TENDERS rATE TENDERS '4 e 4 p.-j Construction Sàfety 1anted Inspector at Thse Coeoty of Haison wiII te- DICORATINO BUAUTY SALON ES of ivn tenders fer the position IES Construction Sofely Inspec- cItu enforce thepoisionsvof DAEYVogue Beauty Salon Cv Crensiuc ionv Safery Act DAvR 61-62 anrd Regnlatioos 16erev NEW COIFFURE 854-2362 dor, ssithin the bouodarins of BROADLOOM Aeige Juso For Yeu County of Hiaison savn aod Osgr Pt-34 epthe municipalities of *Residential -end - 1-33 rlingten and Oakville. InusralCM.PLETE, BEAUTY SERVICE Tenders are to 9e qooted on Cal 87d8-2461 per diem rate and are 10 be *commercialCal8-21 b..ss. mitted to the undersigned19ManSre LCII tiniter thon Janeory 26, 1968. Ready-made Drapes ie stock. 12ManSre 'OR Additional information, if de- Far Cestoms Service edo ma be secured frotn 1the CALL 878-2067 F0OR HOME HNN ' T lwet r nytedemiay APPOINTMENT 12 17c36 theces0a.iiy bc accepted. SYERSH I TLN _____ PERSONNEL OFFICIER, HA8il Si. itoLn. Ceunity Administeation Bidg., 228 Main St. 878-2067 8MiIS.Mite Hase Lie,fMilton, Ont. l3628e-el CALI 878-3711 LEGA 1806 RNEAS CNIRCTOS - FOR APPOINTMENT 9 LEA IEA OTATM Mode- equipmnt. 1- Espert styliaa, cotoring. wav- URY FARM RAY OLAN ieg. 28e-tf fie10ar L.egal Notice BUILDING o consmuter's EFFECTIVE JAN. 12, 1968 CONTRACTORS LT. ____________ d near Hmy, COLECTRICAL ummves lest thon onet oeipoeet ro, hubblieî THE SEADRIFT *HoemroSsat .d lies jeor Wit * Resovatlona McPHAIL ELECTRIC e, spacious, 5 l officially close. * Atteratiens * USTIA rrick home. 80,* Additions laod, balance Aey clothes not piched scp b * Commercial er industriel 0 COMMtOERCIAL r.Large batik aDMS ily 9e convers- ve date witî 9e disposedl ef UL 4-2263 *DIISI usief. the proper manner. 19c37 0_________ *LCTI gn, -P 4MialG )l tarms, hemst d country pro CALL ph, Milton, Or oice to Ceditor..S IRVING ROOFING Complete ElectrIc Homne Eussk i tenait ft e ai or Fr 6 Chartes St. Miltoa ý KING EJNGIS4EPI (oecasia- ROOFING BAVESTROUG8IINO 7-91 t., Milton. sliy kseen au Juss Gilespite), ALUMINUM SIDINO 791 -351. Jcet ofthe ramn et beiltas, 'ReRooting Our SpclalîFY 17c36 ,5 %:e Causy er liata., Spiun PHONE 878-6820 MILTON - star dece.esd, - Free Estimates - 'IV and RADIO SmVICI W "Oa AIl tersons haviog any ciaims 1t ~ ~ a insi the Estale of the ahOve- ___________ DURNAN amcO M nd deceased, who died on SLVC VADAPMNE .- Milion ahout the 111h day of Deceon- GARDIN IVM ANJpP8CS e, 1967. are required to tend ,3 - 9edrooon lice of the saime 10 the under- Formosa SALES & SERVICE o, living onss, sied Solicilors an or heltre *,Philipe TV & Tape Recardera oungstownt cup 241h do y ofliauary, 1968, Ladcapung * R.CA. Sîereo. TV, ApPliannes bath, fllt hase- er which daote the distrihut- *Lands Van tee schoolt. Terms, of the eslate wil be mode*SalnTVndtre th regard onlv îo claims on CONTRACTOR 222 MAIN S-r. 8764M lmice Seedieg and sediding -I ad borts. Fric, Dated ai Milton ihis 27th day : Weed apraping ____________ Docemher, 1967. la Fertliling ie road, Close HUTCHINSON & 0 Tree trimming SEWINO MACNINU os home mili 7' THOMPSON, 0 Patios es, hockl haro 219 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, 878-3263 2ct SoiiosfrteExecutors. SINGER 10 Milton. Price 4SEWING MACHINE ail t'otiCe toi Creditors PAINTING AND DECORATINO SALES - SERVICE 878605 AND OM GIL VANSOELEN RENTAI 8786 m057 e à ais «Mtae 01POEt7M 17cM16 TANNA HASTINGS GII-MOUR, PAINTING POE8446 ,,,t ~of tise Vilteee Of Camp-' & Satisfaction lb l ien eTOswnalsp et Contractor Miltons Fabric Centre ,c Hlon pbatr dcsed Isdustrial - Residential services and Reaire ea Tflb t Ilterlor -Esterier