MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY i- QrIu ëaîtaua Ato -dCas O Mai yte Os.M« s . s 7, 1968 s sýf. p a e . 51. i la Otà Area reels uncler winter' s worst snowstorm' Minister urges town request final annexation decision, Tise Otario Manicipal Boordt e111 agis ke asised toc n final1 arcisions osIilîsns iStapplir-1 tions foc anseallos. bt Iis( sens ai lise sggeto othOe1 ltnnite of Milcpal Affals. Cou greed o tbln coros gf aoi s0f'lsndsg metiog ofE ke =stlndase d MPPn George1 Ce = idie soo ThnsMis- rAlec vnoale onai -,Ifill te: Isenrll'nolasbpceed wrus is isploln, snld segget Iot as applicationon se ieaf ot ie Ton f iltos Ir macla b e Otrio Mnicipal Bod tb inuthn e 1gapplisation ea- Berase f csad codtion, . Sorsaoisb le epos- n i thlie rorsoilimetng bt pac B. Setreasigvoed salon ose Mr. insusos tkg nbect. ht sas oof tise ecsmmesd- ns tiai MiStons opçiy btish adio MunliiaBoard tocos- e tie aplctatton sud ronsib final decision. It nas pomted the Plsnisett Rpot iad leso the ianda of tle gosecoment c hi5seontisoand tisse s anc <raii olrad le aoopted a as foc egiosal gorc- ent. M. Snown5 mmo lso cg- Mted peclailoglilossoold cecpsleed foc impieenaloioo eegtseai gseccseet lo Halton- sl and tis wraidnot le a- cted to le effetise otil 197f 1971. A brcai gorcment ies f tisa Hamlto-Wet- suis anea s cal ncectnd tb le tisalined ostil late 1918. Tle tegisiotios foc tise Ottasa ose;, isosenec, I enpectad to le lIesr- docted at tse sent session toc implsmesiattnlu 1969. Leglatios osnlise estasSis- mnst 0f tise corsty bsoardsof5 eduratior Is aloins ected in thn osreot sassiosto le effent- Ine n 1969. Maor B. Sent reeled tisaI tise Ondario Musicipal Boord isad givnanasintecim e sion othe tswn' a osesalion applicaotion le Septeensof 196 5. At tisai tise tise Board eesecned fisal [lacis- Itaontul tise Plsolett IRepoci ras ceceinsd sud cossdncntloc giron te Il. le Octolec 1910 Coneil norgist a tisai decisiosnansd tise O.istB. isad lees adntsd iy Ose Depaot- sentot f Musicipal Affaira "or- essud ssii tise goneesment han eacsed noise derlalos on tis aisic recommerdotionsolu tise report nssitteci iy Mr. Plostett it sorld le ondenleaisle tee tise Board te pcoceed sitis tise eaiog ot auy acistotial ansenatios applcation. oclea tise pooposd iscndacy chaisge 1e& sdncc adicriment wsichics In i ettect ageed pookytisecoansila f the moiclpoitieo cosmoooed.nn Tise tosn'o 1965 asneoato application is toc appenimately 2,100 acres of laadfcsm Osknillg and 5ai acren teom Eaqesng. In lits interim drisntieioard gsanted tise tons 210 acres lu Eaqosisg sud 4.arsncOai- sie. Tise aisille land sas tise MiBton Piano and tise Encpeirg lancd ws o etis of tise Base Lise to 401 igkray os tis e st aite psqcecty f ML Kesigissu ai tBe eclgs f île mliipond. Ceoucil sorepted tise bld nie callcg au efes f f$1lie poasiora orekhadclnccd et ieen emlsved ln writisg. mhe oses peos- lsd t e he bliseinig iu p-oud lesel ritiiasfocsrnanis peiot suddibeak op forodotion rabl. mhe ton aciiolpaten Improoe- meotc t tise intorsectioneonase- musai o tise bose. 0f Bifirafl2nsis a narent abcip aloog the Base Lie entise east nude nf Bigbcsny 25. Tise 10505 10ftai application sooid ested lise municipal koundarino soculiste if fdeeod, gal to île Ttdcd ilecenltte Buciingtcc-Oaiie Teste Lior and nectis te Bigisray 401. Tise isesndarp on t e sn ostis 0f lise Base Lise, sould le tise psssent tose leocdaoy (001st ent 0f Sronte it.) pselrneortis to Biginscis401. Welfare cosi %excessive" Seceral cococillero peintnd sitk conceco le an accooleof $1,256.25 focr elfase at MiSesn Ceucil meeting Mucday. CoanriBser W. Perguon chtef amoants et $112.n $130.. $212. ac appeasiof excssive. Depcty Cloch