thot type of F clothes foc regelarly by vaa ara pai Indeed? lia' omaîing. Or isiaad Wtis Nov thera ingvap vud ) muol or ton ,aiesi. Note ightd. same Ikema, find for cer- tise mas 1tam sytbissg until sma for pots ie poor devil, moke orcdcrik fln!! mgt o! bis asie respect mne 'tti puOr rth 15 tIbs 1n d lisey lisuntht ansot gel strk sun psu tllU me il logic tisera put ysur fing- ytls Mnyihs- oche day sud mvectime. o, su nId rotsI- gel notes liha ici aso coeu gel Ktise dnctsr for Io me suy good. i have 10 seod Past' n ftil e s ago i Tise Canadisu ay 9, 198. as resmed u îelsun Bucos,anid î mes promiie of a a tier llbe a ais tbe enectioss us undartabing ol aics is almunt t sure tisaI rotbiol se tacisr, 'thom mend s 10 evecy s position. Mr. cmng a ci500 of s oagesuaditie sis, by devntlng Engliss bcracches, tise laspertoc s ud in ibis munser 1 camma,' Scisool, ut casus ol pullils. 11w cssnposed as .cNauglton sud J. 1Bucks and W.C. md . Foster;NaO- i sd J. Ramsay; c., Okeille , P. A, ýJ. IL Barbec. i press, 'ta leaco crin, reluroing off- not bicnging is lise s delared elerteti ucray's deriiot ;uissectoss 8 ofSec- pa Act clearly laps cos ha In be- n 1w made legally. ns tisaI a peltcal las retun, whiere suntier lrtend de- Id T s, 't HAMPION e. e ,îîu e .c 5 M I e5, i tc,> , nO, sesr D.- N. Endi,e ied corn competition Fred Nurse has high yield Bp .J. Stasnley treit Nurse, R.P. 2, Gorge- o, 'ton the aJItn igis Yeld re Coptlu,'is a yield nf .5 ohl o ce cocn pr NMbPne 3615 con wnu mot n 36 rmosd aI apopula- no! 20,000 plats pr acce. -'v nel >aotn Sou sund ngs mpcoement ssocafiono m rseeredtW.Iiscompti- priz cre maiwy 'titi 1wpr- Ised t ue annuai metng n desday, Jnuuac 17 in tise bsiic Hall, Milton. Ilsoes-up mre asuloloms: or6nSumith, .0. 3, Camp- gStarreI, .. , Glen Wi- liams, 136.; Geo. & L.H. Leave, 11.. 3, Campimlville, 134.7; Ml. C. Reid, .0. t, bailon, 132.3; George Buckhiolder, .. 2, Bu- lingion, 127.6; Harvey Nurse, .0. 2, Gergetown, 126.9; Gor- dan Malmstcom, .. 2, bllon, 124.8; Claude Inglis, .R. 2, Campellvlle, 124.7; M.LOsddell, .. 2, Geocgetown, 1l3.9; David Lavson, .. 5, bilon, 112.1. Tis avacge yield o! tie 21 rompeitors vos 121.5 iusohes. Tits certsfnly indiraes tise ex- cellent yelda ntaised Iis yeac in allon lcom gair cor. Ali co-operatocs kepI crop re - cocds. Fcom tiese recocda tise avecage cost o!pcodcingncre commencing 51 10.3u nam. Lunch i 10 pruvided for tise mmbecsipb fée, o$1. - C.. Kiogshury, Sil sud Ccvp n Spcialis, iii 1w pesesdlodis-t cuss the 1917 projecîs conuctoti ln aion Cunnty, along 'titis lie Secriary, Hency Stanley. A r- prt nofaIl pcuects w44111w given E 10 eaci pacsun in attendance tis year. Tiece ilifeadevpsatetime foc discussion ofotue many pro- jectu aod proilems related 10 soils snd cccps, AmW Imeeting Bp eufS Tayor Tisesnnail meeing foc tie Maltounoro Farmecu 4411 1w helti ai 8,14 p.m. on Febcuary 21 t1i tie Agiuturai Office, Msil- ton. Al pat sud present Junior Fermer membecu are cocdially invited inlvatendi, ollution is tobe lte main re aItishe Halton SonU & Ccsçt rovesnent aunual Ibis year. Lawe, Associata Profassor, prtment of 5011 Science, C., vilIi 2scuos tise pollutin unr