Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jan 1968, p. 11

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,«L Mdoe- I madaMoet nM& Suaaty vers wilU be hg weln&d.f e Anges ns- male spost talion ta the lIse vionk et You Heard.. :. by Larsp Martio - Yonlh Frent Co-ordsaor p Vlaever lecomen eftIhos staolishmens the ambtionse yelh Mfiltîon lan? lan 1he psl 1111e vihle Il'e hard o a eta outle, nlednth1eNoth ltonIb Yoolh GOp pand a eaece hall called J The Purple Caadle' ehch cselehase jeel ified et earvailsi1 rmon'n s1111 pcing 'ominleoves aI Ialihu. The sony leepo roeobra rolilog aI a phenoenal een-idgbln-o-ieeeb pao.1 cd noie the cannos lonb prebly gond for a yonlO cnre. If ANY ' hase entertaiemeolesînizle nul lecocon yoseg people matie ao n enodsie e IOs ceneel the niqaiehs et so 'Ntgto-de- n. Milo' sel are geoig le rlng Ie bars. Fsom mnicpal etfil- ala. Frombusinesemen. Or fsem 1e eaneraled feiho've n wieerhl11e Cnadan haversele breahe anme social te *othe Iown, butcae'l eve countonooteodanee once île John don. O Sonode ilkon eeoet sy ellovi Yonlh Froolero le geliog a largo rgoutsofeth1e noiemoble. For a veblcle Iliol vis practcolly nrd et commerclly hree or tour yern ago, îhey'sO groien le Hnry ForSsd'n nddiel 'T. And it pon cao pprecte ecch 'lhey muet b lorgoly a ptoil tIhe Canodan ponlh ormne. Iclore o nnimoile clpplng alseg a sldevialk le Soi FrooslnOn p distrc, or dodgleg Ioîs-ROycen le Londen, and yo'1 fi cd ep HAVE le be baelcally Cnck. Ne York, mople, anddtlb oeonoilhero soiethereI but lhey psehahly speod mot oethor me isinlg lhey onre frlher ooil, aoyieoy. * Tersy DeeLaurer drnpped le 16e nhes dey le glvo 1e Fron omo loto ne the receel Toc Alpha cofereoce ln NloganaPolas. Thereitl le oreport sheilly). Ton proluahty dldo' ealine, atel ne t (dd't, Tee Apho te SOT mersly o eoclely iedlsaled le mptsg sel bonze and drog. Thoy de hase mesiers viho hase oledged Ihemonîves le astionene, belt'e main concep le le gel so ln tele aMvit timumlan tad depressnonlanth1e, vhen one se oghed the pros and con, yen mohe yens declione l'm nId Ihere sers geen speakers ai 1e conereose vho vereo peslp Oie lcohol, let le leep 1e ads e 0. O Ild 116e le pollcly re-aseere neme Opliinînt, and mole clear e moeselse wv iS mnIeerpselod o plece inl at oeb'ocolum, ne meoolog eftIhe Ihird Item. Il vin loeodedt leacheoiledge 1e rnçsed ceore'n non bp yout, raîher te eIoder people. Ionso snvionI eoggeslleg 1e absence oetilpllms-ponored yeeîh rejecîn ilîte 16te bildng. WIDE SELECTION 0F Hovi do pon leup yenscilre olt16te cooble jar? I loch the * *INSTRUMENTS pytly dons and ide 1e let *RECORDSoneIhsopi1ehhrm. * OMET MUSIC dertesaintebhom. TARECORD AERS MUSIC BOOKS TRANSISTOR RADIOS COtAS NATIONS WAYNE'S An T. MOORE HARMONY INSURANCE * RECORDS CAMPBELLVILLE ANC BOCK EXCHANGE *14 MaflIoSt. 370-2151 854 -2 27 1 lptimists sponsor rpeoIuing contest Boys vilho do'lseoched Ihels siotentoh SilthdaLy by Decesiter 31, 1967, vill have a chance le llsploy Ihels spealdogtlalents aI tho Opin-snlClubofetMllon's pariciptionsn le nOptîmist Internatîional oralerîcal conleel. YonIh Commîllen chalsmte Jîi Elge han reiqiested oiy bey Inenresled in comptng le con- tact hlm, or aoy nlhescluhmeie- lins. Enrats vilîl spooti on 'Thei Golden Oppoiloidîles n ofnîlit' tes trem frto e ve nsînuts. Seecetot spookers otîthe cIl lesvaitll mose on le rempele in the Distiel cenest, and ode' Mes trAm Ihese vilole0 uth tpinile Internatinal grand nau le inLobidvîlle, KeelectY, wise 16-20, aI theOnterontional