A. Brook polnted nat one amoont wac foc a tsmlly et sinxsisildcee sud sosesed a twm eei pecloci. Tise amocn are entoislised on tise boom orf prssiled provincial formulas and tise provinse paysc80per cent efthtie cent. sifase acl obiee caf n shat tise town mont de sud mcst pay, sitis Bille cose for flenlislfty. Coucillos Pesgcon moodeseil if seme of lise menc se-sdn5 de a, lo oiste etown. Tise mattes sac retessedtelise genesai pocpoen cemmittee. An offer f $5 and a promise te ilamolsis sud oisontsite at wontie Tbidc MiltonsorCrer posseosion ftosn-cnclisse ai Pas ad Cialent.tbr snobe. Miton Cornoil last yeOrc 00usd foc tendercaona tiseemol f tise isose bt tosis se action sseotise bide samnd et f Une. Ina leiles to CnanciiMoocatisetics- ac Ces psomisd to psy tBe ton $5 sud clamolis te home. mhe ssmle r aiagecl, nu l e used to build a SoneDn ostise Milton C ou n cl --B ri efs Min'c l9tI Concil, ln ils secsnd foll meeting f lise yeac on Mendavc *Named arcommitiee otrMayor Brion Set, Sydce isaager .. Badieyn Dnpty eee. assin and Coocilleca C. Fa, C. fmil- Bie sdW. Feogccon tc stcdy and report on the feiililty f etailisalng a PubieSoUlities Commissionato sontool kydco, rater anti sens ogeatiens. *Agreed o tise posciso0f lisese Mary fi. prioicrtien risee assuacerss r e semisd lis thr Dpartmant cf igiso s- oldy wold appi. ise puchesiae soald le port or tise Mary St. impceaemeel peograse. . * Dnfetetd a recolions colirg cne solcitor te psepar o y- 10w gerirosemsal f snoor iremscieraiko. 'Tisresnud muls cormmttee, Il ws o Odd wais eadp losestigoticit mnck- ancl meonsof clearing sida- raoisn theogisot les. Introd- cing tiesunggstionfotcîe is- lar prepacatioc, il wroc nted tels bM idesalis rleosceg y- 10w wasc paosed ce Moy 20. 1878. *Oained no oisjections le ire rezosief appications letoso 1OnissiBe Plannicg Board goese- Lieg lando n Miffc'o iondaies. be schange len oing pseposd ein tcem ogslcultnsal trlcdcntcil on cie pascal and f rom ose Icnsteal nons te antlec os a second passe!. *Agrned te sequlcemecta ont- Sned sp tise Department of igi- woys tc oldainsoubindy on tise maintenance othbe tcaltlc signcala ai tisecores f Main sud Matin St. Tise Depasimeot leltec in- dicated sial effectiro ln 19681khe Depasbmen conldecgd tise bat- fis suffiienl towarasnt tise Bight. Two die on 401 Tsc Toronto mecnaeebiled scien Iiey o on rto5 f tieis cr ad sudlmased loto a or- menisistmeni on igisray 401 at TrafalgarsBcsdfaicsday alter- Dead are Bodolfe Facciini, 44l ersn oidf 8 Bson Aenoe, Toronto sud Alelie Lirs Poa, age 30,n f tiese nme sddclras. Tisep wreudslingslOO93POnt- lac coasis nanlboucd on igissoy 401 risen use occident scccsed. Tise casr as a t1aoreck. Constablse Ai Jordan of tise 1Miltna O.P.P. lnesoigated andi 1Dr. Bossu roc lise iorenligotiog That was some snow Milton ard district reeIed uoder the winters morse nniomstorr titis mesk, as an estimatnd 13 inches cf beaoy sccm larknttnd the toms and district. The stores cloned schools, plcggsd traffic arteries, cacsed frsycent tmincir hydre breaks, cor oms telephane commcnications, and cacsnd a million headachet as resideels startsd the long ard ardeoun tank of dcgging oct. est Mil- ton and district sscapsd the brunt cf the nieentand ire stcrrn that hit ssarhy serrions cf Ontario Scrday, t started Sonday wit rain, whochtturnnd toftailsand slst and coatsdsonîrytbng itaninch of ics Then the snom startnd that sasniog, ard 10j aroord 7 arn. Mondey when the hsaoy doacnfall appeared to subside Multor and ditrictcokeupto firdl13 inchissof snow that hadhlomn and drifted in nome places to foot or fias feet. Residenis wcro coable t10 solr ap rcMiieciMnsnetfany srconrriis svroinai leasi 20fsoor. Mcy