Sl~Te Canadiien Chtampion, Wednesdoy. Jonoary 17, Iff0 Fe.r 400 boys active ~Minor Hockey Week starts here Saturday BilRooney presides oer te Ted Knedy, 1f. CottasondGten teel recarieti for teix- efforts If --.ed n at iltaI o na 11th Acht ch Dolrue 19 tg seteond theinte e S*levasSi froc Boit luche. t YS .shery Md oe ied setitk c qoaliy, at colora opdated s prîces. SO it. L ON NA UAIT 17 ut ed Pr. - Admission D. Houe Mlton Ml eue League UARY 18 jure SkatIng Pro-Am, Eti- 9-0 pcM. - pose. tMAT 20 .10 - Milton e Skating 25c c Wee Game ntam Public Situtiog AIT 21 hafs vs UAIT 22 Mondy vce gomne itigef gomne Jvetefle gamne UART 23 F igore Pro-Ac, Tue- ie; Wilson vs 014 n ohserced ;pulic allen- nd orene- d as Canada'n i e, dvlop a rs, ody-uild- lily , denelop in0 Cateoda as t tiis commune- eppor o! eccry te troc whitit do itrhy de- ohsered as apport titis oh- Olocey Week son ends. BRIAN BEST Mayen h Arena te AIENT NOUGH traicers to go aroond. Jec Harkie t oc Brion prepare for his gome. Brion piapte for te ePositons. (staff Photo) SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL HICKEN WITH t CE SOU sl.25 tOAST YOUNG TURKEY D NNtt COLt SLAW MASHED P0TATOES OR PRENCH PRIES CHEP SALAD STRAWBEEEY SHORT CAKE FOR RESIEVATIONS PHONI 17e«906 W. Are opn Isary D'y ?bfflgbettdue Tua LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Main AlIR CONDIDIONRO 10h. N ncr Hoctay Weeh bogies tlidoSaturttap moeotog. uMitna Minor op aofffiglurnesy- lauIt. ratoer ihon tend yur hepyla lite :oerp moek,tabut eefalfp h10s eei. arit andmaaers 1fée0Ilrootfp giveo tht boys a oottu l hnte kehody je walehnothIem. Atman dd n ocnlina 11w MM.Ld ifg souveir hockey porta la tae tasm it 1he mool parens lThe pcha are secored trom Mapta Lest Gareonsan d hase sigaures aoflie ttedsy, mftor hctay coaces, managersoamd reitreut dii a chance le praclice citaI ltay preac scth11cocitanmd mon- -sn hl=taanmd 101 ons tae rctareaa in a tome aofsitly. a ime lai p.. l1ilp.m. 20e ockey In Mitons han By 0six le 10 poart olt piay a o bang ay inclisIn1- ite novice dvsntto. 011w lonn 10 est f 194. Accord- fbospay le aolamn, migel on 1u c. B. t<ofgftl cho f0 red- theabommefeagot mloup. 01111f &aoneofatthe fottrttof hasaflftadeof flivoe t for hotay, il wa v5 VOin l- romN oi ce ta Jnvne apartie sio baglotdo. patleg in Trl-Cmentp action. the hgoolol thra tan no Milaon Arena lb hrdly s pase oive O ealtlimnt 1d rl- thal rantd ha rsgarttadas acu s grmup et lnloresled mco te asy ime, btbIhang thoreal ri ad iershoto 1141450) cta 6.30 a.m. uc elti mec laptl I tae all cllogtu le tItal I 5emptasl s on raid. Bte eciam Y. eery Sa.lrday morelot piapets ,etietan mrs the fIraI coaches,,amd maagers, raterae toc Milto eteeaInf0Te- amd asamalI hantitol o parast ? ompailmian a1910 a coî it e rn fote ietiret 9 .am Wee tbac wao trced and oe iaday. payed 10fr tiretfulti ced- Thtnocee dBetraion laui<tt ne 191.Hockytha11t riogscoluie 1954 te Kiscon f0 ro- m o aid rotta hera ra an 0110 Rotary organized tasti paim cey SMilon han en tece'te Irai novice hockey of the hanI miooehockeysyolem Bl il wsn't onlfa pe 10 Inte district. e&fier tht Pet Vees etered Player lersa, btu BRp conty hockey thaf Tri- tonIt 1e keen;e 000kamd everyfW y cocpalitio a s macde gtve 010s&U widte mn thea1i btae r tht Noices. amd for any oettheeosthre 1910 the Rotary Cluodcrtded netiotmors impotatcI ange