_1~ Sugar and Sp'ice top toilI1 smi 1e Y Jim's Jottings btyp i im din Up caI for uggested aimes for tue 1 minîlpend, mre lu teepio witt te pleaiazt saindtof Centeuial Park utiot il faoe, braigt lYipcae propsal. Ifip Ger- vais proposed thal itlu Oclled the Bes Paid tu Fait t. 1He realled te uaed lu avernge Ia couple ut claublugu apyear wteuta Yetureit out cle laiearlp or tltt, 1 fr a gaue uofuttn. i-. Sitce sume pates ou tue puud have tees leared tor statiofil've uI eard a neaiter of recolectiaouu utftuvipopular snlg an the pod used tu l. One re- caantedte lai ruttiof OPerations Ibat aire Coummun tera for ears, ad aitberteaO- cd a ngt of relief au te artauvludted the troua alung tue teotraildnt tait atout nRU the laie nlgt wvist Ibai laitplace, vhile akating vau lu swing on tue pend. Unfortmnstelp efforts lu smaitb ailtue lce ai ne large paf o, bp a flaidiug, dldut actaeve mort urcea vieo a mutd ulgt comttued vitb a snooviall tu tape at a valiaul effort bp PartaBoarders HuaiSl ltqctnan ad Dace Statu. The lai, asuidis in a feu plaes, would ave beco superb if tue esperiment bed uoaieded, O Ieeve Austai Ledvitb perlormet el vies te peeled ut 101 srotes outhte tuai ben au Ceteodial Sear wnu ruug ail ad tte lrst eor ut s braud aivi enlurp vas ltrtauoed. The couvd ai tbe streel belavi jmed in Auld Lang ipue and tue starp rold qucki braiffilthee tle evet tu a colusion. Ouasoumeimea vine&oiif the eceutu lu Times Square capbe ulnted lite tiat a long ticuc ago. OTtere'a ai oenlng lutae Bel itgera Club for 1968. Wo itl ring tue toua hall tao uer lu tue evi ear r vIl tue cmtrpu tradition fade auya ou tat a Cen- tennial Yar memuryT I udertuukttsunnd the bell tousuner lu tbe ear 1967, Austai Ledvitb guI il at ad oclcumed 1918 ad uuvi I'm luuiug for a voluneer fr nast time. Aoy cluteerat AniversarieO bave a uap ut creeplul araod. Juul realined tuat tan olumu utodu up the icol tan ears for Jim's Jot- tiugs. fitgt started lu Jauuarp 19i8 and I oa til remember ttc enttuslaSm witu vhiblot1I 'nld tue idea tu mp latter uta 10mw tue dsipliues ulprucinlgsoinettif regular. I haeut beau srrp i started it, tut l've beau awre ai maup occasions ci the difflulties isoolced lu prudorluf ttc required material bo meet tue demauda ut retetiess deadLioau. *Aliti the streets lunluvin tave beau nan- ai, maup of ttem wtIt amilp namen aid tuune epresetalive ut erlp eens. If aneatinsould ever be coailded It te possible tbal ew deelopmets vould oen cp. Ild lita to ea a PlauninBairdcomnile a ilusiutfviribp naimes wvibi o ald lu com- memoraled bn future dveloliments ratter lbau rail aidevlcgers lu pplp viatever usmea tuep cooue. lb sbaldn't be tost ard a job ad nouduobt tue deelulers viald lu bapp lu c-uprale. vDown[s] in this S ,Otttrtopy damens Corner Teleptooe service i ltonlandaid itict Office 0p wap ut carrier ou .. i, as tbep tas coma a long vyinlote pasl baif cm- stili dotaap. Ravi te frm la iu uriug- tory. too anit su mre confusion arises about tury.