JIM COUtiON 0F MILTON wa elected chair tonasucerLWilson and concn'tttt chaittoon mon of he Hlo n CounyFite Proention Glenn Stingor, Mlton, poster rompetitiot; Bureau, at the groups nonneIneetng in Mil- Chef E Lewis, Georgetownv, nspecions; Dist- ton. He trotei1 n front, left, euh vce-re ict ChiefGeorge Wright, Oatile, Chisttmas chattoon Jack Cunnnhanm of Geogeton'n ire saîety, and Chief A E. Cerent, Milton, and sectetatp Peter Camepbell oI Gakvillo public relations. Other oficers shon in the rear row are (Staf Photo Fire Prevention Bureau Jim Coulson 1968 chairman Jim Culson, a Milttesire-i ighter, eau eeted 1968 chair- mas ot the Halo Couty Fire Preveeies Bureau at tht group's aesual meeting in Mitons tu wetei. He surreede Georgeowns ireigter Wttliham Hpde, ehe was charmas durisg cttesstalt ear. Jack Cundngham et George- tees Fire Deparimet eaeelet- ed vtre-chairmaL AU t ter ettirors and rommittet charmos oure rt-eterted ts the psustey eld test ear. They tortude seeretary Peter Campbeoufo akioie; treasurer Larry Wisn, abotte; adcom- For bad trip.. Ceî,rîndrOoP91 BI) canrer, bl thes agat, eerysat is tl ide open tor this distase. Il is saiti emeiereCare more silos te viriles. To ail Puts. t imow you've att beird Iis eore. Vostsitl soke, sud probabty ds'l itend lu stop, bul maphe Iose eho are sot et addited to th paper- wrapped lehirco stick cii bts- Itatebo e they start. Asit themstots, ta il ratiotoues- sary, sud decide I's st. I buse my ded csuld lite 10 stayInte hcsgareteoveedie bus- less, bot dut it he sstd bare suy grodge if pou slopped umet- tng. Hles reerled te cigars ubo a ltlof notrs, sud lhop sure mck be Ibohuts meli dilterent, t muni admti.Cigare are daim- ed to e tltes armfu, bt t's bard te isoaize a girl smskidng one. tf neoti te, omoke, bol try le redero tbom le aler soeutor bore, Inueiti of evrp second, minute, hmu te ode. A family affair (Cos7nued I ccc Poge ud) &strict hadqarters tor te, puars, Ibos cent to Windsr as a poiles constabte a ear sud a balt eg. Tom points ou the automobie bsineses st et< Mim, tor he spunt ait hie spart tiloe eokilng is tht station a Fergas weide ho oas ivlng a home. Tom tessgte sud presetiy stayteg weuh his parenssIn5tlb Milito ipartmet. He cas aiso acive te Scsstilg, io hth Lond- on sud Widsr. Hoesjoye al oltdeursports,epecialie toot- balti, oemmlsg, basehai, hok- ey sud tennds. mittoe chairmas Cidot Douglas Wilss, avilie,literature; Chiot A. E. Clomot, Milo, public rotations; Ciets Erwin Lewis, Georgetown, and M. On- ms, Act, home ire inspect- ios; GlenSrioger, Mitopost- r rompettios; District Chiot Gorge Wrigh, Oakviie,Chris- mas ire safty. Cap. W. Mill- er and District Chiot Wright were named auditors. etirisg chairmas Hyde pr- seted is assoit report os 1961 actioties, and eepressed hie ap- preciatiote the members et tho ise Hilton ire brigades for their ro-operatios asd support durisg tht ureau'o uetst ear te date. Participation in ete- niai parades In atritte, Miltio sud Georgetowne cere amoog the highhights st tht past year'e at- iites. Durisg tht meeting District Chiot Wright reportedterewere ns ires caused hy Chrismas trees durisg the pet Chrismas seasos. A dicrussion cas hetd se flame-retardeet roattnsefor Christmas trots. Instant music . ICcrccs d ..