ME! LOOK T OUR CTION FOR YOU - KM on Us 1 10 & TV N 87806949 rs R BEIVILLE Puppet girls star Iin Christmas play I ia Mc. Georga Sglia M. ted Mc. Cifr * atoniad thir tanily1 da Blair vaisg A-iiUiY mothr Mc. Shepi( hld inhaheer h on e Wd- ClappîsnsCorners. day eenmng wîttirMc. Wlt M. ted Mc. RoyP ar Hamlyprpcsided and npated Christmas eil M.a a calle owrahip, llloed Thomas Parkerc t.idui praer. A special service Milten, thannilatd Mr mtheaGlad Tldingsnwas tllnw- William Frenchiantd nu alth tha thama «A WeldPre- Rertecl William F ., Gergtewn. Mc. Muray Mthenigitladtha Mc. C.G. Jons et' aIAdt a edtaedehtradslad Ciriatmas walhlihr di pe. Mc. Stewar Cramit ttmly M. ted Mc. J2 d thtsecontd Adetl eleiantd tmily. -Roema Steda. Mr.Dmig- Nancey MePiail earA Inglia igiatd tha Sdird Ad-. Daedt Girls rnep acandis 1r Lanpge antd Chrietmas meeting wb . Russell Beretgtad fthe d lier ladis atteads chaAdent candie 1r Etpaitf day avnnaS. Judth1 iEttia lady rttd taiscripf- ided ted waeasite' te a cet tefoliead di Ccmp, PîmaiI Mr. amly iefcedictd tht Janlcea lglis, an eai pl pay wriffenhby Mc. Joycetas acceist et tht pret taod Se Led ThtWrtd, Christmas ai tmeBRI tflra pppet strs, Pimat aheti ai Kteeora. IR liyNancy MPhail and Jte- thir farite Chri tr Mon. Scenittatre Hpi- uraetftht hfeu ta Poearty andlttivitfy suris. Ahla Il& Sayley,C hr. William Wbb asplained nan ueatl pakeri wthe Wht iftdntladwould la diflil tht terme1a giyeae fetha Senniint lcanti Cnh, aed tiat Cea p Ilmnia. Olttcitwtt mamei- de 1r tht beys. Mr Sp Mcar.Doteglas legli antd MLaughlin gant il ca. William Malin iatd didit- repor 1r Sndrai daby tht Prealdii. Mc. Difd Pameaalfmbly gav caletant rapoctad tane oelle- report ted hestao alrec einnt ear, rioead ith hoen. Plens we apar tend etttred Onace here prchace a eaw pul buffaf Christmas lunch. Mr. tae chrr. Brasai lItem aiehn nIepianide 1r Jict Inglia asist tytting. aca Ie pceiditt tha an____ td asietieg Mca.J tht heteas. Mcc. MA H lnsed a happp9ga __ Hpria. No intiens fmi W restîers cmpeliiletrs iGodnAgnaw, top zone ntetrm Evecyonet ie Cieo lip Mc. Cet ilaeen prted a Hfappy I we hoe & il liant Cngraultiinstte eHarold Prepermia Ntw 'I ccp ted Bfi Manterent 1r Tha choic nf Sf.I ming Zoe On, Daimite gata yttrias Chnmch reaflin Cempeitint. Harold Christmats Ena cit as OIrtf in the eistty-aavtn Stce whieh nan tal dclans ted Bli in ftht ona ail efeyad tha nt ered ted thrae puned rîtes. the rgin. lnalsteere hitd ailAlderahel - igia She ont Wad, Dec. 20. OBITUARY T'liemontthty hot det tale was Id aifPerey Marrcp nhetiliiAn r B ay, Dec. 19. Perfy ineA letB ut eictre ted relis wre A reidet oet ed tf etaicieantd pupit. et hie fle, Allar ililat werafr te itday wtara lad ean eidizg nhre ted riand. Principal r'a hoea if27 ttKehiey jined the ladits i Milten DieRtrict rtht sait 1r letandte e mber 2iltelle' Ldie hipieg tare Mc. lanint bt a met eta, Mc. S. Lam, Mc. E. M. Befey et , Mc. Patra, Mc. Geerge hir, Berkishire, eateci, Mc. Salila, Mc. M. amber 7, lits. actas. Mc. C. Patlacten wte ted tisliate eaner. ily oetourenr me Wdesay, Dec. 20 tht tair-a- tlwn idersi ce ted prncipl Mr. Kbey Englted. ced le Sfreetsvilla 1r a Ht macied Et tep CarisItmas piciy le anjey Jly 7, 1907,it neatt