Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jan 1968, p. 14

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Ibo TiCaadiens Champin. Wednisdy, Jaeoany 10, t1968 Satinderson-Patterson eierîy Aai Pattersindeigi- ard Daîfes, rassin if Oe bifde, tir if M. ad Ms. Allai . Orglif i for the weddfng vii Palteonlaof Mil,wai marofod Ms. G. Cîrnell ad fie so oi Saisrday Ocliher 2l, 1967 to oas Mifchaif ilyfi if Gelp. Haold iaideroiiJosoi et Aot 12s people îttended iii M. and Mo. arold faideron rcemptîoniaf oriiy Tooeos Golf if AtrinoniThe Zîmmeomai Clb. The bof e's mther e- United Cirhwas deoiatedofti cefîed for er daigter oeaofiî larg baskets if witde moms ad a furquitfse dreis oitt mafohifi nedroesanad toi caidelarai accessîrfes ad i corsage cf for fie duble ring ceemiiy pfifksies. pefoomed hy the Ro. . Bas- The grocm'i mttir receire Ier, for er soc, eirfig a red sit otihblack acressoies ada nhe bride, given i marriage corsage if otite roses. 19 er faher.woîre ai A-ie The weddfig cabi oas decîC- gowCf wtfiai empire aifit lUse ated by Ms. G. Fote. la white pea-de-aoif emhrofd- Gets atfeîded foom Lonon, eend ofti pearli ad seipifis ad Tronto, Nfaari Fals, Briol a detachale traifiifdchfellffom lin, Hamfion, Mont Hope aic a lAri ev if fi te sbitildeR - Mltn. er fOsgertfp cefI oai nefo fi Fîlloinc Oe recepifoa dan place 19 a crystal ad parl oas eld and maiy relatives Ola. Sie carrfed a boiiuet if frieidi ad îefglhos atfeided white rose. The bride oore For fie oeddinc ftrip fi Niý peaaos a present from fie Yonk tate Oe bofide vire a pfn groom. 1irîcade sift ifr collai Diae Palferson, sfsfeo-fn-IIW owhite ba, blac suies aid pirs if fie bride, wai marie if hi a- ad a masse îrctid corsaiE or. iridesmaifdi aire Sisain Te bride aid groom are reafd Saidersi, siter aif Oe groom, fing ai Tremaise Riad fin iii Marganet Caller ad atby igto. PowelAl, frieidsoif fie bride. Prour fiOe oeddisg the hoi Fowergiol oas Cunite Patter- oas ioîred at the flli Aon, ilece of the bride, nhe ibosers, Jeai Mrsall, a ki riihssaldi aire dreased la chei sioer; Asi Cîmmmn flar engti f0005 f craikerry hld if hiyse CommonittyCeitr cnepe wfit emiroitdered lace a mfscellaeui sbooo; Z2f frlm, empire sait Ose ad a mermai Commnity bld af I toaila attacbed if fie oafif 110ne. home if M. ad Ms. Gird The lover girlt as dressed i Sincaifr a mscelalaos sio craitiros pea-de-sifefdeîtf cal r; dsai aid I ally iaideosc tu fie iridesmaifdi. nef oead a fdfchei aid paofoy soui peces vone flooeos f fie samne M. ad Ms. E. Daîlot color. They al sire parîs, a Guelp, a idsceflaieois susw giftf from fie bride. Kaiiy Powe, o btiroim sio Steve Rose, aILofind f fie er aid a presetafin if apfct groom, as tist mai Ushrs fom Dfamoid Clay Poodu aire IHarold Pateoson, hoofer ifiere fie bide fa omployed. if lie bride, Jack Sanideoson, A trousseau toi oas gfvon intier f fie groom ad Leii- ffe bof des mifhonooctiker Nass. W.M.S., Ladies Aid hear reading on "pettiness" Nasagaiya Preshyterfai W.AAS. ad Laites' Af d hotd fhifr frs0 meeîinof fie yeao Ml fie home if Ms. CUffNfch- sAlanain irsday afteriiii if 2 i'cloc. lrs.hDaifd ieide rsii prealdeif if fie Laites' Aid igend Oe