Mllor Hockey cao rsadp le ln o the10e totime. d tonlnoma f0iite tom -- 010r thannponorttP otce liteoamionfthe0 Mi- chants and a geeout orranV Minr Hockey Anaoloion. ceat i 0110theAra nBoardt tiggs aste t iret Prost- organiziole 10 mit-nnaitd etfte Associationeamd in Sponors tee Tr-County teer ateie Ite Asociation an pay fr sunitorme ant iie tIl rccuina tose. Tht Area Board douite rordint 1n an eertive ime roc .31 .m. lalorday hec thra hod henveraI I p.c. Rateo e re ice oa otir tiempîs le achieve a titan latorday rs radoceti tý r hockey setep le toma ibu t e retur rabte oe dolt cas tCe irai le surceod toc pr itr. itegh et lim., The norrean The Assocation stiocalod$ trihueta10cociieeffeor 3502 et lieir $345 heudget fte PArna BOord, te pople of ime. 0her mjor epete esc mad tae meectani. $10for Innranre, $311 tor ner Che prsol t ep oer ereees, $111 for dry cieln heys pay 1 inte Huec amd $1751oto ire nmd cre e etnp Wdeoday 011111 MMHA iebudgets $271 foi aurday cornins. oqepient odrpiot loc's cf cor hockey eqipceot and $200 toc ance( sproviteiontetoritbosroc coolt canater. oteag 18. Tht yaungteo Th ton111e fersnAssoe ge n loir ire ice Manday lion, o. feed by Bruce Boad and lkey rs hnoocteas te asnfnlcd ity CUt Bmaiso, p nihtes. ThisIe basic-- Olansneantd LarryArbieolc an itutai on 10the gas. tCir lime foe Bassei e Moy th and re y te ler ort rire re lti Aert omin Stap eonits 3 i 1 7 ieitit z 9 1 5 M1590ET W L T Pt Port Porc 5 2 2 12 tarris 6 3 0 12 Pigment 5 3 1Iil Bii's 2 4 3 7 L.edwiit z 4 3 7 ROiElt 2 5 1 5 Weber Electric WERNER WEBER, Prop. 136 Martin Si. Milton PHONE 878-6034 *POLE tUNE CONSPTUC- PION " INDUSPTIAL a COMMERCI AL 0 DOMESTfC " ELECTEIC HEATfNG Asdd ict callepse of Ail Kleda loven te rtf to osi L iamftyp&py $1 eaceiand $1 fr eaceitand everp boy fier. For tone boys living lentecomntry te raton are $9 for te firnf beo and $2 for every atidlflonal boy. The lseo dollar dilferetfal in levled on te cuntry boys tokefp malte u oteetaa omotîhe teesopopeepop in tanon toward Midget Scoring G A P D. Citchmsch 5 f 13 à&. 'Naill 8 4 12 G.Ymung 5 6i1 K. Brigmn o 4 610 it.Ferguso 2 4 6 iR. Gooeflog 4 2 t D. earos 3 3 6 D. Gafen 2 3 5 J. Mrsital 1 4 l P. MCuaL 3 1 4 J. Spronof 0 2 2 R. Toneflil 1 t 2 BotBarber 1 1 2 B. Wilsmn 0 1 2 3 J. Drante 0 11 3 Even cI $9 Mitoc Miser Hokey plapers are fr kelte off Coan mot othCe srrees ing oreon.SOece plces charge $12 par tboyaitit ne rossiderallen for taminies havlsg more titan twe ne Chr00 hey tlete dtt, and ln mony oettleteisae Caes le- sranreféeos rs tevltti oc top nf Cce $12 registrations e. Mura, ire-presetlJoe Wi- Al otftese felbecesa son, treaert aroB ld Foxgooon. my more cenktfftoge eretary Vern Geeding and ic- vie erganlanti hocke' ae cHritBlggn,tKen Marshall, boys in Milaon. Tht> fivers shut eut Acte,, Preston huits NadaUin Etierii Juvrnie Fiy- s eteldedtior eedeftated rea to te6ilgames tiettollot don 5-O, anti iadti ieir ntrnak tnrleded Saterday ln Preston esint 4-1t blte Prestos Jon- eilfes. Maeure Connidy cpetd tite ceeieg le ArMe ll telirst per- etd on a play kp Gary Napler. Kelith Biggs scoeed lteenoecond goal it 01Barry MrTraritamd Ctnp Porion pickiet ep aseints. McTroritsred agate lestCe onst pax-fnd sefen ite pinketi ep <tmp Portnn's rekeent aed put the biitîeloenlte hasket. John Ex-vie gni nlte scorasietti ckn te finithet off s play Cassiday