Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jan 1968, p. 17

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sedrand luth le Saie vOre s lth yetiom ýrosent tram Actes, Milton le bride Wor8 and vIsite Pile eBheiXI roses. uiupreidalm IlT A OF THE on Real Board UPRfE D.TS tpETIN( IN Green i Golden 'Bronze Ern or a he iapresldai,liri. Biord Wrtggtesmortk, ainl il lte ianeais PRtai emeeting ad spened itmIl ie tata Ode ttlomed sy lai 'Stewart CaSsaIt. Tise roti aaimarad sy tBe miemm- n saii twa vlslars prasekL. r. Royp Wlimiraad Bhe mi. a cil Bhe DGemar meting isr logava h Bemcrelsry's raport. Tai crraspaideuce IncIsAid serai Bail pai ntes gforallas il il Critmas, noiie il etlievemil Day aid oailla ami Bproduiil l soaia ltate ram aesia presithil. A dIlcussila Semaid onisuggeionas for up- ag tBe 4-B girls pragramo i pral" Misalars ara b ng Baîir sggetile Beth iraary mwedtiamg 6lia.llIam oPInison gave a ahent repart a meeting Mle lad atlanded Brampon ai fam "sdey. Tai meeting mai Ban traid er ta Bhe lame ecanalsacon- air, lirs. Cecl Pallarami and iltroduseditBe speaar,MIrs. aipi Featharilaie,miLsamd borai sides il air trtp ta Bx- aid almi ofthBe bus trip ta tarna. Mimairs lad taon lad ta lrlngsaimptes oet SoIr as aid Bse praved very erasiu. lamins eput Mils al ais avea. lirs. McPer- mai aorteay conveair aid d lils FeaaBerstone for gaBherad ai tBe NorBhTrafalgar Commulty Ceaira ai Frit&elia-t enug, Jaisiry 12, ta pap kor la a raceil groom aid bisbrie, Mir. aid lira. Bill Mrclmai. The tlrst part oaitBe eveulng nia sil tplayig euchra alBB tei prtizs geig lautallamlwngaln.1 airs, lira. Allant Mrclmil,1 lira. Grry Hailtoni, Jack Mrclmeil aid Jl imaio.1 Fattaaig carda lai yaiag coup-g le mira clled totahe tront il tla hal nIera Bhey eail lnaia a pik aid whtt umlrallta aMuis mas decratad wallwmille mad-1 uing belttaaid a Pnk aertuz ca louertng aisave. lira. Mlil Paaiey ansilied Bae bride oaitBe peilng oaItBe disaila dt lrs. JohmFaklamade a clarmlag kiltar tBe bidetth il a varltlpci lctrad rislaai and blas. Bll epramed sin- aira Bhimsitaailfothe lamaiy usetul gifts. Luanchauserved sy Baise ln charge ai lhe even. lag, Mms. WllBs Hamitoai,lira. Floyd Hamiton, aid lira. Brtai HamISas.4 TIse NorBh Trafalgr Eclra Ctuis ield tBeIr aeelly eneisra party oai turdiy slialt, Jaiuary 13, at tise Nortis Traialgar Com- maniiy Ceair. Tiera nera use taables ef euckra la pay mtk lai prInes ging la tise tattoaiugmls. mrs: Juan Craig, lirs. Clara Wlso, lirs. Wlllrt Six, Balpis Featierstoa, Harvey Duai aid Artisur Burton. Tise Incisedaims HORNSY Slides df trips to Expo, California shown Institute at January meeting sy liru. James IHamilona uoisang ber pictares aidextead- aira muanisy Chîrtilowan e i ld a taiagga ad a vile out Banisulotha kostess. lin. Jîi Hamlton. day nigisl, Jasu enos forr BelJaiuary meeting mi s ai iaied sy lira. Wrlg- isrs. Dalad Peiec oan tBe ar- midair actiei Bhe Bornisy Women'n lualtitala glesorB aidlirs e iPie.rrital ai aîir dagiter Cairyl tBe lameOfaThmsHwe sLucwssrvdbtehoes Cngtltist M.ndEnSd ilu -Id on wedwaday afteneous ebasnith H lt M . ln- Gel mati l ihi arae etendad la lira. Grsaham Gltlas, mis a a