Institute planning veast demonstration NORTl HLTONASSCiAiON on e Me Hvny hoos neordig screary ns e BI toly ttorlndhnl nsoncs' ~5nn5 vet Teoh conesOvdvgscnmaîvMm.Diael nvlatmekvvnînerdWîîî~~îFengsui woclecePssidvîntaili Bsto on F a MltOiOiiCîîî u pîvîeni In 168 n onne vd reainen ssO bio LeodngsceainnMr'iat ,airs MoltrH ALrN ASOCAIIN fr th Me- Hrrylshm'.ponniseciays; Diait neMa.S The asoual meetingand asotal asd eccitlag, Mc. E. FasternlM niat laice oi vficeca oi St. ala Frognam, Mc. . 'Dell; Lead- M. Ba United Ciucci Women of Mlon ership Develnqlment, Mc. W. Mrtin; vasahld lnishe FellovaiO oom Mosa; Supply, Mc. C. Tiom- sisanli;1 on Monday, Jaaray 8. son; Ozasai ra. eliS Fay; Unit t,1 amas. T. HlciinsaS Peided Social Fontions, Mc. . Envisis ad apcavd lie meetig vils a Unied Leaders giiog reporta Stand New Yealisstisih. Mc. De- ocre Unit11, Mca b.B. atien- Chisitii alLawrence coadcted a imely ley; Unit12, ar. . Consoon, Acion, devollostl aler viicistise mi- Unit 3, Mc. . Cnicisaiaokl iy Fnlý utes vere read asd appnoned. Unit4. 4Mars. W. Clactaon. Uni G. Mes Ecellentl eplita isd lea 5, Mr. A, Woodly; 1Uni1t ,-rs. CO-..cF submtte. Al fet te Uited C. ay.Missa aoisnh oited. Ail eitusenind AC. M a rey. MB ah-Pws Chuns vmed du ina 97d erthgrov s lera ae aMr. Bats- F0ni cpaoslenea ulg Tvderhpo r T r.A rs Mc, F. Flann Rcpable lad enP aira. T.x- nMca. A.Clas fcreador196e ecato1 erollve mombc. asd 0ev. C. Saisec preaidad fon nitte, Tise repors ovre ehin by te te eleciv. Tbey are as oi- TayliO iollovinsg Treausir, Mc. . lova; - Mm Mages, Chisian iafi îeasip asd loa.P ta Misa aMin Dise, Ocial Acio, ar. !.itotMM'nvMla ,.'tmitlin; Pat bifo Community Fieodaip asd Vis- Preside. 4r5 K.O. Falrt Mn 1Ring, Mcs a el Wils;Christ. Preaideai, Mca: T. BotciMflofllRecri lao Edcation, ans. L. Tyer; Firsi Vice -Preaideo, mas. A. 10011c Flocons, ar. D. Green; Fn- Cairns, Second Vice-Pnvsidafll, gram anas,' Mc. J. his; Lilecatore Mc. . Casison, Tiird Vic- ersi asd Communications, ara, B. Preaideol, ar. A. Clemeas inge Ctemeta; Mase tmpcovvmnet, Recociing Secetacli. ars. W. ase amas . O DOel; isemberaiip, Maison; Assialintt lecceiany.veae Mca. S. BHume; Obsever, Mc. ar. E. Foalr; CocneapnadioO Ms. F. Omili; Press asd Pobicil, Secretan'y, ars. J. Gibert; Tea- airs' ars. H.GOveread; Slevandasip socec, Mc. . Mages. . Mrs. S. Allen is re-elected president Manor auxiliary ar. Stan Alen vas etumned di, second vice-preaideai ar. an prealdeal of Balloo Cete- C. Rooney, secreiary Mc. a. niai Manr vomeo's Axitiarny Culllo, ireassaen air. R. Hasn. aI thymr anaoal meeiag Wde- dl. day, Jasoany 1. J. Ciarto, assistait admlnd- Glier officers eiected locluda stnatoc o the Mar, coagnatol- final vice-pnosidaotigr. J. Ped- ated the nov oficers and visined tise auxiliacy ucceas in 1968. Mc. Alilegsgn iervo-yeac Roeve .ppitn tflui t cvm y eppoitfla Omer o terminy esincludiai convenser Oornogoo's ev Wand Tincav foc laaarm veainmets. amas. council repcvauitve, Wiliam J. Gooci nidirat supplies, ileeve vas given nree nev ap- ars. C . I; siovrase w10400 pointmeols ai last eeha exec- dacoranor, ars. .HBll; men- oive commiStee meeiog. besniMs. C. ooney; loch Be vas named 10 lise Miltio n op, ans. J. Peddie ad amas. Fine Ara Boad, tbe Ballon N. Bayvacd; pcogram ioteses, MseumBoard ad tie Josephs ans. L. Second ad ars. G. Ban Muoseum Boar'd as a cou- aicntous; bingo, Mc. J. BnpOnce cil appoînlee. rldg, Mc. a. Clion and amas. Coil named BoccHanis, C. Rvwey. James Iedjoan aad A. P. Wright Tis e eiog oas peceedad iy to teHaloaRegioflConveoPt$ a pol-lucin loncinvon, and coi- Ateoily. coming of a nov memer. A SMART NEW HAIRDO Let ou bai, tyiiate fie your iadividaaity . .ad yeu nlil bu au pleaad. CMii U TÔDAY Unit 3, ars. D. Ccuis- Doit 5, irs. A. Woodley; Mca. A. GalloOZY. Soig Commlidtees are: as Citiznsaip and locial aMca. A. Frno;COmn-fno iendsip aod Visllint, airs. sales and airs. G. MacN ab; penalioO lanCisristian as( unacry EdUe5lion, Mca. H r;Flovera, Mca. F. Smith ne. Mca. C. Tisoam; Lit re and Comm lncations F. 'anisutle; ManeCoin airs. G. 0'Deil, Mc.'1 r, and Mca. . Ldvii aersaip, Mca. R.G- Poste' rve ecretanî, airs.1 r. Pres and Pubcist J, Pundy; StevandaiP a' oiting, airs. S. BHrne; Nor oas, Mc. R. Lawrence; Pr s, Mc.D. Lavrence; Les lp DvetotOment, Mca. loppSu y ad Social Assi e,Mns. S. Love; OarasrC( ns, ais. W. Clacionva 7.C. My; Social Coaven Gs . EcCin; Avaions, is B:latiserly, Mca. F. Oua' liet WL as- sed-a-te- iom nf Mca. Chester sernice vils tîginteen meonisapceedfll Mca. lovnoey, p-saldet, vel- comed tise memlans and gucata, ,apeclly ans. William Webis, District Privlti, ohn vas te speaker of tise aitacancn. Baviag iseco a nilegate ta tise safety wnni shois nat tseInnO tee Park, Toront o, ase isnoglt home certain noies and regula- tions bote idrivenrscand peninal- rians muat adisece b. Maay lettens vi ti&ssoh re read isy tise seccetary tnvm graletul cecîpleots itiseisasksets, flowens and coiea dellvered ai Christmas. Tise Coovennenfonrlise aval cand pon artillais Eva Ciishotm ývite tisefollowligconanitîce, Mns. j. Hopinyds, Mcv. D. Lay- Tocateclof Jobs vers ais- pnnned foc tise futuire- ThesoU1 Cali **Sample cf Yosn latent craft" vas oel cespoonted 10 by taltint, illl-nsoilO, a i stiO 1141110fand embisoderY. A ctemonstnation "Bailng vnth yeasl,, vili bla Isel iLgsy tIS Fnlday, JâsoanY 19 at 1 p.m. vison membersnsadflaoemlaci ace velcome. The Blnthctayiiac- ty ooden teconvenershlis o Commonlty Actîiticas SAinten fan Jase. Tise meeting nlosed vlth 1he slogiog cf tise Scees folloved h3 intitiste Gnace. Mca. C. Johnso, losch non- vecnrion tais meeting, serve, a delicbauscep&st vile a ancli isaif ismi vas eanjyed. Short course on iorrliage helps enguged or newlrweds, yean, Ballon FamllY Couscoîllol senice la oteilg a shsotcourse va maccie foc eogagvd coupes asd nevly-weds. Tie corses, lu la ield i10S. Jota's Uted Cisuncis LusinaIl la Oaille, Janary 18 asd25, an Feisnuacy t and 8; iii alsa la ield inoli. Chisltcllie'a An- glican Ciurcci, uSaflos, Fei- ruacy 15, 2, 20 asd Mancis 7. A514 Two babies are