ail mattes cf senin« machinsl Ail persotts haviof claims 08- Cail nom for Free Estimalel 11- sitIhe Estale ot ANNA HAST--63 ___________ ES S GILMOUR, loIn of the Vil- 878-6137________ ES r eol Camphellviile, in the Hox 114, Milton. alty and nsehp ot yassagaweya, in 21c-tt TAILORING - RIAIRS eurace Ltd. ceased, teho died on or ahois WIatILN 2619 day of Acgost, 1967, are WL RLN ALRN oesled tosend particclors oftAL RN eloosohecdrsigned Hilton, ~a On, o h~ h e of E DRILLING ALTERATIONS hitn Ot rcory, i68, aller which .8.RUTTAN and 878-6592 le 1he soid essaie will h e dis- hoted amoog 1he parties en- R. E. 2, Milton. Ont, REPAIRS PROPERTY - led thereto, and the Ad~mtn Photne Horlinglon NElson 4-W025 9e cetre of Mil- trie will oi 6e liahle for any KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEA trontage of 411il ime of which shte has ri2W1 Main Street o 130 fi., solid enreceived notice.CUOM FHLTR d sheet melol aied 19e 271h day of DevaiS- CUT-UHO.1R PHONE 878-4472 concrete foutnde r, 1967 lc7 îs icludieg 2 il SHARPE & NICHOLS, MILTON214 age rooms, F/ 207 Mary Strvet, UH LSTERY____ ideal location -Milton, Ontario,UP _____ 35,00. Owner op solicitors for the Admicist- How omned aad operatdeo hy Wili taike bock a trx 19c37 17 acre porcel, AUCTION SALES PI-ONE 878-9094 REFIERT N ln hait mile of R.R.3Eilo loverleaf 762 Ir IIO paved ;mod, wel ard Brownridge et Re-cPhoistery IXSTAL COMERC nperty, sorveyci * Aoto trimlAESlSEVa 2720 Terons av Ltcensed Acctoneer * Uphoistery cleanitcg Memher af: Tom Reezetti Foron - Livestock * Ccassomsbl Icrnitime Roîefroio. Service Engine s eattl~i Furestore Sales * re I>uaddlvel Society -asd i, eated 7 mîlO 328- Association of Retrigeretiai . esîhn 2,000 fi R.R. 2, GEORGETOWN. Contractors ,sied prive $15,081 PHONE 87"-730. Halton Uphoistering CAMPBELLVILLE SITE - Wilh 20c11 Re lipholsteriOg 854-2228 tHwy. 401. Total Cào ul untr 1 i acres, Pronloge CaonHiIFrlce2 evond road, Taxes Comnplets Chrme Kitchen Chaira prie $13,400 wit Auction Service Eog and upholstery shacmpoointg PIT RCEL - Locale1 Chris A. Schouten Fcee pick-up and delisery. PITN rom Milton, os t AUTIONM H . JENSEN For Your Printing Ideai location for R 2, Campbellville. *Top Osaality sed prive $27,000 Sales of ail types- fiin evc doen payonsent. Soles candccted anymisere. Phone: 854-9939 *EfienSrvc e ime 10 list yoorf 1. Are& 416 - 878-2576 211-i *RaUasePt sontry pmoperly, in RR. 3, Milton, Onrt. TIHE CANADIAN CHAMPIC )tain19 Mhels pic fl St. MaUs ng. Wr have sever*268e Haroldes Upholstery 19 l486 -878 - 2341 cishig 10 boy farts -properies. Walter Reinhart 379 FINE STREET EBET- rampoon Livcslock aencc Cali 878-2056 HE BET - nelgove Eeaphoislering chsterfield T - 878-6292 Snelrsities, chrome chaire, truck tIcCS6 Llcensed Auctionee sass castoon hcildtng and M. iris______ a Sales, Houseiseîd Saes styling. and Appralsalo Free Esîsmates fN95. apae fr <luik se 5cflff Pick-upc and Delivertes mettaéleies. coi Bollon 857-1726 HAROLD KELLN* FU allect KitcI« 919-742-7437. 28e.111 The Cenadien Champion, Wednesday, aenuarY 10, 1968 OBITUARY --Have yoss got used ta wrltlg M rsB.C. Antili '968 ye1? rey) JohInson o Martin St., Mi:- ton, Mes. B.C. Aiti o Cheam* Surrey, Eaglaod ded on Deceml- ber 30 folloeingalengtllyillness. She wos in ber 4h year. Mes. AnilI had spentan eflnY- able hliday in Hlton io 1958. lier ,orvivorS lrrclrrder Mm, Jlohnsonl and a son Bernard Anilîl in Oalviiin, and grandohildrefl IAngela, Roge and Bernie John- con nf Hilton andSheilaandKeih jAnill, Qabvllo. 