silflitor Me. Nd .1 Dr cheerq w ber and irrovlsg 043 79C oc IL :r 65C Vr 3w< .89C 9c pk. 9 lb. &5 lb, C. 89C 19C lb.' $1.99 or 79c ML HALL 8M%-2022 cred sn thc Jess Christ. RY 2ise, 1968 ig et Hread. y Sool. Service. vs - Preyer edig. e le tarse mn is corne h mon losi. . Mat. 18. il. CHRRCH- CHIJOCH dADA e James SI. e, HBA., B.D. hoir Leederu d Magec. RY 2îst. 1% isg Worstip. jeol. 'We Are inaiolin et El- ostllîtees et SCOOL ly Schoti tee d girls oser 8 nt Nrsery in ,gisered nurse Sdeparmeol. s and girls 4-8 vc wili attend h prets and ter depori- awiog ltse sec. o To Att RN CHURCH 1 MoDosn, B-A. 878-2652 as wrsbip mnd os keel belte UARY 2lsi, 19M ier Church esg Peopleas se Yoih ier Chrch eening WoesblP. barges Agaiest h - AIl Trel" OSPL CHUECH issembly ot IlTECOSTAL F CANADA M. Chisîcosees. DS AY IJAPY 2ist, 1968 enday School. rng Worshlp. vamgeisii I po. - Bible il rer Meeting. .-Young Peoples You Cas aL er Home come ce Everyont Equip Your Car with AtIus Weatherguard "S" and Wintergrip "Sf." Winter Tires Wint.cgrip Sale 7.75 x 14 installedl for only $22.95 FOR EXTRA TRACTION - STUDDING - $10 WHEEL Open: 7 ar.Monday hru Saturday - c intl 9 a&..Sunday losing at il p.m. Sunday thru Thursday open 'ti Mldnight FridaY and SaturdaYl MILTON ISSO Formerly Aten's Esso Service) Cocon Main meselont.,da Sb. - 878-MI4 W. lonor Ail Special Scekiets Prevously issuet SCUETINIAL PROJMC by the congregatlofl Rev. F. H. Wilkins O rce Anglican Clnrch res te installation the Dicense ofTor(o tf a ser pipe orgon, retics cet oser $10000. mt s showneat t stetteet snDecemberil Oas oficiatiy dedi' Grace Recter 6ev. ated et Sendey's meevîng service ty the Rt. StathîaslutBishop dedi üdiS"new churdh PU& M ou 1 Grâce Anglican Choch'o 1967 "Tbere aboulil ha omnone e outnonlal proet, a neo$l0,000BO ipulle t a eeho station and pipe organ tu replace on about g jdvie psrou owben ltras arn 60 years nd, oas officialiy de- o beble , Tom Badley dislnd o londay morolof. I d h hmInTusday. Tan H. son. F. H. WtlkiMon,F Ha repetd Is e i teC D.D., retieed Bshcç et Toronto 1 Bue open aeln retithon CPM mnd a roher to thon local Do-D ilion 100 bous torsa train, 1n oes Assstant isl5 C. IH.L M sese-zero lemperatorno Wtlnon, pertormedibe dedca- v onLday ate. Thatod station ieo deetsg the Snday mornint loblS. TbratnoiapoatOd sersice. e &ac odedicalnd Ia halngonmtimte on th lc- iDo stolseiglass oesmorilwi-lit d outside and a prestous dow, donalnd hy the taostly In ch hy alephosu alsondised memoey otheButinRoert Liw- ttsoseuonimte. rie Mrti. "Suteaitsbould bha esqeon- Mmtacired 1n Ktchner,thoe ta telitBu pisengers obalorgue ose tmtalted 1n the chrca dule Buheta ho", ha esnDoember. s 500 glessegtg - md. Tan 6.37 train dilt pipes, sebca are vsible 1uthon arrive outl 8.30, he aol. congregslien, oes lmpoted nlled mmue couid agi standi front Hoilmd amd al are wooe- cold attamd le* hatore tBu able. Instalatieo sfthe orgue arelynd. "Il tBu station also ccsled a eo vetry rom. $t ha opui, sureny tBu ita- PartMoners donaled the 941h ot tlies have somes rnIpoossility thn coul drlng a speci t ond- te paros regarding proper resitg campilgotast year. The se n scbeeble.", senior caste hod slarted a ond io replace thon orgies sevral yease nre. sawky Il oasededcated "1n the g<bey ofet Dm1.amd Ingrâtetul momoeY C'A ~f ~ oe these Who gave thete Uives for #Umhwtis couetry in the teeo wold e Four cblîdreno vere s crlnlied s tes nKorea md elsovanre; m te smosi-filDnd homte and1n memeey ot lame ohohasO Ivo Milton Dp PP fficera oorshtpped anre 51000 the tound- rtehaysestos luo s pa resse lng oethte panisa oer a ennlory re heebe eu it he Bu tcbeo t ilo.g