soUls, crtsps, sud mater. ameeting is hel t atlie Mas- c Miali, Miltun, Januacy 17, Sheep club Bp Geoif Taylor fTise Msltnn 4-M SiseepClbisili zgsss foc tise 1968 cluh peac *Tiluruday, Jsuacp10, aI 8 n.,iln useBonard RMm o! the adio Depacomant o! Agrîcot- sud Food, Millon. Any lu- sitarincm unIs mio are 51 1l peacu o! age sno! Jsuu- 1 o!ibtis year, sud w441 ot e reacisedti eir Z210 hlrtbdap Decembec 31, are cucdialiy ted t0 attend. -ee fruits Census repot available 'he censuos report 0on re Depacîment oI Agriculture sud its foc tise pcovince of Onaro Food, or tise Informaliun Oancit, srecently ieopinted sud is Ontario Department o! Agricul- e asailaisie. Tiere are tisre11r sud Food, Par'lamenl Buld- laafe serlionsubtie reori - ings, Torono. cIl1 - Grapes; Part il - Tn- r Frtuit; Part 111 - Apples.Tm 5u"'dirnaiie inpormaetton s Ti K7in eeral comme nts on0 om much lime do yun sase isp île. pcdcinvcels a-speediog? Wel, il poundrive ogussec:sssaen. -....ou l-.ogtw i4 lainormation on nomber o! Instead of tise posted spaed o 30, ss listed accocding tv aea, you save about 30 seconds. Bp nIo plstlngs, sarletp, roo- speediog, pou increase poun, ck, etc. Compaisos are chances of getting linosu ac- de 44h pat surveys. ciden, or cunnlng oer some hase reports are asailable un smal chisld dashing oui fcom be- lest !com local Extenion ind a parbed car. So iom Im- mrs offices o! tise Otario portanti is tisai 30 seconds. Richardson's TV SI Appliances 201 MAIN ST E MILTON 873"949 corn mun $06,10, 441h asuaves pg value of $145,75 per acct masd en a pec isnet pcice 0 I.20. Tise avecage ceturelociti id management mas $590 Pe on a par bunsel basis th mesucabie costs mer,' 71 cents bics lefi a profit toc tise Oacmt 1f40 cents. Tbissmouniolprot isooly possible herause of Il bgis yieldu tbis Yen,'. To enforce rules on methyl bromidE By Chsacles Wacnoc Tise cisomicat maloriai, meth bcondde, is ceculscty ued h numbec of cceeeisoune gcomt foc tise pucpose Of soit lundig dion. Tis chemnisaI is usud au gos to pentrato isc soiu 10 weod seedu, longi, baeteci sematodes, etc. Thbis yeac, cegeIstionu Innc: Ing tise use of Ibis matecial,v be enlocced. Incisepst groNA mare nenec isotisecd, sud s more oc less pecmilied 10 tise matecial as tisep visl i is nom necvssscp o bI a license beloce using Ibis cr ecial, Tho licenue cao 1w oSE ed isy conactingthtie Ontacio partment of Mealtis, Indust IfyglenoOrsucis, 30 GrosvE St., Toconto 5, or 'pisose Toi 3t5-2401. To gel 1515s lceot, applant muni passu enno lion on bis imomledge of liseY ecial sud the saiîty Presast cecisired misen esinc it, Tbi focmation is ail nnailabie1 tise Iepactmeot of Meaith. license is good for one pea 15 not diffOculttolv ceoemal lime. Bus trip By G. Taylor At tise Juacy Cmelpy meeting oi the Ballon3 Farmors, heldisllieAgrcir office, bilIon, on Janes sevecal items of internst dlscossed and pisueed. d Tise receot Senior Citirei 1,trip 10 Toconto, condueted1 Hslloo Jun!or Farmo,'1 pcoved sustier success w peopile fcom lthe Acton an sovno lom Milton atteodiný trip biss en held foc Il Imo yeass l gise sonie i ton's demior Citizens anu ,y tuiy oi ueeing tie Ch,' le lighting In Toronto. Candie sales aid