Beys' siosb Cnmmlllee's ausal convention. A sImulas contesl vian leld by local Optîcots lanI yeor. Pîrel Politîciace sihol about the peviertol lelerenttIhat con- trois yon? Second Polîllelîs; o: Te bo my vlie ont oethIis. Wh«e .... awaày we go! Janet finds snowmobiing is by .JaneteFerrier IIi andOstop. Most et 1he ime, bovever, the gel up anilgebacile Avoy ve gel!U,. ,, hr5 te gels more use. ils Ivis soyiog, busb and oser the ssov, uilb tbe avioy se gel! ronr ef the sidinysus ears . . viweil maybe sel a moas . T oun s oer really leel the Irill r viisper. Anybevi this lv 1he of riino ne efthIe se thoge unll ime les idlogoasovimoblîn. yon have ose yorsenl, Iey are ospenssîe tbye. A enevimotulî,n, oie vat le TIJAT? flts a crosboIsons Tbey are, l've loonu ot, a lot many tilg; iI'e gelibe pul- o!fun. 0f tbe msey imes t hase put a moles boat, but ruson es een on î, t base esceutered a b snosielstead etfvioer (t'e ail es spilis and plope, but ['e al a prectpItatno. . . solt IT?) t's pari et tbe funofetrldng i. Il *cler is variable, s le île sien sure ailis spire asyvioy. and pewer. Il as ls oye oeil d 1tase ond, lhsnngb espes- devine (billeand vlleys, sol- ecyusol'tak th 1 esally) aed ie maoy ef vr oc, ouend'tlb 1e Li modernms eIl le eaeiltybondled corners Ion SHARPLT, or 1he 6y al ages oce yOO gel 1he haug humpe Ino QUICKLY, or 600 are et Il. apl le tond yourselJ head i t ine Of t a soosbonh . . lbud, Landleg 0e 16ethIe tm, there are tloienlesuvb a position lesel letoser- gond elzed reoners, imlar le loue, n buttalvoilains eovihoob dt vioer and soCisid, wihhare mlgbt sol atienys ho hondyInlMnd -glded hy a sleeriog appratos. len.. Osnon haedle oethIis approlue e e isgs for 1e gel up oenl g, and 116e soy ley such as hisî hereA on the nhe, brabes 1r 1e slowi uoulil bo precoulo. oh Co mmiltee meets to discuss centre, Optimists also busy The loemoive haee'l gel sp I nlnasi ye, bel lhere's noeody I violl ssp the tIsbe haeeo beeno laid on the viay le MilInsa II yontb rotre. r A eomcdllee tosmed codes 10er leadersnhip etJace DecBoend n - MrsaeZosl mol aIilais Des-c Be's home TOrsay eveniel e illIon Oipîmint ClehTso16Com-c y nfdllee'5 appeal on The Front lelt vik or ilsnformation. Sînce 1e moeilîy etMilles yolthensi le ensne seame type et establahment (smal'e'), thn commtete ellacosdesahai amocel efth1e Optlmis'e lIme viold le eased it a motes reply le Ithe qesIetonaire van ormed, nlgaed and addrensed liy att vAn agren vi116 Il, Discssion aI the fise-bons jmeeing reotsod assied 1e type et centre sinded l ils volueotee complte ge-stege et yecl, 177 33.75 S48.75 OUS SALE 6.99 TO 8.99, DIES' 15.00 TO 35.00 from leeoy-hsppesnp, enîloblo locotios, probable villinnse et sovesat organeotins os vo- rçeraOl ovaitllly nI arrosi- modotin Possible beod-sosslsî moîhedul nth1e type of prog- ram Widb vosld bnelserveOtbe majorIlp of yong peoplenintovis. Delegolions oneeappolotoil lv contct thenenrculise mombers et selghhostsg yeulh centres for orgaclaoolassistanre. Isetudedintle 1e ommîlten le Paul Fonles, former rorreotin- ILI diseltosfer Milton, sho vilîl le intrsmetal le planning the psogsam. Thn somoeseniol, Mietn O)pliitClub mol and learonel Ton16 Commiltenebaismon Jlm lige basevieesle 16e OPli mînt Internationaol UhsarylusriinrmO- atileson 01h05youth rentres sgoiled thsougboul Covlaaoeil the U.S. by the Club.