Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jan 1968, p. 4

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The Canadien champion, Wedasday, Jansary 10, 1 9698 oo TOPICAL TtD-liITS Mancers ta tht Stmoatgirls' hait clubmata jt a uttae htitd- trtd asnVwtt asn cttoitttd alitathit ntattiotn tatht Cnttt- nIa Diner ptmnad ty tht povincia gastrmaent mata revthtd. Sncra Cthatotawta pittd lottht Miltantellesas mwatt as tht Sîmiat cubiaï sud tt adct tattsd anintitans ngd hy thei Premlierta atttnd thtitatntal dnnr ad noatîs amadal for thtlr cntibtinttt amatutathai. A watt tatr tht invit- mtilan at csniattd in a atcond lttai. Apatatily samanat potttd aa-ha. Lttrsavhast hatsenti at tnam attmpt ta att tnactly what hppaatd. Personntl maar Muriy Whistlr atyn tht Mrchant timoli ta sttîtd and wtt rematht way iletafor th atasan. ttctuded ta tht mmmlpistaseonod gsier, LloydtVughan. Vaughc anisa aiceticalt ram thtlNatYort junor liclut. Beote th ganm h had tata dtcictadthtna paîk tftilr t aold aott hataady for Friday's ancauntt. Aler tht lt-8tironaita teagette oBobtntLe proaaly tisbh ta atatVaughmn ta th netthasicta Mm. Mastiof tht fuat iMiltan Atea atctcassa ta ha dshtartiand falaawing Ftiday igi's tacautr iathil tmartbti laldy (Grd) Hill wac t one aifte. tatdy taîtgtltd tlaoth h at Itdmas tatht t9t-il atasan and spnotad iloon for ttat yttrt. tttdy sposotad a Ftt Wtt iaam lanttawmarhettfor 10 patt anmd ciatidiit imanti tr a coup- taeaifpaasteinta molng ta Miton. ltt'ahard ta ay ahat ha dtd tor th Ittacaathai iaaonFriday igd tain tn th sconddamd trd prtad, btitilmastihutans somthlog mai short ci magie. Four goal efforts by Nip Gervais, J. Heipel Pace Pro-Arn wunners By Jon tîLeata Atslals came fronaWynetntll liruntt1,WmptHowdaa. littm Jaon teipat ahoacdte yoongoiMi em DnWison (t). Tha fattoaca otanagsshoutdha dne goals fan Faddit mata îantiad ty tit Tuttdiy an ta lad Wlson to tien Thompton (t), Datg Plai as9-tala tser Paddt. Johnaliuiit (t), Dise LcideanmdlBob La- ad opfrgatan amsa httpad rnen. Grit Bell lad tht atsilt at onan tathar pai. Singe golt ittuons titthreeaac t i t o tanin To am naiaw, lrucntBelt, Larene Datg Fadat, Kn Don Wlsa, Wayne towdaa mnd Tharptoanmd Tanny Carsa C titan lîDutt tatdad ot tht haipo autt tait tait. t atarna. ta th stcond gamae, Np Gr- p sais tisa led tht tianiat teain ( adit atirgoasaas nettlrlpd liCtcitta 8-5. Tointmania, ..r..cmI Tity Cais, Lry Ari ad ifelp tria liDutficacLrd singetns. tria liGaffe tadthe aitar-n ada it Osa acita Luciy Arie Miton MiartaHockylitasidatt htpad at twian d Btlt Etti till Kaanty tut ltautd a pitatrdiaw one ait. -Jon hatp fan tae latdty nigici hockey Barry Fletchr, MlitaJtn seonsn. Thr l in Oadftrin- tion, Datg MCuttan, John tastad ftalons on tayttiyata&lt Haupat (t). Fat Cari (t), At atote is lluag ta tatp these Brooks amd Murray Otatta. 