î PBI)c Ct Os the seriooo sida I cosder 0 chat muiclU Rbo like lu tht future. Have os evoer givon it n serious, medtated concentra- d tien? Wel I aent tasd hro t am stock cdlh wrileg about k tweoeyl-rst cetnrp msic cith oothisg tb go os bt mp Imagin- a alion (ctsch is't much). Comisg tto today's pictore ot muir lu lecroic sud pscht- dean hum, chlch in my npinion, sarcrose bolees acai os the borbyard enue, sud tht dog clth is nose pointed tocards tht mon. ActuaUpy thosg, some st liotype nf music le nulle ic, sud I se, dt a combisatios o seti-conssrurted instrumental sousds, il clii roue eut ith a deep, utahingfnt seund, ptrbaps appeallng te emotios. Mrs. D. Hapoard of Elmceud Cresces, Milto, saps she lotis there wcdli bodeiitety ns More Srvice maager ai ticba-d- son Cite-Olds is Harry D. Ken- nedy, eho bas lU eare ot os- perience in tht automobile ser- Lvices tnt.lHe romes 10 Mitone aler stotrai ears itb Grant Brocn Mtors le Westsn. Tht ront service bay ara ot t tht agenro bas bots remonedasni ansexensoine iamiftileg ob os the biidng bas turned l tels oa hrlght aed tntarged shscreum y ares. titnovatione have aise E bots made le tht service depari- 0 ment and tht otfices have be - romodoled and improord hy the so nonro. D Erop in ibis cttlmnd, 10 meet J ack, Mrley and Tom, Thty'rv anions 10 met ou, concerts, that to, 10 dispiay suy unetyp pofnimusic. People ciii, ny usieli thoir own es tordieg theds, combine seunde troc ditterentInlstrumntls, 10 cse- quetlp prouce a seit-appeaile slnd ot music. dhe aiss aps musir iv laking a stop tocards the pasi. More sud more pou sousud busc older ganeratioss type 01 munic, eilb old favorites boing oung te a qoicitor boat, asdvecsosgsheieg sosg wilh more meauisg sud a calmer setilet. Tidste, in tact, a reverse ot souede. Atriran drumseare gettiegîtir message acroso in tht Western ttemisphere and more asd more pou icear irome, bogos, sud stickshe'og ued In music. Elin todac's moders dancing shos the spirit and sipit ot tribal motions, Ili laso prtdicted music trsm thtelEastern corid wdi mae lils debot bere, sud possihty tahe oor tht style of tht Western oorid's trend. The ortentat sound is fast bocomlsg a poputar sot, aissgcdith lti.iiu, Chisese, Presrh, Huegarias, Sctdish sud sîher lioroptas mu- sic. Tht road bere is tocarde folk, baiiad, sud reiaxisg music, raiher Chas b iloud rhythmir music. i rtalip cael cosceive chat drautir change cdii rome over tht fttrt's music, sud toto thosgh I try, Ilm aicost rigni back chero i starttd troot. Theo musircsrtd Is se unpredictabit, fi is bard lu estimatechat tht change cdU bo. Prom presoot observation icooid say,htctner, tht geserai trend is gsisg becb- cewrds, sud ctth thistii nat- ment, titeane tht rest et tht thoughts 10 pou. TODAYS BEST tOI0R.1Tf US HERE! TAKE A LOOK TrODAY AT OUR WIDE SELECTION Wl HAVI JUST THE RIOHT SET FOR YOU - AT A PRICE YOUIL L IKE Have a Free Triail On Us 1 RICHARDSON'S 2o mA e Maple Leaf - Choice Plump Grade ROi Maple Leaf - Breektike Cottage Roils *Freezer Specic CORNISH HI 20-oz. avg. 3 ens for CHICKIN WING53 Compare att 2 for 39c - p CAKE MIXES S I 2R-I9c Compare at 37c - 1-lb. Pkcg. SNOWFLAKE .ÀHORTENING 31 l Compare ai 2 for 43c - 20W's FACELLE ROYALE Facial Tissue 6 F1 Compare ai $1.14 - 8 RouIl WHITE SWAN - BATHROOM TISSUE Bks. 8RoIs 99C Il- TF %ISTING HICKEN.S 49' or Breasts 59 i 1-b. Tray compare at $1.05 59CWT Cryovac 1/'s A OA M591 in ENS ý2.69 i le 9 9C Compare at 39c - Clark's - Fancy Quality acket Pack TOMATO JUICE I - Tins 3. 89C Compare at 33c - General Milis - i 2-oz. Pkgs. CORN FLAKES 379c Six.ts full., orpictStI ef yser favenift hockey star. Compare at 2 for 29c - HEINZ TOMATO or S U VEGETABLE Tins Rs MAPLE LEAF CHEESE SLICES MAPLE LEAF CHED-R- SPREAD Onaro o13-z.1ksi 169cIJa B UIrERN UT Compare ai 33c - Heinz - 28-oz Tin SQUASH SPAGHETTIins3'85c he mont economical and lasty vegetable In Tomato Sauce on the market today. 1 c Compare ai 2 for 53c - 1-lb. Parchment 9 )e MARGARINE 4e89 le 'A' - 4-5 lbs. Avg. ~~IYIooo RW 4 u"ttin by Cro 47 pe accidei triple, accidei vol. Fix Prep esutan etib provil l&yt in tii Hie exp pressai lots an, Isg in The oMaine it becs spirai A dr cosirib for ewt Thse led toi1 prepars b-lie. H. C towi eleoteti Arena last We XoKer retary. Tee about t 1 - - m