meeffngf itti a psem ad hym. Ms. Mlfeo ead fie scoîptire fessai, psafm 100. Deditîfon f oificers by Re. D. Nicholso oas folfoood wlfh prayer. A cîmmfflee oasîamed le plan for fie Junifor Farmers uanipief obe1wheld i hrombifle aciail Feb. 16e. ne ladites haie ben astid Ci qui seveol more issOSt. Ms. el mi Norof S ai Wolned qifR coveer. The pregideif closed fie meeffngofiti a recipe tir a bopiy Newo bar. Ie W.M.S. meetfig folfoaid VU th Oe Preideif Ms. Velmo fAIooEA s eiiif offia pem aid prayer. Ilymo if9, My FPiff Looti ip to Theo, vas soif. The secretary Mo. CargilI read fie mfoates if fie lait metfng. If sas decfded fie ladies oold gît twoin5 gle sf iipif ts for fie hale. Bramptoas Preshyferfal meet- fig fs fi 1w ield Janiory24 ai Sf. Adre's PreshYterfai ciooch, ifavebaui Raid, Port Credt. Rolf CaS vas aisoored 19 fie ofer if homes for the comfif yar. Ms. Rofnson ed i lad 0f digs prayer. The Scrfptore fessai oai read hy Ms. Cd Doedge ad Ms. Elmer Case taie ainfîpfratfiial ead- fing Pefffnss' wiuci gave i lot if food forrfiasifit. Te meetfng ctosed ofth ymi 69, Standig iftIe Porial, ad 1 prayer. Ms. Norris vas cort- esy ciiieser ad fhaihed the j hsil ýad veyotiiicpart. SOMETHING 600 COOKING JUST FO YOU AT THE IonIdu Milton lan 8704901 Robertson-Aisofl LAAâ Mm ie=ASAad AHarold er gLsiaby lir. RobertA N- Russell Roberton.braiif Si- Malien a d lr.aCrA Gevais; bride,' wen marled oa Dec- a Uini houer gLvea by lira. emuir 15 iSt.CGeog'a Aigl- iageSi Falletta. Ara. Road La- .ai ChurclI. WAIEe moims ad SalAi and lira. Rbt hilliEl, caidelibri decirated the chrc ad a i ICOOeiIC5 ClCsoer vi for the seven o'clicb ceremiiy iy Ms, George Hardsaid ad cooducfod by the i Oic. P.E. Geocesa Hardsawil. Jefaros. AOteo ocionsal flic ooddic The bride bs the duCher f party oas eiîortafied ai tho lir. and lira. Wllam Ausisi. ici de's home. Aibride, and the geooem flise son ilflMr. ad Ms. George R- bertaon if Kiltride. The bride, givea In marrface Shows trip sildes by er father, Voire a loîgA-lii b e bescfV l gon if pale bina velot toiiped t e b r fW I by a tace jacket ofth log liy- poit sleies, pearl earrfisaid Ai enjiyill eveilic as hetd ncolige. Tire obOle roses aIibh home if lMr. and Ms. held 1r halder eigth eil Maice Readheid lait oee. and she carrfed a bouiqiueif pi ifi lem1woi and friands if Miii- roses. ais Uni on rachfthWiliîi'5 Mtron if hînîr oas Ms. Insit fie weoe eitertadlhed hy AiCIAO Falletti, sitor if the Mir. Readhead niiof Oc stfdes if giom, ad the rfdenmald oas Oe tus trip tbf y eitiyed 1011w GeirEela Oardnd, cooîfiiffhe fl. noie proîed fi 1w qute brde. iersti. Their shirt dresses vere if A social timeo flloed. Thise dir, royal bine îefîef IA-ie havi ng lichY cips wer, lin. . style oihthree-YlCirfeO loigth Richrdon, Miss Cara Rartley, sleaîes. lin. N . LAsifYiaid lira. F. Their heiltdeces were cono- MoNien. The f reasire htoas uets if machiE flso selot and won iy Roi. E. aslder if Lo- bine eils, ad they carrfedvdifte ville.,In apprecfaffoi if teeva- ad pubk carntfios. enif if rs. Velmi Norris ex- Groomsmii oas Aigeli Fal- prossed tie pleainreoif lie gcnt etta, aid the siers oero Roy ad preenied aighi Yt