b liautaSixtesionWosnen'5ta- sftutu set ai tie hbenefi lrs. Lere Dises uOn bede sdsyîJan. l7 t ai Sp. , baiug as ieir tapir, "tadeiy" Tie seetinig opeed oti s pes. slagiug ai tiese ttse ode, bex at repeniud the Mry Ster;itriCatirat, oluried by the presideai, lies. V. barris con- dsCtiçeg a sort "In Memristv' seire tor trio W.L semes, lies. Fesute Cart-iigst and Ms. Eibu Gunty. A russitteries ased, sud plans rere made lu serve asOueni luscis ex Tuesda, tan. 23 ai tbe - -r21 ort e Msitis ions re Saety." cEveryusu iad a a timety Suggstion te gise. C Ms. Maurice Hendiseid ex- ec cetted in er salie, 'Lise sud St drive saiety ta mater peur ite s sud ctisex narod youu ree ram i accidets. " Oe gave uthe if meust "Unwnuded Drivers," sud i sid yau ight resaitatChes. This yer revia yur drtviug 5 tactirsesud dn'itt yursetd tatli jta ay aitbese rategrte. liste oeeoci pur New ri eneru solutions, ta use yur cn's seat Mlts etaitiltimes. Obe eputee ut be diteret saeties ix teeabus sud as tise ars, ai ee x everyweru peoplare I tue -f -i a --ey a ot -1l5 i-a tlsu ixsureretaey oattse aety f ouuurit. sud taskss aller &altteM uorrespaudexCe. Me. Taylor i teuviedanfiltm, '"Miracte ut Par-n adise Valtey.", This tise flt had msuy vivid tessuassssfeiy c for evuryxtie, asuxtuutd bMses ay att tsem graupis. à lir. Taytor lu bis tata, empisa- sisud misai a persens sisasd use in tiseir cars; tue startiagt tiss year,' suai Mtts ix rear suais an riett as teont suais are standard eipiipxexi. Vas ssuutd atsu car- ry a ltrxt-ald Ui, flsres,ntlass Sigst, lireorexttateisers sud tag et san eu gave totaadd sumne extra muigisita otise tarteut yuur car ad rur suari tires. . gîtes .prestdiag and Mes. EL 'istes acting as seretary, tise meeting gal asileesiY ritisa raitituesi iymit, "StaRndut e tee Partai ufthSu uieitg Toar," and a prayer tor gutdane in the senties siead. lire. Lsdt gave au iuspirisg Gant Tiaugttetfor the suri yene, sud ftueoacis sur morndng. There wsnsosuinssaltation aI utticers. as ail tisse eterled ti, asuary 19t67 mure ta Stand lue a tri arn peetud. Ttee passage et Seripture tor tte cevuttustat ries tram Lube t, sudreuad tey Mes. T. Brisdtey, sud prayer isy Eva Cissteum. Att are tuubtsg turiard t thbe ttantOeutrtig meeting ai Eanlee rnem, isen miss e scuE mil M tise bas- ured guesi. ýiKures Cisurrisesit apuoe," the sutet fotuesudy mas deat religion mae destreyed and re- urganizattus efthtie cosants sut started usttl 14. Ae ttme meut un tisere --re25 cuugregatiuusansd 1H preaitig peints aiti t2,500 memberu tri M served. A rierthy sale tethe tact tisaS tise Kureas Cisurtis ln JRpsu muet bu cemptetetu fre utdelit beoru betsg cedtested. Tise Presbytetftan risurchin teCasaiS ptays a part, by supptyisg manY ut tise sereseutteu fer aur isast- er's markis t isofar-u00tetnd. Tise tadies ilecided ta, seuda Ptlnta oMrs. E. Robertson uta ta i te s eitisi, sud Mre. Bei vutunteered te tmy asuditvel tt. A bymu, "Steet lie tise hE tiss Stade," wis s uestsud th( LMlapais Sesudtttius repeatud. rsouteu Halrttfo