homte ci LesSilesouHilgteosy Bsbqe Wlkinsmscongnflhilai- I otta ofMiltn..ndthe oncogegiin o tIesucas- Coushibes Htch Colison amd ousehl complêiof tIhercen- ch Peeh remered Bue chldeno teastal projet. Fer hs sermon SBu hne. Milon Fiee Bel- ha chmse the 1046h psalm, mdi& wu cathailoeutamd qeelhtppassiall Iotl 51E i le hon th l e. ddemhd Buhelire. tbiet I. L Lord as long as I lino " He esmentsid s hihystter wuse qeebet hon gent heetage thi laig resase tor chips oantBu musc hie In the oro th e-b heobe lt ie s. n chscch. For Safet's Sake! Follo'log theo dedicaiion,the Olsaqpe st aitatheconsole amd gave a bree recntaI. Btshop Wildsdonand Drace's mosocilte rector, the Rev. Canees F. H. Masos ocre enteelalacd te lonch by Deace reelese the Mes. De. T. M. Dostan amd Mes. Dos- las ai the reotory aller the scr- vice. Tac Blshop and Canon Mason were assoclates oIsonthoe Canoes sereod lsaTorontecorih prier te Mis semi-retiremeflt le Miltoesa e yeirs 000. --A poere tolore blaceSd eut the Malo-Martin Intorsection stoplighis tee hriet ondsMon- dRy. Appeoals appeais te cOizes, tello5ng tan weehend Storm: 1e-Doot Park your carso I the sireet oorniget s Ibis, ln- pedes sno remosal opera- tisons. 2 - Keep youe sîdewaho she- selleil o obl5den mil oi hase tle at 10scOsool on the read- ways. Molet i nrereminilei le bc extra carelsel andl moio toc pedestesaa sha lIthe 3 - Plaese yuse garbage con- taoner. as cloue te Bue plowed sîreets Peosile 10 sase lthe pleshsp orenos Prom îtreuptsg lIseosgb ebe beavy snow. Atmo, retrtese pour coolabiers ai Soossegerbage le coilecteil. or the ptowmamy esonee aogand bsey Obeou. Despîle ohai hasieendes- crthed as the oeol otem 1n tliving memery, MiltooPelice re- 1port ne more tam Buenoleected total et motor sohiole accidents durlng the piet ooeh. '- ,ises S.. ~s. 0e. "qflN.J47C10 icCay.,e. INDUSTRIAI AND COMMERCIAt CONTRACTING SUSSIATIDNS AND MOTOREIS f-AUNER0GROUIND WRiNG POtE LUNE CONS5UOCTIDN . AERS DFOOt OHTINO CoSTOM CDC eD PANELS H I4UR eeiiNSWCl E LOU MADAL11 HeIp yourself to bigger corn yields and profits anch UNITED COOPERATIVES OF ONTARIO 878-2391 Milton TV Clinic HARDY NIENABER R.R h MdILTON Phone 878-3836 REPAIE SERVICE ON e TV e RADIO e TAPE RECORDERS e ANTENNAS e SpecializiaiEro erpea H-iFi Sais e H'i-Fi Repairs and Cu tom Ruili Hi-Fins OBITUARY ue ssoesn Worst snowstorm.. (Conitnci trrs Page 1) The ice tspped ebe Miton Fost Office dlock rogh Ssn- day ngt, and aine ismobtiliocuthte basus os ove face of the isosdd Hateu and PlTust ad SacongC.îboonMan SI. M;orists uhoers '.ceestraodout ou drifted-in divouasys endd p walkiettte srb Mendsy ift hey liceut te town ret spent te day cheselisgouet if ilsry liard ent esual aes A tcw snoosmohilos sacre ees on these ceers as prouil ownrstfoudos ew wea tao st thecwcather. To ladies we senpullioe their laonàry sp Miil St. - in a babys siigh. Mony industries reported clati hortes Monday but they serre och teo nrmat Torsdon. Miltes escapru thtIsecrinous hydre interuptios that hie ethcr teon oinhe res. Intermittent hreabs in the local pewer caused a total etfl10 minutes» lIssu, hut the longesi shutett tasird jositfour minutes. Miltes Hydre manager O. L. Hadtey attrib- utcd the cutots te ".galeopisg" as the district tydrotiers sacre shippril by ttcend. He saud the commicier's yesrround trrr.lrimmieg maintenancerpreerses prohahîs sueideut more srrou problemsiin n. This sres aIsoesi'caped serioos telephone troubles. Arcs mnagrrAr Btscbrd reportederîcs afescminor repairs were required here. Athosois marysiafottrîs rriaed tlacefor scout Mosdsy snd patients' meal',scre a littr e binut cbedue, no serieus incidenetssare reported