Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jan 1968, p. 6

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For Financial First Aid s- Use Classified AdvertisemA.fEltL BIRHSCAR S F HAN S OR SAL C AS-- ID-ATE---E--AT--1 FOR RENT 17 REALESTTE M Y HOW R TH D FT A K O A EC A S F E R A TES ser maeted. Werk 1 BACHELOR partmeft, fr For Screce & Satsfactionl Mnse of ie Te1 - r . c e M s . J a n - M y s i e ice r e th a rk s t e r e lt ij o M O D E R N h o m e , 2 y e a rs O i d , 9 1ý t ) h e d a i dpie s s f g e n 'e d $ 8 ie ' I mlp a HOAD-Mrcn r.eSt -riedscnd nihosfr ltanines, 2 kitehees nd 2 eehte The Canadian W19p1i mmteiin aeSai.5tetthgeuert rsonofMfaOtaepteas- cards and I t te Rebekais bathreees. 878-6757, 324 Weed- 878-2341 Chamion Milto, Otro up indt noui3 iefi. rnswr.1s hipin bt asGodreslv,1 tn.lI.....5 Y estot edt oeoce thse birtt et Ldr tePast Nebte GadwrdtC3-752 sppgbetma.Gedresoe, .MAte. Hydreoictud' ~Yas et t eesn hoa n, C'1> th OSTIS.ý taAORtAGES, CRTRCOttN it M ARRIAISt et o pay. Piece work. Apply Dept. cd je ie.t)l 3c37-7 their Th0o Gadnutb ied th t.C.W. et Si - UFRtGHT trig. and freezer GAGiIET - N. Chate.2 o 1,Psa ttinU a EFSrTM B tee ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~c District, Hespite eeJn-Ieee pcittsnst r esed. $750 sanrcaey c ae renniat c y h-9 Boxll 1, pOtation,T-ic780 - TTM B meight 8 tts., 1411 ece., et Mit- Feet's Cherctt tee ttseir tovety ceriete barct _____________=._________Ir_______1______8c38__715 ery 12, 1968. Firet eroedchitd for Aikeotseod, Rev. Hainer and tise or Sacr8ic2 et7 250 tc7-27 n5 ditcourt slea or ess lynt.t 50t SEVERAL Ivoire.needd i.n es t.l Mr n r.G .HrioR. nur ead staff et Milton Dis.1 eesttS 50tEOTS. CAO5DS OF TtANt - $.2 triirie con. the Million area ta demonstrate 16 SERVICES îsraa R. 6, itton.trtct Hospitat, ctso my dear 3GNDEEbtdocmt lt oc e acddititna Il.. a 55 o revoîotionary new cosmetie. jML ____________ rieed Anne tor bier inany kind- blttde ced trot end toader; aise o s IN asMEMORIAM - $12 sa ete er ee 0nt te css Futt training proeidcd in skin TOWN ANtD COUJNTRY snose ness ta etore and derief Forge 3-teen trucks, 15 fs. plt-t es.ASSIrsao ntnrLsv nAL ESTATE - _$1.40 tee colue tacht,, care and corrective matcc-op in boigdieasadprig____ PEACGCK - Dosn eanet y stcy je hospitet. fartm. 878-9385. ic3-75O Drde tet .IiISta tattat- 5 P. c untattea sie Ern Wes0morc method. Re- todert y aMe ddO phrk 30ingS io Ot ton,~~~~in ort. phenee a a- R adwo n knln Burtingiton 632- 878,2639. ter. Cheryt Ane, meight 7 tos.. tcogtbs. Deiivered as 050 ai ans- MA RID A CotctLer 7c 37 ozsce., et Miltton District Hes- COMING EVENTS eice -ecag o riey pitat.c Jaeoery 10, 1968. Pirst _ ____________877-4-00. lb20-467(-tf ieCxdt hmin edea y.,iaY 17, 1968 Cheotteur's License 0 Piasttring, Cenent Work Clrec Pacc, ito, n tBon Cnre Fi jU J LK byigyorMust have tirst clots drieing 0 Chimneya