IF i DU iy Ms. Ceit Peltiise Tht irsi meeting otihe Nom Tear of tht Otei U.C.W. wu heli t etth home of Mrs. Baipk Fosihersos on WeihistLy, Jan- mry 3 el .P.m. Ms. A. Bali, presttdet elcomeittta memters ad pnd the metin weuh e Nau Yeac's readin. Mr. F. Tuct gve the deetimials cmsitiu frern Psalm 90. Annul reports uecl 'emilveit ait ccted. A thak ypia tetter ueo reaitfo t ox hio clhag sent te e temity er Pacry Soumi. Sevecet ceilu et initttti bandages ere hned in , thtse ilI e senite e aepe; cmieny. Plans fr purchsint e.dreptos- ishin ehucch kichon utemsiui mire approvei. A cash dmiatimi uls nteit te hoy pay matrietu toc ihe junior cogretonste use hite church wecuhip wason. Many suuggestions mre made toc th net yeas' progreet and those are panened smn. Tweise ladies anseceitihe olt caituerd 'ilt' Seveitl adiesmwere named te tht honqet committe. Tick- ets iii te enilahie tocrasmecg- asaord dimeteeheidin Macch. Ms. B. lHarris had e chpter tcem tht Study hook tnte aL Nation», ttits dteItsuoCeadiee llistory ait church and poitice ait uht standt the church shoutd taho in poiticai issues. Tht meetint etoOtd ith tht Mixpet. A deicious lunch ae sernoit hy tht heuitss ad cern- mnitice itrs. P. Mery ad is J. PicttiJr. A ondectut time ms enjopeit hy tht Jonir Suotay schmlrilaul uof os ait ginls reet10ite il yers eid fruet ethet Chucch on Tmsday etirneen Jeu , uhol ihir teachers Ms. J. tteuee ait Ms. E. eau otensain' tair peits. Mtrtng te Slow- actteme te th home ni Vernet Picteti, the yen people had much ue toottulint sad iding tht sewmmuite. Thmether andd iits mre vindertuL Later &ili reiureed te tht chucch aut- mont oc eteshmots. M. endt Ms. Ared Bal eter iained the Eighih Ltoe Bridtge Ciuh t thir home in Stucdey eeint Jen. 6. Turce tals ece in pay. Th hostot5 secved e delcicol unch. Sincere sympathy te tht ernit ot tht tte Ctiord hMay uhepe seit emey teienitng e teegth ittueus. Interment asatHoreb Preshytoiee cemetec, on Sit ordey Jeu . Bt in survineitb Mu it ie Meyhtiie, a son Mura and twe dauthtrs Esie an Shrley. hIs. Umi Adecumi is tl conflsed te TecntentlraiHis pia, bt ding slctiy. Priendu are eory to eaite tiat Mo. Len Buckioc ut Dreoi-v qidu store lu e ptient ie Mitonx Distctct hopita, aler e a ti tac home recentiy. lier tisuia&e requlceit socgecry mi axetheusndi1 a cast toc a icotetibohetOmitht cher acm, in tact lott arma are inx a cst. Got miii ulshes are etenedi. Tht 12 teschtcs et Peccy1 Meccy iChmOit ait Ms. LesUie,1 seccetacy, ait custoiieOWaltec Bauer peseteit th principal, John Kohxey ite e gttOeta heedueme iesk set ut leckmac- hie ase ait geldti cicomplte utth tuo eres. Mr. Kohsey el- pressoitbMu pprecittex loc the gil. Hor? nasd ictimit etPercy W. Meccy ichmit miii te hetit mi Thocsdey tnenng Jan. 11 t .15 p.m. Th ait consultent J. Bat- tecshy icnm heo aivilte honnit ut Educatim iulîl te guet speak- er. Parents ait irteedu iilid h20 a mni intresting eemitu. Tue tpie js 'A Pttght toc At's Sae. Ms. J. Duxeviiu iupres- itet. etcoshmentu uit he servei. Mrs. J. Meuliy 0e Mart, Saskatcewtan ts hoidaying il hec itughte's home, ith M. and Mc. J. Donsnandsai y its et