4The Cnadienr Champor, Weidreday, January 3, 1968 srs forum b y b ob bourt B the ime ths newvpapr ces 60 dosintionio homnes cot the disictc, Nom ear ceerations toc 1967t miii e compite and iIa,1Lui ii romain of 1967 iii hie memories and perhaps a few Christmas debt. Lst oee's cotumo as diedicated ta the accompishnienls and haPPenings on the local sports ircler for the yrx lhis oeshall 6e dedicated.te some Obaesand expecatioes for the n!EO yer. Bifore e hasteo inio 1968, recogntion shouid i paid te the Milton Midgei Basehall leanm hO ment t10the Otario finals hilore heing eliminated le the finals hy Stoney Creek. Il an rocghi tb ihis reporters atteetion hy the midget muanl- an Ahi Parton , 1681 the midget eal hail gone uneoticed in tihe lest wek's coism. Considering the Midgets played almost hait of the regular schidule hifore losing a gansethe complaint a eli in orer. The Midgets hit Dunville aed Perth ie the seai-honals hifore meeting Stoney Creet. Prshahly among the hqes ami dreas of the local hckey Pe- soeml old hi a repetitise o lest yean's fea whee the tome on lie Tri-County ciampioships.MITN A enile AI-Si From the Merchats e hope taseoe a more consistent hcand o Thursday i hockey. The eimintion of reversais (as featueda weeh ago when the Merchels homped Richsmond Hil112-4 aod haed 1a Aas hy a 1-3 margtn) wosldewarrant a grand celehration. son hould est hi every 611 au soccesful. We wish the Milone Curling Club ail the hist ef luck in01he maoy A heespiels îhey il participate le dsing thea iner montho f198 The club is 1n ils forth yeac of existence aed 1e New Yeac pro- M mises tai a prosperoos oee for the club. Thece an hien nosdefiite dcon aor motion n tivido the al- C i i Inn Couty hasehall League mino100 leagues. Bt the tapin han hee discssed i0 maoy ciccles. Somehod3 The tmo diision system wnld effer a more competitive leage Milon N fnr 6a1h diisions and eindnate needleso traveling. chips fr twice in a seies are leaders in Il shnld prove ineesing ta et a loch ai the hed Sois persan- C loup. sel for 1610 senson. Manager Art Melansos fiished tat year an The Me manager and swooe e old net hi hack ai the eins for a secoed eputatîo yea. But ohen the spring tha coils acond il mnldn't come an ot1e a major surprise tn see bath Art and dois presidont Dick Clemen l trohe haocking mud osetraion hitweeen their cleas.toledei t hiat thes 8.6 aI Lin( Pleer personenel is anther mater. Lauit year the team miuf- Lndsay fered a critica shst8tie of consistent pleyeros ho could maSe il t and ep t aIl the gaies, lt alose pracices. tewnan either gai Milton l1tit might oel see OMilon Mlnon tasehali complte their frsI 2-Baleond fu11 scasnataIthe Martin Sreet chool gronds. Charman of the peiod ei s eeailsecommission, Chucli Gervais aays a achedule 0111 i e oed t drame sp hy 1e commissoe gevernmef the time alotmeisIs ai the from ell sartis partis nnnlclled hy the ton and that achedule wi11 stick. focg and( BiamOcll people wil recali th unpleasant siiaion tbal evolsed tierns lat sommer ver 1he confusion abot the Rotany Park shedule. se a pool J uvenile Ail-Stars bow to Dorset Park 1IOLY ROSARY f Deemhim 21l i Ladies' Og singe, Asta Whad Pl mnieon 22, ladies' 0gh trtple, il Ata Wldoellem 533. Men's FI igl i sngle, lus Tîelemans, &Y mens 0gh triple, Frank Ped- tel lla 72. t Othen good singles, Olrk KIp 264, Frank Pedalla 251-240-231,o Vin Heaps 244, Jue Widmollec A 243, Brt Churchill 238, JohnD seelee 23, Reg Gray' 235, Maryc Lainent 221, Vinginha Myette 199, Be Ane Wollason 18-187, gayfil