Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jan 1968, p. 15

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PARADE 0F SLEEPWEAR PASIONS h 0hlighted tise anieue ent day for sxf Haons 4H homeeakngclubs on Satur ay. iembersnef 7he Hornhy Suthhcohbae shown on stage sleepwear the memnbers desigoed and smade dering their in- tee promuct. Each club stagedi a fashioni show ru demunstrate the resuItW of their work. nhey mouel nhe pyjamas, nightgouns and other assnrted* (Staff Photo) 'h. pyjama game 4-H'ers show off sleepwear at homemnaking club finale Tise auditorium ofS.an' ted Ci :os aMHn ltoeti > apymad-rap n.e*nne frose, ardaLy atemnaon. Bt it wsa d be tati ay. About 85 mesuiers ni six Bal- Ceunty 4-H Homemaldng aisn acre at Sainrday ta rom- le tieir winter pruleci, ieeping armen" l' ai lise mi-annual 4-H Aciseemen y. An part ni tise prograsu, s girl modled tise niepanar isaitmadle sisring lin pat mnntiss. taInieparada, hisigts Bhe aderneen prugras téat- dlong graesy goans, smart ma seis nd604en a fea by dal" styles as preef ni uariety o ties leepaear tise le nconted dring tieir ndng programn. "itînepuear surprises lant decritas ithe eniortal array ut pyjaman and nigisigowma un dinplay," enmmed ap Balise and Peel Cennty Home Ecesumist Mms. Katisy Wiliams, aise cennened lise acbienement day. Tiese ene uil ta enpeaied tis Saterday lu Balinafad al, aisore use nortieru cluis oftae cennty iold tieir ariievement day. aai Sarday'n pmgrase Inciued tise girls tram Atse, Hornisy Seti, Scorishtlok, Pal- ermn, Sansagaaeya ansd Hosssiy Nrniscnis. Dringthtie aintar projeci eanis meseler plaaned and madieier eau garment. At tisesane time sise learssed manyst nuftaris- niquses, suri santise fiat loeu seae, trouchiseam.se eing an lace or eyeet, and apptylng cord- ed pplsg. Iosa mstnot ieir Instruction frmm olanteer 4-B leaders waanquite visible as the mudels parndad tieir ne ntgit- wear ai Sarday's progrein. Denpite tise crul matérels, tise flowing cuies, tise fanry de- nîgnsand 4tiesepcial trtmndng tise girls gane tieir Indinidual ereationn, tise russmre n551 isigi. Canin ranged tmnm $2 te $5. During tIse moning prngram tise membeun jndged tise qnality ni leeping grments and mai- eriain, and demanstraied ana- tug on lare isy iand. Intsie ai- terneon nacis clnisbnavea sidtor exhMttt to damonetrate tise use- fai Inormatioen liey isave ar- spired. Parents and Iriends were aelromed ai tise atemssoon prograse. Actonugirln did a sit,*"Wisai mases gnnd sleeping garusests," 4HSOP nhihitentered hy mes irshave studied fer the past feu onnhs S.. Satrdysaceceen dy Mit' . Bradleyhsh ber dispta.y su H.ltns om an' eHihs N sh ' h lwa h e ensestMr KMylie .ri h.ffP eo linary engiseering and plans fnr tis reronnsr- Je too. Trafalgar Bead fmomth COO .,dii- -u Elizsabeth Blghwsay to the nuise Wh.hiu. ,,, Middle Rend to fasilitte p,ffi nuejit traile are cnomplets, '. mant.st t. n WIlliam J, Celter said cf them now Y. plans aili ta subisnttei tn for 68 County Bada Cemmit- DeliVery 'GTA LAD and OF THIS" a a o uidine mmmwmmm'chasis Building »ON BRANCH Matetials Ltd. 6 Lakenhar. Rd. W. Sant. 02-101V # Ne Tai Ch.m n 20; Bi11 Bon- scemier enhibi- A mas accepted (sitaf f Phtao) ess ars ni tise Baftte Lying in binsess .paid set $60 to an ston. Tisere er ass $21 ($1 a tann Irus pen- ntury) tise Ase, rching tur iose- sers. Bot tnd&Y'a otd-styto passe d naine for stray- LLI IUSTRIAL