1 FI, or, fiv si] PR lâj Ofstm w n il aTm News of the disitrict1 Future of Creclit River valley GEORGETOWN: Dtpsrttet &t a pleiratmeetng roossIly. Chiot Lowet toteot~ lies in liancis of young people opnte- team. p Bob tic de- trot.. t Me- ed the 'rieco- orsa- cor 27. ribotea teetehe ho Poo 10-0Oie iolciieci e. A.- cehei. nadao, t, Wipe àeL Te i ci e ore hiepoos et nmiti, cdsanmd hored hall, see v, dcc- tic phys- i hcciof mY 3 icd Pr. dmission on Minor Y 4 Skting Ar, Hille ixos lit- 5Mrclscols *RY 6 - Meiton sotig 25c Vo. Gomo lic Skating D gmo t ge enle gae GUBLPlIti Goelph eu ite eut otCenteotit 'Far hp1 officiaI opedni ni thttsly's Cententaproet-t prpst tee areta. Qirais itettas hort otoot theite teon the tasl std icIfte CotlcP Ast. t. fUnisitis touhes are stilI o be pts te 30- constructon 'as dlayed dariog te ommer 4 laer' stethe. Bot sciter ha.sl y% een hcit dressing routes not coplettit. s .a~- OAMMY MCOMS ho ockeyp amide tes ae ottie, coç theoeghbseet nCuouiiun troche dapter, dittusees e fondit se purchuseit t the bits Carclnlisl sale neer Norsul, eits bits Collins. A 20 pnet etef th tracts Bummey ha: rode onatsint he Gtund Nuti< Steleelseet.Gtn' Pluie uni t utthe Internutional îin 14, Mrlanit tIcs sow liins cous Norcul. Staff Photo --Duzetsoshostparttees ere e.dip studenla rehornc olc iein citon s celeirote sl- e1 t er 1-dap Critmas omet o inte 000 oir 1968. ihop. Flyers Wlin end first in ticrt ti 195, ch cosi lsitdoficcfour meni..-iortuc ingm lirce h! hul mec oemptiyt' bp a privte itetiettio gecc, lic Tireti. Beoc heuits a 16 mazi iciee, uind his thic rossi peinS ici service cofuicp micrbe. tso CorPs poitio as beincuatua s1cr the departïOt ic' rt CiiictCiostabo, Boy Baey reoigsed Augot rd itiog lB iaih 'ttcncouecceti adsrtiseo t op- rcuI.is o ceois ter il brioghtl odeegaise 1 U ilot-dty Gocrgeticwnicpolice icerscre'itiicg th ad and pronttiot Oc- spetir Lowcelice the lob. 'c'ro bhlindIt spetor BLcowen hudret percent,» police astoohiion pretidet Jcsoe Fit aid in addriesioicici el eteiot Chiot 'cas thetOratljoit tacet ity te three moupoicre rcoisisit i lpiteicia moth andia hohi ciir Chiot atoitis reiigiaio. FBRGUS: Bouse Kouieth Dooop o Frgute hp trmatty cnuiecedthtc ho 'iii eokh Ie posl ut Wardee ocWIntbgtce Cooely le 1968. For crme imec M. Bloey hu Iniciateilihot ho 'cncit eci t tiis 1o. Burnoer, he oiucutmahe nocdettuile mnitmcntucti aer l1ai muicipatlertioics wMii o5tr ln titiparut teeccuty. Theo reasua tue tissus ha1 theothr âmo candidatoe'cao tooso Kesoetb Fisit ici aristou autihehiidtich çe-otecttd tohlee ohglhi. Dr. Fit, a seteriuariou, made i sucéstut ru. and lhe tOsea- nosucic thal ho uouid hase lu try fi strde. FrgUe has hait ioly cite curdeic o th cutyi asletyeari tai iit as heon o momer. Brie Whuittit lthis tcpôl ic tot. Mr.I2toap ocid t a reettFerguorcucit meeltin tat ehoughst i hrtaiceco srt «prtty goic tur e Frgos te oc iei;oseod sarib. Reoso Artiur Buffer ut Elra tltitWedesdiy's sorit aseusio hat ho 'iti seoh th surdehl ic toto96. ulrpy Coser- is thte enop tof s 1er the soc- mcad the Credit shold b oery abeto o paci licer Catadahas batore ptucfor eY Cossersatio lesteul malice ooer tht pears îoslrutiiianmd oohlng loroard tars oldoîbor- gh hopes. Plan-' irougeoilt R- is soc onder ds is tht OirsI tare ofiseotral -redttRiser mcd uretet ic 1960. fsr dape *th the f a $365,40Bmsti - f l Fîsh and Game News 