Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jan 1968, p. 14

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-________ -.,-----., _______.- - - - - I Coaopisollvllie, for tise 8opE~O.P. U The Cneduan Chompune Wowdeosday hanury 17, 1968 Holstein breeders another successfu by Hienry . Stney yar members joinlofUthe CRUf lu Some elgty 5Holstein breectro Clubs.an from Hlton motllo the Palermo Ralph Ford. club secretiry, Bh Hall on January 9 for ther an- revosud the iighlght Of 96,0 85 nal meeting. The meetng sirt- yeir, whlchi ncludod tise Blach La ed wllh everyone veulaf lie TV and Whte show ilir 1021amimoa eT show "-The Fences are comnofand $2.481 in prtse mosey, amd W Doon."1 Joch CoCkbrn, Associ- tie bars meetings ail Hys' tales lu 060 Agriulturil Rpresentati're, Arenaiand ai W. . Benett'o. statod tia 61 of the 63 4-BHBol- Fred Bell, club presistet, Com: of tein memiers completed ter plimested Galraith Bre. Br- th projectu 1n 1967, wlll, a record lingon, for hoing 8he btghest noMter o 4-H Holsinl flrt- record 10 D..LA. in Onaro eo ~Irnmpio 4-H "honor banquet" fetes trip winners ny Geoti Taylor t StewarttonOHall womite 9cerrO M ut an Hsoc rBquet, plannedand onduted bytlre 4-H ArtulturilW Club members of Hlton Connty. on Frtday, Januory 12,10n onor s f ail the 1961 4-H avard and a trip vlnors. The speclal speaher of te J enentng, Joiso bicC,e a formerc 4-Hi member preseoily enrolled ( a York Uniersity, gave a re- 5 port o anexcangertptolrael.1 sposoreri by the PloneerWomen 1 ut Canada. John reprosented Ilc Canadlan 4-H'rs. Hs proserds 05100 included sliden mnd a com-i mentiry on Ils vst, wldcb Isua place immedstelv aller tIse Arol-IsciOli su. 06er 4-H trip reports sure given by Lois5 unter, Ketis Ait- honamd Deug Gardlonne. Lois, ,tionr o tle RurlYonlisAird. represeaied Hilton Cmmlty for 10 dayu 1n Montreilas guesi of5the Rural Learudng AssoclUill; KetI AihoO wm Hltonn's lte- gto to the ProvincilLeadersisip bois ai tie UivdestyutfGuelpiri and Deug Gardasuse wm One ut the 4-5's selected 80 tranel 80 Malryland, US.A. Msurray Brownridge mnd Carl Mlddebroh, the 4-H Inter-Club FildriCrerChRmPion,were pre- sented vill eatuiers for Usoir irldenemeuts. Entertolousent van provirtedby Joy Bayword, PcoslnclalDtrect- or of the Jundor Farmeru ut Outarto. Jeff Nurse van pre- sented vilI an avîrd certificats for vildng the Royal Wlnter Pair Judging CompetilioLm Te certifivate, tise F. K. biorrov Schoiarslp,assisteuidm toittend a coUlege ut agriculture Of Ils chaim. Bill Lmlby, member u1thtie AvIon 4-H6 Cait Club, ilso ce- onlved a certificate for nning the Queen'S Guseas competillon ai the Royal. Ipecillgueuts lncluded the sewlv-elected Wir- Double Uteelite Of yonr nIons by cisingtng theon daily. ll's the airing asetween oeoringsthatpre' vents perspirationI froon rutting the leather. Gordon Leslie, Acton spring grain winner Grdon Leslie, 1.R. 3, Acton, Is ortî considerteion Il rcesIes tire gld otel proen i;ulgthe rups 8n grov ed by tie Uirted Ca.Opecai'00 fieldu fr tie crndoug yeau et Ontario fac top ytld 1n the Records sures ept onS Sprîng Grain Campettlan. M. of produclng these crupu Lslie's NetiBarley yelded follownr esulisu the 3,668 Il. or 76,4 bashl etpa