5 ytangstern. Tht inst gama n Thurtdayd ight nîw tans Staipan ira t Titi anday igitas are onilotuteiut t ta ad tiliz ta a -41 tnt tact matit lnam 4.3010 5.15 vstorayoastiCam. Jat AuttilO) and a atcand sessinon 5.15 Cari Humt, and tan Acadatittit ta 6. p.m. Matdays. Vuttats sîaracd tht ithaigant. Jim Dn-1 it ieip ot undan thtdiiition adso aaa tact ttatata nmdi ai truct Kitilon. otilora actita Joa Augr (),tDon1 Aikehad amd Rots hrpan. Ayta neinestad ta hlpiat Gaafoi Caita acata tttiac ty yatngsttts gi tin the gama Dit Caon tit a pi, Waye aitatid cul iliiRawty ai t78- Hawdaa mnd Ftad Sua. A- 355 r lront iuchnat 8i78- snisscama ram Wapae Howdaas 9528 trigo dawt to tht riccitla- Lan Appetonanmd laiKianan. days. ttip ta nttdfor lo t Intheta lita fieat lemi, Edwamda sesinalut taetpaciatly th final hamhad Champata i-at Tttiy tae. taîtran d tans MîLod bti tract a htitrick, Milo Sullivan mnd Frater Hasn sachad apain ty es, .a tat.Aanisecame fiat Tom Tri- oun Sargenti(3),Boliait l ant d Muta Sulivuan. lion Chafuooc, Bitan Pee W ee MitJait and LatisNtadatn i ract a pain tact atita Carl Smith scaîed onac. Lattashicttin,Cait stand ngs Omit Wyn Howdaa and Jak Champoan (2) tssitttc. As ai Da. 31/67 W L T Gi CA PuM - . . 1 . 6 4 3 53 22 il For 5 5 t 33 19 12 5 4 t 28 33 12 55 1 t37 31 Il T. Hc t 120S 15 lit 4 R.Ccl i 14 t 336712 utC.tBr 0 120 0 O68 O G.tHe Don I ~, K. Ht u t Jm t WED. NITiti JaCnIE tlemhan 20. .a Met bsingle, DMatte L Te 283, Ladita' Mgic tripl, Dn ahr 698. .La gond intigles, AntrneJU( 80o, Vmit PFltipo Z07 iRa dato Z58 t.a aau t T.Go --3 -Mm . 9mnapa qt, tno F50n aucier 21,240,239. Mlen gphalO9ArhauIltt tu Soli vir& Pilipi 52, Gait ColAU 58, IdLâi Fiaty51, J. , BonR 0, udy Parsons, C8,tb lunpyfO, Conni ta . 58,Lym sPittaSl Gept Braon Oak clitag Mi liait Ga le Orange Prsti Atan lamie, Ferriert Fila flis OMet BRU" GoitcCm Ibridge toumey Milton dlaims Board of Trade trophy victorious in four town tunmn Milaan's isa Tri-County hockeytama addad anthar mltttoaetot thtotwn's hoikey histiry whtn thay iaptartd tht Botard ai Tracta Traphy ta th «B ta, 18- TournamtitnWandhiidge Satrday. Tht ianr-towa toornamant t- voisad aUt isa Tr-Caunay taamns tram Kîmal, lMittn, Wad- tridgeanmd Blon. Tht tourna- manti acta astd n a toacaeftit. aîh toaca ptaytd la gaman tith tact points lotag awarctad for a tnanmd ont tr a t m dthtoalt pointa aaraad hy aaîh taton tram mny toac wan addtd ta tht tant ai thteiama ram that iawn. Tht final composit standing acantu bilitilt 0;Wodridgt tic Etonsata 15 and toltan il. Tht Nioieand Juvenileteiama tram Mitton watt hothnfldtitattdthtit tht Fat Watt mnd Midgtinhad idattictrecords aifon it, a it mnd ltan d thtliaatmstiad tactand tat on. Thttctdgts put tht tourna- manti an unforMitona aith their t-t it anr Wtdhidgt ta tht secand ta tht tatgasma ai th asanttg. Up utit that pint tht traphy îattd ait gant ta Km- vala ormWoadhridgt. Tht Mtdgts ttad BlttontFn- day atght t-t tith goanta hyKet liridgaman and Mrtin ONit and tat ta Emalat2 tSatuiday. Matagar Jat MiCana dtsirih- ad tht Mdgtts3-1 i aovast Wotdhntdgeasantht lostti tto tetaort ram tht Midgt thia yaar. and third ganta and Pat Mc- Caig scoradiha secnd. OTttt't second gat wanthetamtY nt- Tht high ttyiag Novice Farda hitded aiitlar 11-su huilida tu Bltonan d Wandtrtdgt ta thair Oral two gamins bfara ruaniat itt nitiaie campitian tram Etonata. who thay htat t-O. Thair second goal Cama Wot ac or thrta minutas httart tht end of the gama. Gattintera ta tht Oral gama were aulmiSpraat (2), lront El- lisna(3) and Dasa Tarnar, trant Murray, Erie Ellistan on tih. Rat Tains pichtd ap thraa ta- lirait Kîtisoanmd litdGoodlg tant itra ai tht niartat ta tht Eimvalt game. E3~îouJ OH, FOR ANl ARM aust tto iaches longerl tht mraon ay 11 limas for Lt Milton goaila PieaLta ratîhas