îts.n fluai vibu rememberte esrlp cummu- Irattous sptema lu ttac part utfte vorlit cas ardip telieue tudap's direct distance diallsg, laict-pboOea, topos oviwphones ad ail nuomterc olilug. Prugreaa lu the tadustrp, unotulustelp, as broughl ilt il teivilable rate tatas about wvibiote- erpone gruobles, bt Y ou raI i gtt cIt hal. tira. urige R. ubp ut .. 3, Camp- telliilie vas tblotlog about te newl-lo- trtaued eaulediarasralliglasI vet aiea ste uneartbeit a 11tllephune rom- paap isuolce ler tuobado lfatter William Guubp ut tiltrîde re ceicat on 1915. tic. Ouopa airvice torcascear cot tam gis5viîtu h elstaou Telepboe Co. Litei, wiitro uçeralad ruo the ceoraI ltrafic i 9tiglcolle aI the norlbendofutLocili. '1I taighl ltac bl iogtt ltereal pou io thc tare of eoleodeit ptaiog sea. It ra remember boow pelmp fsmilic vis wvier the el Teleptua bto uoer 1e PNelson Teteptose and eut cutloffrom air reuitu ad relaives lu îhe bMiloareal' ae vrci. The Guotp familp made il2rils tluMilt- on, Iamilton ad Walaritown on mapar, aid ail bt one o the long dianace utls rail lb rents. fie aupeosica one wac 15 cents. 'At tbal tima 10e unbps attlugo tb Kutrida (romte Weut Tuan i Lce nes SeulOt Cou. tout lamboo) lu gelteir mai, Mc. Goot epapisis. 'l betaoe Ithe rural routes linMui arca muaithave beeo estabistet aroit 1915 cIao tue Guolpa recelueithteic mail ruo taigroca Pot Aoditvle we're othe subiect of tta- pons, dit pou knouvite el Teeptuae la giioo somettioO ava, adIl'm dis- pleasadu Tha el rumpat, ufict bas a muucolp0 ou telapboue serviue brcabouts. isl taou for giesviaps but latp tephave beau ditipesiofsoumthicioetra (aidaie'co uul paiot extra for il oudt lm viaiderluo The giueaaicoucerossouo. it.d pou tauvi htlif pou disi a umber suit gel a bosp sgal,te el gloas pou t3 bosy beeps pr minccta? Anoitit ou dmalspar- lp sui thete lepbuua ringscco5uswered for torhe, ou'll td oipuccre gaîtt h 11rings pr cminu. ifovi vibpca'l 1e el, itb allbismag- nitreultecquipmeol aidtecnirsitanow-howa, euI tuai fe3 bosp «beepa b bu60pr mioute, oua pr aseod. Touaieotra Irea 'Oeps' are cucduiug. If tuep gave pou t0ua tas- ut, aip ima te Opiru gaiaot ait pou vail ob bellatrea-tadnubeeug, pou raitit just dmal pour ontleptuai umber ad cosoltreimas 60b vile our aîf boit. 'Me oau ilic, pou lave tb rouaI1890 beeps' lu tait a trea mioute egg, ad 189 s s tard iuetgor member. Sois 63. BuI a beopn a seaundoivulibesimple. ? (ttacuv, poulra goiog lu asutme boy I talc s aIrea-mioccla agg wtISnou ydru. rPEEKING INTO MILTONCS PýAST "n UiMCNCE 00101e UM, JP mowo aeet toNrmae Marc ent it wae phatograptet amaund tc@ tumOf o Qaan le. t teinersctioun o he eetlrp. Rcoagcbae il lota&#? Wit Thoceas S. Well, te gel offt l a protoond tart, ve're ail a eur oldoc lIas ou eee uo mweenu- tered loti. As usuel, ttere are enouptlans tate rote. Soeaoutus aireo't tara mtli Jane, nnd are ailp six mouthn aider. ttern, after tte itonynlail rites ufthte Newi Tear'n ve, are etgttpearu older. But couat pair tlesolansif pourturti., pair bluta pressuoru and pair tellp are nul turtiug mre, Up more, or sttrklng ait And count