0g progrool aiueg ,ibtiding. Bsovrat onet aron, ue, ra.imni secse 0 U1S5 ya to-oeli bidet- asateasensandgethoesssx Tht oIt saptatcoe, '1f1 dec ronmus, cl:spic g lata rixlet, To a loisel yýoyle cetti t's i ime o dradetr, a ti'ila op aller tht tls, a et ci 01lace nIglts ant shert lus. CA1ti Christmaus mcN îl etcu-A &Il tht shouicandal bStne us oe, te t' t a ai I ticr Most people, bl ait t c ;. Otitoors ma. il i t icie te RA tat ,i i'f out acd eat St IlSte t as yelps as h tart e0teiýtiieit tf hic irsttcilttttil N:.c the beart of a Scelt iii osnd int c h leiti ad c ait hearbîis heaeciî Vtete OI trailicif gane. ieia lraitonhe sepet tii. îe te the ictdicttstttuttel I -t, 'doter ts a i se t t i e, à ais iradgerp. Also tht easce s aoustto se tib, ai11 ' tic Most o teltît tuft! ialt iportsn'\easiilet e. t grops letet Il .s a long aeatde i is a Ie tt t , ef .'F trip tic tWbite ; t-e:.j1_ *t in searsh o il,, !à'f ta t percb, an1 itit5î t oteiteiea ! 't e 'ýý uic Lake NeIpie 113t e "à,, D mite tietîont th t i"Iit t u t Macitoi IstieIs, andthli 1,mtaismadcd aiîutt Pat site nseatog - CItesn camerthe Caritey Sthott whcht ae also a a go saceoss. Chec lad t cci tleasl, tht Chrstroas yarlp forIbeeititdies. Thies ceetcas coll atenitei and Sit IitO hiomsell roade a ot o itddics happyp ai tht Cloitb oose taI utrooie sitpresenis mcd a clp Mtrep Chrtstmas lice ail. titithe tcOon e en, Bic- cij! Dia, Sypîte de rote Gos be Inhcat ai ttttîuceflTu-Oi h ,liî t -e 1 1 t . 1 rie sereutici cdli i ' i i -, e'I i mosit euss agijý, ucu i i.acpart e." thoicbit is as Jet anoieltricti- I"ht Crîit CVe iztion taIt oul olt gel i the vallo Seihirite tý grooscit Chtemat . hieMc- tiee rgaitiul Mitiasait to bte aiialceOt cessawe havebutd bo th Asihcriip tusl ci tik. "t 'hasiveisthethrIai tertaiolp casnot tht lîiikingif ettrial Qtue.rio.tiu tht dedtcutd, îtteitteîceleteprea I lIeutiuahav sbno ored ccSest litii ef t hie ',ieihcit.' srt tiis SalbchrîlcieUllil e0t laîl hy thte a, liut eci ilie(1PRESS llbLBSB tserpthticg pyssdhletoesv aoit hiog bath ma e fthCi Caag Cetncea a er1 mnbus destroepeft r tiet Stiete ielcedîitcab2 goseruiios.l'"'Mclii Ifthi cýth Ceeîht Valtey men and wooreo ac-iepailil, Aalhioii, foc t ottes are euitte te l, ieth eus îiolet's pluictiet toalghti as wor rt orritce at cea are aster cet Urne iis er. We tli htuer tietrvoe is 000 sestral oltheorigti iseiut's tc thessecondi10 cp sith s andttp ius e t t eI ieceb st wth hgt theeIrotmc d efcrts haiee lt erd 1te1951, lhe C heen sastet." M. Mehitll a et eeeîe projeci se tic thmck tht mrcrue ihoconestlracti. TO soult nti licettartticg eut er flod ceitret stroc mcitoswelccrnaaea iierts pietard cu tht Cr for 'onlp s a ttutaiaew eî aîcr hcll ocomyl \itutbr's Lîtfir These afaiea cet cwel cegardj 'ed aict a gccd CBBDtT RIVER P±ST 1,1,c itettshoid go ticte tee Or I-t ore: crgectriot ic soci an bu 18000, tht et cCredi BRoe euiîier. Valley prusideit tht ras mattriat lice mmcy indstices;tomber and brick 1r homes, sateposer 1r enls and limeulune shirt ws rusryticreport ai pruresseit 1r menmpuses.SOctet teei tht a gondi mcnv cifthet iardsgmand gardectng hunies' itogu are beinad tOusGntosl oatet in tht ce soopect, pitittit - t truheti. t se reýpots iclttiotes i ,eitai hsd inChcuer i.bNposaessionc.Thistusal a tictitic Say Ontis i,st b-lcc., please itocci stat aie 51r etas dcg tst be- eueis, lie aSi ici liopou home. Sad, il o o îî orasi cee 1,tIlt Te ait ette C Ir ust Soetotioo ait a 1lii . 