Huner 187-181. f Othen good triples, titis RIp 662, lus Tieicmann 637, Vie S Heaps 628, Pete Vandonieuvel Ik 627, Brt Churchill 614, Rieg D Grap 613, Jin Hrkin 14, Ca- t etyn Heaps 521, Asue Wolaton il 518, Kao' Hunie 50. n Brts' Bolaas on 3 for 80 1/2, Blvdoes iegs 4 for 55, Lamont' Lameners 7 foc 53 1/2, By's T0rteens 3 or43,t lus'n Trimmers 4 for42,lscrd'st Cippers 2 fr 41, peto's Pin1 Pas I for 40, Chas. Vandon-1 Bmek O for 37. HOLS Ri38ABY Deemhic 20 Ladies' higb single AstaWind- moterba25111ladies' 0116 triple Jaose Seelen 641; mn'e 0gb sngle Henry VasdooHeuvel 271; mn'a 0gb trtpe Henry Vaidon- Heuel 700. Ottien gond ingles, Martin Vaidootieonct 265, BglaySlt, Franki Pcdla 246, Brt Zme- maes 245, Ds TIehimana 233, Chas. Vaideoemmih3-23l-2Nl, Hecnry Vaidontieuvet 237, Jouen Scelen 232-214, Camolpe Beapa 230-21, DnSrhaktefl2t,1Mr Becklcy 208, MrtîpDe Ille 17. 010r geed trples, COea.Va- deaBresk 894, MlsleBledere 663, Mati, Vaidenffeuvel 881, Tri -r-osnly Jovenile Ai Stars Nre aîcelassed ho' DomsetlPari 51 aI the Trt-Caunty AII-Shar gme ln Georgelemis Thon-de! glit. Bob 006005, Ken Partan estl Mitioen aid Marty Seedi represented tiadalln Electrlî Ipyens on the AII.Stiam eam and Il loti reguar ShiftsmOhile goal. edor Phit Brosh ptayed the sird pertnd ln 16e ABl-Stac set. All-Slars bock ai eamîy nom- maed on theeonly goal efthe gamne. Afier applytng pressure on the Derset dolence Marty Seeds teamed the punti hen o 1the do- torce and Bitn Farrel blasted it n te gise the All-Starsthe lead fr 16ee ony time 1n the gamse Dorset Park lied 10e score seconde later obes Boag opened te scocing for Dorset Par): Dorset looti a 2-1 lead befere IlE second peried endodandinanagt( to hiat PhiI Brusnh 1e taot fOs minutes of the game teo poil hi shut set. nov Robson, Marty Sreds an Brneh anl played meal At-t hockey even is a toalng hhd. AI thocsIs 1he Al-Stars mene e 6at ho' a suhslantial manglo they i have numerour scoring opportun ities and has th1ey rapltaieedo theic chances the scoee oil have hien ronsîdorahly clss The teain mashbaedled hy Miltc coaches aid maaers ion Wi Son, Sbt aeeUanad Jere lond ing. Bert Churchill 643,PebeVaiihl tieuvet 641, Franki Pedulla 62 AsIe Windmellem 628, Camob Beaps 607,DIra Schselen 56 Mary Bucktcy 141, Aimenela lan ti4,Martîyn Ells 531. Bert's Bemlaways mon 5 85 1/2, Belsedore'e Rings 2f 57, Lemalt's Lemenlens 'B 53 1/2, Rsp'e Thirlenna 7 foi! Gus'oTrtmmers 5Iform47, Gor Clapets 2 for 43, Petce1 pals 2 fer 42, Chas. Vai Birooki tfoc 42. ater cor) tise Liods nar mis: Ricky fighting oken ea er. The but cathe s ls is ead k servicef Ir Lindsî ,y hifone Cý [s frein the 16 te ight Ld shot. 1- Teddy je goal of1 t. sconing. - Foctno ie comin is feel gres - menotol d ere hit .d foronrl ,e eally d Milîni ýk. 32-31 a îe o the sd gollen( ve oel al lis scortng sd ahty 16i trand tdhe k geod ni ted id i- ,u ter fon o-l Ln- Mercha three poil Sul Jul stc George Lind. Mitan Aax Oakvllle i treets. L NewmMc Richme Ore. WAI WELI. REPRESENIED iv tise Juv leensPi ll sevis K- PaFoeBeIh Rocsor, Star 9001 slaqod in Georgetowen Martv Sends Paul Kitcisev and msoscerion niht Fro l o ght ore goal W son (Staff Phoeto) mrhants sweep pair f ror àb towards league Ieai y shocld have bold 16e terchants thal thoon îm Lindsay tisY eyhal a ach 10 harO m-eeiend *e cerreoîly lise ieagae in the Suhankes Junior scciants, Whos have a nfoc putting Oct olo' !y ave 10. had l6111e allng 0166tiste league- Lindsay leain as tiseY in 4.1 hene Friday and ndsay Moeday. ty'stili in first place point in