liieracy By G0.08 Taylor The World Lttrafy Organz- aatis sofCaoa5d as requestedthe services othse Junior Farmers Associtifon of Onaro 1i ntat- Ing tisam 1u self cardles tb rafse fonds for their ors, Joy Hfay- mrd, Proviociaj. Slcctor, R. Et. 1, Aclon, aIli 1w faidong orders for thse candles, mlicfs arn $1.50 a pair. H.ckay teuieimeat for iledr fumiers A ihockey toorrameottela lwlg plaased etweeo the three Ilalton Junior Fermer cluiso -- Aclo, Norval, and Palermo. Tise i- nwr o h10 eveol wili e presenn- ed wt vthe 1wJunioFermer Cha- t lenge Trophy. s- 1110s hoped ha1 Lisovial Jun- e for Farmrs oili again inite Hall un tbparticipais 10nfieir cegonal hockey founmeni. Eod durt ih third folk son# cetest liarI Bort, reproesfloig the Haton Junior Farmar Asoca- tion, placed tiird In thse Otar Jonior FarmerO Fol lingiol competltion eld In Toronto or e, Jaouary 6, ttise Kng 14mars 01 Motel. sk This as a nry close rompe- er tit1, and oly aoe pont epar- sied EarI from tise mimr. The be %înig groupassesed 86potss ý, second place groop nitaied 85- rt 1/ and Ian iad 85. Earl vas l tise onlp soloistIl ail lier com- the petiors bielg grous. J. Willmott Ont. director ,,Angus Assoc. e;s John Wllmol issu heeo re-ea 1'eted an Onftro dirertor ltôt Ls a Cosssiao Aberdeen Angus As k111 ciatio, roprosentiol tise rr Li, inces 100 momiocO 1tot Canadiens orgwttftio. ls- Mr. Wilmctl iss u Ist rompît ill ed a tvoyear tesontse Beat vrs sud cissuges in tiseronttutic mr maise tise enrrent elertiris et!, ose ice for a tiree ear terra.E ,ed as elerled isy a mail ballot. btain Tiso tier Onaro diretor oat- lise orgafflsalion ls Tom Jarks ain- o Mono Road miso is rompleti De- tise final year o!is term th trial year. onor Mir. Wilimoll vilil e attendf iroolo tise Feiscuary ioard meeting 011>0 Calgary. nina- mat- is in &iver sire fcom Tise Tise Jersey bot, Brampton' .c but ve nus eerationhisu jsIt us tai iisigeatod a Siloor MdaLlt casthiso igls production of dauglters. Tiis bilt'tas i sy B. IH. Bull & Son of NorN and hisu eeo used In lise Ast clal loseminliun uni ot UN Ho is a esled sire ith daugiters Issu iave su aver production fl 8 ,5117ibs. t Board 472 lbs. fa, 5.54%, CA lii- Junior sud 25 casuslfied daogdect liav aerage 81.08%. 1sy lise gcoep, ig. Tis he lat of al- ismas Personais Cunsi. Paul Roertson of R.C.b.P., Regina, upat Newo Yearls mllh is parents and bics. John Robertson. Aune lnd., billion. e let Otawa to tale a spaclal Icil course, 'thicis 1 w 4411fin Springfield, biaso.,, fr lsrnc gto.C.hf.P.iseadqtoI in Regna. Euchres, deaths, crane in week's area news Tise Norths Trafalgac Eucisr Clob ield tliel' eekly escisce party us SatucdaY sRcghi, Jsouacp 6. T1ere were ees ntes Of- nosisce in play otis lie prises ging 10 the fslloiong iners; bics. Fred Det, bics. Htarvey Dus. bics. Jim Htamilton, Colin Baaty5 Clifford NorIon sud Allaso- Dsncan. Tise locisy dcamS ere won y bics. Clre Wilson sud Wilmec bisuon. Visitors 'titis brs. AeNeilson duirng lise Christmasusud Nev Year isodays vere br.sudbiro. Hlarold Gilmer sud famlly O! Geocgetso, Mr. sud bics. Carl 1H111 sud famly o Limehuse, Mir. suddbico. Graham Neilson o! Genrgetomn, bicsud bics. Star- ley