'i Ri lîtietse &roundt CSrîcte a . "lut s a we thete aicea taldue 1t ~, l l Ptatl t taitillelt i e chli Y &h il-,v lai t Badaito letrit Juectît .papoeect ihockey. ibos atoteplat itil l t i Ipies have lest fbiset a rsu- ctting scoenttwie. and hockey Icîrut lii: tt li )rous uredle sitisb tosoit BiH tlTririt sud MrySeets as acst clîleei attcit Ie games in tso days ( md ai t snlst e ot tirh- resers tte Nileti. lax n three dapu 1r thnse wottM.el'ilI514 1r thtsecodrnst b ctîiii Mllî ti h ortuelpatet ln te Ati-uar gatet-1 o stries. tîmeair 3-2 eji fotoeti1-t. test Thrsdapl and they rcambut -AnonI, RouhietCoteet Sera, GaoiS i ,aie I Mli tfut i sibset a deteal. icrp MeTetitpacet tht ewe e the isarsect o e i te F tuote etc mn er CO- Fîpers i I tb i Tht Fîers hase gmt It te itnali ta. Bhtile, c in,,het lia. b scetiot gatets SOdntOrâ- 9u aisasaidthlie Poathtlsei t'lt oents and reglir ses nptiY citmlu lostng a game and itoaul a recoet ni 14 is. oth etito and Iwon buses 1cr t9 start. FOR Ftyers sac acionuint o tor- tamets iver tht bolidapu.cM n Bosmattottî and atotitte us Wodrtdge. A Tht Flyresqeoaieitbpellii in tbe Beost gume nf the BocmMf- A P I N E vitle seretu3-2, boottd ichi- eon il5-t in tht seronitamo and blouteit Cobourg 3.0 n te S E fintl game. Sttst Lasrenefe, Bob oitse and Rbcitie Cie il 5 ore hsrdna'is TV & Appliances Lwrencoie iwt 4h the J- MAIN ST. £. MILTON 87"-949 veitite as thty weShort Oncr s deieet qdt h ttMnager J0e Wilsmn at Coah 01o amaul graitîrd tirougi thue pars ottt soitdeobp peote begmc In real- te tathehitts along tht Niagara Esturprooni sert hart mcd endet, ishing 'cao no loser a pteasore in tht polteit ruser and cati ggave por son a manp largeowoss at hache BpY- etsho lieorChritmas, ing &bot i n soarrh of rabtls tube srt be s soit and mire. codemn irrote- s bec tae use t eicre stances are Ihese iirda tebeh icii ot loot ctth t, ohot as hep arr non'c lttppro- 01t knec Iht goi ye ertei hy las. Many ni Yeu cil ceo sbfrst oi&R a sap."IA, tis ust an0litnst apîci, Shio por son tbe or Ie hact," bt these brda hao Ce tsbig htrotIna do math more gond ttian barr, and %heting a a thttt sic ploase Jet ibero go antoeteio a caalogetlicoicotht as lhey are ont utfte rmcy ceg pecer olMe gu, or bras ibreatensd eitp icottl cl icit be sorrp tee Tere arceînan-tos many-cn thal lac arîwl spet. roat ic the etirli totday. Dcot iceget tbe irîls tiese n ' colt mrnitos. A iarmiol or iso of strapu tatit day t ose iarh ceu are otbicticthtst dose il retard pos mmcp times tu ecl, n o iticb, eroe r, flod alinot:00etaetsacdpro-Il vde outersierage ci624tmrolioneaCe galius. Tht Credit Bictricrig- sally suppbieitpioe r ou nayP is ausg lils leoglt. Irough si the pears these milis hase eheo Il iatticunetd lteponds behisit 0t poser dame aBloset tic fl ith l silt. Ustîl iUts poar lte Credil i Valley Consersatton Anlhoritp ait onp a a lici ofabouitt8ici C bese pueits ohlchif lleateit ci P tilt, ciculit proside sulor sticrage G treas. iB Durist1967 enginteeriug wsu1 cmpletet mcd dreitting sturtet ot tht Birut ni tiese ponds; Falry Laite ut Acton. Ilflte trttglsg aI Acton pemoes iccnnimicalp teasible ltes itierposdsatCale- t dio (lse), ABton(tsu),Biitshortb t (100), Monu, Brin, Limehouse,j Geogeton, Meaitnsoait,NorsBi Stroarîtcco ait Outonssille ciii reueiormirecaroulltourn- ation. Bacit