r e ttaf î c u a do t Mrs Radlcttts x monstrated tetr yeti ry Staley, Agricuturat Re- aatwi. oh, as ieetnuses soxattve. closed er mO att b t a short etiar b ass, hir xt aguste Adoaitixnaiat$50was voted by Pes. r taitersa teO l5Ocirepe 8eY amembers ta etP vtb taa Gest speater or stiPectl dagr sd etpaerset ah aaiversary project ut Mac- Pragrair or "Saety" mwas Geott serviettes. He gave tbe tustttate snid~~ ~ tstueoGe Tp u a yl tor, wbo aortes wtiiH. J. twa bs au "Guide ta Teatfit madsit aneoy uep.n Statey, Agricuttrat bepreset- Saety," and a number o satety Ms. Secte ot St. Thomas, abo atise as Extensiaon Aststant, aud pmbeS as a sietcoute guest at the vtstbging Mtu tpeet._____________________________ Mrs. V. lirris gave the e- t ot the Fars SatetyCusi iettug ia Bramptan aere Hs- a sand Peet merbers were e- esented. Se stated ibat Ms. W.Webb, itattuaDstrtct Presi- kieddasatety cauncil meeting L D l a Dun Mittu riere 900 servers D I ere peset. The ProvincialNE ST L CuutereOuce au taety eit beid t Guetph bUiversity au Feb. 5, Tteut a ntdprvd 7.rut uceFOcMayO ..an iug and educattunat, "Precaut- C,.frmld The rollActti eovydferniflit- ART4U Aapproach ta the seàoS' ARTHURONA.O.D eost fasiens COen JOHNON,. O. ltlUs cestyle your hai me for a cote and pretyl ois. 9 Fa le S 3pas. FidayinBeuy L ne 1 " MAIN ST. MILTON At 171 Main St. Phone 878-9533 114urV -i-S17 8 IS HERE 1 TAKE A LOOK TrOOAY AT OUR WIDE SELECTION WR HAVE jUSy TNE RIONT SET FOR YOU - AT A FRIC VOU'LI. IKI Hove a Fre Triail on Us 1 RICH4ARDSON SR21M=AM 978490 * T@e Cnada Cheoplon. Wededey, Jauaay 24, 1968, nacil ih Tour Europe Vii Thte jansary meeting outhtte t Mtlton and Dstrict Unvrstty ide Wuue's Ctub, betdi ut tbe hume mi utflirs. D. . Dttts ut Acta, na teskte etorrnutaisanarmohate tal tour tiieogisthse countieof utn Eastrn Esropie -- uguelRI4lai Hunairy, Bulgrta and Czectu- hl stuvala - ceaducted sy iHaroldt -1 Bursoth ttostHou-sseTravot or t ~Bureau ut Torontot, isy riay 01 m ~ I t Il n tise c osee ut a sh ot teSte a l - i ti~~~~eturettanl, lir. Surnie taid ta itntulaidsits ô-oreSt surtie ut tise ntltiatseiteasId 04 about tise restrtctie condtionsle en t iese couosrtes, putst uiatht tht they are st one huge mass- fi Uille cmurnisistatae. It e stead eacti istds t turi "par- f ticutar shade ut ted in runtittg biet usier tise eeut securtty I pouce. Ttl ntlgI Fer esampleTtutantyu W sumeoutthse tormer BattlkaSates ittu ugstavta, bau ssumed 0a bitti issd iiy assettel is casa- A MILTON CURLING CLUB RINK ade a goad haring einhe but lavea Giedate and Glrfued in the ru pettoar Mrs ry's nationat iterestu te Op- proiniallaýesplydonsat ot iiHpe Golf and Casaeed are s shownaai refi, oithicaie Nerma Heeru vsecond Giad psition ta toviet dminsation. Cu eetyGn a, or-e defrated a Giiedes inkf Meeritt and iead 'Adle Leslie. (Staff Photo) Humanteais bas strayed far ~Iimpon2,500 members to be served ain Korean Church in Japan Tiere as s ratller emait t- rititi Mrs. A. lPeddtea misa tutd tendance due ta ttlnesuc ritea ofthe