Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jan 1968, p. 10

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10 The Csnodien Champion, Mednesday, Janxary 10 1968 C o n ta h rfr esa o gOukvEe Revers or@ Pest 1 o hv ror e 25 trosp cllet News of the district ffltonRecer Crev expacta cosrpeStio. Tb@ IN safety workshop delegates i a rm 20 tUcodD5 trtosifyac o meti o A perexotat elollor ot Britgtoit Conctt tinaugural metings,E 9t-yoar-otl Em lgi ..Harris oas Ilieeagoin at uekas lte tonas 1968 cooccîlt oottofice andscoure lieir ocof lileiaccic M. Harrito ali t mayor in 1923 antd 1924, said il oas lits 64tli inaugural metng. lHe pratcd tlic uitodtolu Gazette for 57 years, rettctxg it 195f, sux rny xl lits tots lu inaugrat mcc- top vere xcIntte ne f ty. BittMr. Harris also retaito a mc tterest I municipal poitico iintxrlitgto. MISSISSAUGA . . Csada's nocetecl ois Msslssaoga carne too litg xniNew Ysrs Day. Tlists the oe nmmchclixofortthOe weof SToronto Townshp. Rstdeits close Mtsataaaoga the arne oîlie Idieon tribe that ocoihaitîrd flicarea, onr Shelirdan itIa occt pîl- tocite. ReeeRobert peckl 1tflictown'o irst mayor. OAKVILLE . . The firet aliy lore tn Okvitît oit Non ear'. Day ax Johin Knoo Citrlc, a ninc pomi, loir onc st or cM. and Mrs. D. J. Corlitt oS Vceia Dtne. Heen e cd flic orld afr 7 p.m. ouflic cvcotxg oS1New Ye'a Day, sox flire wnuoitse rce o tc Oct b&iyý lioxosousi somne preios yar. Tlie pcoid 1119r 10 Htfx'o ccgicccc and ruade supecitfnodecf Jack Coclitt. itxgxo $20li lixare ctcculaftitg agai. A Mxli acciointant lrr.cd n up last teceliand tud If oer lu Poice. GEORGETOWN .. A telccastfrbuts tu Vncent Masey, telose deafli occurceonx Saforday mrncctg ILodon, Ecglaiod, gaue Georgeftownnaitonal publiitty. SoixeioxcTrxitt's cliaxa f toUomitg flic iaucday niglt liockey game,,flic tribttte fi fcolConadianlient goieccor goreral, started acd cxded wtl filisOffitciai olif to Gorcgeftwnin i te sprtcg xl 1959. Tli o ed in CGeogtwei li rccaU Mtat le arrtneit xc th royal ftai, tcaulled lita motxc cacatu ftfli Manxo St. Gorge's Anglcan Clircli ilire a flarge crxtedliait ascrnlcd f0 liarugtof is nPilatixcal aditccooe. Maxv focal refftdets ere nisible Inflic teltosof lccludcg tIMu-Mayor Jothn T. Armolrong, wOlixoffIcially xlcxrned M. Maocy fx flic fote. As a mrnenteol of ou if ite Iter snt a pictore Inlitxfcl dicos, nhlcli langs ln th coxcîl clante. Tie tre h o corncGSornxgttowncItMoaveapald, 101-Ornefire departrnccf, Mayor Joneph Gilibo suggotcd fu coiitcll ala coceitl meeting. The mapr mrncfond oceraI maffers oficli le ald couiccl shold del ifl iimmedlofcly, glvnig pclorlfy fit Bromar Dtelcprnt's reipeal for denluplcg tond if eo ithflicoutfl- coul sectio oSf owc o the aller olde olflice citer. «Wc iethefi adttce nf practicai mecnho Init th1e cit o fsewagn freafoicol plnt etnsoso,» le oui. «WcMovepacicallybteco otred a tmilio dllars coul,anud flese peuple deoccve anu nuoteec ifs vent xc tx mectotht cîglif thousantdiollars lu cot e teng derincit in tas foixn fidoarea, thle suxt fit 1hxdred thoisanit wnld le Sfic resuîf ni devltpna. SHe Ireseox a poplatitn xf 10,00 pople InxtRu ares. ACTOPI. . Threc