and Fireptace LonrdR TIfnkn t gr.cEdhid 1er gh M tr. a d Euhr . e. 19 Adiso 0.bidnsmtrasadca ircord witis edaptohitity and ex- 0 Exterior Stucco LoadR B.C Laiesproide c3-74 Crwfod'sCambelvile. uic 5VEHICLES FOR SAL 'l HELI0WANTED) Pricece of mecsanrirs. Prefer- Tikn c-4seCrvcerd Ccmpbeiaivii. Phink Il Ionc aivnt tpticani mitb ex- a piastçring Repaira HNDE Ceihtvte854-2232. ictt.4i6 pence agricotue orNIE t Se Ledis poaie. evileis qtaty phn CLASS A mechenie mantrd. Phonenc Anagicltre 853-1818 REA L. ESTATE BROKERRE S a le s o f 1 2 '0 O n ta r io S t. N ., A g r c t r a t S o c ie ty m u tl b e e d A N A Y sa l o - K n u Y W IT H C O N F I D E N C E C H A MPeO B OX33 t 2 3 3,3 9 S e n dr t a tie u s p a rti c t e t a r s tov cetIT SAlESn a r caed Mra anonein tse ncareing D et a ten fhr ws ,reig ngenf nMloOtro thehethbirtb cf ugherai gbculir BodcogbtOera- r get ReAgric$1.95tqtMArtemuBecrdtals.8R7oonntugotcctyton i$i2 o S95igsq.es MitnDsrc epoc nJn rcJnary 27, 1963 c3l-743 bue Diperies 878-2513.i3-6 - c37-39O stery repairiez. Antique apecal *LIST WITH TEL eary tO t968. c3l-76S Pontisc i tkSCEAY sot. Puer estimate. Pick - OIt and dRC l SE SHEPHERD - Mr. and The postponeANNeAting ofry Scielin pro- Wbere satisfaction ix goarcntced MATURE wmmn te care for LoadR hnlr Mlo SHEFHER -ow Mr.red ofd Mrs.l Tismity et S, in Miton, Febreer y FUL L. TIME 1 519-8 3 2 1 A teadin g Rea Estate Breker c ere S h pa - M i t n a d D istric t H o r ic o îr- le t C h r istia n b o o k s a t h a it T E H O M E D P "G O O D W IL L " 15 t e M a rc b 3, s e e p in , $ 15 aW . H T E - E I ne te ar p ofse t e- i Sceymt seicdMe price Ceme and brense. "The UECAS day. Repty Box 235, Canadian for lbl 8499 cocge tise in weit spe r , 7nie . n ar 2. P et to FemnitB isSoe(urign 1965 CADILLAC CALAIS Chsampion. 8c38-767_____________ th.,8~s00.,o Ledc H sp'meeting ced etection ttcr e Braet St. uriegtoe, Oet. - H DOOR forT FLU B R ,. ,M fo dalonhtuyr, Le 968An. Acigist ~per Del p.m.ýRa finorph Aina Hornes Paedi But Heslc.Brovieagei S K&R ta1 eJxay7 98Asee 8.15 p.m. Att meteeme. c37-391 epposite A & F. Store. ic38-389 Lie. 4111203 Orgntiexsi AN o lReig i nes ho&teexeER or___'Donna.___ ioreished saddle mitis match-' shis 'utt cam lvailabie. (Ncxxcgcmcya Township) Ceriificd cocpcntry and gener- BusinsOse o cn.CAR, TRUCK & TRACTTI er.mcto Lexorieoxty ap- Geod eP.tet u iecfo mitting Tpnsotad nd gener- ai contractief, centodeiling, ai- 1alt wî h , Wfl teaceg 'D pt tertion, rec. r enn, trim work ES, en . ced e d, ever 2,080 poieted aed eqoippe d o ' A- g4 t4 , 0 R cb ie ai, t o fice du ie . e c _____________________ all sicex, tnprice; tlats fixed, ced braises. Truty woederfl , reat. 8c37-650MLO 7-93 o-e ENGAGEMENT FOR SAE R Ityrntetrs istckd , p100 evler indee hs omea, oneerMe ______0633______ MrOn r imrL ao IN falkns a ual have isatteries foc mont cars omner car tisat me seid and 24, 1960, ta 16c32-18 Acr, et Strcetstcitte, Oet., are ptecs- 878-2150. le8363t aed troche. Milton Tire and Ra- have serviced since cen. Tra- STORE CLERK SCHOOL BOARD SEC., U UA . cd se aeeeeece the engogement 2 N4EW 670-15 tires, $25. 