Watecs sud family of ocnhy, bicsud bics. Ronald Mercie,' sud son ChisioPher of bilton sudbic, sud bis. ErcrSiecissud fandly o West Hil. Tise recreation comnmitte,' o tise oyse CommnityCentrehield ' a eucire paty un Fclday sdgisl> Decembec 5 'tti 13 tables Ol auchre 10 play. Pices wece won hp the follomiol vInners: bics. B, Tlsrlalt.bics. Jim Hamlon, 0lHorace bicAtisor sud Gocal< 9Carton. Tise lucisy draw pcires nmere 'ton by bics. Jimmie Con- dnlngisam, bics. Bursesv ConIson, Jimmie Cunninghasu>asdbics. - Clifford Norton (obo played nsa , genleman). Lunch as served . by lise committee in charge. .3 Siscere supmpatisy leolxended 1_ bicMs. Maybelle biay and fami'y La 1is e dealis ni n keloved bosissu 1- sunddeac father. Clifford dledcn Tiusda, Jsuoacy , folloing sn u lses of sevecal months caused isy a nîcoha. Heovies residet o! tefornby disrictLI] is Ilfe. e lisusovived by h belovad ile, biaykelie, son bir- rap, daugitecs 1111e (bics. Rit jaclsoo)ansd Shirley Taylo. TN funecal service museldromlh Lee Foneral Homeoun Saturday Jsuuacy 6 ils intec me nt ilot el- Presisytecisu Cemetecy, MocntY the G0et eli ishes are extende bict Ms. Loonard Bucbe, viso y-a patient in tise Milono Olori seHospital 41itistharms incaet te followno a fait in tise isemet .e- o! ker home. cd Tise committee of lise HMr io alClub ield a meeting1 r-Teadyonigit, Januacp Z int le- basmen of Hrnby Unit HeCisncci. Tise man disc>sssiO0>l on & danse tou1w ield atie onl tenu Towec Golf Courcse in Fencear tng Tickets ili 1w availaisie fcomni bisa parents o tise mnoc ballplayet Slncere sympalisp is exiend 10 bics. ugis O'Conorinb dng deatis of bec dear motter.Mh 9In County',s '68 appointees Rs- AI Halton CmunlyCunnil'sl been meeting, tise foloving appOi bull meots wece made foc tiseY is198 ired belboeurse BIn 10 mal. Cmunty plansdng Association;o rtifi- Colie,'tu tise BullngtOnOP itI. of Edacallon; Dr. C. A. Mart th Il Milton0 DsictclHospital BOI cage . . inion b lthe Board ofC ml ecnocs of Sheidan Collete 1115 Aplted Arts sud TechnotoOy tisaI Galagisec sud W. unlec to Repional DetentioCentre b D. bicbillisu1tise Couoly C ni Revint on ascoepresentlat Nassagameya, brIon and Mf distici.. The Canadior Champion, Wednasday, Januocy 10, 1968 fl HORNBY dted os Tuesday, Jsuuacy 2 aI Os,' Lady of bieccy ilsisal. Tortonto. S1e rested i tise L00 Fuserai Hono, Sresetsiliv. Requiem biass wsu ieid at 10 a.m, on Fclday mocniog,Jsuoacy 5 ai S.JosephsChrrhSlrelns- ville, 'tithi nermeol in S.Ju- epbls Cemelecy. Blrlhdny greeings tb Dvid Pearsun who iii 1w tomr ears old on Jsuuacy 14. bics. dle Bicer of bialun OMAGH Illnesses hit many 1 By Mms. Cecil Pattersos fGo,' viel odises b bics. Clac- o nce Ford, miso is soder doctoco r are sud rceeving Irealmeol foc If a ery heany cold sud complica- n dios. l. isuy ln Ibis dstrctcfhave ieeo j, voryiindlth lise flu. d Keunetis Deshon, formeriy of s this disrct, lesa paientlnb Toc. oto Gesecl lHospial foc sur- gecy. is maoy friendo 'tIishie 5. a speedy cecovery. a A mos succosfol eocisce at i eld aI 1he Boyoe Centre on Fr1' day eseoing Jsu. 5. Thoro wesn Dd 13 tables o! players nth higi y aards 10 B. Tieiult. bics. J. id Hamdilon; gents Gecald Cator, on H. bicActisu,. Locisy dramo 'tee g won isy sJ. Cunningham,bics, ha B. Cunison, J. C. Cunndngam &an sDOoraNorton. 