fat ouniisg un tht Marchuaont lu toNamis uct as Kip Tucktta 13) act Stava Gervais d14 rush ntoLesassste.Thtpuckttaosad Third period droop costly Merchants bow to NewmE stati atida tht Meîctani dressing raon Frtday aight itl a sad, poty dingustidand sone- achat lotitdeied expression an Mis tact. mWtan thoy atariad t thatgt thty mata gaingt ta tilly lot thosa guys, and tîlotihay ttrîtd ta fadeanmd fadeanmd thty t as fading,»tm taid. Fade ascta îtly whtltht Maritauts did. Atar tahint a 3-0 lead tsar tamathat wtt- ta tht ti rai fiat minutesnofai ty, Hall satttht Mrchantsoatt ta thay htaw tht gama ta tht tate nf 11-8 ta taewmtrheti ledman. Taco unaisisled goanta y Ste Graistsnd a tatrd g021 hy Kas. ta Hall (hait ira dfneton) settth Mrîtatit anisfronti aita 3-t maigit. Ls Chaisson otaatd tht New- pIa lt Ju veniles squoi $100 grant fi Meonlors ai tht Ratiot U Commisstin ptotutly thaugtic thay acene dattg a gand datd iE actea thay dcaidad la giat$100 ta the Jusanita hall Clubtio d9- s tray conta ni janlots fan tht kerchants Ioutad0of tittsiaing the tai- S scoring, tht grant han cusd aU -h acattso comtitot amang th tattuil paopealnt Oan.C ganaes intudlat Jmn5.ii GP G A P PI tiRcteatiun ciion hair-tti FGATFFlmat Chaît Gevis aplined ilU act ta 14 19 3330tiis aay. Tht oissont cia 19 1 1 ti 53 giaaced $100 otatht tanagaet ast ta le 1t 31 16 ai tht JustaLita BlstiitClab era 20 14 1t 30 28 it tht intenton tht maayty taras il 5 21 26 2il d e s. to heltats uy a- al titiae Rtddtl ale disans rutkwag 17 6 15021 30 120 9 8 17 63 12 9 i 15 14 9 T 7 14 4 17 6 8 14 50 15 i T 10 t8 5 3 4 T Il 14 i 4 5 35 41 2 312 5I0t2 t 8 3loi 1 4 i 0t1 1 O w iss htue Ferriti 645. Ariette taluawacn7Tfon 34 Wlliy VanGrane2tfot 18, Betty Lting t ion 49, Shirley Hllt5 tfur 36, tommstaDvis0 foi 1, Btty ttagdoaa2Zfor 43. madiatit aiSenior Section ai the ittoatioO ta in tactofatgrtat thLey titi havetn lueita tiauisa satamnt and t it ilha daRt aclth &s a seagimatair. Mn. Gersits suid ha htd ta- trstd tacrtary liaitWatkita ta ast tht jasenita mtratttt i ttay acaatd ta loin tht mamy anrti 10tht senton Sectian ariao hatp il foi jachais, Unacta any circanatitacta fot thtetact Ion assadlUOtti tbh gratittdmoney Inanttht coin- tdttian, a finascial tatlulanat Ad -haRO ststa différeti atm- harsofai ibmJavatilta hao hve vaemd they cane la uy ta Jalcn tadatts opponit point teat guard sc Hugt MiEvoi mrgia tac-lt nser atlawad a goal ta thiat gamta. Tht Pta Watt piayad thrta tip and tact gamean d camaeoMt adth a ain,t, an d a tata. Thty had ta cama hait ta tht tat pariai ota iet lon 3-3. micty Bridgmtn scorad att thrta Milton gata. John Tonall mad Petar Chachmach aunitd. Miltantant tht second gamet t Etmvata i-t. Mngert<nYoung aaid tht hoys damiatd tht ptay and raty ptaytd watt tai cootd ntiput tht tincuit ta tht tastet- Tht Fat Watt htti tht Wood- hridget tam O-t ta thair tant gama, a reatcUi hangar. Wood- hridge pntttd thair goatitadat in favar ofai mtra faracard ta tht dyiag minutes af tht gama hutithe Fat Watt hatd an. Jaon TanatU nîaortd hath Mit- tan goaan d ttchy Bridgman assintad an aach goal ahita Ken Fay pichtd op man ssiat 0on tht wnatr. Tht jusattiat won ait thrtt gamas. Thay boat Btoan d Ktmvata Frtday, Dan. 29, the itrat day ai the tounattnt mcd want ta Satarday ta finish aff aith Waadrtdtt. Tom Gaadttg