prcduclng eÉther barley, acre. gpile, or ails vus bloi Ho oas tlloood by ia mre mnd 43 dollars an acre. members 0158 Heto liarley san rage valueofo!the0bai foloos: Fraunk Roertsan, Ml- $120 pr booel wua ton 5, 0158 3,6t Il.; Jahcston mled prila i 95Ç - $6' Neelmnde, liarny 1, 3,416 h.; cals eI 80Ç, $50.90.1 Ricard Sooerelge, billIon 2, 3,- rture to dol mad ma 301 I.; Jahn WIUmt, Milan 1, Inth efrmer vas $3 3,112 l.; Calino Alte, Actac icre oc baley, $19.80 3, 3,036 l.; Merle Gooliy, MiI- ed grain, and $8,30 Sarc grmve 1 , 3,036 Ili. Set came two membrs 015 Tacio Mted Grain -- Fred Nurse, Tato Gergetaon ,0111 2,996 l.;amd bMry of te accidents girl 0111on, 2,931 Il. peuple occur an the higi Fine me mbers w111 barlOy foi- cauntry ruaide. Thds til losud, mnd thon the members Ue ronde are more hi vith mlxed grainoamd ails. Il is because at theanoe-î met Iterestlng taotoetîai the liçgery conditions. top member w111 uns, H. CReid tkealu ceos 015thuos 0158 a yeld oS 2,346 l. or 69 iged tires tiai ire g4 bsiels pet acre, ploced 1181 Ic Winter raide demanc the compotililn. tread sunpor tires1 Tbhe average yld of balep positive starting mnd 'eau 3,034 th. r 63.2 bshelspoc' Doc'i gimble on "smol acre , mtsed grin 2,606 or 8.1 ulels, amdoails, 2,102 r 61.8B bulels, Ohon su consder the W ard Brownr esergy or TDN pradcelytle5ie three crops, ht comess ta 2,367 oecomnes auci lb. Sac barley, 1,902 Il, Sac ndx- Ward Broardge ed prain, mnd 1,429 Il. tac ail. Georgetown, is the Du the avrage, barbey lu pro- usonsi aucioseor. declag bl a ton more eergy A armer on the S pr acre tan nets. Surely tMm s rownridge lamestiý ___________________ lit s, bi. Brorldg àfg$iti WOISho hops t spclaline In Mustits butiSiiOp valable fac illstrtesconr4 sain oorh Uruglal "&StraeS CORrOi rct ' Hs ers oet 1y IL J. Stanley ctive participation Il A sperlil wacsîup Is belng ton fanon groupe --1 plaused for & altlon Cuy theSoitan d Crup Ir dary firmore on Tuesday,Jme-. Assocatioinamd Hlit amp 2,1In5te Maonic 9Hall, Mil- Breedrs Associtlc ton. Dr. IL J. Neely amd F. C. gnoen hMm ignd bc Nelson, Vehrioicy Services doaling 0158 favm Brmmlh, Guelphs, 0111ie plisent flaruseqalprneat 8n condec tM5 onchoul. Atim- Coachlog hlm iti ilar vorkhop hld ho the prng anciloner, Frank ct 1966 ova Mot ancosou. Georgeton, uho tn th isubeooesttitedthit mari- aid nI liait year aif titis eostu tie average diry tantie antIon Se farmner $1,600 Pen pair. This in M. Brownorlrbo fr the roui ef drugo ho tralit tholoolid three farn disesS amd ta laie of predist- aqing. lm .Tise prpoeofuthe1wvo-N line bassateliP ihopite nIlluis te selp-hp- eownfruon lise S atep prnee6re siire prie- difin1g ohatever1 fia smdfeftective hincrtralling eonrp tte aattO Mstifs. Te lrovrige fa Tfe Boaton Contly MilsCousn- Insusthe Cr000 isy1 Miu a le eo-ts6d008 018Un10i10181, amd enool Otaiie Dp ci Aeloumtiamsu ar prod i 1 Food la ptti S il sîwenktql s alshe tamfoil brd witis oer 20 recordEâ, ls e v u e w 640 o butter fut, 4.17% tet, for re v e BCA's o 139-158; to Shorisoluso Ferme, Burlingtofl -- 18 cons, ~ 6,132 l. ml,55f&t--B.C.A.