baptized - To aiies oece iaptized a tise Sunday mocalal service a b; 1t. Lute'a AglicanCiunci, Pa. id tvnmo. TieyvenvKeaselis Ocn a. Tyel, son o M. and Mcn h; nBuce Tyel, s gcandaaa of Dr and MMc. Grant BleslOP. an sgnastgandsoa f Mr. asd Mný n_ KSanasisrYOfn vi ishe,an . gnodsonof M. and Mc. A i; ldaaoof iPlenmo. r; St LuWa'0Anglican Cisr( E. Wnni ca caered la theeClrai' [tPostal meyeea dosner S"i sd day evebatatlie BOeY-eCo" ,- munity Centre. r- Mr. and ars. G. Pellette' s&- elucaediomle y plaoe Tiusc B. alvnOo mon o a,5sixdaY ala; at- Fort Lauderdale. FI&. and .Ty a clas5ited. Wilb e, stis Se moal CisamPiOcIa tns. mmid usara are getilat, F0 iy. fid tise ihailis caichinga. Excitiflg wo ol sale from Maryj muxrn NOIR11LAND 4-01. Skein99 Eeg. $1.19 - NOW -1.. 9 CLOUDSPUN 2-OZa Skein 72 Eeg. E9C - NOW---. 2 knlitting9 Worsted Double Knitting Eeg. 95c - NOW 79c SAYELLE * NANTUK 2-OZ. Skein Eeg. $1.00 - NOW 1 1.---89C BRUSHED MOHAIR 1-01n Bail Eeg. 89c - NOW- 72C PLUS OTHER UNADVEBTISEO SPECIALS On Sale Jonuury 17 to Jonuary 24 At 171 Main St- Phono 878-9533 pbyalclly andl emotallty tel ai clghta as concerna s pcner puciasiat, mortgagesanad e laie planniag; manaagement money and iudgettlag, sensit punciase, aidot, living vit la tise brome, ilanice and1 tencelhîtn esonoalltlea cludiat la-lava. Parents and C oalti teset O Ifonrme loga isnhee dollars PBn coul Regstailonasd Inoaionîlj av&ialse aI lise Family Caus jing Service office, 53 Brovn Mlton, pisone878-80l, et. Induct ArchdeaCC at Guelph Sunda, 'Vie 0ev. CaonaWliam] L- iosaa of Gelpis vasindu*f ýe AnnisdecO Ofaitise Denec . Trafalgar (viic i lcdeS r. Anglicn opanlahes) ia a sel ni ai Guelpis Siody aftecsoao. s. Canon obisaNos former nd Hamilton, la tise avv ceci t- St Gorge's Choncis, Gueit] cnaeda tee ev. Stanley rs visa died lam al l, visa v os archninan ofaithe ninei ut acontyean. DeBame - Commons St. Paj. î M'ln dued nSoro0auSet- ar -ty-Decm 1ir i c s c oloh ssViiaCommon h.oreliebride 11nsavi4" Bae. ý'Ve cids is edagte Ofirec. An.. Mathio, .0R 3 Campell nladtlilte RaB. clt V. Commoc. The groomole tee sas f M. and Ms. Join De Sale, htltoo.anrotiiW 1ev. Ciares acnofcaO ai theo marrclancd Mr. McGe playod thee rga Tise bride wvo na"esleotth. pearl ored garnI Of Pusd sole.vilis lanaeIodice ad log leenesancd a floral ieadiecO lld ler solder lenti neli. )f Sq carieda cscnin f ed A baby rose anod pnohcarnfatos adcardan Maroof hoanVUlreMcanatinandn le Donctlsy Schuber o ActoO, siter cardalloSd w f thegraoo, via onOe Ia Street Blioll )Y lenglis dm05 ina 5401 green lace thebnlin.iOsC ,mP, n-- lace Steet leoft Kno W M nld a saa ai K ox W M.S. natonos and oan TieEveing fDuliactoint O Amo Moie - om Chancis Womoa'5 Miss- 0 naclgea any Socity hdlai10scfrcmetingrt cntin-laW cf 1918 o jaoaany9Set tise home Acto, vas It cf M isa Rite& fayte In 1 heli s he l r vas P ascoe of the prenldnt, Mca. Denosco, Mc. K. P.