scarad tht anti gat tarMitoan tatht firtpatt and tht score astt td ait1-1 attit tla taintht liai ptritd wai ltnta our cpdch goals ty th Woadhrtdga goatit. Fords beat Chinguacousy IL Cthir taittaeat tY hmdiug Clonguaionay aI7-2 doacag Mat- day tighintaMilton. Tht vsitora jampdodutttanfronti aiMiton early ilatta rsti ttd btiPault ptat titd tht Sota minués tatat. e Fiaey niglt Mitanscsîatd tateansuct- tht!t 11-8. ad goalsa tatht second ttunutmad aatmata ta th final prtio. (Staff Photo) Turnt acotad tram ttodGoodttg an_____ d Siana MiCuicht.OrLEsnnt sottd tit sit John t$anto,1 Jat Sauta, Faut Spiatiamd tract Smith ail puihina up annisla an thet tao goanta. Etisan, Faut Sproattand Sttsa MiCtittat wata tht marhton ta tht third ptrtad ath Murray chke ito hat t ta andGod1-t. sstng ,ei ta Hait ai t thetieam ptaytd watt and Cnti tmad tht tanici'Jutt wa t ait tîneîîy tony intact tusseacond ta tht Miton att. Miltoantilltiriai lta Aima for ay atitaactd tht tht atai game thia Friday ai a tht s anad par-6.0 ..1.. 3t.M, Brry MoTracta to Put thern Out in front 2-i. Kaoon scritd the inauranct galtan a ahît frolatha potnt. licTraît aîared tanin Kath tiiggsanmd BlinaMaKerst and G aylottr aared tht tati goant tram IaurtcetCasaidy. Thbetotaraiment wtt tht thtrd annualt«8 ta 18 taunanita Woodridge. Latytar M£Iltan wtt co-wctnaer witt Watdhrtdga, and Elmvaie w t thetttirat year. Pu. W.., t* Od<vE.2-2 itn PeWeea tact Gatailb hare Outtîrdy aftratta t- 2. Imuger Kn Yatag sdtheIb gamnvact th trd pana ion thi Fat Watt ad they vire anitar- tacdtily a tittletard, IMait CassIcy optadthe niai- lag onrGttsitt andDavs oetsr gai thtetatuatiti for Musatont play main Miha Fard ad Sitil Tus Gaka came tat wlth t gatfrain Denait Foacter ta tht ecnd ptid ta hale a 2-i1hled, Tht laad hald op anti Jon Tn- in tht tard patiad. 1 M itan ta t thtee p na tia lea- itd igttaa tmand akvile hltl Nso. Flyers extend streak to mneet Rochester here pla fi( hW Hi Ai tia sata itNa ilaýn comiatd fot i piiaf mara. ,apae ta intht sn i ta.Chaiston titit att Jim u0ftonrtetirai amm ak ith iMastiaod goantpagan dseconds atlaiJimoah nts iatir ahan tacapital- ta aloat daaw tht gaitendar ta, zdo a t tatittiat off tht tag tht id, tantMis st an d tait thtîttatctd tata for tîcihar M L O ____________________Rut cta hprampiy itad fi loito tht opnt*t A E Single goals ty Bobt En anmd R N éble over Gary Carletontand a pair hy lian Katatain gaeNtwmarh- et&76laid for tht Ointtime WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10 or jackets inthegame, bfr Grahm 2c Milton tnt yar, btiraihar try catîtoda tht secnnd paîiad aith 2cooslOai-Adiso out on tht CamploUileilt u tht Maictamis an top 8-.t5 Td 0 Data Daudno actaaca tltm- c-5 ptm. - 0.5.D. Hoar aim. ad toma imeaigo tram th Miii- 5.30 9 p.m. - MitonsMisor A soahsman for tht gîonpHokyoueLae ai hy eithydarvtd tht an oigaczaiiatcame ahait t otytaotiao tanth md thîtey cde itaa aunti tam ta tht inlpron. THURtSDAY, IANUARY 11 rat ad wtht ty thant bseio mi-IJningaptantd starttng Rd- an at w ythneopniorMpsecat- mngpale John nydarInlatht .30-7.30 - Figura Statiso ion s fa assponorsiP ait.thitd paiad mnd id ni altaac a 7.45-9 p m - Pro-Am, Chut- Seastitplait scampltitd of ctiea taturaad away il iota vsa Cis. 9-10 oPm tasîng ttaby their o05 ts lanmd gMîltantid. utos d tatmtin. in Gary