- il yea Is o 158-143. The var sus tropisSwon at ut yar - ovr 16000 . ~ the Hilton Black and Whieo w LM yar - ove 16,00 l. mik sure thon prosonted. ad 671 lb. fat. 9He ilso stted Htardy Shore, President of tise bt Hlions 000mot proudofu lolstolnFrltn Associton of oe talton team 0f Jeff Nurse, Canada.and Droctors Abner Lrry Bnnett, aod Dan 56ea5h-' Martin o Wterloo; Bruce Rei, >rngton for wlii6 the Royal Wentwortî; Howrd Lidlv, Witetr Fair llvestoch and dlry Pel; and Albrt Hounler o! Hla- adglsf comp8ettlo. ton gave reports. A sprits* Dnner was servedby the vVe dincussion tooh place on the pro- of the offters and directors ci posed regstraion et ed and th club iite Hosteîns. BCA certiflcotes were Presu Martin lleslo, sales agent, nted 80: . WJ Mion, .R S. 2, repotd13bî S90505 uold 1d hm inlBalton, for an average ýprîce of $372. Tno meeting coacluded wllh Bonry Standey discusstof the production othUe TV film on dalry rcile mnd lsocontent. 0 pageOfficers chosen for 1988 are: Past presîrtent. Fred Bell; pros- ient, Don Peer; firstvtce-pres- Idont, Johnllltchdng; secondvlce- presîden , Fred Nurse; sec- den William Huntr and Mrs. retary, Ralph Ford. Drectors Hunter, Hnry Stanley, Agrîcult- are CU McDonald, Sam Harrop, unIl Representatine for Holton Bruce McClure, Eirl Wilson, ^MONO TI4OSE RECEIVINO umrds aetitre Haiior Holsteirn County, and 111 Wilson, pro- BIU Benntt, Don Brtht, John- Breeders Association0. s oceal dnner in Plermo CommuvitiV ident of the RHion 4-H Club ston Nelands ' Colin Marshll, Ceetre last mccli more WJ. Mairescf R R 8. 2 CampbeliviIIe,t Leaders' ConclIand Ms. Arnold Fls, J. C. Ford.and iolder of rire top R O.P. production record for a irerd of moref Wilson. Harold Blggar. rhan 20, Morley Siermood of Sirerirolme Farms, .0. 1 Bur- OBITUARY Cemetery, Hailton. Palîbearers sure JehnD. (Ted) Tufford, W. A. Iteeve mnd llch Mrs. Helen Dewar, 92 Reeo itnBueAlno Burllngto, Franh Dunalgin f 1...uu&Iuu. Leaside amd Ron North of Oh- active in Red Crossvil.Rv ahrJJ.Mpy cf Holy Honary cnnducted the Mlton lota'trlndlit errtrnge h g f8 se rvice, assistaid ai the grave- ed frend list ooeh. VIO Ms. lu 1956. oide by lRe,. PtIer Dan Ford Hlen Dewar paused away ail MonhdlvnIe tohgroiipaio5 uto Dundas, formerly of Milion. Milton District Hoptal in ber tu tend ose of the prettieont gir- Suretnors Induite ber four 93rd year. deo n 1 on. Sire oas active 1n dughters, bics. A. Tufiord, A fonndlng member ofle local the Lberil party mnd ose yeir (Mary) of Muton, lirs. F. Dun- brancî mnd a tlreles ooher for was vce-rresCtent oftbe Ontario nigan (Edtb) nf Toronto, Mrs. tire Red Cross for 50 yeirs, mnd Lîberal AssocIation.Lter the J. Allen (Helen) of BurlingtHs Haion's court stenograplser for Association maie- ber an honor- mndbics. W. Burrow (Rathryn) a record 38 years, lire. Dewar ary presîrtent toc Ulle. of Southsampton, as ttree was onofut tiose rire ladies who And se lelpedfoundtbe Miltonu roters, Thomas, Cîristopler revted prarttlcally every mnte Red Cross brancî 1n 1915, ohore and James of Los Angeles. Ose f ber spre time in servce In er outstadng worl earnod ber rther. William, predeceiued ,,,ý lfemmberi'o-s. ber. briefi ed ha Bon Intere when potsy ero n pln- d an your roa it ar. Wb f5th colt hersi avithithe 'L'vil costuO t Ias tmtod 99 P STise iv- Ses ,rloy, a note ,$71,80, Re 61.90, and sle Thus