Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jan 1968, p. 9

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al sd .rt at- Fmccd- dde- ent or lish os mtrel 7oed to )tarlo RI'S a rs tOut r doc- =0.1er YOUTH FRONT ~~UN Itw as a great year.. Keep Centennual spirit be observant, helpful ii More dawns 1,968. A newyear, ton Are you prood t0 work for tfor 00w tkougk;, new frends and yenr country, detendilt expond 1 noso goats. What did ycs accorn- it, Oy givioz yoor country every- 4pltsh, hocever, in 1967? ttsing yoo've cote By -kting wtea yen occorn- Do yoo teed any regrets? Are Iplistsed 1 doc't meon matertul pou aorry.for apthing-ycc cttd0 s jthingo. 1 meac progress in yoor that ycur country dAd, or chat Ictsaracter, your feelings towards tthe wortd to doing soc? jCanada, yonr neigtdsers, certain I foot a pang ot regret cynoif, stewoiott, ccd towards att now ceotennial year han ended. peopte tn generat. Peoplo seerned to have corne H avo yoo teareed anyttsiog?. ..atise in those 365 days, 1967. not al ochoot, toit about the ops They aeemed o reannze they had ccd dowsiof e yoor country, abot a country. Everychere yoo cent, oyoor teaders, about yecr bettefo, people wcre doing oomettsing te (ccc yen add te them or change cetebrate Cccada's i0tht hirtti- them9> day. Att core cno18ot ep en the Are yen prend te be a Cccad- encttement cf celebrattons, MAYBE -I eod.. t TMy Larry Martin, Yeeth Front Ce erdinator The average torkviite hippie is hrlght. Field and paper work hy the Ontarto Atcoholism and tireZ Addictin Researrh Feoda- tin todtcates they've more intelligenre than eost cottege tresh- men. The stedy socs started te lied ont why the vitlage happeeed, ancd inceded tnterviews ctth the residents. That oid question about the fate of agtng vittugere cas cnmnsented on, tee. Dr. Megteatd Smart, siho headed ep the tocholte safari, suggested they wttl re- lcin the 'acrepted' seciety. ORouind Twc cf the echeet year atartod teday (Wednenday). Wtpe peur eyec dry ccd loek at it this way -- it's onty about 10 w eekends natil sotater hehidaya. Thon anether thee menths or ce ad Freedom. * Morayl A comcdttee han ceen tormed te art as a liaison be- teee the yenth et tMilton ccd the Milton CRticist Club. 'Me ctti- mate goal is te gel n yoeth centre estahllshed. Opticist presideel Herh Miggs han expressed Interest ce hehait et the club troc the too some hatt-rolling froc this side les. tt's enliketo the Optt- mitst witît be making ose et the centre citer it's estahhished, al- teogh tlm sure they'd be celceme anytice. tt's YOUI cThe Bieattes' celer tetevisin mevie, *Magical Mystery Tenr' soomas te have hemhed-ent in Lndn. The production left a lot of oerrie Otde Egganderc scratching their heade toc a ceanief. talicn cttt retire. Agate. At M. M. Robis." CM*d eights get Preview report curds distributed To ec stedy,a preten dancea the ente geise). number snac the haU hy Suc home themo, ety si tey a&bd By Marsha Zuest The prizeofe candy cces s presented tote 1eresldest et enctude er rt trm et ai the Christmacc concert. a Chrstmau concert con ecety, mny othte grade ied for the tedeits.n. ey tco ycac students viited a Ha ctanses prenntedîrnuint Iton court. Tis trtpcwas desil et thre core alsosengccd ed to edecate thern in the ci ats. At the cocclioetofcourt la conducted ccd te set, tertalOlCent, lante arrtved ierent caes chich o e is elves (teachers n 1dis- A Grade Elght sght conu -. Santa hceught glts toc a cently heid a the nhel. Gi ar et the tudentccnd teach- otght studentu