eed.inspacleca Arm- thir liinilp il maag aid Plsh ted thir tari- Peerrogh, M mc Idly aperettd ppit etf ens (Maue)oetHR 'trey Mtcry Sheti 1r tht ene Hamilton ted lMr *ntr. (Kaihee) onI Hate atreardiai cpt f lt te lj ast aned luaristmte hlidiys t aI itahome pers. jd waltrn feclansesa il Thap came th Valrlnt UnlnacaiY one Jii53. et 1911. Mr. jPuplis etPerey M rry ce anti th the 11h t tmamhtred thir leachars wilh ears drieg Wo cietfl gils ted geint ishet Pmnm 1927 ir Chiristma., The lidyleathnrs John ieS. ftuc y ehaciarzivtd athaedeema itntc ai 52 Mitas Sf. hi LatiarS chwifh tht nrd Ha was ain; Ottilaagraved oneli, ted Roerition Mtg Il f ldu weracapresented th twe ears. dwa SlemeMr. KRbeantd M. tht Anglian Ch hitr. M. aner tht iedip unral terv tedite et tht shet ted Mc. ainer 22 Irmi cia Lalit, seerelcry ni the 12 Hnm, with eheef aise caeintd giftta tmm Destan eticîati a hidren. A service wa Brectari Rnowth niWsterni ai Cazadite ninril, Lndon, pentevtr- enant. dipe hlidaple thli itpar- ilaemnetw nie ted limiiy. Cemecpr. Pa A cary pitaantt eenint ws ed, Olier Hll ntfkaiBoReeCentre te Wad. lristen, Jack ( . 17 wen M. and Mc. LinyU St, ted Spdn lehringtrtaiaed tht BlaitMilont. imily ai a tamily Christmnas . llatcly lhity preonteai- adid teenley gamsand ted cr- ai ime toetht. A deliinta It spper eau sereed. Coagrahuaienstle M. ted s. Murray Slliei, recet - 1lywde, thtlirid wte tha ermtJeantte fiene, dangiilar Mr. ted Mc. Sam Pindieli. et. ELECi Blmliay greaingstot - Jndy lin, Johin Aldreon, Raymond IS OUi g, Jaicet omdin, Deba resfige, Ntecy Slm, RNetd- Dt' ha M. ~Elecrimitll.1 Congtutionsiec tliM. ted * NI Mc. Rtncy Rowak.hotnlahrai- *Wîîît ad thtlr naddint andetcSicy Un NEW1 Da. if. *ADDIT Thaiaaring 1r tht localt air- * UTI part las hian ptpontd indiin- itly, .rigintlly chadled 1r FEATI Teal edeaetRt eumn, E tedsandteiglheor, acaiceare L ahifiath ew ytrl1968 TRY 8t a eey happly and proepaces t.. oc aIL od Riziani- so e laatt s i Phard tre nu chrer spent h ted Mcc. b langiater oetp r. andMrn. Frenchofn w Part t pant ' Jaugittr ted teak Dredge krtaiiud St. u p at theîr han 1f gicla taIglia pre- id liy trea- iteshly, ted &ea girl read 1 epacainfor rift laIdie ach girlctead tmas script- CeasLu der t u edfed, r an tat nd pt fria godir )c acahers lie Masehal Mtheilial ne th rate Ae1 taer iore mi68 ta Ipil lmadet 1e )upA Citpfor dad Ctt andi rtedthe limst- aJ.lf. eheil HepRoyParhar ,haciat with the villagaet itatcrcnltad .James lBaya- bo retureed fer npiallvilli ce- DCistmas ted ta Hampyted ear. Daeid'c Pras- rcnted Ia cand1eligul sac- mU ttsded,t-ei cn chimet on Wasley Milten 1er min cft Beaney, wha ng at i ia dtgit t Johne St., diad dc Respitai Dat- awieg te illneal 'an bore in New- eEtgited, lSept eto thtetlaeJeti ly, oefa litt clding a bhi s tlctntsding i Eiziabeth Peac la Englaed, at Indas Alt ( dcc. Lattit Wît Hamilîton, John Urs.DeteJetian v John Si. ti decetsed fores io Canadain Marc r.Banlay sest Bsatalite 1er fti eorld War One. unfii ha moet tearsag ige he nploed yadhP. t.Ce. Ltd. for ives aftiliatad w hrczh. circe wttsahlitt i Mcltercit Pure th 1te. Dr. T .iatg. as heid hy theal ,Lagien Thnct( sas in Esec Palîearars imcl ait, Mas Stick, J ýCharlitoqRen1 tuep Danct, all