Christetst ttli teechrs t Peccy Meccy schoul treet tht studets ece Royal Ahert cup ait saucecs tu the maccleit techers adsiintrtlom te the misses. May parents etioyeitthe grae me Chistmas auditorium pco- s gram en Dec. 23 t 8.305 .m- 2 Tue students preseneda musical n ptey M. Mmn adtMeryChrist- n mas, ait sait In untesonthe ceet à plte Chrismas Bîibe Story ad id Psaim 3,andgteethe Christmas , songn. Tey mre iirecteit h eW their techer Mcs. R.B.ron- ,d idge. 19 A recocrd heu taon sett Perey cM eccy ctimi, evecy set is oc- ar cupied ait mimes et 4iuchiidcen are on the register. Ht dog sale eut tbe hetitoi Wed. Jan. 17 aethBe chmi. il Bithitey geetixts te Dnur ne Jssemen, Brme hait, Charlt n Ocve, BNacy Sie, Ketri e retm, JaiceDmioitng,Spehcai as Pethmiy,ad Rosusteeitham. Miss Daciene Wpod ttesi ly the Toc Apha gthectxt hol o- recotty ai Niagra Fals. Th thy coxvetion as helit fr tint dey iy' ait about6005 Young people gaih t. reit toc this meeting reet a hy ver Canada. Tue yonntladit ry mre itttedin tuthe ihecato ait OcockH tetiaidt thepoys n F heuit uti.The cofrence ws tIIl tait toc these oer 10 yeero s- sgeadtIntgrae11 ad not Si yers eu. CAMPBELLVILLE Honor grandmothers at Institute meeting iy hcs. eore leits grmip in oit lshioet t sl by Mr. Gerge Iglis usedtut sing. Ms. Beusue Lus tis. A. T. Moore wa hostes guet p-te-daie cucreot eseot thtJsaacymeetoge h McS. A. T. Miore receiedt h stthelIte Wmeeng ofîthe pctze foc tht met gciihittct Wtteeivday e etet. csite numectnt soven. hics. J.Dree s. Stewact Crarnp pre sid mews thte ldest cdmhepr td epened ithiia Nemw bars sent, ad is. ioosmiLushth u etgetStttoe iy tht yougest grandmther aitdei gise etfi the nttule Ode aitd e da ii acy Sewart Cohlenctepeteit Tht Pehcuacy Internationi esisos.meeing ilitbe heid ai tht hom nics. Gereflct eatth t is. George toglis os Feiru ccry' epor ait edte rny 7 ittihis. . Lusti a icrtasîn or te ndcietestMs. J. Ouptor in charge. Tt ýport. Miss Kaihactne hcPhed- Qe s arcle ceseeg1 Ln gave lie citer report, aidt tei sheuOeduraicitheusi it lettons of ihanks for tht titir grestohr dns h cits icts ait ard. Ms. cilhthec 'amp reed au article ion lie Ms ila ebatn nadia Consumrecueditton, tht Departmen t ofTasspt itet sat al pastc uC ~ say couterece atIntOn mit s shoutit te ased the Park tasi TssaPia i -_ - ý Saturday in Toronto. te t Cem Mrs and ge i Car mi thr teloee etur. his.Mcray hiahon epred nie Cienship ait Edacatten. hics A. T. More aitdhis. Stewart Ccarnp, leaders et tht Satitng With Tast course ohici 17 ttesatdin sDeceetter te tht villag, mre preseniedmtihcups andt saucr ndet -iti retuco tht MIft enechutiisgtnstructions whef ne ther ogalionetle s ele course. Te olt cati asas- weret tiy i5 memtacs itti «Gandmo~~thr's receipe orccure- ail.' uhich proe ntterestu. Mns. Lemard Andrews eut Mc. Jon Wtatliheumtere namtd a commitie totelmiokIto te o ps- siMiUtes nf prtntng the Tweeds- mr i story In booki 10m on mte. Mmr. J. WtaellhsOi took th char toc th gcanimothr'5pc0- gram, gsitat y Mns. Gecrge Blatk, aid reait a p-am entittted aOltCat taDmi,o ad gaveth rnilte pre tht gondt eut tapa rgsaly