che ttendedti vho seemed tn have idt- chat In efercd te thcrn at M ce. Roisancdmre Ceetecwas Lng the Cast ceeh of chee, through the chol. tn tain lic were gly decrated as thay cere able te sec chatt uli et a contet conred on cere gosg te gel themnelvs dent Coccît. ach class tc noit ear. ,ogated te decocate thor Reort arde mre lsuedi conm dr en a neasonat day. Dcmher i2, ccd tic Oc bt decrutiensweecetobe dents mre faced wiltO cther îty non-commructal. The or joy as a recuit ftOc me cocte rccged frem eitrnm- Blccc anancced tnaeteir Êmpte te very etabocatu Ot ho parent-teacher Intersi mre ailt mprenctve ccd mentd 0e eld t0e ticol twowq d a gcat deal tothe cchenL of Jcccary. gornng n 1968 patgn, parades, dane, otd- tashioeed dayn, ccything yen ccc tiinti e. They cere shemngthelr pride 1n eing Canadian. They ser suredictehetpieg their cntyisead et stttng Ock and tettieg thers de i. people che saiy sata&round coleieticg dent ccdfettesdegree- tene, put effort forthtocectrihote somethdng te their comenity. t don't thick tbey strained themsetves toc ceck. They seemed active enengis te pick ep their pay esery ceelk, or te go te a party oe a Saterday otght. NO, t dont thish it cheld have been tee much et a strato fer thern. The nationat spirit te Canton- nât year took cen. Exp, pro- vided an edecatirni et ther ceuntries, clttures, ccd tang- sages. Yen fet the hegenscf lise corld at Enpo, ccd sac Canada 1n a nmc git perhops. Yen sac hec an an eepanAcng na- tion, a lite onteady ne, Ot stocty gcceing very stceeg. As 19t7 came te an end, 1the lise enthuiaurn fr er ntion Aidnot ed ais. This spirit should ct cerk oe a tice scted- oIe that ccc 0e sOt off ccd on cith yesr ccc cheosing. Itt hentd not fade, becaue in1 the precese et fadng yen are lettlng yeer country socs, scalt ament thengh it m&y e. Te keep Canaes spirit alive, 0 peopte mcst strice te corh t- gether in harmeny, rather than arencieg thecsetves te petty - argement ccd paticen. 196gt shows promse on t accy it people, in cccy ietds, te cccy e ttdng. The nec inventions, i cakes, codels, types, styles, - etc.. are pcshuLLg ctd cees ou, ealdng orncfor eaier and more etficient coceirditien. Atîhogh the corld iS Oecffing eecOaisiO ed, pecple Sheld ot ecoee d cechaiical ic their cay et tkseh- ss ig. Fats ccd figeres are sot t- nythieg in cccparisels te the erntions et love, ambition, 01e ccd patiotisc. iccc nt ne - aid ccl' oe geecatione as een coee rccinent thon any other. The older generation gave the cotrylits ceccories, isdm, il lectcres; the ciddte genratirni supplies nec i deas, ditferent angtes toc ditterent situations, ccd peroaps a ne0w lcof lite, ccd the yuncgec set ssppîy the cncertaicty, the depeciesco, tOc was cricsiy ofci uidlsed. Att thece 9D aee clarcterlticc crcipeLi cp ie Cande's Ilstery, cltres, ë10 and people. This s Canada, am Ihere i o ereec foto ieei ige- criicisc et generations,fcr scen y a, the vider generatico ciii dis- the appen, the middle cli ecoe up. oder, the yecsger set sUt 0be- te- coene cecidd'ýe, ccd anewse ci- rde eratio cdliebOr, ail inivthe snd course oetan Scmited cocker et &tM. years. Tirne 15 en(e5, hut the ider life ofa coentry ccd litspeople, cay ccd ctucre, rnay end ccy ice, thoy i ita prohicos and geais are not 51i- eogsd ýFr- Mec 19680 tehere, ready ccd ste- raringtotego, te de ccd te tee. pan .