878- ciator Service, 191 Mili St., ded en oe cen Cadiitcc and .R .Mhn fY uA ster e.gLore Kecim Jett, on788821. l5-43t pie asl t$ 7 r$75 inrqie meitl r Setic Takrumplng L m et2ale .. m stor d stan-. CNoitiex- On.oh3x Selling C Mc cd rs Rnets tt t AREtoMain St. and Tre- NEW ced esed Cecisiste dome ced $123 monihty. aspelvle part ttme str irs oc- Bni0 tais pr.ace rs i e tc Sa Ir ot cai.Scecand enes tracs Bookeeer BLUE SPRUCE E84TERPRISES 100 Acrcx Close 06 01 Mwy. WîiîougIr ot Horeisy. Tise weddief il m ai e Rd 7. 177 c38-753 tractors and equipmee;oused 196PNIC AttN r ie c ro e es tk l . in Eden United tr ctors f a it makes; ne se cd 216 O TA A IS E N n a e Cch, Strcetxv 4-CUSHION ceterfel 2se isomrs oo 00 HARDTOF Appty Dosi a1 adcrea Ham 6 Rlosret day, Fehroary 17, 1968, as 3.00 hotetered in rote trseze. 878-9917. ted seessbisttdsx mus hydraut- Lic. 42640. Ricis mareon lin- 105ep r- oetcad nutil 401 Cloverteat and w.6Re r p.m. eh7M i odr fraytatr mari-is isto lckis terior, power Cae laesLarge stone biss in s excel- t USD-1 V da or rcc are epreodere; nese and osed eqotpped and ie immacetate Tisorsday 9.30 -i0.30 c.m. Acon t MITN-8866 ent concditionne fLaymrge hAit 30a,A Mc.ee ced Mcx.it Lextie cichardn r8,470 mieed.somercPaî7c-t ized xurreaeded isy iovtiy ,MED and TV.Lsi Rcadro , nesaie ears ioe erod Hmtt am, ceiie t, ie.Toc To taise tait charge et a set ______an________arge_____340____ parts. Sates ced Service. Catt ie ce neev Beick.Gour tese axsk- ItO Maie St., Miltoe, Ontario. ci bookts ccd ci as Secetary- Wilsher oi Ritisridc are picat- _______________ RANCH.l3-57Aci Kr qupet 83 e taanuc th enaeet 2- 845 e 15 ceg. tires, moerir 1959, Actoe. th29t1355 ced 191 mushly corsu r or poemnds t c se ain a- P on of tO eeOnc dagte engageen 2lz Wetis0y Mae or moman wihcro ANTR . pceciatedrues$20.000iOOsdieP. tBatancte Boese oee etic Mcis cede Mcx impleent eale expriene LT. a J no s o y o r Mr. a nlhe COMMERCIAL re er $2 0 2 O U E F R S LE Lic. 954 . Stock itis mwite M ALE Gend satory and wocking ce n and Horsts cet , an a pa vced road, C o s t O E A S Jitmes Weddingte tf aise pell on ce 878-9812. Cati isetmecn g tuciset secte, conolse mocnted LGTDLVR disions.40 Hy. tin commUtittf Sauda erur 1,E 40 pm nd8 1.. ic37-392 MaiTSH Oeenz cd ctomatie, toit pomer, radio, Freferchty 25 yccrs or aenr Appty isy ltter siating exper- 24 Noar Sereice distance cif Ockiseie or Metra. 189 Mair Saîlocy 'inebrsy ited sHE 4.0pt.yd8 p e- Spy appes. Howeard Gomtand, sebitematis and toit chrome Ag ohndicap. iece tO: Lic. Nos. 133-SP 28-02 BARBARA KING ohcti n iirde Uie ADDINO AHNE ye pisone 878-6456. 