god?' Midr. Lloydt Crawlant tait th By Mrs. A. R. Cociter A o part o ehr Univsersity Course ite BoscuMthetirS et Waterlmi, Louise t.ePage nom heu a position ix Montreal mect- tut ith etectrenie computers. Lmise trelitithy aert o Mon- iresi on Nom Yer's Day. A sincere meomo te tht cemmuityiy lu teodei toteM. ait Ms. ave HBety mite hase purchaseita e semhome mi th Bind Lise. They tormerîy re- miats luindonien uri Onigtmi aidt h are empîsytit as tee- chocs ita the Surliugion Board ut titucatitn, ai Pimeuit ait Frontenac Public Schmits es- pecttntty. Congratultions endt te st mshes are exteneditote on cmiples ho mre maried toc- tut tht holiday seaumil M. andt Mcu. Oichy Duny ait Mr. ait Mcs. Fred Deitel. Th firsi meeting eftihe year fteoAfte rnmntaiUnitofLwie Unitied Churceti emen ioek pace test Weitnsday in the YmihCen- ire ot tht Uniteit Churcht. Tue toleiot oticers mre tnsiettod te an impressine cecemony ce- dacteithy hics. E.t. BOsktiecl Leader, Mrs.N. LOtonAsst- ait leader, his. Ordge uohy; secretary, Mrs. Wiliam Wright ireesurer, Ms.GachttdCollitnt pcegcem, Mrs. G, t. Coutsont munit conveer, Ms. t. Boche- tent; sicti ait vtstitng, Ms. F. . CohUin; piais, Mrs. . Cmii. Mms. urdge Gunhy eait the portion ut Scripiure reet the Bmik et Eccesiesieultoncecoini ee 'Time' ait Ms. Veima itorci, 5h imih charge o the meshtp sec- s vice ait progcem. Utc tait o ýe «Sereniiy* as tspirtitty te n Mary Stuart Coiteci forc mee en ms vecy imety toc the Ne' e- eer. h Mrs. George Coliiigiiceseoteý a ntcodaciecy chepior on Japai ,a PreStles, tht study book h i me year. Chcititese iorn ait pert e-_ eftihe ont hase toto invite nit te Japae Ins cmmt yeas aidt ti ,,h booekgivesicsi.haieocmettl nit on the ecieusOphases of moite hy living le Jatia. ey meaos( o- e recrdiot, vrbeus iestltoei oece heeci; a ginls' choir in dit Christian scheei; anit Chiti ori mitus iy etormer udithi th ait point tea gceatricreedomith ad has cocO icorn a retrs to pese adintriey. SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL VEGtTABIt houp sl.25 tOAST CHICKEN GINNER GREEN PiAS MASHSD POTATOES OR FRENCH PRIES CHEF SALAD DEEP APPLE PUDDING FORRSIRVATIONS PHONE 878'9"61 Wa Ave open 9Rsy Day tgh% ua1Y*a" LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Mas AIR COMOmfONID Milon witti maey omit clown speakre on tiaidtub iiscs sicuhot ait its may disaitnetstes. Filme were shouis mi excessive use O beverages ait reas uhy ditng muet te cetrolleit. Darlese, asmeomhroftheaYoungt Folk ottte tornhy DoitChurc, charge, enjoptit th contérence from Dec. 28t b Jan 2 andetiereit a hutel rouet uth Ia YougMYfti trom Mtanitotba. Th gcmip hait s dance andt cther social activtle. À ekotisg party as aitceair m tait en Stticthv eenior Jan. t uhen Tom ait Grant Dmiitlxr entotiseit Young trieeisattheic home. Mss Gloria Gooig returus to ciasses a elouphi iieereltythie week siter hulieptut titti hec parente and temily. Mjisses Darlenu Wooitd ndrn Shau represeltillt First Dcom- qiitoAir Itangers ttexiteittht Rteuger Couni meeting ou Son- thy sitenomie Jeun'. te the Scout Hal t aiCmkviiit. LOWVILLE Mrs. N. Langton leader United Church