Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jan 1968, p. 9

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ïEîmif OT FRONT 1 .ER .E For bad trip to "Cancer Co nr" P.Y.P.S. councdl end ino ere o m rilcsonns odf hm afeigo eithg ad Te Pahtra an eln t<in M h a p keep smoking those Iovely weeds here this weekend they show you the pirture ef Itts ose over on their parents. eOptels Soctt hrohefRn Beavern uy ,a eek 0' Wht rsd e nemoa'iI holl hadom.tail, rugged anhdotte 0ctsfr Church, Milta l hatenc camping ta the norha the end ter or platn? L arge or aa n-me hoao . fot sm lgrsland cigarettes sa yan are dan well flan for a thtee-day New Year's of August, and a conventi on. _-I. .. etrv no mari- Roin,, to nmooe tioem. Tas om- Counci of Toronto- Kîgsta Sy- The deiniw o ag limte fo paclatose ses or au e - a n,,e- -.. .- aPYPS xrtvs 050 îoîoee hy eraroton Presytary. a sh r nvte Atu preeOt uvry n ohur? Évorp aller bhe. Nver de o sse the r nplain o h an etlid cees? la th mshrooms? Do grtm ide, lise carrer coutry. yan realise ihat forevery 50 cents ye say, 0h.Ive >st gtta have Woldnt tlid vtew redace Sales? yna dig ot f yor pacet, yae a ctgartto. Store 1 dnt smal, I den't are devaiaatiog yor lite, st '0h00 dtd yoi U... . uden sida wth othr palt ot vio. I tat yar poktmt.haa? you mre 12, 13, 14, or heOre d, hoevr, realize the rishe of Referring lark ta the article that? Cotd yon stop Roy ime smohtog, and the need smaero ta the Reader'sltgest,the athr yn tet BIB I, or are yae a seem te have. deveoped cancer f the ihroat, hSom heddy o nicotine? Ai,bUt Just heese cigarettes are and had ta aadergoaon speration ymi say, ehat's the harce? t'asld, yes are ot torced ta juy hich remaved his taagae, hie nly amos going ln oe secoenad thom. Tansare 8a free tadividua. phryn, faw, thraat, chinaond and htowtsg eutt hestz. RMILE Free te pt yor rotas inta île nse, tHe thon undermeat plastic and EXiIALEtif cigarette machine, fres ta re- orgry, here the doctrs haped la the JanuarY issueof e gad- mono thece ram i, and fre0 ta ta reconsraci hie nech mnd face r'a Dgest nagsiii, t read ao liehI a match ta omola i. Ontho sa that ha waaid looh lihe a arceroocerolog the ffoctse 1 alher haod, ymu are alsa tree ta han liag again. The hrrar smoking. I sevr reaaly thought say No. f such se speraitan made me mach ahout cigarettes mnd smh, I dm'l t fea y pretadice feei sic, and yet aoncultea- satl itdd read thts article. t agatost mpheody who smalas, but cape reaity. Thisnsari of thing lgrad Il peope antedtogmola I de meder. Mmny ddaslart t happanda averyday. fi mas thor affar. From read- se earty age, ntlacause thoy 'm at sayiagtist jathecanse tng th artcle, I ea thioga thal really ast te, lai hcause their yaa amale ymu are sacre ta et malt aantced latare. Oh T.V. frteoda are ding I, it gives (çaoaained on PaeB8) .14K Billets for aparoctmalely 35 ne speciff e harrters areintorce, delegates tram Peterboroagh te but the pragram tsaiamed at North Boy have heen fosnd ta yaaths 17 yoars oftage and ap. Milton homes. A hanquet and skating party The cosocil tti hegto Frtday mtli mrap up the husiness part eveniof mth registratton, social- of the meekend fatnrday eveniof. istof and taformal discaustions. funday, congregatton P.h'.P.S. Reparte mtll la mode on the prestdoot Marg Bali, preshytory f ociety's ttnanctng. and planning presideot fhirley Ella of Camp- ot the camiof yearls