projeet '111 he tudgtd areicrdisg to iisintisiduatnerita Le, hics large a sticrage eapiacBpy coulit be ticemeit, cocnditiun icI the dam and oorall cosi. Ose ut the almos icitht Asthorltp is In educate the public, uit iccis by sitosingt tieteecnservaton i actinai tht ourinus parts in tht 'caleeshet, but hp talltsg tu peoplie, tspeeialpl techittren, ait tupialisg bicsconservation cou ho a persosal yricject. ho titis ceniennall ear lte et- ueatiicsal proirute ut the Cret VallepCuonsercatiun Authnrilp bas prnidet speakers 'ctth pie- Oures tic schosls and service clubs inteaxea, cotuctitors 1co the oalley parbo and tht CYCA EFar t ailstorgt. Bis lte in- tentionoficlte Athority tto poui 1its eduauinl pengrate. 'cit 7e-periat emphituS ou ehldreco. Speoakers are asailabte to mcy grmup toterestet in ccosersation hy slmply oeitng or tetepitucint ite office ai hicatossait, t5t- 1ex tl it ii lj'ait, et the 'dit. In 1952 reyrascnatises icltbe mcticipalttits in tht sater- te met tic discoslte probiete. 'cas agretit thut uslp hp ru- calico coutit flooctsrol, re- ostatits and presersattot ci ob wole oallep becarniet out. un Map 1954, the Cretlt Valley serseutîtu Aothcritp oas rmoit, creutoi bp lte Outario sernmeot ai tht reqoeci ut se msalctpuitiis. lBE AUTBOBITT Alonug 'littbe Onitrio Goern- toit: Tht tons oi ciAton, 3ramptcu, Georgeteown, Gabsillo )rugesille, ttreetsviltt and uort Crtdit;The Village ci Bris, ti tht Tioships iciAmurat, "&ledcs, Chingsacsp, Bris. Eseieig, GorairoaB ast, Muens ad Turonto are memiters. Tht suthiritp costi5 partsiciflthe sunsiofc Peel, BaBtos, Dut- srlu and Wellington. A per captl lesp basei io the populattionicitht sulersitoit-o hbut 125,000 - plus Proinbciat Trat, mubes ep lte sicelini capitlteCrttll Vallep Co- trvtaioe Authoritp. Fiee Advsory Bourda, made up, tf meenhers ot tht Autitorilp ait etutosstet isividLIcus. itiide tht cicri ufthlie CVCA. Thtse art: tlout and pollutiou cottric,pîeta etd rertatitet reforestaUin, land use mcd sildatoite isîcrical recordst informations mcd edura- due, Roubert O. Parter leChair- mancoi Fluet Cosîroît J.5. Pas- lep, Parts and Recreationt J.H. Oailîp, Reiicretsuicl, Land Use; C. Kiug Biciorical Rtecordat;A" Greeuasap, Information and EBt ucaiic. Titese Osve chairmen 'citit Authsrilp Chaiemat 0.0. MteMilluaicand Vice ChatemaitE M. White malte oplte eneesîtse rusmîffet ot the CVCA. Thb Credit Biser ls rich Insitistorpi0 eartp Outario.TIhis sas,uti rteostlp, largttp cuip a matte of heepisg records brcasse ile budget ccoit oiet be strtche tc iueluite prijcts ciicit ore o ulricilp iitoricai salut. tn 1965 tht Crtitit Vallep Cew sersaio Aulhtritp Foudatio wssformet. Titis is a chartere ttosdaticc and as sochit s ahl tic acceplt gits ici mcuep, lun or items ici salue lice preser salin. Il is hopet that iciereite peotplet 'il ruetrihute f osar preeershtg thtistcrp icith salop 1cor pears te cotte. Con tributiossfrsic u lin tcTe ruote itsagbt tht formeerUale School Sectiou 15, Brin acd Bt Garairatu Towshsips. Cth sehcici ss uilt it 1900 ai matit ut the people stil living1 ýast adu it CAMPcouVLtoI 85-21 184 Mail. St ile. -I the acý eici csiee lethev r iec t igiliiillieM13,112L Tescbiolis fllttobfbksîand iecprtstrvetdontheslstîltc. iqiipmeot ciclectet by Bobeet The icsidic bus heeic reboill Ic F. Hardy, ChalrmauuttheFounid- lorr ofsubers lsrChairmus Stc- aius. Those