had stariti edin so-a nd onne. Naplor pîioti ep as assînt an Weil. Paul Kilcitet sanit lte lotand peoitaily lte preliiest gool ofthCo gact 0110e ho piciedep o pass troc Brion MeKeenie and ite ie ail cf om, pelitti lie Actes ge out nf e lte nef anti lilied Che puk nito ltenet. Maurice Canoldy scered the oly goal etflte tome Oatorday in Fronton. Gary Napier and John Ex-vin asssnted on lte geai. At lte end of lte lirsi pariai lte score s t ied 1-1 bt Pres- ton lired beo in lte second anc ont in lte lird te pet lte tome os Ire andi puf a stop lthe Milon clmdcng streait. Tht Flyere cilho n tartisî oser agatnenoctitey cee Orangeville Thex-sday, Borlint ton Seeday anti Georgetown Mon day. Tht Georgetowngtome 011 be ptayed ln Milton Aressondlt oters are ocop games. Find the Style that Flatters 0 MOST, THROUGII CONSULTATION WITH THE EXPERIENCED STYISTS AT difi Coppi 21133 Main St. West 878-2131 Fretit Leae Back b Fresti PEAMEAL BACON ....... 65C LEAN HAMBURG 3 Ibs. 99r. Canada Pochera Reg. 23e 1kg. Front IIb. TENDERFLAKE LARD 5 pkgs. 99C PORK HOCKS ..... 25C Premism tb. phg. - viac. pao RUMP ROAST 79c lb. SWIFT'S WIENERS -------- 45C Frs ni. Round, Sîrfoin eor T-Bane lM. BUTT PORK CHOPS -. ... 5 STEAK ... . ..85C LaM. Freoit Chichen lM. LOIN PORK CHOPS ....... 5 LEGS OR BREASTS . 45c Wrap and Cut Red or Blue Brand BEEF FOR FREEZER WHOLE OR HALF BEEF ... ..5 &S b Rept SGR..5I bg3c Boilortate 24-ze ot RedathSUAR.5 l. ag 7c CHRISTIE'S BREAD .. 21c Coca Luncht, Dotant Cream Citaclate Sre AAOIo -b ks Grahamo - Manings - Reg 69c rolMAARNIorlit.pht ber tepro- key tee the ?y canit aIl Flyers Monda's tome wetC Ottvitta tadt Ise raortiitd due toctalt- or setd i 11 have foi e rt-srhed- oie . Tht tome taI t atikeon slaltid foe Friday nolt tsainst Rocheost- or itan iad t101w ranrollti. The Rochester tbac 0111 1w onakie 101 bo hre, penhaklp duea looltiter cealter candiions or eter cmr- adnîtet iel e on leaguo. CAN GIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM- FRESH LOOK Corne ina for a complote appeaisel today. BILL'S AUTO BODY 878-2721 Ie M -I-5 l I orlot Miner Hockey Weeh troc Janeary 20 - 27. Souveeirparts trocM lafie Leal Gardeanskearlet Leal sigo- aturs 011 haiv tio elte play- rs an lte teom 0itlte cosl parents le alieedtece derint mleer itockey svoh. FIAVOR- CWRS CisICKEN IN A BOX 3 Piocesof Chinken French Pries. Cole Ben, Hoocv 3 CHICKEN SNACK 2 Fiecen o! Chieko Frencht Pries en 79c SPECIAL PAK 8 Picces of laser C riC e n $ 2 .1 9 FAMILY PAK 14 Piocos of Chi koe , Refis $ 3 9 Hoeey PARTY PAK 20 Piecos of Cckn $5.25 PHONE 878-6028 And me wdli have your ordes rady mites pas cati MURRAY HOOD DRIVE-IN Bate Ltae Raed west af ltghmay 25 at MilEu open SSiWipta 10.10 pmn. BELL' UINES ~ by Arnold Blachford, your telephore 2 manager Recntly semeette abked me,."DO YOU seil teit phones?" 0f corse said "Ne". Thats riglet, Bell Canada doeenel seilfefephones. We seilfservice. That teleploeot inyour homeoreofficeor tore i just asmallparto a very large, complex communications network. When yo.o lift the handset, a nation-wide servce organizatiott of sktlled, responsible people is placed aI your disposai. Connecird te yeur phone are more ifnres, polos anti mcrowaa chann han yeed need to ntrnga circuit te the moon and bonIs. Enoogh neitchen, tobes, relays, am- plifiers and tranitotrs te sire threnoýrld lot neund. Ait