V IN PARK F-1968 - Mnow HNOCED WITN CIRTIFICATES ut Saturdays let 12 4-H projects. At the rear are leaders south Halton 4-H hurnemaking club achieve- Mrs. E S. French u'ho received a certificate ment day were Mary Anderson and Giane for 10 years ut leadership with Scotch Blocks Pell, front; Lrrie AliIsun, Betty Allisun and club, und Mrs. James McKay uf Hornby North Kathleen Iruing, middle; al inners ut Pru- club uhu rece;ued une fur flue years uf lead. vincial Hunu cs certificares fur curupleting ut ership. (Staff Photo) --Tins aets conlanatisor in seiat an sert paylng tom tari August. Meeting lasi aneis, Balise Cennty Cennrii estaislised tise memiers ofthlie standing cusu- miliees fer tise year. The rom- mtees ailI bo as fuliowa: Agriclure, E. M. . and Planning - F.G. Dais, G. Dal- aginr, T. il, A. Speigisi, . Harris. Hoard et Healtis - A. Ledwitis, F. Gaies, A, Speigisl, E. Burin. Finsance, Welfare and Assenu- ment - G, Crnie, W. Celer, F. Guies, G. Gatingier, W. iI- lien. How Buffalo Bill got his first job Williasm F. Cndy, the tamed Western scout and rmleo shonw- man aise is btter inown as "Huffalo il", gri Mis fIrst jois isy anssuaring a sewspaper ad, Tise peuy expresnsean lcuxing tor rlders, and thior ad reaits "Wanted, yeang sktany, eiry telîows not ndm 18, maritab expert iders, ailliog te isk life daiy. Opianpreterrei." Youa dnn'tisave to te a Haffao il 10 gel a jouin Champpion classifleds tlisenday-..NSr skiany. Sur airy. Rom an erpisan The Ciamplen's wmmd adn art ideal ttentioe-getters.Husldredit of peuple une tisem seekly louy, asel, ent, trade, acquire or an- nune.. . isy dun't you? --Tise pond isn (en getting plenty of une by the young try, aiso are seen tiere ukaling al- ment daily. Douglas Wood chairs board Dosgtas Wood i itnny, a messsisr nf the Dakeille Board of Edarattos an a eprenentaitne ni tise noern sWord Osas etertura for severai ynasu Sa (mo anmed 1968 chiarman ot tise isoard. Be was eterted tu tise post ai taat seek's Inaugural maetinsg. Vioe-risnirmass for tis eussitanw yearn, M. Wood inas anar tise seat tmon Kenssetis Burseenit al rstgssed ai lise ensd ni 1967. Deunzil F. L.awrence niltes ta Ward Ones'a tier epresenta- tive In tise GakInle isoard. Be lo alon a neteman memiser. OBITUARY Mrs. S. Merritt Mms. . Merritt, wselsu an an isuosn isy many renideuts ni Mit- ton, dm4d laut aeek ai Kingston-~ en-Tisames, Sarrey, Esgiand, fotlowing a tengtisy Ittnan. She sutise motiser ni L. A. "Tony" Merritt ut 249 Etungu- taigu Cour, Millon, asnd grand- setier ni Kein, Tieresa, Hen- dan ansd Jouas. Mrs. Merriti isai isited tisers isree times ln recrn years ansd made many frtessds iu MiHton. Annouace New He&ing Substance: Shrisoks Ples A,.o." eam nat aiut.h rounnd n .6 nnu iseniubnstassa ais isa aisiity tRu sinshis sn- and d.a o rt issinntss Iaflassnd tiaaaa, b iiud In aea tueoam.,subilets sty _11029na pin,actuant nadation ..sisiaglltkplas. Mont impapnn t fsit-unta sunrsatisnenahnh.ttbàiimpsea nnt wu maintaimad nsea Psnind uofmaey sanathis. Tis ., aenac plialaud aia ewhnaling suistane Bm-Dysa suiichis qseay be. Itan jnu cenlia nut ninaatmaaenthsnEa Sua Bsu.Dyna in nffau.d in oint- menat esu nuen.nry torscitasi Prnpaentinn . Ankist a.Ulds @tom,..Se isantiosnurynae Messu .utnsdd.t Cistaen's Atu Socty - W. Dilies, A. Ledwitt, T. its, W. FOR Hrey, E. Burke, W. Hanter. Masser Cummtttee of Masnage- ment - W. Cunter, A. Day, G. Gallagiser, A, Ladwitti, W.I Musenu Huard - W. Hney. H. Personnel, iegtnlntiun and iy- A PPLIA NCES a - A. Day, W. Cuulter, G. Currie, H. Hinton, E. Burkse. E' Prcorty and office adsinins- S E . tratin - H. Hîntun, W, ilUaes, T. Hill, A. Speigit, R. Harris. Rcodo' ton, G. Crnie, A. Day, W. Hnsy, Rcado sTV & Appljances W. Hater. 