desits, bookhs, maits hillau, Secretar-Treasurtr, G. and teuchers' gide s irsm tbe W. Briclep, Supercoteicibul B.t. pusi 'il shio the creseut and MeMahuos and Fieldt Olliter, S. fuiset geiteruticic bicsMarly ici B. Wthite. Tiose ciices reclcet tbe lumicus .. autdtinfuss,.icofthe oirgicl leedqartes atTer- is area sert educatet. ra Cdut. The CVCA ows o cer 2,000 acres et lanisthIe cuer- F U T R E IM Ssh ed , m u ho t i c l ie red it hs i FUTURE51h12trocs. Mscb icf tht mrginal luisi Orig naly t e C edi Ri er n te alle p is io ico use for rigi ully ikted CrtetrioBisr mttdg ise and thebu Atritp ovrse, suicîlte pat sarit coidutis an uuua tre-lutig Gicicomiot sggoit u tresprorais. Tbe utcoalthelirogram ici dams licugte river forswater is lic Ielc te prisule îatd-osser surage ad tic presenti eisaste- plait margisal acres thus pre- ocs loots. Ilb -1-tht atminfth.. e- togrsli mdqs Aulborilptic to plettoitttc5e t clu ite siornt.ail ticse atm plaus us uds betome asailuble. icifte cstbiritp, ail te ccci Plus hutthIe rt dam is uier- titat tas Bicotfusdn getiog as 1ar 'cap. ihougitîs turc te the uet as te CVCA bas ocer te pusi set et pruhlems liche laeed. Te 12 ers bas gose lice uichiog fiotd cotrul pricecîs are ic Ifthbe fture memiers ici mun- majer importance and 'iii take icipal, prosincial and licierai the greater portio ci tht bhid gcseroroeoîs,(the scitiol thilitrea- » gel 1r suet mtUe o cue. ii oaphoeo taoatach sitootases ici tht Authirity art eotti 1ro oler trtsaeas.h its multiple-useCoseeroai rTese c r the ienuit s- artus, useit sot ulp tfor recricu- teresteid ite Crcdt Valep tiott but tic maltete pblic asart Ccnservatiiin Athitiliteudsti of tbe varios phases ifcocnser- pricaice iis itrest sic tiai vuationcasit iertaitis ticthtin- future iegislaliics sîllicitunoial dlsidoat. Titoso reasare trnated te accomplishsictts somleted aI Terra Cota, Bolotalu uud ihis far. ite uts Micora Cosersatlio Area ut uirth ici Orougeilît osBitswap li. This lusI iamed is u joint prijctofcithe Towntioii Aitmodela, ratesille. Tionshtiip fMiotiocce Li cad tht CVCA. Lasi eur tht i ae Athoritit acqired almosl 0 acres ai Limehiose tust ici Actio acd tiis wiII e deeloptd inc lie fsture. Altitiugb uit strîctlp aretrea tiicearea, tht CVCA Farm t ilîsurgh it shItobitht Beerul- puiebc iotit moderic iarmict E. omthds cd urmig as iO ou ve doice helore tht toru oi tht he cenurp. Tht Meadoovale Coic of servatioic Area, 118 acres oit MEFO r sale, cl lso tic destlcptd ic REPAIRS? hetht fture. Mscb icithetcrher to part otlics prrteipsuaoubtal SEE ,U S lu ild-le rta u it llic Acypt os u scit Theccolicnialhbousecicnte pro- Curohe. ock. Io i o n a l cr m a , c o c O' c o r -e lad..es' cochles, r. de ~ u ' \p. cec icgho .. s a ut- m od.c coco. ;ted ZA. T. MOORE Figre An, birCut- Qr, pcm. ýI es in t wo du Ys vrille tournument Furniture Finishers One of Catadas largect .,cnafactorcn cofschoot equipmeet, and intoior for aciversitie, cicarcheco, etc., s tow otablishtoc a complt. fi.idciog depcrtmet. Thisi.off etc erp anusccelopportoitiot for rapid and seueadvaceemtt *, Wae rue pue teeli Acet ho fesse- e see idustry * A'i uri tue s is5g 'kil is eoiti * Stuas Esspiicet * býcelle'i5 nickîngcodiioscith thse riss o1 ofeuipsetos NICHOLSON Building Companente LimiOed 1303 Ontarlo Strect Borliogtotc, oteri. 634-2333 Apply - Box 228, ofating cge, experience, and telephone noember. 1