Women tprnpaihy is exeeded to Mr. ait hcs. William Dunhy endt iamity inihe deaihftihtir mother ait greudmother, hics. tdith Dunhy, woepasseit aîay euiiam- itn on Friduy. The yming people et Lounite Unitedt Chucch demonsiceieit a sem may toexpressthe oit iaiih et the Sonitey moceing service. Te the nccornpenimet ft heir oon gettars ait oheietesad under the direction oftihe orgue- Jsi ait choir leader, hics. J. R. Daeey, ihey soung ihceugh a feolk cenditueol ofhe tamitiarinverite -Titi Lord is My Shepherd-. te 1h20 s iener's opinotihe set- octies mas rendeced ithiisin- crty andt eeihusiasm soi otten especieni tit ih thet more cee- vntioeid type of chucch music. Tht minister, Bon. E. E. hoskier, te the tirs ofea e no hostinss portion eftihe meeting wth e pruper ait e suttleà Buthi gtr thoe em er.Iti as1 decideit te heti a social evnde te Fohreecy te htch the eeninget grmip outit te innitt ed t oc entertelumtut te hase e Tupper- suce demexertion. Neprayer partmic mimes ere dreu adi iettiers o iheehu eadier tiomrs ai Christrnes time. Tht date o Macch i mes aznumneit as the Wectd Dny et Prayer. A commte corpseitetMrs. J. M.&editead, Mrs. W. J.Robe- erisen aitdhcs. . Wrmtegtee serseit refceshments, ACenten- nialitii ascempetedyladits uho heit met duingtheut rncdg aitdery aftirneen. The net tacet metings iii tet hotit t tht chsrch miheicsiWtdittstay et th mnt. Viiers ait eo choîn, junor deecon, WillianmGeefelt,' senior deucon; Tomn Taylor, junior steward; Robert Argotl, otganist; unit teferd Garithouse, assstant secretary. Absent ethen the photo wus ta- kes nteesenior steward Ted itover. reasurer W BSte t M Cenents, and drector of ceremionies W. tee HowradArni- Meci H1eE mît te, stet lino, the day, tett tinl doty holt onti Furniture Finshers ont of Canadas largast manefacaurerietsiee aqa ipireal, and ieerieir for uietrstias, cher,,hes.ac, le is e a sablishite e cemplte afnshîce deparemenre This offes e ty ussli pperteeîîîee fer reput ait 0 Woges are pyod wtil bovee fn i tere ndustry. 0 Alil feritrie finishince vicHrequiet 0 iteady Ernplymeeti 0 Escelent wroib o rndions wth tOhe newest of eqoyereni. r NICHOLSON Building Components Linited 1 1303 Ontarie Sret Sartingesa. Ontario 634-2333 Apply - Box 228, stating cge, experience, nand telephone number. IUMOIN 6 Tht Cnadien Charepiel,- Wedesday, Jaeuary t10, 1968 Canadian church, politics* studied by United Women os ut sermons tuttit 'd Tht km ei e Christian» omit tht r numter essa itlustratimi 7 is tepic 'ipe are Pttgcims". stateit thet eltheath changes ghi ceuse upsets ait merci- le prehitrns, Chrisin ee ti hene the corae t e ep in ip with thetiimts ienititch they ie. epointuitoui that front atime et Muses te the present ,,Christian leaders haeehpt tht re i te sarîti ni ihe !er hiogdem hnomn as the îgdom et Dod; this camiet te e hp tookiet hechoard ait ding te uhe pasi or hy teint isfted ith ithiegu as they ere. Milton TV Clinic HARDY NIENABER R.0 b MILTON Phono 878-3836 REPAIRSESRVICE ON a TV 0 RADIO ID TAPE RECOIODERS 0 ANTENNAS " ipecializino inEuropean HiF Sets " HiFi Repairs and Cus- 1-t., B,lt Hi-Fs Au s odle , m au