MILTON MRCATS' PCAS~ AL UGGAo OF AdJYC FobdI 77ee ?/# a ~~pp Ca~d.s Fns QySho s Lde'-Mns- hlrnn ToLadin e Bs ds n Pi:ed $j o OFF sl "OJ5tFrrr M cer or plain ug Se. nir y m e rry' i e rt8 Priced We cia t te?' d yu 99080 dld y estart. 5151 vers 12, 13, 14,o tisai? Cceld ymi stop yen feeltUke Il, or w. boleoin iuddy of nicotine Son Say, SisniS tise bal caly emoks gOii9910ln and ilowing oudtisée nent. and EXttÀLEI 11 ln thé Ianuary issue er'e Digest sagailie, 1 eticté concérsillg tisé smoing. 1 neyer rel muni abiout cgarettes otil 1 dtd readt Iis a fIgsred il popl e ntéý il wuE thiér stir. Fi log lise articlet 1 0 I ven unnttcéd isétore. 1/3 toC * DRESSES 4SUITS 1/2 Of f * COATS * SPORTS WEAR * SHIRTS * BLOUSES M(LTON 224oMAIN ST ~!OI SA 0 MILTON 250 Main St. E. 878-3501 SChildren's Shoon 20s% OFF lavage & Packsardà Chiltdres SHOES Reg. $6.99 -$1.99 r,ý$3.99 ýj Ladies! Dreas Pumpa 300 Pairs Assorted Styles and Sizes 1/2 PRICE, BRAMPTON 8 Queen St. W. 451-2306 5010 lts ie r o hrgin ihai crY camfi slrct'inofa a astmng syshot of love.An rxamina- tionof o r cosp,teri colecton o AriCarvrd di.mood rnss cai hrir yeumak hdiOîimpor- tant drcisioil Gala ArCarard, lion rnegs Ecatcd 5,0cr 1850, offers soc h .s odelctî ,se h gurantcrd fer ca rai weighi. csior, cui and cisiia. pYTQE -$5 BIG SELECTION MODEST PRICES 0 FOR THE FINEST IN DIAMONOS '.", jis b lrn i 220 MAIN E MILTION 878-6341 0 ENGLISH CHINA 0 GIFTWARE IIISILVERWARE Wé Cordially Invite You ta Corné and Browse Bulova Accutrol*. First watch ever to guarantee accuracy! n thé Bulova Acctot imépiécé al thé parts that mehe s watch fast or slow haoe béés loft ot. Yau'Ill lsd no balancéewhel, nou mainspring at ail. Boo ccotros imé lu képI sy thé L ib r a tio n s ai a n l c tro O lc a l ît c o n tr a - tédtuoi n g ork. t diidéséeach second Into 3w0 éqoal parte. And me gos- ranlée accuacy wthin e minute a month. Or absout 2 seconds a day. No wondér Buosa Accoticonheu béés chasén Il limé the firol US. nstranaats o thé mon. OUR 37th ANNIVERSARY MADE-TO-MEASURE f SUIT SALE " CUSTOM TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS FIRST QUALITY WORSTEDS PRICED FROM OY .5077.50 ~HYDRO PARKAS AT 1/z PRICE I Topcoats & Sport Jackets HOUSE OF HOBERLIN 20"~ to 1/3 OFF Madé-to-Méanure SALE STOCK SUITS 0 Extra Trousérs FREE 15 TO 20% OFF o 0 f eua rc SWEATERS AND SPORT SHIRTS o 0 f euu rm 20% OFF I1/2 PriceI BARGAINI A IUNTER1 TremendousIPO TO 'A/P RICE 1/30OFF: lO0to 50eO YOoff: Taiisrdei-Moeisu.~ I 20 Vo Off Depi TÔPCOATS 200 MAIN Ail ladies' winter coats Special rack of skirts, slaclcs, dusters, swea- ters, hats, girls' dresses Ladies' dresses Ladies' carcoats Men's topcoats Girls' and kiddies'1 ets, snowsuits Ladies' suits coats, carcoats, ski jack-i Men's windbreakers, ski jackets, carcoata Men's sport coats, uits, sweaters, sport shirts, corduro pantsi Boys' wintér jackets, corduroy and lined panta, sweaterg sport shirts, sport coats, suits, topcoatn MANY 011411 Ladies' slims, skirts, blouses, shirt tale DEEP CUl Girls' pullovers, cardigans, limu MINTIOt'W AILTON dF&s- e.u artment Store Reg. te $11.95; Sale $5. 'ST. MILTON Redceéd te Chéar à % ML -& A - - T n a m &. T h a...... C d . 0 im I* 0 6 i Store Hours- Open Fridcays From 9 to 9, Wednesdazy 9 to 1 :uu, mon., iues, r., aux*.v m w%, At-Crved if its more than "pUPPY love" IATON ARE^ DE ,n '67, the Toc Icohol, drugs an( smralas Broc1. iS the front, Gm, "To 871 JA Corn; Inclui OCLUI Eng ai /3qieffi Dine sý0#j