tront of George- d isree 10 Iront ofth1e neven nom the lead in iscored thein OirsI Imo power plays and setd a dgeing loto tise fioal re Frlday. Teddy Hocd the scortng os a shst t oct 0110ti oger Wild- iGrahsamn tenassisîsol. scsced the second goal verplay,a&gain from inhd- tiocd. tiern'n goal came oncenlraied pressure on îeay sel and a oncles of Cole ment off alese foc in the second penimi atiached a LidsayplaY- victim chose nont btogh ne te pot bath gloessven d and isoPe fer speedy Insrm t0e sinais. say closed the gap 1012-1 Craig Bnsh srored nein- -e on a ceally prettyshot ileIt wing. Bruah caught th isand crer nn a sis; tisHod scnred h015oconi [16e game bo cosirlode th( g.iernasslstedentiocd'! sIen;: Coach Eddy Sw1ss ilt afler 1he gaine; aes. The boys mece real' Ioct there tonight. The' ting weIt, passiogesdlis is oece coing han an chenideg. Thephiai Lind id they deserved te min n outshOt theIr seneneel and th1s mes an indicai close coinpetition. Bol ndons played enreplionatl 601boh leams had seoeri og pportuisities. game 6ad 10 raie an pro! e hist game of the seasi * cmsmd 0f cloente 500 h; canon 1060 satnsfed. win oer Lindsay. Brusis opened the scsrtng in the ffrsI peiod on a goal froin Grahsamn ters. tinO Cole and Jin Cialkley 6016 scnced 1016e first perisd 10 commnd a 3-1 lead. The merchanis ,enedd 8-6In th1e tiird. Jin Cote, Ted Bond scocod twice mite Grahsamn ters scored once anassisted foc the talît. The Merchants oUtSho thie opposition 37-28 foc the gain 0116 the edge in eacis perind In Hespeler Novices just miss GoId Awai Ellison wins scoring titie, Ose ighlh of a goal would 9 seci alinest a segligibie lad & but Il as enoosgh 10 coul 16e Pl Milo Trafalgar Fond Novice leain a Gld Aard lu 1e tes- d peler Olympic Style Tocroameol. b The Novice teain IssI 1he osto gane of 16e oncles ho a 3-Z sqseaker1tuOBrampyton. vise evetualiy won the tolin ncul. Milon hast a record of 41 goals foc and eighi againsi white Brampton had a record of 36 goals and ees agalust. Accord-1 lob te Oympierules tie goalsa agabnsl lu dlvidod i101u16e goals foc and th, gnotient is the nom- hic used lu break ale. Brampton hadle upull lieir galleoder bo score tieir 3616 Flyers heut Georgetown Nadalis Electi c Juvemile FI'- ers hiat Georgetowin 6y a con- vinciog 9-1 angit lat eet. Paol Kitches, Tom locdlng and KeiIh tiggs each scîred a pair white BsbOe CoIeck, Barry McTcach aod Wayne Anold addcd single s, Pee Wees whip oOrangeville 14-O OnangeviIIn scl ihee goais age as the tus teamu lied 1n 51 points. points. The !ullc Milton hiat tiespeler 2-1, sais scocij dsmised Chingeacous 6-3, Novice lea islanked Glt 9-0, Preston 6-0, series. and Salîficci 14-0. They edged Oahrtdge Acres 2-1. Bruce Ellison mon the Novice B llisou scortng tcopy i 10 14 goals D.Turnen iloing is the indloid- ring rocndnp for t6e eain ith1etiespeter G A T Bantams place thii in Hespeler tourne, Brone Aard in 1he eopeter Tonameol idien liey on four gaines and lost three. The Broze aard dontes a third plare fi nivh. Milon hial Oakrudge Acren 9-1, Chinguacouso' 7-lesdlaOO- es th D06elhh and lTisunhili hy scores o 6-O and 7-O respect- ively. Waerloo hiat Milon 6-5 mole Hesyler handed Milton Banlams a t-O decision and Brampton oullasted them for a 4-2 01. Gave Helpel, noger Roley, Richard Murray' and made BeIec borm Bonlams. Pal Doolin ai shared 16e goal 1er the Bestains melI. The Bantainsa] ornainent. Toe todramu 1n aE T'heohattled 10 Wocdhchdge and dîmvale. Toc Banlamu mure action ho urday. e ~ i un 16e rsI perlod, Ooe su the second