reccllndnsimilar difficclties isnthoerid fatOs, fi s beiered Morday mas lise firc dcy inI19nrars tha* lcalnsckoolkavocloed becacse of But [brrr cas noc se[rnatlernptirg 10 peroie classes. Teachers moreasosodio [s t[bro tudansn, asdil as mass- possible ta abatr parking lots and gei bases aornd tbe disrict mcado. Wtkhie escepticnofaiOnttarir Beboci for tbe Deaf. enecy sckool rn Milio, Esqcesirg, Ochilir, Borlinigior and bossage- ccoya wcoco cd 1cr the day. Maso 0..50. cstdonts ers i reiderce ai the scoocifor ithecorskend so [bey bcd noctrouble makiof classa'. Homecer mnon [rckers ansd scidnsmisa sorri corkerds ai borne oere coble [o gel bock os Morday, ard didol okso cp ssci Tcesdav. Officiais enimaled attend- ace Mondaai 80Inc85 percest. rocopicos Marc bard-prosced co clear the noms and orna rcads. Tows marks crocos starird tbo icb ai nidigbn Sosday ard did't loi cp crti5p.m. Mondas crkeo tbe [osonsmas cela- icls open. Tbec moro bock ai i agair cl day Tcesday, rerman- iog soctis miob bcd heer pîcored 10 the sideocf the roas, and cirgirg bock tbe monodo o li the closons. AsstcastîWrsShcpercoedrribllf Prssonsoid Tesday the cleon-cp coccld proabkîscontinue ostil Tksrsdoy ce Piday. Soam onaal crrms produceit a bclldccaed seond of srcm 200 fort long, [4 fret igk and 50 frcet mcdo ai the disposai site neac thecrroisainthedarnp M. Parcor ad eigkîoextrntrcknmwee hired t[ audaccas [haeo. ond imo kiocceon a grdea Yplowmorncred an the grbage pocher. a carder, ar extra bail- dozer aod [ccI[ontiend liadorS more pressed inioervceirs n cornploio the job. Ha caid the plcmc are cocsgiog the crcm bock os the bock slootcs, ho.bcasaescorericocosieceooessneessisn bave alraads shocelîrd out hir dricemcyc, baltlise seasare isncsavi aemare crocs failisbefors the peesent piles metamas Moicrîi scia crged b koep liseir cors off the bacs ciees alcrcgb' cachacc'll nocbcnderctheccoromnMaipo Miltor O) PP. shîidomr [briorogular poîrosisecarogb North Halion subodas ard Mordas ccing 10 the slippecy maids. Oficcers more or bard ta incec[cgaio accidernsand cosepiaints but oeofficer sad Ibrsare ocmoigiiy forkerlaaan ncessois coocgbl hoodncas [bore more Il aacdensîsrpocted, [0 ai [hem o Higbcas 4d1,in ta ccc ot ore porson cran t- îored A Toronto ladccbosakcushandcscarcoasstcksinishe oediar mas sccrcck hi aiccher cor as soto maikod c gel lelg. and ske sciiared a braker pelvis. Hcgbmas 4f1 mas plosed ropoacodîs huriche plais bad a bard jch keopirg cp inh i, e lCatiined or Paons 3) Vel. 108.-Ne. 37. f igbteen Pages-Tes Cents. Rovers buy $5 house save lumber for den ji rrx OAuTY AND ha ba strasS Milsesas nem sels end. Thes beasa" sas une na soasse han astad Snsday, aies arned inne a 13 Serin dasetfalof h eavy anas- Thea beaosy' pana ase Mandap sinntaie sensahane bightly andedsloSng shadosiaa ras aeas-taysred rees anse aine gleasiag wite saaB tane sanesed nthe gsoaed. Wiilg honn ssara s af àsa le Tasmy McTransn a ets saawa noa saallp sesihappy dtggieg out aie fasly sasas onMas- day. Genine happy siles inasanes, ase ras Nany BisSera, Kis Pesigras and Orns Asarses, appas c ,drgin, sein really enjeyedtaie s. seestall, aie day aff aninaa5 n ncaeaed Masdey. aed aie tobeggae n illniey hei5ste aina Petigres yard. Bse- sines an aine page. staff pha- 'os record aine denastatiae ofgslnd asd nas - basnd cars, plos sase of she bean- 5y aI thea sidansia5 sreeas shinin aasned inte pinasse peseard aeneas hen aie sas Iieetly saines At presa ise seday, Mitoanta s si diggisg ant res ander aie selter onIwsii s aa, aine astreeta are a&a seae5y plewed, and sheel aniedlea ara basitnormsssi al Smare. la....(Staff PhorOsi Tinsa 59C oz. BtIs. 39C -ý.g the Community for 107 ye- IL ýlil-- alk_ýe . il zl