tise 180, uagouent Eus 3.01 per yoOl for id,- Ta Ion# roi Igoy amd re ime ofpoar lus hanardons, Ml ýpachod ar Sa dont S se mnidele- She going 101db di o gond ta eouure stagedng. tooWren." %ridge ctiofleer- M, " I2, edistrîct's SevetlLise tad ail lis dg said lue rn toron sales ail types ot out the dist Iîrming amd inmmnyHl- o mong Useus mproneeut Lton liolstin on - hino backgrond int ipeuple sud LI beavetrOM L* Petch, 0f retirad ai 81w &oc 53 peins 60e bousis. hou slceidp isales for the perattn bis tevets Une, tUns I on1 0- sicghus. Lru oIh0t Me bististero Mt Sorna58100. S19201 lS u.'e Ély mer ohm1. ng life nIe obviouslyenoflfO t harlng oli th ors. sn Dr Helen Mary Quinn aiL vI soque on Hosember 3, 1875, Sj Iuched ose fanal ot ber l restlng lie ai tise ige ofelghti nsire dincosered sIe loved n y mnd conid compose ber v psems. mhe tolent stiyed s 1ber ustjil bath, andiachoc- i A mementao as aboollet cf 8 c'en poems gatiuered up in s 0ft yeirs by o dauglter, i eographed mnd distrlboted to 1 atmes. isea ohe was 17 sîe tauglt 7sel shartlum4-'a systeu she1 sed lerself. Sbo descrlbdi suoe per cent Pitinan, and per cea i oma. 000 lett me ai the age o! 18 mnd sentIe w York Cipy le werh os o pri- tseroîry. Returndng to Canada In 1898 ahocamo asistant socletyed- * for tle Toronto SilI amd pire,a ost 500 ld tora few rs bafaro returndcg ta New hk to formastenograPldieP0l. she 000 mheonae daY 8 sol- iute for o court reporter, mnd loyed thre worh semucirsho nded o, froelmrte court liteao- rpiy service. When she mac- d mnd bod four daugiters sbo reticed" botnt long &ter ber sImd Fred came taocre la «Iton sire wau bave 1n court chr ogai, tilu Ime ronerlng Il th cndpcourts toc Hiltan. bh eld thdo position for 38 fc0 behi0d 800ortinlootlOnthiLt supplied kitdted miterialu mnd îoney for the boys ai the front. le alose is credited oltisfiatal- ig l153t pairs of sochs durlof wondý w0e two, plus an untold umor utfseaters, wool bel- nets mnd ntbor articles. Cire lio trînelled around tise prov- non promnttng lise yorkouthtis Red Cross at virions moetings, always accompanted hy hec ludt- ting needles wlcir went to odk in enecy spore minute, At one pont St ne organineri a Juni or Red Cross for bilion, and Lr severol yeirs tva roomo utf ber homo sure converted i1050Ii Red Cross workrovai. Aitluor proddlng, the ladies con every- 81106 froon sales 10o ateaosun1 a local Intel 80 raise tuodu, amd 10 194z tisey sponored iltlon'-, first blond donor clv. 21w oai spearheided o drive togilosonx recognitioo fnr the women oh, worked so lord in the Red Croso mnd ber "-points system" ana honor coll sure son adspted b, the Ontaio Red Cross. Alileongh the local iscanel die sut 10 the 1950's 000 continue lidtting baby sets and ot1er mai erlals mnd sending tleem &long t the Red Cross. 