Inxw te ffrpfs iaichaioli litospectur raod O wre e- puted hy police. Tlrec prsou ocre coilacteit ly pome it one loy and ailtflren prompti p calci t feir Mxli maxager or poice f0 report th suspiclois cai. AOUflret ocre led nu « Miso'ithfe Acton phone oliok. Miolt people e olit alifceanuy dftecencecSt Fergus Icreas- cd ifs sire Sp naly 50 percena. January 1 w1.0 fli day tIt tlie f own's ltI ntool aiol carne inoaelleef. Note rny xlflice oic rmndicg areas are part anud poici o Ilie rncclity. Ic Jly, 1967, flic tvcns pîtaxers made a report recitrmeiiding toi flie toute uo6 45 acres roiWeteclGarotroaxa nuitNicliol towncships. This wxld icrease tfl i Ie o thceftoc lcrn 940 fit1,5t5 acres. This repot tenu presentddft a leaclcg o te Otaro Muicipal Board here anuitapprotal o th pion cou glvon xSiept. , tt e- came eltftbe Jan. 1, l1ts6t.fInath e lioondaces, Fcrgss Mll banc apprmirnalely 865 acres xl reietial tond, 59 acres of commercial, 54 acres ofinIdstrel, incciding the f on da'op, 118 acres of poile and 1facres of rier. Tlicsc figres are cxusdecý ed adeeciota for vhai cmudd lippilent lie y 1980 af least. Deloatfng Docdih 9-0, Creemore 2-i anuitStelburne t-0, Ern Btarn hocey clubi woc a Tcuplyin a lu firneitt ai fxceyteod on Dec. 271and 28l. S.lRicladsoi anuitS. O'Cooi ,each goSa al trick, G. Ocrone,if. Vîdollocli anM B. Braicten cotcted ame goa aptoce ou Ecin nhitcvaslicd Dxcdol. Gregsitc lcor Braldeit a Richardson pt th hamoccln cxefliclglif tout aguLint Creemon vlth Belone coicftag thelie or againsfttelterne rontRcliard sounuitd Matn. A former Eclc anud Oilscg practitimner. Dr. Kls C. A. Rey nodsocédinlcToritnto WcitueadeyDec. li, il i 5th ear. Dr Reynolds rettreit lrsrnprattice ic Htlsburg it Septemte, f946 and vet to Tooto. Sevecal Mfbmsud dtrctcilel- egafesstn a con nOntarioc De- portrnent ut Transport Thouit Saftto crksliop cciiiroctu tact wetli Amocg 19cm ocre Haltui Criown Attorntey Peter K. Me- Williams, Milton istictio11h itchoil drivcrftralinicg inctox Keîfl J. Btak, local licecce is- suer W. Sf. Ctemcalnd OcraIt If. Cactoxnuitd WilliamiiHarris represccticg BaRton Farn itolty toiccît. Ttece tecre abot 1,000 dete- gafes aftecdtitg lrxrn MetcxTor- ouf, Peel, York, Oxtadiadl foi tointtes. Transport liinister IcvdnHas- left aid t19 e ncal cocclnsioc oS the coitterce a i. 'fleo're oaly giting fx get greafer oaftY intrfc l lthe Puliirreally monts f.- Latesondenoitcemeal Remaining elk doing '5very weIIrî The d elwiclireoiotlyarcltcit licre frito Alberta are dotng ncery tecîli, faltoi Regixa Con- servaltitn Autloirty fieutdittfir Davc hMurray cepoctei t lxap. . Tsey scen t fite aittssttcg te thc ce home quito It, ani thcy are aIl doncg fine,» Mc. Murray sait. Consecrvation xl- ticlals clicckltheflc di cnry day. FIseelcOiacrivcd he re Ic Dec- eerctitlownig a fraiittctptcirn Elk Islond National Park in AI- terta, libut texiedit nthe li ficol 10 dayoodiec arruol. Chulit- ren ocre lilaneit for chasing the ani mais imMe 'li-acre encloure, and one iofficiai relit le teli Mhe cfk k iet lcitm liypertcnson»c liroiglif on ly thet frain tripni their alconge xcv oucroxcitingo. The eli are visibile almot ovc ry day lxnflie