se Mitor District Hospital. "Evrry- body pitched in n til use sare up t toitul staff," administot Dalton Metisait aid. Tbe assilisus poineu unit boodird tise bydro bresks essily. At Heroby coeter records choweoutan It nct snowtstl durieg thse Sunday igbt blizzard, toppeut off mitb hree-qslrer of an inch of ra tbst tunnd to ice (Theu.oldet day ofthe cojtr manrccorded in Hertihu tact surets -'January t casathe mcrcury it 15 degrers belosa zero.) Witr met chools reeopeneut Torsday, trrr north Oat ville public schootc and te White Oabs Secondary Sebvol ir Osbsiile rcmaioed closed ttntjl Wcdnesdsy idse le impaccobit rosuts. Ttc Norton bus lises ras slibeir Burlisoton buseý et ofTucndsy (and tîso eoe stuchi huttev didî't teempt aný cd rues n Osakille sttit todsy. W. J. L Haumpshire A former sheriff sf Hilton tehe and Local egist CoutyW. . ""Bilyl Hap-Deeds frsm 193510o 1946. shire of Spoysido dlfed on liter- n12 ewa iea day ai Milton District Hospital. tdtie in thse tederal electio Descended irom pioeors Whoielutroay positionslnta came ta North Amerea i 103, Mr. Hampshire oas active in C é cus etyle and municipal affairsemst Ot an et hMs lite and ses oeil Ion Mltoi's peposedt.Jo lhroughoot North tialtot. He wso butiOce cadet corps la on Esquesiog cenooller for ses- cloer ta gettlest start en yoaro tncludtng tour yearo as stili onedo a teo pros i couty couailior Ho oas memhers. Sherit!, Brrogote Ceset egis- Brigade officiai DeugC osts te siart a Wontor and as 10 recruits re See fashions hego a course, but1 511 Soveral local merobanismagnd turmoe. Ul oh 05 clerks atiooded the anuat"M reslged o15 Ibis humu bel Weet" tfashion showings 1n ork, hsbo hudmonai Toronto's Royal YorkHMotel e. or Me. Cou o nor Bl week.Mr.jote ndeoBigder Maager Erie Ladner, Mr.inedtDoMler Haah Semaos, Ms. Beatrice Mles, Ms. Chistine Nendbaon r and Mes. Evelyn Galbraith re- epresenled billion Departosenl Sore ai the soietgO.KoSe attended from lyeels Faodly Fashions. ,e Four nloces othea hotel we10 latben oserfr thlIe dlsplay et ladites' sprag mnd summer oear. CIIICKENS--- Fashion snos ere preseeteil lk inhe Caadlm Roum tor thou- CIIICKEN LEGS ou snds ot loyers. CHICKEN BRE. ly Peamneal BACC Maxwell Houtm paie Leaf TEI York SmoothF Bambino & Ci ELICTRIC RIB ROI WATIR RUMP Ri HEATIR ROUND Th 40eca ' ulves T-BONE you »d .. . SIRIOIN Use Our ree P RK RS Plan, wthFee P R C S Service. Caîl Us Today. >eaIn miONFRI OiT ION HYDRO ELECTrRic Jo ' :U- COMMISSION J é 258 Main S.U1. 176 Main St POmma 07e2345 Di, Wede Strar of rl caoud- on. Mie iBoston ihn Arn- sa littie Mtd, buit ospectise 9sitos. rnidy to ilU oueds Le a son naitari et eÉther e Super- BIG SAVING ON CARPETING SDI Il ORYHER TWIST COLOUR - COCOA 12'Wide Regular $1295 WhiI. $999 Laits WOOL HARDTWIT Colour - Caramel 12'Wie Regular $13.95 $1 O.99 Continuous Filament NYLON CDIDur - Avocado 12' Wide Popcoen Pottern Regular $8e95 nesday, Jerseaey 17, 1960 3 PreetepterianCrcb, d havas a letrta Ochool trmefo r tc30 pairs. À bacheler, blu UyOd uth lMa sister sottl bar deaib lua car accident eigbt years &go. Stine@ then ho had lived with Ur. mnl Mes. S. Brown, R.R. 3, Miion. Thse fsserol seevice wss Ieli Monday othtstoermnent in Fair- view Cemetery, Autms S 246 MAIN ST. 1878-23431 PRESCRIPTIONS PikdUp A FREE DELIVERY --- --- --- --- - - - -4 1 : lb . S . 55Sb. DLSTS 55< . ... ...s lbe .ON -- ------ ------ 75c Ilb m. COFFEE - -----75C Ilb.bagl N D E R F L A K E - - ï ý4 . fo r $ 1 . PEANUT BUTTER,32o. 69c hampagne BISCUITS 3 boxes $1. AST - - - 69c IL. ROAST - -85C L STEAK --85C IL STEAK --89C lb. STEAK --89C lb. CHOPS- - 69c lb. EE DELIVERY 0 General Store t. Milton 878-3161