183 0F 400 RUIGIBSE VOTERS eleted Joseph Chrs choutev oct6 40. Threen other board Lewin, John Bradley avd Dr. W. Wright t0 reerbers, Angelo Tnoneli:, Art Melooton end the Miton Seperote lchool oard last Wedves- Jtames Lagedyh, ose presevIly hait wey day. Ms. ewn esneived 139 notes, De. Wright rhrnugh o smo vear terre The Ihreen mvnes 136 notes, and M. Eradley 123. Ronveet-OF are showv here ivluded M. Vaevnolh mith d46 sopporters avd (Staff Photo) public schêl Sourd giefs Drleg the inaugural meeting et Miton Pobie Soonl Boardsl aI Mertenlt. Seior PublieC Sclsel Monday eseniflg, the I --Eatprecned thanhe tu MS. f G.C. Gowand for reprecentîng the hoard on the Milton Public Library Boaed foe a numheof years. 18 sas ooted the Orbool i Board ne longer appoints a re-c presentative to tlsat ho<Iy.0 --Eeceised as invtation fron s Estpeslng Towtship Sr9onl Are& Board In attend te ehmnary 2 openlel ef Stessarttoren senior publie c ool addition, chiels sme board membeespnton a- tend.à --Eeoeived invtatototh 8ej Cascain Edcatlon Shooplace ln the C.N.. grounds Januooy 25- 27; and 8he Casadias Tas Poued- lleon coferene on govemmiet graclo and taxation; 308h me- bers planning 80 attend where posible. Seapresidet of libercmail Delegabes o! the otits and local unon s fliated wth the OakvlIe andl District LaorCociltfrom South Peel and Haton conties elected tbelr 1988 enecotive ai a racett meeting. G.G. Heym o OakosIIb was ro- elected as presiet; Fat Clancy f Brlietton on-e Les Caissie o! OakvilIe eroe ecte-evice-Pees- itients; C.C. Datimer as-e James R lair, both o Othille werv el- ected scetaey an-e troassîrex respectively. Len Swansteot otoskillo it trustee along nth C. Colline ef * Doceovlen as-e Wiltred Gothes of Onhille. George teploch o Hamdilor s/as meturmed to the Eerotisr Board as Seegeat-at-Arms of the coneil. cleeh of Emmanuel Blios Chorch toc arlrilional space 3089- ie J.M. Denyns Public Sohool 10 bold Sooslay Ichool lestons ontil the chorch completeO lis addit- ion. -Decirbd b osnd o letter o! commeod0tloo b Martin St. Sen- ior Pubie School storbot rocs- cil for thelr surce5elrrl raisiog o! tonds 10 hoy a,! Ic be- slgssltlers cor1a eyrlnghoaed. _-Aplroved acroors n tanlling $231 rotcne 9Martino Si. ddlt- ioonl capital arcoont; $31,781.55 feore thecroreni ercont pnid prvoos tu 19e meetiog; as wel as $1,810 10 9e ibid teon the rrot accont tetore the boaed's osot regular meeting. --Iteard a nec piano had been puechased for the W.L DiekFuh- lev school, and the one 18 replac- os cas sold hy tender toc a nom- mnal tee. --l.eaeoed th5e encoîrnro for ail foar publie syhooiS cao 1,088 osaif DecerbEtr 31, 19V7, andithe average daIly atlendance mac 925.68. -Oranted permission for iscitoels eclora PebruaryîJun- 10eorEed Crocs month, alloreitS ipupliS to raise tonds toc the sorganization. BE SURE BE SAFE BE CERTAIN MOMLI ItI TtO159 CONSULT A MEMERS 0F THER Brampton Real Est ate Board GERMAN-CANADIAN CLUB DANCE Saturday, Jan. 13 8 P.M. UNION HALL, PINE ST., MILTON The MeIody Orchestra eR EF RES ENr SENSATIONAL SUIT SALE OUR ANNUAL MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS - CUSTOM TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS FIRST QUALITY WORSTEDS 69.50 77.5o WINTER JACKETS up to 5OF TOPCOATS STOCK AND UT Sport Jackets SITS 5 F 20O,'o TO 1/3070 SWEATERS and SPORT SIT OFF 20% OFF HOUSE 0F HOBBERLIN ANNUAL JANUARY MADETO-MEASURE ExSALE Trousers FREE or 29O/FF RE. PRIC SEE OUR 1/2 RC BARGAIN COUNTER TREMENDOUS SAVINGS 1 l MET 0SANG ýI.ASTERING MATERIALS 0 GRAVEL adàhStsefaI Raidisie Maetals Michasis Building Materials Ld. 2436 LakesSoer Rd. W- Phoea romesa827-1087 Na Toll Chaea I 4 Ipe MILTO878-4472 Extra t 'y of ro on ve Of 0 0 pic