- A building, the exoct location et vibicb vios uodlsrloei, bos beon designeilby the club os cellable, psovidingltieovoloblO. Thn Rnoay Club et billon bas eprsal lv barse o te Oîe0ul ulot hasch, S9II. ose lvg iv otn ooyvi.bu1t Jlreoily bon accideets have rrCurred onlb the noneOft t - îlaytbiog ado eil 1650055500y, lbose vebires are o hall, aed 101 bhrnocboul tbe romtsg vilsîns vnoslbs, t bope toenesoy myselt .mmnvely. F bn tuiay'srretliOOOl visld sllo, toboggsuuing, sU:lng onos-mobillOg oeil othes sports ove rommun amosg oit gecesa- linon. Sel oedy Sonta Clans moles use of 1e sony, os vie ail Tvooînoy therotld, wvitie, brsn mvrlbs nI tbe year. vie ehoclil lry l v ovid foolilh doses ond 1 ottempîs, viatrh oct ftheenl- ronsiderote smart-olerhs (il'e plain te son tboy are 6Usnd), oui in geesl, have tue but 6e rare- fui. llnn'1tJel youv rerreoltonal. bous6ersoleil bY a foe rerh- loe vîmoolns, for Ibol's ail Il lobes. . . o loy moments. Se mnrb for 16e cession. len16ehe lt Ile vihite, 16ere bas leen a osonsetmtey yeuflg Sones, wcheaves me n a aoe of ounle r ... Sn in conclusiion obt1e report or Ibis ove 10v, 6e crrfut,eoloy [e cMiner, 16v sony, 16e spors.s bot dons'lail te 16e tlof tIra- gedies. Iew audio-visual aids velcomed by students Sîcilenle nI Sols iesosy S ep- 16e uluileot houp bufoeChsist- aIe Sebeol bgone 6e'es yas, mon, 5'16tOn absenten sole as 10t an approriobte spfly Of higb asI15 pes cenoesnmodoys. dio-vissaI ai de, intes M. The prIncIpaL praieed srhonl lexnoes reporte, cesse Mss. TurI oed iltoe ne- Equlpient sllhio 16e urbool fors for Iboir handligof eth1e viw lorluiles foustelevsiso, probînsi. leur sfesen second plovors, Ise «Theo bsn ran tsuly bu psouil apo recrsiers oeil lenradios. of nus doclors,» the listerstabt- Sesesal plees seso alloeeil il,"ey sero sery hoîplul,' 16 te sehool hy the boardl se- Boebnlboll îss bll gologetrong cenle aI the erbeol, villb1Id baies great fun temember Chris Thomas' Former M.D.Hi.S.'er in group making "Flower Generationl lu 1he oes-espoeiioc orlil et rock msicîraoMiloyouth is bseabiog loIn 1he spetlilIb. As o mem6er of 'Thi Finge,' a noieflkt-rock gsouy, Chis Thomas, Son et M.oeil Mss, Charle Thomas et John SIront, billon, is mablog is dehut os the ysoteslionl musicse. For Chris, Iis le nel a ces eoperieoro as ho ail formosly pîtysilfor severat orna group. Ho hon bes playeng 16e dilsm sincenho OirsI staileil 61gb urbonl. Chrie vian o tudeot aI billon 01gb tat year. ttovloy 6ero ayrsoorhcbvila6otiple vi atev yvuiilhs rovveroingug o sv telosm a ceviband, Chrs glailty orrepteil. The lien vosol mes sho oppronrbed Chisaseklieus on JobsnbuellnofvI vIe -lviIo e! ,IChurb Cadmar nI Brompton. John ploos rhythm and te aso 16e gsou's singer, ood Cburb ploys 1e bail gitor. Anelhes mem6es ntgneilon, Ioug Donilfo IsorTuonto oeil the baud wscromplelo. Doug le 16e hase player. TIen boys have beno togethor les about a yens and bave gradnalty plekeil uy o- peionre oeil lormeil Ieis our steyle. The bond pute in opperascen aidanresthsosch- ontth1ee pslog oeil summos andilte loAcg- col begen IheirIllte ie 16e rerorinlo business. Oalily label,oneonfnIt1e lettes rerordiol rompones, pirbeil up theis con- tractlad oeil 16o150erut Ibeer tiret dise io Toronto. 