201 MAIN $Y. E. MLO Tise firni nnmed (s ciairman MSTN *744 encepi un tise Cldtdre's Aid Society an.d tIse Museum Hard. C r Your local trust company offers 7 % ITEREST 5 YEAR GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES $100 tb $100,000 6%% for 1, 2, 3, & 4 Y.ars MILTON 252 Main Street - 878-2834 1 te DON SMITH, Manager o LOCAL IRECTOR. Dr. Carl Martin, Vice-President NORTH HALTON AOVISORY BOARD John TArmcstrong, Cara;Refuor ardhua, Maurice C. CON\'ENIENT OFFICE HOURS Mue. Thurs 900- 5.00; Fridays tiI 6.00 HALTON & PEEL TRUST a SAVINOS COUPANT HEAD OFfiCE: OakseillE Othar branch Officeas rampean, Bsrlingt.n, Simnca., Delhi, ee0ugmlwu, Coakavili Assets Under Administration Enceed $80,000,000 amaCaaaDessost nunranre Corporation --- ails aUl memiers partlcipatlng and trannfnrming tair sorst nteepseear mieo a colorissi nese array of styles. Siaran HBul rummented onu an entabit isy Humnisy Sentis, "Variety 1n sleep- ing garmenin"' and Sesan Corrne and Carnl Schieiser remontrat- ed teSceothok clui'snex- MIb, 'Seterting pyjama mater- iai and patern." Paermo's eehbisil "God sleeping garmens" wsan mm meted an isy Barisara treland. Att mesulrs of tise Sannagaseeya riais partlnipated ln anst, "Wisai matas gond nleeping garmenta", sebieisendadin lua puma iglsi. Bamnisy Nortis's exhMMt wsa "Fiinises fer leeping gar- mont," rnommented onisy Lanrie Maxweell 60d Karen Bradley. Home eronomini MnssSiaron Cssseand rnmmented an tise ex- hists, nidin 6anduemntatians, andt Mr. William Weisi, prenu- dant efthlie Halton Ditrict W- meu'e n stitutensewisirissponnor tise 4-B pregrase, alun brengisi greetings. C onnty Hanemn Certitlratea (for rempltiln ut ix proectri) sere prenentai tot Kaiismyn Lyncis and Siirley Sayero, Arien; Mary De Boer, tianalyn Mery and Eieaner Smitis, Bornisy Soutis; and Karen Bradley, Darlene ILen- lie, Laaie Maxwel and Maur- een Tiosonn, Borssiy Suris. Six girls recenieit Proincial Hanorn rertifirates fnr complet- ing 12 or more projerin. Tisoy sert BeHty Allisun nd4Lrrie Allisun, Sanuagaaeya; Linda Marsis and Diane Peul, Palermul and Mary Andrsun and Katistoon Irving, SctcisBenk. Certitlcatas o arbionemesit aneeprenented t lt hlie girls1 aise rompleted tieir prejeri. Mms. James MrKaây renined a cerittate fer flue years uf leadlership is Hemniy Sertis, assd MIra. E. S. Frenchisn seanua tor 10 years et leadersisip ails Scetcis Blocis riai. Standing committees are named by council FRIUE and~ SPARKLE BACI< 1 We clean yuur ephoistery w th modern equpnent- skil1 and ecperience guar- antee nuu the best ut ce- soIrs auhen 'on dean you' soiled andfor caredu hnlstery or rugou-alî for mure informaton Ail our work is f ully guaranteed MILTON UPHOLSTERING 5n11 LORNE ARTHUR con Cantact PAUL POSTE ai 878-2013 afin 6.00 *"aad 0 Childrenn aend perhaps intermediate casses, wIIl b. held Saturday ernielgs from 9.00 te 12.00 o'clock. " Children's Classes re $1 .00 an hoar. " Initermediate, or ladultl, $1.50 an hour. Lifa draseir4, woaioW an, Paologne, e., wilI ha sableais iught k

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