Catlatat, Lot Chaissat, FIAJNAT1 Assocatsi ras dtDut tBot tarbeand Hi ugt cEyaciyl FiDAJN Y1 Clamant satd thra as no troth tctdad ingessilatta finat Peront t,30 pm, -Junior C Hantay ta tht ror haigpteaaboahut ta gisa th Nwarnnhttatth Matchata vs Strattsilla tht Assciatait sponoring il-t upset. STRAJNAY1 tht Jusantî lt clu et a t. Daataeman tasa GeraisandSARAY AN RY3 At pressatact th chaque fot ei Hall lad th Mrchant 630 .m. to 1-t0 - Miltons tho jaihes aitn atht hande of sitria tit tactgalsntactathite Misai Hotey Hoosa jccstilt managemean d s notJionCola, Rut Cola, Lontiict- itttt tact my dticta daîtaton an ahat leanmd Grtaham Haitaddad si- 2.4ct >.m.-Putli Stating 25c wontd ha dont tittht manay. tas. 5-6 p.ms,-Pan Waa dama 6.7p.r. - antat t-10po -Ptbli Skatisg SUNDAy, JANUARY 14 MILTON BRANCH 136 8.9 p.. Couplas Stmts MaNDAY, JANUARY 15 Royal COODiH o a4306 p. - Moaday IN APPRECIATION 7-8 p..-Novice tata 8- .- Midgol gtma The Charmon and Mombori af the 9-10 p.m. - Juvesile garsa New Year'î Eve Bail Committoe wiSh TUESDAY, JANUARY 16 4.30-7.30 pst. - Figure ta extend thotr thanki ta Mrî. JOe îtutiag Wayno, (Prapriot rota of the Dewdrop 7.45-9 pm. - Pro-At, Wil- Restaurant), for her excellont Catering son an Turner; 9-10 p.m., services on the night of the Bail. MCths sPcai aln andaytta alta 4o-t ai arte hingaaian y. Jitt& t om tht Juventît tacotd Il tilt lavet ta ha atop itigt îlubtota cd the t reat. Milton toan mtry lad an a at hy tRoh Caltait tram Kath tatas. tB ohosatn d Waya îArnld sîoîtd second ptrtad nain acth Tom Goodttg, Mati- ict Cassidy and Gary taylor as- Mactin scortad tht final goal in tht third pariad tram litylai. The vsitors hiaoettash's sat- ott tlarinlatta itird pariod. Tht Flytrsarata tpaiictdta mat titanme tuf campatittan atra Jmouaty t19acan the tact- ester Juvenilta irasat tram taith alitahardai ta maettht ThtetRochester toam ta suid ta ha tht tinta champions and ata oadtftated tlioyaar. Tht Pee Wee scorinig G A Fis. li.McCreary/Gue J.Continli/Gue K.MîGuigan/Gue J.Toneti/Mtlt C. Medand/Oak M.Hammill/Gue B.Owens/tiesp T.Cassoato/Gue vmR- tcky, haita 8.30 Ftidayatgt Tht nt Fyer ligut gain tilt ha ptplayd l taAnetm Thaursday. For Complie EFFICIENT SERVICE WITH The Best B.A. Products Avallable (Gamoline, 0H, Additives, Grsse, batteries, Winter Products> Maaday t Soer Sumdy 9 &.. te 9 P.. VISIT sentinel B.A. SERVICE STATION Day. Ayres, Maagar (Cote"aiUae aMd 7 Osataula St.) a 878-4311 ? d rom Higgs and LEGI Nem J"z Jan. J"s Fet. T c B n a, ALL OUT Our ainterweur must go! And ment gono 011 Out ta mark pricos down. down, dama. Mn,, osth t ima ta stock pour modrota ..gt tremendous sovngtt MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT SALE s0 0 v i E 20 ON FAMOUS MAKE CUSTOM TAILORED SUITS AND READY-TO-WEAR TOPCOATS- - 20% OFF SPORT COATS - 2030% OFF suIEI COAýTS & JACKETS - 20% OFF CORDUROY JACKETS g AND CAR COATS 20" of PARK FLANNELETTE - Rmg. $995 NOW PANTS ----- $6.95- SPORT SHIRTS -- 20% OFF HOUSE COATS AND PYJAMAS 20O/o off TAILORING SHOP FREWS FOR MEN 217 MAIN ST. .1 MILTON 8784302 I. le CLEARANCE G..di.g scored lod. Then the Cole brothers Al FitMittonià teaction on the tproooatithe the Sotuý:AntoJ ry la t> t Eat ta Ajan. me ta laied foi Poeeda tram ta tht Otarta an Kmrgeny CRA

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