2c33-382-ti disces. $25 don ccd S8 MR. RAPP 1890fl writerO toc taie er reniai. Pisone - _moethty. OkiI uooie MLO QIMN tiiikt 878-6962, Harrd 1987OurY crepe;l atmm v MILTO strs 167INTRNTINA 100 Martin Si., Milton. t,0fe i 878-962 Maris tatonay. UANTITY et mmced hay, 16I plLmid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pi soee41 878-357.c o s; a s car 7-O i S u7I T R N T O A C . L T D . W a e rd o w n M U 9 -1 0 44 T et. 78-3551. brick on i DETH ------ hoeTRAVEt-ALL 1 3163 Baxetiot Rd., Milton. 1611 tw c steve mitis timer, broiter etc., APPLES: Metetoss, Con- Lie. 51622X. Leex tison 14,000 RdMt c37Otro.83 Full___________ to m u DEWAR, Heten -ar Ai Mit- ecelletcdtion 878-9649. laeds, Deticieus, Greeningo and cetuat mites. A xtordp peoxen- P C N rainr ceDstrict Hospitat, on To- 1c37-03 tee facy and CEE grades. ge tt an cd lug- HELF WANTED MAIE srt edos, Jceocry 9, 1968, Hetien Brief cme containers. Roy gage space second se nloce. Construction Scieiy lexpector AE KR DedSokeovlfl munn idese et Predericis D ue- B ocstieid 878- 355. 2 39- 66 Fri e d as 2,475 er $25 do n C ouet y et H attonan - I T E Mh lf o de ce;dear motiser et Mrs. A. J m s a anuary an____________ cd $89 montisiy. To entorce the provisions of___________Ts ontote cey At I N T RHiieicrspic o ndn kstcien, s tee. . ien (edte) et Tr- 3~L ANIM"LgSe 2O AE 16 UC IIR 96-2adRgltostee disahied cao andrhorsts mostaitc __________ 2 DOOR HARDTOP idcc ie tise Ceunty et Haiton WNE AA PRTR-AK~bt p ign.a urwF N S L ýB3 adLic. J6582. For ihat etegant, sove ced eecept tise nicptsaran (tigtee ofMv. Bouthmpo becs cedser .87-21 persoxatied automobile mitb isie et Bcrtingson ced Gakvitie. - for - Zenith 9-7950 2 MILLION ha fRiase et reisto; 510 c3-4 thd iofotfa Cadiiiac ced Appiicantexshoutd have ,con- col Lic. No. 94RP6s8 126C68 SESCOU' ssteer et ThsoneCreehr 12" FAN $S0tise maeouverctiy of a s5truoexopervising epersence. Sunshine Sch o f6- $55040oi Wl e d banc etN Les3.25 sports cor. Sec antd test drive Appty: Fereonel Otticer, r6c c.LO KI Geci, a tuem. Mas ,s di 16" FAN $3,2 BUS- etRRTUNITIES to-loy mitsout. obtigation. Seid Coeeîy et Hoîton, For the NeeOUOKINGil brickd oni HoyRin sma he FAN $S.S 1 i'd____ nese ced serviced isy us. On- Base Lice, Mitton, Ont.tII egdxdan,~ttFRmt moreice misis interene ie Ho- 20"FA $4.0 MAJO o r td r -14 $275i8by7 Metal Hory a eceao Rendne ý uÂlA ctd on ty Sepuichre cemeîcry, Hanit- 20 1A 7ý00 downa-i 114 Dutiesy mFii matd nie . S eh i iti hse Htn Reear Cisurci on or.0 offre -t $275b e erain omoon,se ton. sOO Peedci ~ BREAKTHROUGH 1963 CHEVY tl SEDAN Dul aes e tcieg oedl ouîsude grouede 0 Addttsoe k eid CHIRE, ATlia JamesS AOU Lic. 650586. Equipped mush au-mitnnc.Cul prcterred aGrgs i oce Wra ed m we1 l HAMPHRE Wta James Rdgeway PART TIME VACANCY temotie, cutoîe radio, isigh Tmo additioccî sateenen r- hoAoNDcsat odmgs eTe eea Laird -As Milton District John Rî gu o setal odwgs Hospital ce Saterday, baeuary 