malin__ TlE FORj REPAIRS? SEE US! Cuekos ilockeIol alarme, maeulsor ladite ustehose v- paired it ...hiet meodest eott 184 MalnsiSt mu M il D. Farlty F. Mariti Ford t. A. Moaro rry, A. t Beetmi, r 4. i. Fru SnelliS2; r, S. Mc M. tuea Whct, S.1 Baimitoc re 4. m Tuc. S. Her res, J. Mactis, L. Stus, Stoclai euh, 2L ou m angerous Retri A poeycat t OUanad tNu pitre crOus ra The cst clltste dro poe on N roondeit hp hi rrytng 2,400 ni te corneitou, aesclleit 1 reinove it. Mile are met thapy teb teatotegoed scratcheit Bld O.L ladlty, BmHydro C Champion il i propoeittion chad sert& retrieve cUim te. The na Irtene tt tata etd, ase m0 ext a Cat'e CI si itulattd ru se, tlarehy CC le" The glevea os Bugji, te Mt il oshle @At ta h. seate 't nia sMi . 7 jasui itttO thrai the 1966 t Building ina c eteit, ho PC uow y add t tre 15 housee g tBitepast the preniou 9c Idutriel c a. s$33,00t Tues, C. Oueetm S . BiaItU F~urlT le Frts, D 161 Casomit Tamplio CI4ICKENS - --- --------39C lbý CHICKEN LEGS - - ----5----5C lb Maple Leaf BOLOGNA 3 Ibm. $1 PORK CIIOPS 69C lb Ornait Box uf Facelle Royale TISSUES 2 for 35g Facelle Royale TOILET TISSUJE.. 41Rails 5 i. 11.0 BOLD DETERGENT, giant size NOW89 Primo VE5GE'2TABLE OIL - galon tin $1-.7 5.lb. Bag SUGAR. Chiquita Brand BANANAS loc I RIB ROAST - - - 69c IL. RUMP ROAST --85C IL ROUNMD.STEAK --85C IL T-BONE STEAK --89C IL SIRLOIN STEAK --89C lb. PORK ROAST --47c l * FREE DELIVERY Joe's General Stori 176 Main St. Milton 878-31 Announcement frem hs ONTARIO CONSERVATOýRY 0F MUSIC en Milnleurcilie nii selk i iiîtiti ticis cemmueity. (1) Aptcitsdeess ieente home, ihees charge or obligations 12) Instrumntas lesea ta sedecai (3) Laes s iin tuadio kp highty qelifiedteaachers 4) Orchestras, reaile tc. Music n is azi t ui bedý ,.iîctci Lreutlcs confidecec Mear andDed - c,îîe oot bhld the oppectuieîieofl amusical) ttucatio soukOntaris Leare o leaPy: Piano-Acerdian O Guaesv S cric i leat Inquire Today - No Obligation SEntI New or eeRgietrer Csîrseas Mssicalty Tiers -- ONTARIO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC PlePlace t tiin eEne'ptrestndMail te: ONTARIO CONSORVATORY OF MUSIC 5 DOUGLAS TRET, GULPH OS PHONE 8226771 1twcatd ba ivîaresed in learnineemreaboutsyeer prgram (iric uveut chelem) PIANO ACCOIeDION e0 (.UITAR a ELECTRIC GUITAIl NAME I AiJRES ~PHONE .. .... . . .... AGE .......... Repesetie ftihe Ontare Cees.ruseery if Music Worivkeinlethe MitoneaAvec ave: MISS M. BUCKLAND, MSS. P. DWYES and MISS . ONEIL. Our Sapresteeaatm.es Carry Ideentficaton Carde COMING SOON WATCH FOR THE OPENING 0F YOUR NEW CHEV - OLDS DEALER IN MILTON JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS LTD. No. 25 Hwy. - At 10 Sideroad (Staff Photo) m strong ST. CLAIR MASONIC t.ODGSE oficers were iestalleit fer 1968 t a recent meetng.Bruie McKerrî s the ner Worshipful Master, ihoen in the tient rere ore W tro. Charles Thomson, chaplain; Vý Colson, junor warten, W. Sm.Ciff Lewngton, immeduate past Muster Mr.McKertJohnipurdysenir warden; and V.W. hie. Kenneth Watson, sectetaty. Staningin the second tow are W. L. MNeil, tyler; ton Fetherstoe, inner gurd, Jir MEa-