provdes handlirg ease plus maple skis, Excluive ski seater is sîtuateti maxmu msa3fety. Brany fro-ened powerunit awaytmrom ovinengne partsassasingut- turnssfes dependable power; coupled rear seat most satety and stability for passengers j Test Ride This Sleek, Revolutionary- Snowmnobile N 40 Phone BOB DAVIS at 878-9972 for Information This Week We Are Letting Our Price Tags Do The Talking.0. 0 COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF 0 Quie1 Saesmeanî quiet deals. W'te ltîsg tirs puce tags do tirs tlino thi.s insCoenndasloosk aiouund. Lat a salaseran 011cr yse a fuiet;dasl w o itse iho goqitif Loch at the choies. But dont miss out. ho tiratsserescinfullprdQ-1s-T1sOisSaleIsioosingto be qiely eove gosafilthe aiity a gyloi ,uii oer betore youkiiowil and so wilbth coead ask for. (And ticyre miieg for savlings. Mako a dat i ur oseiltol yoc so! 9 itliy dssow o urFord Deuierthis sockYoostay come acouooroout pSST! cet int t .e WIN AQUIElTORD-Ferdls thte ,rthat grved quiet h#tRails ousNyet. Jusilslip your autt flle Our <($bu!) MDauBx FORD'S THIREE-POINT 5-YEAR/50,00.e.Ota NEW CAR WARRANTY-YOUR FORD DEALER HAS Ait THE DETAILS. MOS 1 YH Oo . D. 409 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2369 on, teenage groups discuss objectives --Try a Champion clussfled te huy, selI, announce, ent or titre Phione 878-2341 and a court os ai-taker wti assis WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS AT West End MEAT MARKET Cssed Mes. Opus Ail Day W.d. O:pen Thur. and Fridsy titi t We Featare Red Brsnd felue W. Serve thu est lsEd , Tee 1 Il 1

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