to1w. Robertson, hoifier if the gr000m, and CartGeriis,irtr-if rnîiw - -. if the bride. Sr CitiZflS lin. John Nchitliinliii or- * Elost for the ceromoil. o esu s rb Th ne rcerise OiC 1wld t Ki- v rl s ie Ibride pullc schol. nhe bof de's ' mifier receiedearifainter cent. proec< wdifte soififti if acb iccessoies lf and red roses, nhe goio's Oe 0h07 ceife naI proiec -mifher assfsfed veori if abrown compfefed dooithfe paif yar E9 bricade drsi, irowi airons- oici viinot toi vfdely ai E9 orfes aid yelfov roses. cAifmed, oas a nov nooma 'AiTe cople toit on a triptf i Mlfon Dstri c Hospial thaf o; Otoa aid d srft, fie brfde complefely tooitiied aid equif ad veaini a trquofise wofsuit , ped iy Mltfon Seifor Citizemi dt black iccessoifs ad pi ni car- Ctui. a naions. Memeri iffie cuh wei The groom fs empliyedaif fe astid foridfdiviatiitii G-Onario Steeipat,andfthe couple tocard Oe $595 cofiof frit are living ai Cf firf e.fing fie sifngle tid rnom. Metf m, Gss atfeoded Oe weddfnc bec Affert viecler f old fl 1- from Whfity, Riobestise, Ram- Champoon'vie eit oelf oîeotl id fin, iiiclfogton, Mfiinf t- to, i ooîf uerisci a f bride, Acon and Miffaf. oay oe colleofed $742.' ee Tiree siovoos for fie biide- Wfithfie addftiiaf money, Il as, to-be voie comifsed ito ose iîspftal 005 aile to proî: Bd- la Dec. 6 - csp and saucer show- extra frififisfor tife roci ini r, rt- rde ig kit- A SMART ie 0m- NEWiis tie sîfs CAL S OA îiy__ __ on f4.u hi tyit e Frh; Rot Luu a~/ I if or, yc- bp- he o flii the vde NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON ln aider fa dicioîi teamoof R a'moe hfi tihe Twn malt hîrran tea miel îawfen. pediuîîniil sucCEtime as thi mili rte cn hi sel and tise egîtîr lai buisisîid, AN INTERIM MX BILL ferrH ai pr pertp fi thi Tome if Milan wmlli fsaid a&bouttise ed of Jaiaary. THtIS BULL WILL BE DUE ON FEBRUARY 29, 1968 and illbe bsed on25 idhî A penatyf12ofl1% pir moti ml be cbooged if the bil snot paid by Feiosary 29. THE BALANCE 0F THE PROPERTY TAXES may be paid in fuil in June, or in îhreo instalmenAs, in JUNE, AUGUST and NOVEMBER. Musies lai milI k payahia N FUL AiMay. AUDREY BRUSH, Teamurai. I ALAiNUM PUlL ry, V ij f onUI I CE dEAN M TAMITA PICKLES ro BAIE Il I EAEEE IME SAIDERR AUT MEA RL;ýASA MA~ ~ ~ EA CEN PPRTML MALO EIAMPOA CAURASE OLLE SALAS.00AI 1L RLOIEHRE-AAMA ARA.A 1AM CREMELLE UîLE IBE#*$RCE BALE INEAPPLE NA CHOBO A E MARMALABE BRAMAAOTNH AAU l lPIES MEIUM INMP AAL HRIMP AFIPUORE[BROUNIE mE LAElSE I I S" I I ÎT CAA0 U ETCE AM CEAL I RI MERNT A BIR EAMA AYLMER CATOAP BAYUAE DD1 IG CAKERIES FOTN IE CO R X TILET TISSUES BME niNISPEERSER ILEENEX AIS IOU A.--',.1 -« REER ROAAE CLARI EBEONUAMIE EENEE MEENEES IRII AlI TPRASICI IEE ESC REIINE MATCHES RAULENE_ ILIPIBUA IlBOA?" PATII CSCKER AIlLETS EOBE HARVARD EETA RS L i GEMIIIM .11- LUREN BABA COKRMII Vi ESETARLE EAUP CELLULOS E T A PElLH 1M - ai. '-CE'-- - LU ILiCD BEF TMl TEh F.î i MIRA DISRRUFLLA 'LLVRInT fL! ALL VAIFIa YLMI SAL! A LL F LA OC SPECUAL! LEAI SPICIALI MINC Swift' PICIALI ASLICE BUDE SUNNY FLO ID OR OGROMuA 0, 60 OR 10D WA I.M P1771 125 ýý7 R A 251 EXIRA I . ...... .. 'IN My4Fý-- 125 9

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