pragcam, hoilvilie, and president at the milS le dose, with apprapriata syoed lovel, long lStevens ci bmdgetisg. Toronto milI condnrt the merning Amang the events taopleooed church service ai Knox. are the lipri ng felomship track- Hlenry Dueck of iha Ontario and-fieid meet (ai mhich Bramp- Farm for the Deaf mil ho gnest ton mes the traphy lest year), a speaker at the service funday. t De Biitith are ceaîirt Muid Beuts play saIt doece MMA tauht by televisioei it tb ho realiy great ohes the eBrttish Mvi Beais mihlb ime comaes far the actual pr- ,rsp toc onr set dansce an formance. Febraary il, 22 mnd Lry 19. Ticlts sold dartog 23 arethe ntghts for the hig [rat moeh fsalaswere$1.OS evet. a student card butta the Those congaltions may e ofthledance thopmwitl b aisler laie bledIlmeuldlilatu D. 'e By's Athetta As- gtve a cheator b enhetlall to, wha are spoosoif team tacrinitng the Steel Bail EY lance, expeci a gaed tareasi tascoamant drmin te Christmasa T use earh prjeritlahy have hfldays. Young pled tIfs year hos hoan a la edarattonal tleavisten gaing tionin ofsa, ta talae var II&.IM.Rbinson? ?hu,,d ursdap a meetng f the lta- Ths is the big qestion. Since Ceunilcm as ild. Dbcbg teme lgtmdng of the chont yeac meeting, the ochasi reustila- masy classes have viemed pro- mon disrassed. gramo on TV. whirh were re- mhast o usinta, leted taonhibets talas ta choni, fils iogiof Stghave pragressed ilsyho the day et thetehrmt th pint ulere asr rat is cm t S.n> alr distof aimat every ntit p, ears. Who n la m? Dhllfo la lay' sports, mede ehit hoceyan d meslisg hava leen la tmesalgs.Mrder ban yon? ce te layoffo hava biken place intme Frn outh cen m lartmentis 0ur hockey team, In Ir ral year Of play, haaea fit h Po ves uheud tcllesdtlgfhave ben amop th ag- Amasg those attndtag the Sec- tsp leamo, dmeeting of Mitta's Yath H ps, the cramotlaacdfyeung litre tac Milton,, cm a detega- n ram a stalar rgootratim WsT GeargetOo, the Yuth-tn. aen of Yath-n' a mlabrship s apprmtimatety 15iSsera iavltad Rý , illon toa stisttheaYasih Reps ongh thir ecgaaiumlioiia.t Loeliiss is a&terrihle ag, mnd ta explain hem maey thitg. roght mhe Gergetaonyaslh Pesple have teen leama mtre rameopen-air discussions ta dia fromnt ,madthe semae a cammuidty peck la a meli- prehaly gosnfr yasth in unit capahle of staging pro- papes. 15 md antartatnmentthemwhote The Front mald lit il s ta yaam popuatio casjey. head ot at ita arms amd Yoth-In president Jim Eggr- emileo ns ya if yon sent lu n also charad the Milton a lofter. eop's eetrttaof eerttva. Srety, ith the yath The recarded privato haitcltag centre practirally spriaf- onsltad ta lartian at prestdent aul Fster, vira-prestdetJane 101 up ander yeur teet, tle Denliser, secretary Shiri Par- tmusy mltar mahrme'va os, treanurer Ken Bromn, mdn Ibe havnth îe 101 issues crectars AI Retilvoanmd ick that crme uptinhigi sshonl, Digiralam. world happentns---- The Gargetawntms t nvted tmore'n somnethiaf YOU'VE Yoth Reps ta vieil Yath-le ladt gei ta Say. atnrday avanna. Reemlec, ton, yas do't hava a vria ta mua- ......... __________ icipal or national gavera- men, laI your spiions are INSURANCE vlaladyueutl mhe world, On Yeouth Front. Quil slerfing, Wa lama yeur're eut tmre, ne pick np yor qaiti mnd commun- icate. The Front mi tead the masasANYTiIING yas R.. OR ~sds,proviiungt'ssP monasOnt. 