EBENEZER Christmas con< by Suriday Sc loy Mrs. R, Mclaod 1 EN iIdSNEW CHAET lookos t as gond hlli Evvo Ficceuna tuIes vn the panoramtc e sp and inside as it Aes froce the mainvionce(Staff Photo) 0533 1dWNNATURE FAItS to proide enough ers Here Ror *ality snow o mf0cake good skivg, the Giev ~en staff preeds 0er r ol ovoocevoake EN UO0F 1THE TRAIL for hilfop-boneAoIetaGev Eden esaetthe -bar jumpngoff spot.FavHovvig avd Bev nch prapare ta algt. bSaff Phoc) IDAR KAHLIG HT FRESH' GOOD TASTING' TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER TODAY Milon Poire lad s lusy d Chrismas neel, accident-ut se. ai A total ci $150 property dam- ugo nos doue to velicles nwned i ly Deni L. Genereu ni 120 e Sleplerd Ave., Willondale adsud Alert A. Iclouten o .. 1, e Camplelîville in a to-car coll- i ision Wede sday (Dcemler 30) n on Matin St. jusu northlofi Base Une Bd. i The followint day a car driven ly Amellu Editl Jackson nf 205 Elm Si., Milon, received $120 damage, and unoter drtven ly Carles . Milles o 372 Wod- w ard Av enue receîved $20 dam- age in a collUsion ai the corser of Main and James Streels. Cotilson deronoetrates. Te curve on Broolo Si. ear P.L. Roertson Mg. Co. nus tle (Staff Photo) snofo a colision Dec. Z22le- Ineen a validle driveo ly Ted M. Bond o 3190 Base Line Bd. sud a lree. Damage lo the Boo --leparalo Scooi supporers velicie nus $125. are ai tle yolis loday, elociig On Dec. 23 validles driven ly tlree trustees fo the schooî Cîris PonellofI .. 3, ilton bard from amooog Bye rond- sud iss Brenda Berry o 384 laes. Kngslelgh Court receioed $150 AIR CLNC&TIONING IDUJSTR Ai ANS COMMERCIAL CONTRACIING SUB'50NS AoD O tOOR atEPAv oSotaDGeOoND WRNG P01 UE CONS aRCIOs -tRIAî tOOfOUGHrTIN CUSOM, CONTROL PNtS 24haao. IMAINTENANCE SElaICLou aDa aLaa cnmlined Sunday scotland cloir . Clrismas conerl lut Friday E eeoiog. 0ev. Bussel Fiudley r acted iv chirmy. Joy Ou- nrd's cass, wiBo Lurio Eriy b as sntois, sang «Snta Clausuis Wayne aud Jimmy Gal loiada C veecoming reittiin, foltnusd r loy DougioJuss. Jeuniesud Rutlo unose, tloit- ing loue caudten Bemselves, re-c cited a verse aboout aClristmasu9 cazotie. Wayne Thomtson tntd alout taldog cre noflis Clrist- mas ree. Greg sud Jay Kitcl-1 ing gave n verse aloot Jess lirtloday. AU the ittie chloidrentensang «Anay in a Magr' sud *We Wisl oYus0a Merry Clritmua. Tle cloir sang, «Angetn Wa Have Herd on Higl.' Marko Musrse recited *Clrstmas At OrHBuse, sud Jimmy Ferrier lrouglt 'Greeting.' Tloe Cloir's secnnd setection nan «The Carol nf the Birds. Tloe Superintendnt, Mr. Htnrace llytl, thon blougt greetingn. Be suid tlere is su enroliment nf 545 clilden ut Broovitte Schlol non. Elonezer noutd la very lappy if mre clildren sud nîder ques nnuld attend our services, Sunday Sdînot ut 10: 30,Clourcloat 11:30. Mrs. Wrd's sud Mrs. Junn's --Start tle une yer riglof nitt a Clampton classified. --Tloare nere no lalies bru tn Milton Dstrtct Hospital on Clrstmas Day tlis year. :ert held :hool, choir clas tisan cuxotasad for auventI numbars, watuJamta TunOsso an annour. Jndy and Ctndy Juckoson, and Deniseanmd Detotoe Duigle rendered, 'Let ns louve muic for Christmas.- Paulu Kitcloing sang, 'The MerrientiChrstmus Present.- Delobie Gutt recitad, «The Cloristmun Star» nudJanice Mn- rus, «May tthe Jny Boit Cornes ut Cthristmas.