* Marshalli A pceslded. Dol A U t-_ ir. DnadKenedy ead ler Ancste i whvlicistells Of Peten'o vision cf tise seitlel g- do»na gons ieave, pnlollof cot 1t, ha1 Christ came tu aveano a e Thisspanticalan Passage la tla of OclgLnof itise vold enomeolcol [bie moveenct. la- study bsooki whlch niait nth thee in- Pcesisyteniao Churinin 0CânsdB ce- and Ettir groupe. At ose Ime set-aion focetas vece la tin Reg. categoi'y. zie. Ail chunnisîs mate OfficiaS and 12. are helpinsi Ovetuces ta immigmainlo. $1 .1 ksel- Oneofo the final and most cliet- St-- ive contacts l thnogh PortchctP sq. yc t2. lins, iezeOnescos On Otisen e- pcesentativea of tise chonch vniO provide velcone, tnleodship and NOM Dn coooese. Cisonches alneadYes tissiecinlanuada are enrcciedi cRe y isy a vanlety f memlacaiP. wfl Roi- r.Rbno pk rel ted as Onima. RosIcoftee cisonci local Ukraiiens, adtheos colase Fce ci, Unana a i L. Chloee. nlIy cf on cf --Duncas Mo=ia,lfcoogafeYa p. Be Tovaasip's ePrecoolalîve to tise y i, Acton DitictlighSchovlBoatn4 las tise vas amed hoa d ciainmao fon ry foc »67 IW e8b.0R ItM OUtsao ,Ih yeen Ste board. WASHER SALE PRICE $199-99 Glass-smooth lfetime porcelain tub Acrylic finish On wringef. skirt and tub top Non-clogging pressure pump Convenient finger-tip controls nosegay of YeloW dorange mlnmO cas Penny Cons- 9lIilUe, sioten cf noce b mntgceeo gth dce seanadcar- Ry oi yettow can- age monos. ae gave lise bideni 4n Densa Scisublrt, mon the groom, gnoemsman. Tise Paul Commtos. BE SURE BE SAFE BE CERTAIN RELIli LTII tTlE E iN CONSULT A MEMBER OF TNt Brampton Real Estate bord BeM.Ke SUPREMI HARD-TWIS1 Golden Bronze 9.9.5 sq. Suic shc isy ars. Ja Mrs. Thon oteau for lth tihe lornisy Id au Wesh ecns-y 1O. T a ufford Wrtg of the e etng sa Stewart 'NBam ln aluO utelii enwred reand tva e cf the I dgave lise a Tihe corren verailimhais ut t Chlil eleveoent1 Bproohint; e aBenpreni livd mc a tblie 4.4 - gthir E E rary um r Baiton c Tihe metem erto the ho mer, )Mr. C adyn Festin ored alini and ao 0 forra. td ta brio crestina. d bMis Sal 30" ELECTRIC RANGE by Kelvinator RPeg, Price $23999 WH'ITE SALE PRICE s16999 Moal KRt313 9 FEATURES YOU WILL FIND ON EVERY KELVINATOR ELECTRIC RANGE ... RANGE: ingeil, Rod.Typn Bah. asd Broil Mementus Il Biler, Roaster Pan and Grill 0 Bemovabin Oves Sida e anhate, facilite een cieanie g 0 emevabte Suriface Moement Trim Rings and Drip Pans 0 Baioed Rm on Surfacn Tnp ta catch spiii.overas0 Easy te replacn fuesna, icatnd bnhind pednesti rim, beteaeet rangn top ià hachguard S Lietime Porcelain finish on the ovnnad aiU outer sarfaces ni the range bedv. 18 Zero Zone Freezer vith convenientDoor Bochsandai 85 pousil capacity 0 Antomatic Onirnat - Fresh fond cempartmentu SOLifetime Unichrntnn Cabinet Sheives *Convnnent it-Oui Meat Tray with lildlngIlid * each-Easy Deer Sheinna oi bright andized aiuminum *Dairy Compartment ior butter, cheese, etc. 0 5-Year Warraniy on Worid'a insai 'Polarsphere" Unit 0<543 TWo-DnsOOU REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER WHITE SALE PRICE $149 99 _____________HOP AND SAVE AT YOUR CO-OP LJC3 HALT0ON BRÂNCH BRONTE St. MIkTOt4 UNITD CO OFERATIVES 0F ONTARIO 8 7 8 -23 9 1 1- 1