patent lu Bhe Miltoan Ditrit Bosipital toltamlng surgery. lir. aid lira. George Sausmit rataraid home last niel tfram Bauatleai Aberta, miera Bhey visItad imtB fieuds aid ra- latives dAinlg tBe kolday se-un, Selatai graetiuga laulir. aid lira. George Hamitai, misa at- eiraied tBeIr 2bIB eddlug ai- niveriary an Jamry 12. Gel el itîkea arae etended la Semer licCun, misalloi pt- lenti luelia Gske-eTraialgr Mimorbal Hospitatolugmigr- gry. lir. aid lin. lMartin South- aaad lave rtaraed trnm a vac- ationInluEugliid miera tlay vis- Ied mlth rlendsanad ralatives. Congraulatiois la lMr. aid lirs. Brry Lite ilfliarllam ai Bhe arrtvai oethIeIr twIn Aagtmtrs, Kimberley Jean aid Kely Am. Caigratladons are extended'tletBe prmid grai4bar- eils, Mir. aid lira. Alan tarrop. Gel wel isais ar exetalded la Ciffordtuniler, wmInlIna pt- lent In the Sioldice Choie. Rbelrt, Larry, Genaidtlcly RuledgespentltBe aeelaod aI Bhe home aiflMr. aid Mrs. Kes- aiB Tyndalluf ClOntai, miera Bhey enjoyed pleily ut goad nB- ing. Memers aiflise Eden Uited Churci Young People's Siocety Saving 0f Up To 1/3 In Our Year End Clearance LADIES' COATS SUITS & DRESSES r *JEWELLERY *SLIMS *ACCESSORIES *BLOUSES *SLACK SUITS* SKIRTS *Matching Slack - Sksrt & Sweater Sets 1 41/2241/2 OFF 25,yoTO 1/3 PRICE CHILDREN'S .Ii~ LJIII~IW~UI SNOWSUITS OFF ~ 12-24 MONTHS 2-3x- 46x-714 OTHER EXCELLENT VALUES 228 Main St. - MUtons PHONE 878-2067 vilI liheI.C.W. Ode tdoîceaiby prayer. lira. Roy Break raid lhe scrlplura Saison tram liai- rama and tald a atory enttted "A tim. to prayt. lira Elmar Maly mas ln carge outhlie Study Souk and dscuosed thse Import- ance outhtie ton rommaodmeuta. Thse minutes et the last meet- ing ue re rend ani approved and the treasurer reportod a blance ef $57.5 plus tocksu. The an- nuit reports ufthtie secretary, treasurer and etsittugcommittee ware read and approved. tise naw floortag for tise riurris stops nas dtscussed. Mrs. JsisuCurd- iogley tsad a simple othtie mt- anial on dtsplay tor the ladies ta ou.. Il wai dectded te beave fiu- ai dscussion untl March aiBhe csld eatier mould make Il lm- possible tu lîy flouriug t tis ttme. Clurcis plaies nera aises ot te Baise praseut misa lad or- Arai Basa. Bt mas idedtintagtier lu al Bhe Ca"ada Pcher labeli and aend tlam ap t or tBrea dazan tarai ta la lu Bim.tar tisa ra- ceptoaioa tBe Mini smitg. lirs. Ray Break and lirs. Jois0 Cardtangley were named far tise cammiitee ta lnok sitar tise pr- clisse utfaa ilItacor Be preset- ab o lo oday ovening, Jais- ary 29 tar Wlmî Misai, lira. Elmer liay a elected ie louis star securlng Bhe Norths Traust- .gar Cammunlty Centre far t nlght. Thle rolaitimord "Jey" nias ansmered sy tBe tmalve members pramint. Thle amail meeting ai Bhe cisarcisvans anosuc.d. Tise meeting closed witB tise Mlnsai Benoudctlna. lin. Jack Nixai nias lu charge i tBe ailerlalai- The Canadian Champion, Wedneaday, Jaeaary 17, 1968_ 89 mail aid camdutldtaa conteste. Lunchis n erved iy tebasess. lira. Leoard Bickler ratura- ai homatram tBe MltlonDstrict Hospital test aeek aid etteais iser siarere tiais toaîlîotureir iuadaeu.s ariag lier sclyivn tise isspitai, Gel well wdisen are eteaitad ta Lynda