'oNerecord as yet te rarh on le Iis orna but le oyaroslly doiog vel len1th Wst. Then«A-ide cf the record, wvisiten hy 1e boys' roilucr, lu eoilled 'PInces Gensallon' and le on 16e tolk-rork Iheme. The lp silo enilinu 'Toleo For My Mnd' sas ssilte vt6v 16vs eys bsseIsOs. huality Iels 16he cosilbos promise oeil sili sol sol. The gsosp's home hase le le Torono flore thoy viork in o type o! rollective agreement vith no pailicutor leader. Thels ime lsrconsumed te a great ns- lent 6v pertnsmisc aI 01gb chonîs oeil clubs. Thn groupl ime le also devoleil te nmposlng oeil reroring. In 16e immeillole future lbey wilîl bu sorbiog on a sperlol rernrdlsg rontaledng lotos bsosght stroigbt frosi boglavil hy 1elr prndsrer. Thiesrecrdsi, hosevor,viitt snly bu roleacedini Englanil. Ton gsoup bopes Ihis record wutS s- croose Iels pspuloity, sesultiog in a demonil for more persnsal opperoeresoand rhances for extensive trovel. I a ore al hMilon music ans nleh Chris oeil is gsoup rentinunil surresle 1eir esileovous. A cickn ox Piemi bt payng wogams wek.Hi School happenings ... Baick to the job hy Sisî Parsones Wednesday Weilnesdoyv bIt totl lv sor e 16 e smublgge ranoeilbttes tes ail billon Hlg's popularo ater te sereoil losm. Asyonsi lb lb days f freodoo. Il ws ackarb gnl or boîpful ie as leurget * Ite leachers, blarbbuards, beks v o nsser 16e S.O.S. 'On mutr and ofcoure, extracnrrslas suppoil eursseool inoserytas- activitlOs. port if se ose lto bole ons ou echeol spirit. ThefIrset lblsg le bue haseil The bys' beubetbalIltes 511h h 1e oudenss as on a noIe cern on 16e fl-or b mce in10e o! vodoes. Mr. Hsler express- short Ibree-iloy ceeb. Ton sec- ed bis vymptby ote fernodelrs, uiors oeil milgeîs tv- and tomilees o!fLSeoiloPhelpseletu vGuelph te pay John F. oed i lyWoued, b o Sn studets Rose onW'On esdap and cern et Mitos Hig, vibo viOS illeil heel te Blesp MaeDonald tIno on Chrsumas Even lea tragr e! Gulph, Pstdoy nveclog, cr-train arcident, Breodo ted ELahrbIne bnday bOn grl' Mlle vilîl bu soilby misceil bytll. ceiesoeilndJeteir otis plaped 0 Biehnp MacDonall aI Gcelph. FIoeors vire cent on buhal50booms vers onsccreastnl et bOn studenody le 6ets- de onth1e epeolofeth1e oppositio reaseil families. bel plan te put more Son and nltem Ie Ihe ceob game. le- Thussdoy, Jancasy d sas 16e ideetily tbencecI game le plan- dole set tes 16e Rot Cross Blodned orte 'ednssdap, Joistsp 10 Donations aI 16e Leglon and b Iem(tty) agaleol Georgeowvn. A proudtolesayqpille a fev iSgb homien gaevo. Ceneesoal Iiga SehonI tuients, esporlallp grade e! Guelph Jn scoeldos rldey 13s, tobk the tIme and effort te (Jtocatrp 12). MILTON HION CHOOL STUDINTS cer Nancry Robersens, Joe Mbn'yyansilBell Wur- donate le liebis oilO anon, Il wviod'It hr nil te et M umoeg the 289 dosorse uthîe ted Cross blond db, cl etof 13A, asre sis u s tbey sige île The Recrd-DanceCocsmilIee leamageohave snessspltsom rleni Tbnrseduy.Abnst 30 tudens, cnet ni segistratiosnrds. sononceotPidoy bthan ugenol- thn alndenttbody, id easltt.0 thern Grade 13er, ttesileilthe clir casnd (Saff Phnteo)jenvonît b arepbedtolemole hoeme gamnen. Heviabtagal? -M rEIamvonYOUTH FRONT k MI[TON. ONTARiO WEDNFTSDAY, ANUARY 10, 968 Gallinger is out "To Win You Oved" * MILTON SPIS! vo CES s * hiLTON BlST SERVICE it * MILON S B066ALLOWANCI A * hi SONS 686? 5510 CARSE * MILTONSST ISNANCNOteu lap WE HAVE CARS! t WE NEED BUSINESS! WE MEAN BUSINESS! EVERYTIING GOES O NOTMING HELD BACI< 411 aouIl ied lame ehe Model, Body-Style, Clo end EqiponelYOU WANTI OPLUS, H-14-H-E-R thae csai AIOWAHCOS fer ynan trade. AT A GALLINGER MERCURY 878-2883 MILTON PLAZA JANÙARY SERVICE SPECIALS * Camplele Minas Tune-up, * Includioag Parts and Laoe for 6-cyl. Ergine s 7.9 5 INCLUQES. -Nom SpusI Pluge Ditrbulnr Pins-NNo Condlessesr Set Ignition Timng- Admest Choe usd Crbosetos - Clous cend Test Bets can yl Egises SilOS Etra. Egne Block Heters, Installed - - $10.95 N PAY 5a38 Loed m Gelph S. N.

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