compounid (thich also lioses tint liuffalolimpirted lrith1e xcme Alberta garncpre- serve) oot woctolfxlRotttescaht PolitPark oi thOe escarpoicof 0d Pirit lire The fir01 lIre nalI of19608tea recxrded Safucday cuooitg, oli Mltn Pire Departncteas cail. nit oit tu a iior oul. A clitrn nep tire nuit repxrtcd atthe Hcs' lop ittei homeofx W. B. Bell There teas nu damtagc. ARTH4UR A. JOHNSON, 0.0. Optomete4mi Tuueday 9oa. te 3 poui. be Fridey he 184 MAIN ST., MILTON f . Doni e Jweller. fldt.) Of TOP SALESLADY rni at al rd- Dr. 96, STELLA PARTON, represssnfng H. Kith Id. Reltor, in the Milton arsa te parts an cucel- ext 1967 yca. in Real Estts sales. Mr. Parton wes top salcslady in thre Rural Depero- ntent rup endt ler total volunte mas one-kaîf million dollars, a 100 par cent n., creese over last pear. List VOUS proparty ifli e f irnt miti a proven rewcd ef sales. Cati STELLA PARTON 878-705 *wclane lx do afi e caaif matir sure the lucttvtc.uaf divrîc acccpts 1cm ococ reupocoiiUtSY.» The Trainsport Dpartmeol hai' fot litateit cxiipnfsoxy ruait lests for dvers wtl inltufeirt polots. ifleyic l thefic est,Sscr Uicnces are aspendcd. William Mclofyre, drectr Og th Drivers Brancdl, oald thoe nditite poinîtso elil thfecrxad tests tetîlloac thetr lcences lIM- rcdttfefy. Tliey it M eadnsed lx lrilg someose wtthettim for th tests lx drvete Ilic omi ixnf ncecssary. Begining test year, drvers wtlî oite points agaitot tlier emotdo he ob y ternelv stgn rcogoitf xco arts-t-isn Doe acn wxc fehAppft tey e- LI xcs inge road lests. Bon i, tîlitle bol- sturtgof uthIle enacc O'sîtaf, flic coudftes las lies aditoc. If iscsttrnatcd niaI about 20,- 00 diveînrs telîf reacli flic coe- poit fend tttto ycr. Ibe derert point sytcr n t- volvnes a wriig fetter aI sot potsanmd aointervtewte eflide- partrn c ilas at oite points. Tlie autornatte uspensoltendl lx 15 poitfs. Certain groupeofxldrivera Mill contitue toMb retested ouforaI- tcaif, Icclodxg lderly pecsoxis and drivers 's'thtlitrec accdents it twom ears. tutîîxglon, Folroary 10 andIlS. The cnu eo heir citur camp oit ix «Notlim, or Miton speli- Tflicprxgraot tnccfdcooourvint. ecieoc, dog sied ruco, teood ciixpfdxg andt a liot xfvaros --Kcfso Conservaton Area hsa cclxycd record atcodancax tbf s pool coupie of teeleoits. -if yxs mioaed Thursitay's blod danor clint, aother wMU lic fsedlcit for rid-aornmer. tobsedism >tuxderway at 10 m.m. Satucday adtoiuett tlsrotsgh 4 p.o. Ihex resorna the 1~ SolisuRoR tl.y 5S'iO.lt5.5Rd5~ Ritale t inao Pregasati t u aàads ill U e mae Suasiy aitérooRo. Tht Roers wiU te sell.coletd focr U usoe. Modo vinileccoled on auPMo Recer leaer JR. Auger on- pneuth ietSaisinU moleaaPont Que. Scouts presenittiofl esSi grmsp sometiln thexSficnîcofa Fchcuary 20Oto 25. FAY'S ILICTRIC A COMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICE O NDUSTRIAL O COMMERCIAL 0 RESIDENTIAL 0 ELECTRIC HEATING j ORURAL POLE LUNES aonitSERVICES PHONE 878-2048 fer FREE ESTIMA? After Christmas Reductions In Fashions - 1oys Chidrenils Wear - Piece Goods - Bedding - Outerwear SAVE UP TO 34.98 ON LADIES' FALL AND WINTER COATS F ram oxr on stock OAstit. Polrico, sfyles.0 ORIO. TO 69.98 5 