TRICI1 JR BUSINES cs Tialicrer c .Calitanextpar TING MON VCIRCUITS TIONAL OUit >00E ULGNTI rHERSTO? ECTRIC 878-6378 Setter ClflcsteClShtl crieaid tae s t liempai cRIte at cacsidit OtherE Firai c W.C. v ad Co assisai Mc. W urer, ]w Sitte r; pis Crietti deli; R. Th temd maton C The yecng Peopits' Soeciety et dictez lind Megan Davien et 3Pi St. Lke't Anglican Church held Hamitoni et Fciday enenling i71 r dty evarng. Tht nativitypapg- and tamily. I eant teeli Place in the churcli Mr. ted Mms. L.Sctltedcpeet - wliah tht childcen 0t tht Sundty Chismas wth M. and Mms. p acheti pcticipatiiig. Tht e- Retard Heidn antd taritpnif mainder eftihe pregrain washtld Thecehili. al hae In the Parish Hait. vth a short Tht Repedale B13 Cati 5 ptty hy tht ynung people tend Sunday Schent hetd a eniai Par- poeems wece readhbyDavidlReid. ty tat Tusday ai the Yeth Ce- 1 Dnna Mecedith aed At lein- re on Tremaine Rd. mn ing ot tht Cteadite Forces lise .C.A.F. Corporal Lyle ted 1Treitte, pet a lew dape duing Ms. V&neichte ted ttviiip oi tht Christtashlidtys vth M. Mente Jaw, Saa., spet Chrst- ted Mc. William Meedih. mas wentaeth Mr. and Mrs. M. ted Ms. Bary Gnehy James Vaeicle. ted daughtae, M. ted Ms. Dona Dr. and Mrs. J. Hacwncd ot 1Riversantd daugitec. et Blinln- lBratfotrd viited Satucdtp wiih tont ted Mr. ted Mrs. Boh Sac- M. ted Mcc. James Vansichie. o, al et Otizilte, spent Christ- Dlaner gesin oe Christmas -mat day with M. ted Mc. Wm. Daty euh tht Pelettecins neye ILMeredth. Mc. John Camerone et erges, - M. ted Mc. Lloyd Ctrgo ted M. ted Mc. Grdon Hil ted d ltmily et Beciegtten, Abert Ste- tteiy ci Milic, Seb Simme oi n peson adted o11eReicimyt et Aldcshni, ted Blui Reels ni Milt, visitd Sancday idght Buliclegn. wth tht Mectdiihs. Christmas diener geesin culh M. ted Mc. Hacld Steder- M. ted Ms. Howrd Geland con moved lote their new hme ted amily tact Russell ted te Tremtaine Rd. lest welmnd. Lecce Gewlaed, and Jin Della- Christmase dincec gesteh hbetni fMilton. st M. ted Ms. Patteccen nece M. ted Ms. Ttnley harets eo Mega Davies et Hamlton, M. ted Bruce, ted Miss Paicial tead Mc. Haold Pateccet ted Bown, M. ted Mc. «Nip'Ger- d tamily, ted M. ted hrs. Hrold ais ted tamily wee in e Sn - Stedicten. tennis ce Chistmeas Day 5>115 tas M. ted Mc. Ernenct Daita M. and Ms. lrue t liden ted ted taaily, M. ted Mc. AlIelteily. le; FAY' ad A COMPLET! ELECTRIC SERVICE et of INOUSTRIAL O COMMERCIAL ýat 0 RESIDINTIAL 0E LICTRIC HATING etf RURAL POLIELUNES and SERVICES ,to PHONE 878-2048 fer FPREE ESTIMATUS Hit Lrch -ed r 9 Schneider'c WIENERS ..49c pkgq. 1e Fresh CHICKENS .39c lb. la- PORK CHOPS 69c lb. .M. Roy- PEAMEAL BACON 69c lb. sd&y SIRLOIN STEAK 89C lb. ,te>te T.BONE STEAK 89c lb. clud- Jack ROUND STÉAK 85C lb. Il of RUMP ROAST 85ceIL RIS ROAST 69c lb. PORK ROAST 49c lb. Maxwell Haute COFFEE 75c IL. Smart'a BartiefI PEARS, 19.oz. 2 for 45c Clark'c BEANS with PORK, 14-oz. 8 for $1. TY RIS ROAST - - - 69c1 aili RUMP ROAST - -85C lb. ert fr ROUND S TEAK 85 c I Lb T-BONE STEAK --89c IL. 0 FREDELIVERY * NE Joe's General Store 176 Main Sf. Milfon 878-3161 Ira. Orceradley 28 ý f etthair clib le 1968. e elnla lirs aildyehalc- ad che succeade O.P. se, liRoeret Laieng, hec dTem Bradlty, F.W. Hac- and