- nt carry the Centennalt rks. 4_,t , ccd 0e active In yenr sent cotdthcrhood. Don't hacoeoun- ves -Ireoctig. immobite, ccd stag- oes, Ot pieau enot overbeartc& NEWi lf)heî, r lots e1 goai INVENTIONS and rthe C ce-hceored standards boCh ger WIDE SELECTION eceekoor aIrer Chrisvtces gifC receLvg -fore Alfred Hîltz 0F Ceies out a 'Sr egrey eafast eddly-shapbed s500 cehîcîn *INSTRUMENTS Carey (centre) sC vhs Cv the core familier toboggan.* RECORDS hockey, reqwrvng ce-ike slcsh, sece ecloLycenC and *HEET MUSIC of engevo Cy, s preCCo cepuler Cee I-fn e Bcob Ocrkekenys *TAPE RECOODERS agaensC DrryI Dengcae aed Martin Cairs Staff Photos) MUSC BOOKS *RECORD PLAYERS .0 w 1 0_______ 4___ -----_____p- *TRANSISTOR RADIOS *RADIO & TURNTABLE GO! GO! COMBINATIONS IN THE SHOW ... HARMONY RECORDS R ont a AND BOOK ECAG 14 Martin Sa. a78-2151 SNOWMOBILE 0 BY THE HOUR OR DAY CALL AND RESERVE ONE NOW CLEMBROOK ACRES 4231 - No. 10 Sderoad West Phone 7-96531 0 POLARIS SALES & SERVICE Town of Burlington DOG TAGS 1968 Deg Taga re aviial tthe a ofotîowisil loations le March 31 enIy: Coote's Store, 2090 Klbride Road <Kibride) Wilson's Hardware, 566 Plains Road East, Surlitigt@ra LowvilO Variety Store, 6179 Guelph LUne (Lomville) Civic Administration Building, 426 Brant Street, Burlingtott After thaO date they inay he porchased uety rom the jLceose Section first fotor) f the 7reasury Deportmotte, 426 Erant Street, Surieglot L. 8 CLARK, Jaeuary 2, 968 Licese AdmLOsraCor REGISTER NOW FOR THE BOYS' ORATORICAL CONTEST ponsored hp the Optsnriat Club of Milton nd Optimt iternational Bocy "gMustNor Have eaoloed Their 1lî, irtrhday os of Dececber 31, 1967 THE SUBJECT: THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES 0F YOUTH Will be the Topic for a 4-5 Minute Speech CLUB, DISTRICT AN-D INTERNATIONAL AWARDS ARE AVAILAOLE For Cecelete Deroîls CoetacC JIM EIGE, 264 Kingsleigh Ct., Milton 878-3334 or any Milton Optimist Milton TV Clinic HARDY NIENABER RR R b MILTON Phone 878-3836 REPAIR SERVICE ON 0 TV 0 RADLO a TAPE OFCORDERO 0 ANTENNAS 0 Speciaizng in Euoee Hi-Fi Sers 0 Hi-Fi Reyeirs and Ccs rvc Occli H;-Fs TheoOptimist Club of Milton YOUTH SURVEY Ph. Optimiat Club of M itn m uld sn ret P =r tt peor oe.peaton and indulgenen 1 epini e cto. g abasic arvey te determineohow w. cai heat .opend esc efforts and montes with the greatest efficteflcy toward helpng the poath of oor commoetty with ecretonal faciltes in th. commnitRy. Our intent is ta benedit as many Of Our youth as possible with aur resources. 1. Dos ycc keoce ofny specific deficieecy in yout IOOiliLCes in the Miltrrorn a 2ý What age groy in yoor opinion,neds guidonce cost? Why? 3. Do 000 kelong tv cr kecce cf, aey groce 5hat i5 Days and Hors? 4t Ie yec opLnion, ce core of or yecCh ke benefieend loy (a) Large athietLc yregracs? IbI lendividuel neigh- borhood aetvLcîes? 5 Is the need for cviries grearer dcrinc.scrnmercor wLeter confhs? k Docw eend a ooth ceerre in ths rea? WhaC facilrîes shold ileconCaie3 7 Wher facilities are yresecrLy ecailen L or aore har cold tee osed for forrher recreatiol eeeds of 8. Whar yroyerties, iave, are available loy gfts or Iooe har couîd tee deceloped for thLs perpese? 9Q What in yor ocyionic e rIegreatest ened of car yooh inrhe area> SuccarLzee 10 FrCler cocceers NAME ADDRESS...... in Note - any ans mers mot aeoeepanied hy the writOe' marc ad eddress onlît not b. nenstdened.t SENO TOý OPTIMIST CLUB OF MILTON, 264 êingsleigh Court, Milton, Ont. - LUIIuimpufl - ~fr e #OCK 810PRICES..0 For The Best Deal You'B Find I1968 ON New Or Used Cars And Truicks S EE YOUR LOCAL MERCURY DEALER Gallinger Motors Ltd. MILTON PLAZA 878- 2883 il,

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