87 ffe-Beakis Ltd. isove open- pertermance 6 cytieder egqaired isy Reexsas Sisues Ltd e- ÂrDF<eE i are f 3,8in isis %6th yecr, Wit- PHONE 8-6175 cnge toc mec ced morne te owme neshicis gives tisait tittle ex- Experiece preferced buat 001 Appty te:,E G E in ofe the osie Vutinlc37 and servce the "Simptex Pesh sec pep mise xecded and ncceseary CaaACeflkn lim IWlimBe ofe nl"o rft osi eCconmi'cait.Or pniblty. Age betmee 21 ancd JAMES SPSOAT BOB MaOGL ce clo ____________________ cis" n roft-186 G ueece St., Milton, 878-9767 miserlo ________________ sriews[oth NUAC abeestse d ocatos deesan 14l 7 Dechly epc0tt. o Phone 854-2337 Do You Have sg163 abtea an o hpl i-A estm et of1,600 is ce-. oecd$85nnby Write or appty je pera toi FAULg AsMTONkht eAei g cel MonNan ccddSee Ciapety qeiced te commence. Bank fie- 1961 COMET PU RSRN tee o Mndybauos 5, SAVE $10.DD - $20.0D esssieg ascitaiste mils a mni- 1 eomsc 287 LAKESHORE RD. E., 39 Maie St. S., Georgetomwn _______Are__0_acre_10 m sth t etereSent ai Pair icos ce- M O E m u o f $250 dcpeeit for m ndiv i - ic d6A 1 mule Ta d-maic G A RV ILLE 1c 8 EL ETAEL o i g F r mtr.Acten. -$DDOR oos wsti gend credit standing. 36,708gtarnee e. ccd AK F______________For? CAR - HOME - BUSINESS Be 234 CANADIAN CHAMPION dionnwPtacndp- h 84_221 RELSTE KENNEDY, P. Lyte - At Mit- FatSrie6c38 ccd t sel t- $25 domo and on84432 FaxI Service131 moctbty. .c38 9 EMPLQYMENT WANTED FAM ANE ton District Hespitat, ce Sat- Immediate Ceveroge 1968 BUtCK WAS.E 878-2(O ~ecenii o arn7 cetad45 ml LC Ke.ýy blvdhsb. fOavle85-14W av uLysrfrl erfte of WANTEO 2 DOOR HARDTOP theL Da oeci 3261 crsan pwthCLLC Rae aeed , Lieeve is5210oe Drvn2O mites $12,000. tedyo ek 8 708 goed bioldings. Large cats pay- Nan icelan alo 9c37-746 .S .Gie o Witrd Keney ol RR.2 V NIO qo ie or misa i cha e hoe 60 -i 58 Squippaddmi18 M anS OveG Lr 40SE OR omete hoe oeîo th ain O I LE 5-163 848-115 yes m 827-554 fc- cyre e ehin .e autontain- York~~~~A CASEcee toc cisuidren38-47 a v87 t-4 Harold A. Clarke b tie at iseMeKret Pece-Vicgroundo . 8783561 9c3-704 adJc.nedys offI n it.i92 WTD, coosr home tone - c.6 PNeTIA AUsEemmrialiY 1H M37LTON ARE S.t H.Gls oCRAT Wet Hom e, y t ox . 2 se yanctd pians inspsr a d g, $.8 antt pTA Ice WAO $25 donc Taise shor catore intP 50 con-t chI jeesor Rdy tonne CartpinlîviD Na sa a ey k ris trs x ce - iis e yE urN N aqnue or w hae u Photd e 878- ccdh $8 Motsact c Ot er 4 0 na omPis o e rl54-250 fa. c78 O ak i 8 5 1 3 Atmanae asric wa el o ly ears o ffce 64-15 y8374 54 7c37-8OJ 6 0 FORD X3 a2 TONi PICK UPMrS Ai8alC .Deesn rt,____________Y U D NT 1 0 CB aiJtkedms 84-9. c-l cLi.e 13112B. nd $490 t eruns $2536. c8-4 hec Home Mai n Snt ,e in e Hi E FOR909 SALE dcuntc hal5fl ced o $25 o wnib FO REo hlrNT aal 73.f 7-f l h N n i PEARSON, Ediih Lareetos - As EICE FOR_________ 1962 CHEV t/d TON PICKly uthetr C or n13 O RO Ed inard A7-89 EER DAYait