* Vulerie Wttd uccumpanted a cthorus of gtrsnbrtu haiau guitar in 'Slent Biatt.' Munrse, David sud Dean Jou, sud Marks Mooreloadversesilbout Otuidience, Service, Love, Ktnd- sessud Cieer. Shidney Musre gava a prayer. The Cloir tloan sang 'Haro Wa Corne A-Carolling' foloead ly recitattons ly Ken Hener, lilty Simpson sud Norman Moore. lIrs. Bill Early t Boa Piano nitlo lue Wrd ai tha organ loglt in Santa Claus to tletune of -angle Blla.' Tua ntd saint distrtluted gints tb riog utovety avetting to a close. Mr. George Tuomans suRy friands ilregret 10 o er îlot he in a patient In St. JosePlo's Hspital, Harilton. --Tnll-free calling leineen Milton, Georgetown, Burlingtus, sud alville meusu more sud more customera are ready lu act on yor classifled ad tlese days, Bosu ever leforo. JuSt liai 878-2341 to place a «fasi actiono» nant ad. Christmas crashes take property tol dt Main sud Ontario Streets. A gas purnp on property onned by Hilton Motor Sales nus sev- ervd trom its base sud suother sldesntpad Clristmas Eve lu a craslo that also did damage to liglot standards sud tise odoo 0f a lrand oew car. Tue velicte reuponsille left tue suseelut ls tmo occupants nore appreloeneled loy Hilton Pol- ice on Hlglonuy 25 souto of Mil- ton. The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Javoary 3, 1968 B Down(s) Corner.. iCmtntlsed on Paue Bi) Youare just uit cooistng aBi s giltyoucant any effictency expert could flnd non unes anunar Bout one.) for tue time or mouay tise company would suve if Boey eut ttoam out. And us for Bousé il rings IL minute, ,kd.g wostdn't 10 a minute la nimpler uoodleus Wtsat'sthat? Tu thino I'm f hdin? confssing0 It's easy cosnttng by 1O's lot Just to prove hon lncensed I arn, I1 t0 l'ue ailsntysow adLtroublendmush offalletas 9 n 11. The telophooo coid be so handy for mesuringthe 0minutes il theloo dei uld ust et dnnn on that use etra ring saclo minute. And tlink nfIail tloe nney the Belt could ave, ut the salOO time us il rendorsn an importint pulierservice, t dontmno on muclo il cots tloe Bell fnr those tlree extri 'leeps uand ose etra ring oudlo minute, fut l'il lt lley cost mooey sudIl'm sure 26MAIN ST. 878-23431 PRESCRIPTIONS PikdUp [jlierej FREE DELIVÈRI/ CAN GIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM- FRESH LOOK Corne in for a complote appraial today. BILL'S AUTO BODY 20 878-2721 MtS.878-3251 hioo to folow this fing u. They ouif oves gico 1dm a promotion if the Fdei's liglor-ups go fr.tloe plan and le puts it over anslin ownoidea. Corne to Ilinis of it, nhlie L'm on a timo- saving spree, 1 flinlo I non't urite flat lt- ter. l'il ut send Arn a marioed cnpy of ts neel's newspaper. Miglt au nef I car- ry tlots iuslerity program as far as il con go. lePRESCRIPT'~ONS-,- ELSLEYv 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTI 078-1492 -Aftae.Ha FRiE DELIVERT K v ELSiLY 0B rION SERVIICE ius878-961 RIVLON COSMETICS S<,phm UTS IMPORTANT! THE CHARACTER 0F A DEALER.. ITS REPUTATION.. ITS POLICIES.. JUST 50 IS THE CHARACTER 0F A CAR DETERMINED SY THE REPUTATION 0F THE FIRM BEHIND IT. ýCE , iAl I (f I cion or a Ir MOTORS 1-uWL CO. LTD. WATCH FOR T' OPENING 0F YOUR NEW CHEV - OLDS DEALER IN MILTON JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS LTD. No. 25 Hwy. - At 10 S.ideroad START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT B THE RIGHT CAR IN *THE RIGHT CONDITION AT STHE RIGHT PRICE FROM Y THE RIGHT DEALER NOW IS THIE TIN THIS IS THE PLAC for the boit seect of a new Ford -c good used car 1