and iheo onloaded 0116 10 In the fOsai stance lu give tise ses meved 10 01101n Oangeville eain a 14-O hicltog eîs of thetleage leador- eeihr 23. Richo' Bridgman, coti McKe- àe and Johv Toclli ail egist- ered hat ricks aid ail asisted burbon Iice fr a nombinallis 0Of 15 I V, points hilmeen 1he three ofîhein. rior Norm Momray and ave Rob- erts hth scoecd ton golseoistme asss wite KecnFay nrcod ose ind ings geai and plrked foun annsts. GP W L T Tp George Boond assted on t0nee boals whlle GLmcy locding and 19 14 4 1 29 Peler Chuchmach helped on ton SI 13 5 2 28 occasons eah. 19 12 6 1 25 20 9 7 4 22 --A comined hocehy aid e 21 10 11 B 20 pleasome sbatlng rtnk aI KilOnide 17 9 7 1 19 schonti s oce of11116e Bornig- *20 8 9 N 19 tee Partis aid orealla D- Id 21 4 13 4 12 parlmeni as provldod for toma la 1 18 (O 2 emadnts tis witer. P.Tmiss RLGooding B. Mccay J.Bocham E. Ellisesi 3 9 1 681 4 6 1 7 24 14 7 21 The rordsn he 'eBlip- 5 5 10) ionshiy 1n 1he Ingersol tuna- ment foc 1e IsertO year ton- - - cession 0116 a 5-1 v ovPur Tilsenharg and an -1 mher rd St. Mrs Fd anl Sprat scored fois e sta n B r u c e E ti s n n d a tnoth l- In 6e second game of Cr- seoa ls Al nament St. Macys loch 1-0 taced tise Mari- lead 10 1he tiret period ahotls eams played ascsreîesacued id Bcad Evans pertidhefere Milon hreupen lending duties w110 an eighI goal oplorge and 6016 played tirent Muray st tise bcol- iso paticipated llng 0116 tise rsI MilIobaaIof ige .8 o 18-îe 1e ame. Steve McCutcln and le Banamu dcem Bruce dîtison 6066 score, pair ýs mesy sarts. stIe 001odGocing, Rorit a - tie w166 added singles. a 3-3 drao oth The novice team in 011 ume action ho 1e Wosdbridgaur- 0111 be hans for nament Salurday and o play WNodbirdge Sal- their seul hoine gam here agai nst Chinguacousy Moay. 2-4 p.rn - Aduit cr01 Pro Scivool Skating- Admissin 25c and tOc d-5 pin. - 0.60D. Neer 5,30-9 pi. . Mittor Minr Hockey House Leegoo THURSDAY, JANUARY 4 4 30-7 30 PîFgure Skoeirg 7.dl-g p.m. - Pro-Arn. Iltz vsCoii, Ciosposo vs 101- werds FRIDAY, JANUARY 5 Juvior C Hockey- Merchonts vs Ne-orket SA7UROAY, JANUARY 6 630 arn. te 110 - iton Mîver Hocisey Heuse Leegue 2-d p.m.Pcblic Skaoing 25c 56 p0 - Pee Wee Gaine 6-7 pin - Beetain B-10 pirn - Public Skaiing 5OC SUNDAY, JANUARY 7 Couples Skatig Club MONDAY, JANUARY 8 430-b p.min-Mordey Nighters 7-B p.minNovice ge 8-9 pin - Midget gaine 9-10 vin - Juenite gaine TUESDAY, JANUARY 9 3-7.30 p.m. Figure Skting 7 d5 pin ProArn. MrCut- cloe ons Wilsorr 9 p.rn., Peddje cs Turner M& Pure Virgin Wool. Dot mise this oppor- BER 27'1H FOR LIWTED TIME ONLY. Th. WeoIîiîscipp-1.5.on Regeler $11750 ..PuCe Vilgio messý Pth8EVIROlPl OOL NOW ONLY - --- $94 .00 0 During O, January Sale FRED'S . ailoring Shop 1~ Pee Wees take Golf Award in Olyrnpic style totnament Milton K.omen Pee Wees hi I tna gealenilen Glen fiber aTcsoudefeated recordgavethe the Iespeler Arena 0110 every- csrded 1he0ehit goals-=glo t h e eTournainent Champon- tilg 601 the seats follovelng the erage fer the Iseriiement. 50115 andI a GolsI AwiOns. Six MII- tiespeter Olympie Tocroameol Mile on ooed Oakrtdge Aci tee payers asn represented piavvd ovecr thse hlilduys. 