Ciamberlalise lo a saffarlng trum a caine asleeplng sickness l1 tBeOiisvie-Mmor. lat Hoasptal. Tise Bitai Caiily Pratective Assocition mtdck min turmed mver 60 years &go la tracs damia cailtle rutters aid Insuro lra. ers ialnt lInsu at tisastaci Bhrougis ruulang araeieadlsg tor iard lImes ai Bhe treaaury la ra parted ta lea ilrouis isitani. TIt intadAe ta Bhe dlnlg il m.mbership aid le ai acila railler mWhs mss nil casgi. Sec- ratary Henry Peicecis reparlai il Bae annual meeting tisaI a pay- ment ai $66 wsaumade ta me tirmer aiso lent a steer lu rail- lersanmd moisi tisailise associa- tuan uadod 1961 $41 iantise red. Tiseir only income Is $21 tram asosil duos paid isy IkeIr 25 memiers, ail$1 eack. diAt c lIma Bhey lad 150 memiers. IL mis declded tist tBey maild kald a isanquietscial luardrto rai enougis profit Isuialance tBeIr isooks. God lacktotboson BheIr 1968 project. Milkstclis tresis langer il yai ais a plucis et sai loiaquart Ot fresh milk. ed ratraulmenau lira. F.J. Robiaionaid Judy Parton ai MIitnvlalted ils idrs. Ala Beillon of Boraisy re- aitly. Blrthdaiy greetings ta Darlemi Waod, Pilsy Pitiarson, Robert Walace aid Peer Trlsaller wka mIll cetaîrata heir bisrtldays on Jaisiry 18, la Carat Jean Bel- ami an Jiauacy 19, Kavln us on Jaiuary il aid la Donald Braik aiJauuary 22. Tisa Janary meting oai Be Eden nlited Clorais Wamen ai ield ailtBe home ilMra. Barry LamAis ai liaiday ulgl, Jaiu- ary 8 l it ra. Sîi HIlU pra- sldlug. Tise meeting was opeaid Arrangemaes con ha mide ta have ypie allia la te.Larelsaos, hi Alps, Notharn Ontario sr Eaîff. *CRUISES *PASSPORT APPLICATIONS *AIR *BUS *RAIL Lai Us iieip Yeu With You, Tramai Neadi Milton Travel Service 14 MartIa St. 878-9211 - 878-2327 Quieter because they're better bulit!1 ~1 40 ai t. atMITNPnÀ7826 gniag pîrty on Fri- mnary il aItishe DIeu ais. Fntlomlng the iIy Bhey ratarned lu rlMr. aid lirs. JoMe RIGHT NOW- On One of Our Spic and Span USED CARS COME IN TODAY AND SEE WHY -YOUL BE SAFER MI UL[ BE RICHER --YOU'L BE HAPPIER IF YOU CHOOSI ONE 0F OUR SELECTED USED CARS -- OR A NEW '67 FORD Record Ford sales mean record Ford deals! Corne un today! Ths is vubesttie Iba e e Ford Rgh o, a e t a t he reasonoe and mr poI ae s h g F ord f m te r blrdl tm y uFddeaeovryclî ar hOe sils-b eaus ak I ' smhn o a ee t h mme ub.i nat g e st Fd ja ree asq ai cosCantada- ad eling ail tie divain ae mFord And il îmtig yii an t i le efe reod i pneas he ut i a bettdal for you.mly ate a Bt hee s he, uea o i g a ne Ford bieshe better See yurFord deler lday. Chk the alt thcmesthFod s di yo an get I s e q-hty y n Fards. Ths qualit s fosQie t ~ Ride ad hen hek he bett dIea u el You're ahead in a EXCELLENT SELECTION SIZES 5.17 8-20 IlMARIT ANGE Kelvinator g, Price $239.99 Ciii SALE PRICE 169-99 Modal KR 313 IND ON C RANGE ... ed insl EMomens tRemo vable u Pies 0 BtaIsai inians 0 Easy te estai Irisa, bitaisf lime PoSaelal finish of ahe rnge5 bidly. ,nt Dor Rocks ad ,isapoltmaflt aimes wleh Iildinq Iii case, etc. 19.99 .-.w ... -M GIRLS' _IDRESSES - JUMPER LIMS, TrOQUES. MITTS S H R T S 1à3 409 Main St. Eau Phone 878-2369. -J MILToft

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