o SAVE UP TO 20.00 ON LADIES' FALL AND WINTER SUITS " Asstit Etfyet " Leading Mckcs ~ 0 ORIG. TO 45.0 5 o SAVE 5.01 ON EACH PAIR 0F LADIES' ALL WOOL SLIMS " ine Mrsted "Chsclis, Hsafhrs 9 99 REG. 15.00 SAVE UP TO 4.51 EACH ON LADIES' TAILORED BLOUSES OCotton and Prnt-Press OCurrent Colons 0Nante Stand 9 REG. Tro 8.50 3 9 LADIES' SETTER OUALITY FALL AND WINTER COATS ONernteStand Labiels OLateot Stylcs 55.00. ORIG. TO 85.00 SALE 0F LADIES' DRESSES 0 Astit. Falirico, Shades 0 tcading Makers 15.ool ORIG. TO 25.00 a-m Y3 OFF LADIES' CAR COATS " Fantous Maker 16.68 " Asst'd. Fabrics TO REG. 25.00 f0 45.00 30.00 SAVE UP TO 17.00 EACH ON ",SPOiRDRESSES 0 trcpno, \loif 0 Astit Styles REG. TO 30.00 13.oo LADIES' MILLINERY OLatest Crsatians OFront Our Ooin Stock £ 7 REG. TO 8.98 4.7 SAVE 25% ON LADIES' THREE PIECE PANT SUITS 0 Astit. Falirica 33.75 O SentralShacdes TO REG. 45.00 to 65.00 48.75 SPECIAL GROUP 0F FAMOUS 1'LANSEA" SWEATERS ON SALE 0 irs ul 6.99 REG. 11.00 to 14.00 8.99 SAVE UP TO 25.00 ON LADIES' BETTER QUALITY DRESSES OFrornt ur Own Stock 15.00 OLeadinguMalies T 0 torrent StylesoT REG. 25.00 fa 60.00 35.00 WE WIL E OPEN NI 1 ..O N FIDYe e NA 1 1 *- -e-*1 SAVE $2125 EACH ON A ""SHIPLEY" SUIT A gettutte saing of 25% on these Pue Vrgtt Wool Sots, whichfself altyear ound a tyansat 5500, and worth eveycent.Thsis a nationally advertised, f irst grade Sfipley Suit, made of the finest pure virgin wool available. Choose front an excellent selection of fabrics R G and shadles. Me i do any ncssary alteratiotts to give you a perfect RE.850 atn 0eta Sie 36 ta 46 in tise Grosp 0 Aise Shorts and 1.11. Aai*bi. ENJOY A LUXURY SUIT AT A GENUINE SAVINO - AND YOIJ MAY PIJICHASE YOUR NEW SUIT NOW, ANM PAY FOR IT LATER ON A RYAN'S ALL.PIJRPOSE CHARGE ACCOURT SSRA ON ENS WOOt. BOYS' WINTER JACKETS SVE201 EACI4 ON MEN'S COATSPleBog inng0Ladingt Makes RRW'DRSSSHIRTS 0 Mdce byPClRcr 8LVacngouStyles 0*White Oxford 0 ss'dMadebyCrf1.88 i zes t 2.8L9B.. ole REG. 29.95 1 RI îEGTO 15.98 IREG. 600 3.9 SALE! BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS 0 Corduoy andt Perma Press Falico in Oronp 0 Astit Shades a Sires 8 tit 16 in Grcup Reg. to 3.49 - SALE 2.29 ORLON TOQUES Canadixo Malin by one xofor Ieading iteadwear tnalcrs O Asst'd. Shades O Heavy Rib 0 Cao Ion Worr liy Girls attd Boys SALE .59 __ O80% Orlon, 20% Mccl O3 Rulton Placket Ccllar 0 Seostol limert Shades 0 Sies IntelI tc En.Large Reg. 6.95 - SALE 5.38 A RYAN'S SUPER SPECIAL 1 BOYS SLACKS 0 le SZES12 TO 18IN THEGROUPTO2 o POPULAR SYEVROSFBIS2 HOURS FOR THIS SAIX ONLY- Thur. - 9 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. Fri. -9 &r.m.- 10. p.m. - Ryon's are Locted in Downtown Guelph ef 115 Wyndham St. N. 'rad. 82.4.1270 I A Yo ciodinl The Pi r max roftc cd no s tht l, ii cp So cie e19c ltri p (ne ol f meci * T *mr *w *P *g *uh ou m 1 )u hyl aon sfal g fhe torps Ir low tt From rortitot r ton, eout 0 tccry P Ëstrict, HAV E nxcfhe crcy t ?lll M t 1d(idt lcig xc ri tflet lit the oc wig aicoliol 'ld Utke pone c leaign moeit c s Mls VIDE INSTI RECC VSf4Et TAPE vMUSi VRECC ATRAt IRAD w HA RI AND à 4 Mar

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