grurith te iKeal Th,,eoetsnAuxillary outKnosCi ...in ..p, foi s e in-t .1_ In. mt aueTu32ayaadler utr strprstrl irt muea eue isead Westersst to t t million tsiri t and lie ur. tu ut n aurre eagrt erted by gud boeste-Wsmtersyerofpala- lnud 1d aead chenpsrsist l- car re etas aiscoteshIeleotis aue- traveedfprlerutpElaces- Cegocdsfood ada, tbraeh lure erldly cees leota tu etinephd me a veud rue tss uoe- iteadis hstd is.trurgant-r re ruitcommareist e mgst pdu Sin avery oanctiemasatt esu sdecute. te o issuetorie cSt ler the v aretas u Masptytaf thecndetise as esMoutaintand foeput. On U peitoe ut e Me h sssrettisad e tutisee tigistntMthesCed teuitiseaiS HuugsM. ry n ds printed asty cliatesud pftthleefugtetatdsu marhS. Sb fudit'e capItal HIIunabutte sdescetIbe Danubu lu cmusidedanetleat es a uttre oudest ittiscitalDp erato bt Hes. HatiofuthTesDane s l oetsiere. nItrntoa Msr. Sures mas iutreduced b lire. P. C. Massneusmisinditate tise ireadtsofut bts belot isome ut Mes. Gordon JeffOrsua. liru. G. IlcGîbisua utered ber homae tue tise seX moelleS, lise Wnrtd Day of Prayer. The pree- Ideuntlire. Ernaett licGtbMele lted the ladies lu ber boee l asabe msthe upeugrasifoue1t66. Ssii, Cati ms aesvered by ait tise tadies papln esIleees for lise curneg year. Offerisg rie taises up sud dBelated by lire. H. W. Dredge. lire. S. Smdts read a palier ans ss thee Soew oiersud the WMlS. iseOt- lsg clused riti the Lord'e Prayor. 0 Mes. FlieGIboil lasis lie Hem Teara Psas 3M. meutes ut tise lent meeting vere read isy seeretery lIre. G. igeGlbbes. Thse laies deglsted le have salnd- ointes sud tea aller lisea---al aseeteng, as Tlussrday el#,Jae- cary 20. Ladies are reqested 15 brisE udwdehos. )ire. Smdth read sonne peas VAd lie aseetng utoaed mIls achyme aMdrepeatlsl tis Ilcth. Tise leeccitommit- tee served Mae sud sandewtches sud ihappy bMethday vriensg lue lira. (G. lieGisie. INDdisTtiAL AND COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING ,D OLE 0E ONSTRUCTION -E AL Oit îtOOtONG CUSTOM CONTROOtPNLS fu a meteure respile res Ith IT 'S FO R w Iae SIR M n g sof auristdnght elltibu-ILF UI U to ri, surerte beautitut te &agis o te tM Adeatit andliOd' «M IX ED iterramies set op a lemnprsry detightin ithbe vieriausedendet uf iaibtu-suits ad sualen dboos tedepcrkas O tese --H ep ou ar siiieWatbgteared 1 0O 10 O-lb. Lot ut suuw, piesue. LO poBlock and SUNFLOWER SEED ICa pbell ~ ~c Full Bag C aapbuell 2utbLots Less 10% SHIGH GRADE MEMORIALSI IIOIA NGRING McKIM H ARDWARE 62 WaW eS. NoceS GAL 260 Maie S. l Servesa YeeuElgh' 78-9222 Tetepisuse 621-7580 CHILDREN'S Special meeting on safety featîires film, hazards talk Wuîl Hot pres Dhe Is t pc W. Ideas for new year a armchair A;cac..ccc~c-l ~t Boston use tise strict cemesuelellr tests sud ptayed isset ta tria Tise Jeuusry meetings et Sas- dittua taurutits tasi yesr. tt's idislr lor lise LailieeAldMeelhtR. te lise aisueste et lise preutileet tee Cburrb lsdieu mure ut tise uise read a euud tissogist lue tM 3t e ho ýIl er tie ýhe 'Un W. ncw wi Ys M( tri M u