these elemeets, big andi small - plus some that me havent even metioted - ork te close harmoy to build a oico path fer yen te aiment anytchere in the ssorld. No, me dont seil telepheners Andi ec dot self people, wires. potes or ssitches rither. Bot were happy te pet the enhole works at yoer service fer a smaîl monthly charge. Day or ntghl. yeer telephone in ready tu e rse sou. Reparintelephoaeea isn' a doit job,. at toast for ane repairatan ta British Catumitta. One day, 1w wetIth ie farest rangeras caitin ta ind aut wmit was wntg miti thte telepitone. Ho anatyzed te trauble as a short circuit and traeedfi tot a noarity vacant Cdgetwhieit mason te san tine as the rangeets tetepitane. Heari oementsi inaide. he rattied the daar - and a ituge, frigitested beas itasnded thraugh tht ide indamw and disappeaOetata thte fareat. Thte repairitteo eniered the caint and fasstd thai the itear had itnacied te receiver affthtie book, caus- tag aiStetuble. Ater reptacing te receteer, getttag In tasah it mu te mner ta have thewindate repaired, he calmty reported tise traouble 'al cieared". Do y ou skate a party line? To gt the mont valse ost o! this rconomicaf service laites only a littIe co-operalfoti andi tkougktOlOOcC on the paohe eepartnors skating te line. Eero are a fesn tipn wkick will kelp pos and yor neighkors tee tke maximum kenef i lvtrom your servce. Afvnayn make sure etheie isnotneteuse hetoeoplacing a ral Try ta heep yosr caonversatios reasanaitiy short, and If pas have mare thon one ctiSta malre. aitaw a sein. a tervat oftime ketmeatt catis In case aepatse etue needa ta ustete telepitase. Pleano ho sure teereceener is pue bak on te book after eack cal.fSt'is sol replacod properly, neititor you cor your parts ian recoive colle andi yeer party cannaI moite env. Ift liera are smait citdren tn yasr hanse, fits a gond idea ta ptace the teephote bhoad ther reacit. ai titoutd pas have teenagers, peur neigititeet tettta e p preciate thelr gond nmnners tn noS baikini ton lostg. If yor party fine neigitior needs 10 malte anenter- getecy cati. pleane ho prepared 10 give the Ufne sp prompt- yV for litote use. Innsanme incaities. mue have cutators tho bave se. qsested a change ftram curai or mui-ttatty taephOn tMs vice ta elibar 2-party or badividuai service. W. use eonttau. atiy mrktag Ia praclde fatiilit for titote inspcvt ta ho mode as quikiy aseposiblaae ur ewbqsg u- Iti tti thebaMontaaa. tome sand rarelve o scal nom fr erlieg Tri-Cmuty tomes. Dng Petidie in Retexe-i-Chief tee 1he Asociation tit er. The Assocatoe cllacîs $3,- 000 in ploer' rgistration ltes and realises a proit of $75 froc Trl-Counly nigbtland $110 froc MlItIn Mloor Boceyni01401an an mcli on $200froct thiesansi House league Inriuding Januaey 13 Meciteap 8 3 1 17l Poatilara 3 3 15 Firamen '7 4 1 15 Beechi 4 3 5 13 Cres1 5 7 O 10 teRelate 1fl O0 2 PEE Wtt W L T PI Psy Piomit 9 3 18 MrCuaig 8 3 1 17l KLLochar f 5 i 13 C. Tre 4 7 1 9 Pitaemocy 4 6 2 10 Beods 1 8 3 5 BANeTAM W L TPt Police 10 1 O 2E Bell 8 4 O 1E iep. Store 6 4 i1M Det. Loca tain froc TOU HAVI TO SEAu HAIS anti heep yeer Omopse Huggtrt et bite Poctiars, as Miitoc heati ep Coacb Andy McCartity goes pro Mener Hockey kegins onotiter bosy Sotordoy gace instrocteocs te Kevec Hectien anti or rite oreco <Staff Photo) For litoan tamîllet Uvînt 10 Ce arena upkeep. ýl B 1 "- st 878-32511