7-1; tcouoovcd Hamilton by asin theic leam 0016he At-Star team. Milon completed 1601 c socen ilan score; 6081 Waerloo 3. The AII.Stars coached by tiob gaine schedule itissel a defeat. laoiied Galt 5-O:;ndmet o Cohlen and Ken Yoang tell te sde- tictt Mullenzeewose10e scoring sore a 5-1 in oser or féal ai the handseof the Terono champianship motte Blcky Bridg- a 3-S victory oer Gerget SOspsy team hby a 3-0 marglo. mes aise of Milon mes runer- and picked up a 7-2 mnoser Glenn Torner, Pete Choch- Sp. foc tise coveed amard. Mit- hestlng tiespeter teain mach, Gary Goedlng, Sett Me- Kenie, Rlcky BidgmaaaedJolsl _____________ Tonelti Il made the Pee Wee At- Stan team. Milten Pee Wees ceçped the Pro-Atio T ,aattheGrmo Pr - m repo t b oieeAssoiaton Tra- ment 1n Grmsby Deemhir 27. Oy John hicLees single goals meme Art Book&h, Manager Ken Yontg attrthatea Reid esd Pat Carr (2) had asitIa por frsI peried le the teamna Peddles' Pesîhers ob deighit Wilson as le the sprt -I bosn le Amherst. The Pee in the Chrtmas seasa ans they Chistmas aise, asIheylelTUl Wees boaeed badb te clohhir had a party on Tuesday evening, er mak ail oser 10cm le a ' Grimsby 14-0 aned Elora 10-01In ai10segh MCutcheoctlikelydidli't coint. The sety geai scored the fieal guise fer Conolaton have ansenjoyable time. The scre th6e losemo nane frem 16e ai hiees. -Peddie 11, McCutcheen - 3. Fer of Jolie Heipel (ocausisted) * _m_ 66e isees, 616 Ies Tornp onlmy 45 seconda tef In10thegis and Jim Keane had a six point Bries McDulfe and Gonfle ~EdTotamhWaledapi niglil as hey fiedahl-tc8 each fireda pair of goals tulIleofgoals wole BenAnderccekafid piece and had a 66ke nemher f Trner mite sngle gols eta eeteivnad see.A- ansiels. Other goals ere cocnt- Icein Dnsg Pedidie, Wayne I. site camne rem Don AIikeheasI, ed hy tBeb Lawrence and Grdie Coceil and AI Rleid. Ati Tom llamshao, Jim D" one, Bell w6eo ad a pair each whle samne fcem Wayne Timhins , Mac EtUnct, Roc tSnllivn, Wayn Gaug Peddle added asingle. Otier Martce Mitiaur (2), Bob Lr Hoilen and Bien Andetchila. The ansists came fromn Bell 2)Mas- enre () Reid and Peddte. gealgtteco foc Chainpouin oe r(eM lju 2, n aw e c .Don Nee and , Jacki C ampo an rîceMilar 1),andLameec. Santa aIse teIl some goalcsi- aid Fred Dalmstra. Carl Smith, tieptying fer McCutciseon with ing ideas n 1the stocidgo eci Lou Nadatin, Don Neelendsandi ______________ ards cem as 1ep dmped CIn Wayne tiharpen dcem 1thessita. 7-3 itnthe first gameaonTin skp. The ionecowerre paSei' The mltioare's ifehevered BaoId Thompso and DwigM y at hiec hussand'r sicbhd, an the 000 iad a duo each 015e 5si- doter cendected 015 examina- li L in d sa y Ions ece fred by Mike SuIlOlie in. Aferoard, in the hall, sh i p a nd T e r r y B a c he r. O th e c a s s I d e s a en t h a t a re y aO u hp in g Bas o agn ncame frem MikeiSullivan, Frlr for?' amsham. Lloyd Zeet Ira z zý id Manager Ahi Parton nted pair of marbers fer Can a Lindsay han a large mce surface tosiog casse and Wayne tison d ich dosn't isrt ocr boys at added a single. Assistas e O y. rink 601 a big surface desn't aile and Les Appleton. cr hurt s l26e il mighl antier cub, Te complote the Yole t o hicanseme are a gocd skating gaies, ille gave Campea A E KL îîb.»t-3 Ions. ForHButIn, oh A".dE N Reeve Ke 0111 seeis th ceme lime, Hoever, 60 municipal elh coasse for Keneth Flot Dr. Fisk, a naunced thal octy onew, meinhir. a cocentP were pret Arthsur Boff 0111 oceis lhî GUELPE Guelph official opel porpose ici t6e ime on tinishief lc conolrctis layer' sic dressing r( SAMMI km per wuis WM rode s Plate2 S living --D( tield il comed Nai FIper huve sie il tast' Ofiti Th II fin inil 1~ GEORGETOWN TIhe Georg Acting Pelle Departnent at force in 1956, force h,!had Toccotu. HL Of service Of since the dopa Augoot ird ci ceoiS two VA Georgeton p spector Lowe huodred perc( in addressing the three ma à a f e r C i o t H i Ld 3. ýd Le j- ciu..- M.