1,1 A large congregalion orsiip. is ped at Omagis Presisylecia c.- Cisocri on Jnuoary 7 for lisetfis it Sonday of lise Noew ea,. A fol 1we chir 'was ln atendance 'titis os te gnisl bics. Robert Bronnrldg ,y, sud Mbisoer Re. Standey Smit the Birthday greeisîs 10 Gooc y, bisued, Brisu Stevens, Pa Jed Stoer, cileen Miarshall,biichat )la Bohi. lt Tise oong Dyson bhtis jIs Toono wee eceenl visitocs wl ,ot tieir oncle Dalon Gain, bis Clapmsu sud Ellen. loy lie 9 OUT 0F 10 rnDOCTORS acy. lise resomeevd ! somplete crs. rphysîalcshekshupn Jus>ta ided importatvioe recomevo the sovpeite sheck-up of rs. y>ur isvni,0>e rg W,'ellfe> ervoice ,vthout obligation. W haue >knout se> h'bus and suvurdectse0, dollars lor proey» orvets, bussses0, last schools, sierîhes. ts Mr. 1. 123 alining it at [rters NOW S THE1 TIMI TO OROER YOUR LUNIROYAL UNIROYAL ... SUDDED SNOW TIRE Tïp-ln Tire Sales BASE LUNE - MILTON CALL 8783131 FOR 24 NOURSERmVICE Il 2 Ser'vice Trucks- Radio Equipped 0 Front Etsd Ahignmnent 0 B,'ke Service 0 CompleteLUne of Uniroyal Pasenger and Trucks Tires Attention To order and taka delivery of FARM FERTILIZER FOR SPRING APPLICATION IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY! a WE ARE AGENTS FOR C-I-L FERTILIZER We stock a fullliune of4 MASTER FEEDS FE A TE R RSTS TWN) AT MASTER FEEDS 0 Dial 87;-3512 - Georgetowin1 Lise. bics. Abe NeilsonoftheSesvtis Lise, Hounby, sne auesy iisuus scose os Chritma day eile s1>0 sal sud ehlsiord ou ofiserbitcheo 'tlsdom. Stsuding keside t1he creeh vasu a large crase wbic1> sood four fot iigis sud aSverY Rbuy puiliof frogso utIo! tise vile,' sud eatinalkem.bics. Neilson reports il Must have0 puled ai leaul 20 ouI sudtisat sise sever s0w a cr000 in lise mlter mosihs lfore. Birlisday greelings bo Albsert biarcismeol sud Ken Ela dto wdli qelebrate tieir bistisdays os Jsuuary 15 sud 10 Isofel Sot miso 'til celeiscate 1>0,'bictisday on Jnuoary 16. ELECTRIC ITY S OUR BUSINESS BettI be a Tiskerer vida Fletriciip. Cai as expert We * NATI NG * ISINO *NEW CIRCUITS *ADDITIONAL OUTIJY *OUTDOOS LIONTS FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC 878-6378 0' AR ANO LIGHT FRESHI GOOD TASTINGI TAKE TIHIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER TODAY A complete guide -d" 1 1 Available at your Co-operative United Co uperaivsuofn taroe tstcrlly aaloped and to brig vos te orroit fove> rdiyctt t1>l0» hthe ueof CGOP0' Dari FeSuppIrmtve. Dr. Veo enG. MacKay.staff ntitnst tells you heowIudge theni o t 5v1Lvalus> u rgesad 5owto balance yout dairv h eds peten eq>u ir n th the crecat CO-OP 00v -F Supplevuetn >for maximum ik pr'oduction and poits. YeuIl i d a wel'h oviotioneinths tolder. PyrkOoeup todayet your Ce vperattve 0,oatnped kv ajtCo3 Reach for' Ontario Ferma UNITED CaOFERATIVES OF ONTARIO BRONTE ST.- MILTON, ONT. oicrop association WiUi study pollution INSURANCE LIMITED Compit IsanO1ce ConsoaSe 208 MAIN ST. E., MILTON -878-2894 to more efficient Farmes! clairy cattle feeding -a à The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 10, 1968 ý ýo