Aies Waisen letle as elected te ethen arte: vice-presideat, Wm. A. ken; second vicetprttideai, Woods; ntrretacp, lRae'y erras. Mca. IK. Riddtl; idt lteey ani Ceccas., Wilmac Thempanl ica- Mra. T.J. McDllnengh ta- itreaserer, Alt h ieti- aidit. Mcc. J. Mewiil A. Lededth; Mca. Lloyd cd; teditera. W.T. Sas- RM& Clamants. B fllowdngeemmiiteeswere cancashili, Mc. ted Mcc. WYeoet oeceà Tht Ceeed et Champ ne Wtdntsdey, Jaeeory 3. tîdit 57 Mrs. G race Bradley f irst lady --resident of Senior Citizens receleed $125 damage Sundip vihen itws a avictim of ahit-tad- mn driver. Piîce are in'tetigi- t. lared Mc.uthefr;SC. Cnlm Mca. MR. AeELC.SCuninghtdace trsiHAm ew; M ociJ. aid c. A PetcMrs. t. RFiy, Mcc. W. Pedi, Ms.eE. At; ehr.tW FrMcs Jee arn lan; Tîenspcl alln, .J. hivUelie;Ta-sîl;hctî Mccn.. A. Watug; EBurtlini ted A WrgatsninT Btlney,c ted Mcoa CaT.nBMady, M.e aM. eha L a, M. ted Mca. Wibrlla Idtn, M .Can MrWilliW.. amncde liC.s P.os W.Tachelîtu TeenReccea tis. a CnmmtteTown RMcDet T.A. HemtceeneT.J.Bradley.g TA.Hht nietndT.cBmmileyle Thnded .FthegcompceRehi cLadated Mc. aho MaRorat ha gandclissne eidaI the Tlhea eeinhac edliamtthe RetChn'sDcerrh2al.eTtingeh ad Knlis eucarialm eetecube ai a mie ettin etssina B. Laicne letcedured tht Jee- ~tChristmus 1r Fermer Trie which ineindea s Wilma ted Ruth Maneand Jey Hayardandther aco anst Milles Polie Chiai Rty And- Mc. G. Rawll. rs eot h oa oc n Mc. George Elilott shoed lnyed a very ipdtheliday ceacte, pires oher tee rciftEroeas anracas tht unnal accidents ted le Pirlr c. >tume fralure fetilve offeeses acccered. lIita»>l, Noreay, Seeden, Dvi- mark ted Germaey. Felloiede Ne chartes nere laid fr is- tht picteces tht gcecp lenE pari uset et lqnsc or tht disrdechi- le a SnezSong. ntssc acîsîsg trm il, ted enly SalioneJenior Facmacn char1- lour accidents wara repeted eced a hes ted tenh tht e Ser fcnm Chrismas Ena te New Citizees te Trcts Deecer2l Yea'ctEve. te Ste th Chistmas ligts. ThtM e el meetg il hea 5 «Fouraccidenta is aengh,» diener aed hanquet Jnary 23 at Chiet Aadcaaa nlatad, liut il Ken Hall. Tht meetietis sched- rempare S lanerahty wiih ther uied te hegin at 6 p.m. tic et ya arc.» are avilalhît tcm M. tee Mc. Tht craches icisdad a miser T Bradley ai $2 each. $75 pceperty dmate incident VORC.J~CHICKEN S NACK Pi Ch f ichra - c - Fnach Fries 7 c SPECIAL PAK Crisp Chichen $21 Ready le Stetrve 1 ra.amrl<N IN A BOX FAMILY PAK 1 ench Fries, Cole Chi~cn, Rolie______$3.99_____________ Hecrd $1.39 PARTY PAK $ 5 2 HONE i786028 2bcec et I S CTED FEEDS Aurray, Hood Drive-In (SVIMJ TOWN) BASE UNE RD., WEST 0F HIGHWAY 2S AT MILTON 0 Dial 877-3512 - Georgetown 11 ronar*tfl kv police Saturday. r Another accident the saine day caused $150 daMagn te a vetiîrie Attention Farmers! JANUARY IS THE TIME To order and faite delivery of FARM FERTILIZER FOR SPRING APPLICATION IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY 1 a WE ARE AGENTS FOR C-I-L FERTILIZER 0 A qGS 4- PI ICE ING tabavet ALAD $3660 TERNS A SLA YNSLEY NDS W- k 1 1 d nec iaby RoWtd J. Wlathtel et Q uie ho ida se son 78 Rngia St. whtn if atIret aI Q uie ho ida se son thte near St Regi aid King Ste. 1 iWe stock a full lino of$ I ASTER FEEDSI . à 9 Ç_rii il,-fCIN 1- - --