878-6337 nseaftacpuhlitattan), sen- siae, md non-libelonO. ____________________ Yasth Fraaont asno ioh talbe a Taihalyse. '0e wmnt WIDE SELECTION tala a- Taismthae. OF .'dliata et a lent- munm of aon ttec. *INSTRUMENTS Tor. * F RECORDS Beforo ipriaf. * EE BtTMUSIC *TAPE RECORDERS M lUSIC BOOKS P *RECORD PLAYERS *lomo<amay1 *TRANSISTOR RADIOS 24 MAIN ST. *RADIO &TURNTABLE 1878-2343 COMBINATIONS COjMTIC j W AYNE'S Eizabeth Aden Prepo raonsav HARMONY Du Barry-Max Factor RECORDS Chanel No.5 AM MM EgCl'D."4IAgevey for 114 fMAi01,' . 076-2131 LAURA SICORO CANDIE$ The the gi Jaseai mehk oaisd attea dent thisi R, e prai Yz ILTON ARIA DILIGATES aheo endad Vis- barlinaWood inornby); and in the reot, Bary Ai en '67, the Tac Alpha youth conte rance on Laine, uiDoycen, ada Ledaith, Tetry Oas- nid cohei, dingo and eîhee proîoievi held ai the Luier and Wayne lichetie. Rep- iheraon liane Natal, Niagara Flio, inladed peqç ho neOren eaCh e reer ed(Photo by Bochvi Studio d)cent finiC li Gallinger IS Out taiN thrc hro "To Win You Over! iq ea ahr " MILON'S BiS? SRVICE " hI LTON'S ES? ALLOWANCE taoi " hI LTON'S BiS? USED CARS " MI TON'S lES? FINANCîNG O WE HAVE CARS! D WE NEED BUSINESS! WE MEAN BUSINESS! EVERyTHING GOES 0 NOTHING HELD BACK PLUS, H-i-O-Wl-R olan csail ALLOWANCES for ycar orede. A? GALLINGER AERCURY 878-2883 MILTON PLAZA JANUARY SERVICE SPECIALS Complota Minor Tucio-sp, lncluding Parts and Labor for 6-cyl. Engino f 79.5 INLLLDL. -Noe Spark Piago - Dsrihator Points- Newe Condenser - Set Igniin Tmng - Adict Choke and Crbotetur -Cie aad Test Bttera Nota: R eyl. Engînas $400 Extra. Engin. Block Heters, Installed - -$10.95 t'OUTi4 REPS, Milia'sco caeritlneeaf Paul Favter (tylop) icee.yreidavt Java DevRas', gyeople drumrieieaiiPeevsiovnd ac oecretoie ShrltParsonsdiector NickDigital- ia youth cenvtre, eiecedtheirneactive aiea, tîavrer Ken Braon aed direciai AI loay nvenivg. hey ieclade yresideet Restivo. (Staff Phota) cam are soe at anc td avor- iten ..SliShirt, Atles Boa., stunrt customnized music Gloomy and Sece, sodd anhabr positiva this vil la ose of anc rCentury 2 l istenvers lent sos omlbr mhai sertes on île tmenty-Oiroi century me pceised To starlt 01me Ohave ElecaT la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n tailmns lits Atema, eslth the Ns. t bis maak me hrtag yon Part To, conceraing msi, hy Yasih PUEFitRllSATION nstaffer Ja e t F r ier. IP ASE O R T T ON I E s time for anc regalar pro- Our aononncer isoum. -amm... HLi, me're lach, and vith uc now on M.U.S.L.C. (Meaaigfal On yaah, Mc. Hashap. is Sid Drtmomad"Bongao am.",. ge Shah l Inapire C u tuac s). O n t h a e da for taday'a p ro- <C o aîsnsad an P age B) iSchool happenings ... 1-D cards' value reviewed busy dramatic year coming Thursday tosai tle SIodent Consil el iiLD.lt.S. te sessionidicssial varions itemns cf imporance. Il ac deided 10 ra-spon tisa ehocotat ar lacstto ml tisa ramatader o!tme lacs. As yan racali, preots aeqicod tram the sale mre lo go tomacdes ec leacers. la order taoen- courage aathusia.sm amongthlie studenss four prizsn dl l e aarded ta the fourltest salcsma, Prises iorlude athor a osconi maeatec ar sweashirt. Oaa agnain the retceshmest cemmittea milI e haan d ta diocecuraga asderaor- ishment la Mitni High stciaits. The committea te ta servo hot dope and cale aI tise seasoas halthali gamos. tudeai caunant tot tha hsleatl games shasld isave more advertisement, perhmpc ta île torm et posions se thal ovryone, ot jut a to, eaires thora