100 finally gin Il up, o month prlor tu ber 901 btrthday, obenhereye sihbho6 to fail. Follooing lor retlrement fro ort woch 1n 1916 Mrs. Devt Itravelled exteoulnoly (includie Attention Farmers! JANUARY IS THE TIME Ta order and take delivery of FARM FERTILIZER FOR SPRING APPLICATION IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY 1 0 WE ARE AGENTS FOR C-f-L FERTILIZER We socka full lino of ie We ASToCk FEEDS legicetp 80. .record in a bord of lbs brun 20; B8t110Bon- voir, premier irreeder; and Hfoward Tareel, premier enhii- ror ai rire 196r7 Mltvn fuir. Mr. Tarzmell's umord mes eccopted. for m iy ferm aveger AnC Scirep. safPhotio) On. dlaim in 1967 Old Halton "po>sse" stili does business just une daIm oas polu in 1967 fcom tIse ratIers f tIse Hilton Coonty Prntoctive Association, lut the gronp lu stîptu inobsiness 1n nase cttlo-custling comos bich loto vogue. Secretiry Henry Peirnel reports the ILC.P.A. pald ont $60 tu vn former foc o nteer tht eÉthser striyed or wse 050100. Tisera ove font 25 members so the totall brome last yeir van $21 ($1 i lseod) but the Association ntlll ban mosey 1n the isini frum pren- tous yoars oIson memlrcnlp wau ldgber. In lis eîrlier days (font otter the tom 0of thse century) tise Asson- latlon's members would form o. possamd go seircing f or horso- ilsieves or cattle rustlors 'ebo nlctlndond members. Bot tuday'u modemn police protection luis tihen mver the old-style ponue gsilrertng. Tise gronp puys memsuto-tirdu n a floed value for striy- 106 or stoien animiIs. fine trips 80 Cilifarclo). hum *ollock adsE T iHE.M ALLI dauglter bics, A. Tufford on MiIIlm St. brs, 110war tltIasd iroho Campbell 1er lIp a few days ater Cris- M ustctuers O! tonusdDistrictoia , er ll IG GRADE iA.MEMOeiALS Requiemn Mass omboeldînoly 62 Waeo Se. Nmoeh GAL Ilu Rosîry Chrch on Friday, 0111 Telepluone 621-7988 intermerd bn Holy Seplcîra NO~ DA K AND H 22nd CANADA FARM & INDUSTRIJ B~GS ANOEQUIPMENT SHOW FRESH GOO TASINGICOLISEUM BUILDINGS, EXHIBITION PARK s TORONTO, ONTARIO ________JANUARY 24-25-26.27-1961 aGtyo rtriadmissionuitriooretlotal oo qitMmBIf 1 IMASTER FEEDS STEWARTTOWN) *Dial 877-3512 - Georgetown* oidy fa ay. Membe iirey mod h. py 4 Tise aucuno ted Ciur( o mari Pyjama d t8 be About 85 ai County ubs were a te tiseir leepingi ml-aruul Y. As P. b girl mB( lad mis moitiso. use 180r d long gr ma sets ly 4051" rrety c le ronce idng proi ho sure5> -avplano Arrange nowfor a Mîx-AiI esr f Bv o . Ta demnontration and w.'il grind H>ruy COOPrro,, ce cPuea-o.roo anid mix a few tans of fe.d FREE! -P-"'U fin; ose,,oi.,ir« iddi Wo usoe hois offer bovause usons suro pou'lS ihe tise fe tlz r-g .fif.tf. Mis-Ail toalurOs. bib l6 ibm iamusers tisai ct-.. .DOaa raeuhe iboenaie of Contact th.m now Y. notpoud .. .grainand aodsy o oicorm size. (2) miigunil spring Io buyppfon variblesped dive oeaoger foder, b3l Iine san nur brrlioers.. rIa's f r6 o m a y h a m r l e tqu r o u r o ! s r na a o s U s s u n I n e v e o ls n E l y D i e r u4e is ()fbri susuoxig tanh opiooslb ... lus I e supplî no rusiel, snoodeosation, no eetot iridgioq, neorep- Tts n lou ra, ecn e ury D lv oor l , fading; b 5l re01ed o s ru to n feus lesi-siocked m r ehtouses .a n oo uul 5 dOOd.T hIers mbon pou sould bhoEM Soi . .-.hem aboutl adingtis for pourself? Can uevaPPyn. nvabinresMaSo C s icoes SE n oevsohodute o Mi-l sure ) 'oae or spig a shDsont T d o s s s r tio o ne s p eu r a m . ui P P I o fa i C O - P te s îtl e r in rime cha ow EQIPEN ( LDa Co-op HALTON BRANCH 'Mai MILTONfl IP ENJC. 6 L iV iI1 0 0 i~ 0.eRII 'od Tr . . , k BseLUne - Mihon - 87M2121 f s m 1

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