lier~~~~sis site3 an ion-- Tuesday, Jostery 9, 1968, E-lth B E 9 2C E / O IK U o p V R A e Lazeotoy mile et tise tate Oliver 1963 ACADIAN sedan in god Lic. 13274B, Aeking pice Ptaoinsiax711 1c7SO U W O I tog ee SPECIALS! conditien. Phene 878-9584n 5 i Wrh ea 601 33-5 BTWED 1IG r Pear on dean motisen o Er es t c58d al er 1,065 e $25 donc a d 3 c 37 ATlCaEf r i s eiVe a t ai a e ien e d , y sie d e o tp o lm t f e Te o f acd Elsie May, at isome, and 6 t.m. 5c37-729 inthiy. ATTRACTIVE____ ceont. 87-03. 1cliO e ihicetstieTrnoad autn f 05 e dcsd Jiso 1 Rgera Miln 7 Of Federal InspeCted i956 MONARCH sedian, auto- 1964 OLDS "88" COURT REPORTER -UNH caiftcmrtotisa cetesy iTn t canditony aSnte us t oae tht Cours grecs gc ranschitdnand.hdPie e icoe -6904 gcnd 7nw48 DO ADO UNSE omÏrwr-frte rpryi h onr.Sieo Lcll bS849. thet eers greet grca ndchidren . e iree Groin FedPieB f ties. em0r. 5c3-7d seon J49 Po008 HA eRibNOggetemn 878-2016. bsig tanins, ria hodred or5 note acres t, r usltt J ant at he reecte cei eviema ePri * FRONTS 47c 1956 FORD V-8, good condit- tse bo i ____________ ehy a fexe acres.. e-d sa Oar search is on, Country hontes hrcl dayai heMeKrsi in al aoud, adi, god cutontmoite reflecte gand care Required toc tise Conts Of FURNîSHED indranin, close of ailtypes and description aca viglHomanea.ils.erai eprig lpo 2016.en E3c37S cii3n7 are aioudi W reve de l tas memte on r b Hm.Itrent Evergnc C- * SIDES 57e sires. 878-3123. c3-764 and miii Sive troubtoe free dr- Nalatin le Plana and domntemit. 678- and coantry hoine-sites. Tise prices ining offercd b oeo u SCTeser Cilol ac vepe toc foyanrnso ole.Vratmrprin fPo 2056._________ g3c3-a3 dlientd ase an facotg. e bruoar m tr, M to .* HIND S 7c Askiin g rice 1775 or U5 ecdings se Ceuisv Divisin etfan in tise Woog îe hasvrang c e in I ce nt ee ks dco1 trioue For aour NexOpe Car yourosxad 80 meh Courirs and normal s'vlra lSDOMaatnt ei paid ever $87.000 fer a ltin. Do yen Watt sytD aawe tittcd tht SCOTTr)- freeer. TRdAIFATOulAATE iesia foc Coanîs Court Judgt. naily locale4, p eet orcece. le seî o ua ae eatnn tac misis eDpro y o O oIn e mordse (Chec miue 13S-I MOT wATSE Our Ru M edesal Hep 1.BCKHMLO WITH EVERY SALE Munimno shortisaod 1 Pisone 87c70 37-76 cao hetp yan. tfewihexaswo Cheoen elicry e MitO cee AT$878,0 depcdig uen qnli PionefsRltanMydo 87.23$. SH aeier nd BELLo BROS. Miltoni Moto Sales itd. ictln. tthed aereton a ndisti c BUCK HAITON Deaer C pUNT minF e HATN senear Ac an $4l emtral ontl, Cseore AUT ATORGANag ,320 T oseph~Pi n Pho-353 MitnH da8824.b r a9 y inceso unofathervCe Ja EL Bt ~aeiRS. Mlto38 Min Sles MLtn. iAtinistnlO 1Sida.. orU S.n inR re, 4, ntcnen 5v.cge8t ce 68 -65 1 a per rnta~ 1U55. C l 88-255 as Lie, use. O iane. reoex esiasnd Qkeile 43-A00MaciwlSt. MIlo i'iga ct. igJuy direct8 fr37 th3e ferro.78 pesoEe $ELLer tUA fTRJO î-

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