araegames goisg on. The nid prshlem et niadent identiiy (ar- tetly) carde man rosght ap, CaUnant 1a gataf la iry le ac range tac discouats aI sehasl daces fer islders ot tha card. This shculd laast card sales lacause O tha inrceanad valua as thea. Deh Bt, MalH..'s fosiar cfild iti sani ha receiving maoy giffs tram ier hiltotn supporers. Gtaasdbh Ford, tise high octinil correspondent te lsh Bt, mansced haxas ml ha placed in eaeei ronm hy the caunail reps. iladeots are ta colen may Items mleh may bhofaiuse leo Dh Hi. nytùng trem isîalkels le etthas, caared food la penetîn or mony 10 laing aceaptod. The lanlethailigames chaedtarwad- sesday, Jas.n o bwaos UiloandGesrga- tome tarsed out favoraisly tacrhliliss.The gila ha plapad ta Georgeton, pîayed Co-epera.tivoiy and mith pteaby of spirit. The jundor scare as a deciiva St-2 for Milaon High adle tiso SeniorS lost hy île slim margin of osea point In a 30-9 vtctory for Georgtown. Tho Seniors, aithi discespntnted, mre ptoased ta have plapad so el agsiaathe Georgetowns 10m, 'lie boys, h0ever, more not osusc- oessoletandGeoreon tank tme lead. Aknaller effort was pet forward os Fr1- da y he teamo as thoy machoi mheir chii ih Caestnal ltgh et G-10p4 Tlie senior gils shewed tr tros col ors hy defeotila cealossia intsa 17-1; virtory. Top scorers I10tmeganse mre Nocm IearuandsoiMaryane Rlltsao Wat, Jmnuary ilIla a vor sonser thon me aaeet md mith th O lSS One oemet ramas anoher. me Orad second f Fehcoacy are the dates set for mhe annoal drama nigfi ai MD.H.i. Tlido ear thora il, ha tmo Ose-stplapo pretoabed onsile se niflt hy the drama luh. - -o i j l t n d s T h e fH a s e , " o s e a f t h e nia rt psys talbe prsentd, to & amad- tan ply eritten hy Gvma Bisgmnid. It mos aade irsi prise for aive Cuasii pays in the Damiiah Irama Festial The play, ahieh han a motera settiag, lsa& para drame md iti reipira tsp perform- ance le present il affeetivaiy. The drama cais has lanled Ianard ta presentiag a play such as tbis amd tirsinceretintaisof- frts te present il prsperty. ITue mamiers of tha cas, Marg MaeBay, mha ptays Rth Warren, lava Reis, ha ptays Arthur Maning, Bth Wrdle on Hater Warren mnd Gorden Ttmlers who taiss the part of Bcuce Warren, are mring hard as the pay lai have avon mare lard ork ahoad et thom. Thea cuh deservas a lot f pratse in thir efforts la present onch a Play- A thcee-aet pay iiila prasentad lter nt e l s prtag, m d a grade 12 play il lab areseabai ai he Wintec CarivaLI.fi the 12 Play 15 surecafai il il la pt os toc the eaflre ocheuui Lt's heep anr eye on tis cluh - it's ging ptacost Sunshine students enjoy O.S.D. pool By George Adas The pupin0of SenhineS chasl hava started shaflsg asenaI Mitni Areaeveerp Frida. Remembe hoVr ivoy caIdMe- daLy itanwmeh? 'e ceutdpretesd e more dams outh whila m mre svAmiolg a the Chite Schnoilfer tmeDemi Po -. Dec parensoand friands mcrt a the&cossai omeetngsOfllstNorth Balas Asscatuonfor tho )b- taly RBoardoi, Wdsady eom- tsg (JRan10i« I n tialOPierO ail atch at et. t. yu'It fiai o, sa kopt by the yaicsiiy ceairali tes ach second a. And wo gos- seithin a miaule haut 2 seoneds wondor BuIoO ikeea choseO la uS. asiroliauts ters, sm s, ski jack-~ shirts, cordurf ponts, 5VoOOOlOî MANY OTI4IR DEP CIJT ITEMS NOT ' fms - Reg. cf .9 - SALI $3.00 a Mode-Ahl Celors fe $1195; Sala $5. kl Ssow sots adud to Char tO6 F

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