some more if pou've made aL frlend, tad a thrili, dune one gued tting. tucei aumetap, mI fmMea tou NATiRONG AN ICY WINDOW, tesue arc aeodp et iis photu uf tef ruseed ocempis ru peeto Miruue phtigrapt glass and rhe antique btuiles ouvte e Merle Guvtop preselts on iotrcesog wmedu ills T**rqediei #muâit 6e averted ,ychrcoa couct, inucou scpororc leae crussicu accidents, trices hume te or- ganccpof corotiucgaddtiuonl precau- iors btofurtrher lices arc uose Rocal rata mrch rail crsivas un protcced top flahrg or mrdrag lighte, arc a particular tarord ou tedrt iteor dopsanoctte scasuotoble tug hoc somorcoca tceiulpa Add rutar te grcaccr speodu ar ohctraivs are traellcngeanad the mxrurc hecocoos par- tcrcoirlypopuefli Ucprcdiccatl oirat condtrons dur- ccg te t ocrratd ru he accouscess ut the proicco octd tro te toorist'a port f cco teearc an rccrcasircg cucotcrufti-car5noisestaccac oobcer- are oup uaaciog chislea ttcocers and radios in cars ofteco hiocoutcoarrcicg aouccda truoousite a ucticie, and hus the ohicle souccdcd a diseavce tort tro a lcelcI ouualca aoftcc cor sut- An inquesrjury inqucrg icocthe #4 neceâ4at#q 4tsl Oua ufthemouse lugruol aepa cc- cumposaed ic teacoîr reucao ufthe prupset acoccdcoecr ru teCccoccal Code ru har wctotmates treotoipuer rccrs movdtouc. Puryrs coccyuotrrgorrrvatoctn ectrccour uoffrcrs houe suughctopy slogocs art tacc ro u d e tome te ag- urtrucaceofut .cpairrmccctactcoclulpa airer drrutrvg. The cattcon uc ouda toc cou crued tors Ucqoccrcotly teprolcm ut ightrc goru ciedruot ruhearguiment. la tocairfor a pcrsuc rto e trcedtIruio- crurcare tcacelt0 ocntceutoer tact. ru c acy core fat or tur to ru clce utecuru n c ocdectr htcco aurslp Theeprmissionru oo rc a oto orhr ciisapc cloge ad ot cura ghtr Likc 311 pu-e lgcc i s ccopocrcd t1 ceranrsopecuitts OCucul rhoac ncsayfc1t b Ion p ra r ocuehice ru tebetou lof oe tWrbfiy t O lwaYp poie ta o cr tacot coup hos cof l tai tra theutrs re cld cuher Ties -,cnot suciec,cccrýt,icarruc, to- 00cr, orumitcumcre inomuu-pccon terotu Hgt spccddtrrcvg.truugtoios wictt octet ad o omcos ccoplcat Pd occcY ou ocnd tha imoronce of ra elhgoulpuonth rpuprrtdeuof tres ruada ectorca cthe cccocrp ty frerain j rg ail possiblc otolircutetirit ci Police htoue hecatcperedtff * eors io rief ru atequocelp proue lac * ou sotriccp Charges avhoueehoueai uder cpared oct drunt clauses bt he meighe ut proof requiret l us n eratle, oct tebeatoble. enfueure te ts proat ii tepeet un a btouot-aiioht Df lecel higter hee a sipultrd mesimun nota rcai impeirceece ansortc. cheertflf about ttle vtale tlitng. Ttare'n nou place tb go bul p. Oapte lugt odil becuale &a taras at- er. Mapte titraullI tecuene a wattmans uta des't tasetoc tuabin a te sau: Xapte the OUd Lady oil tecannrTseL And whta lasu, roape this ta rapbMg pur. Mapte 1111 break 100 tngolf? Mapte l'i wite the Great Cnaden Navêt? Uap- te 1,U1get mp Christmaas tree ta nstandauP? flua, tope Springs eteroal la tbe hanse teaut. one metteam e arier t1k racB. tut aine a raleatravi pesned la tte effort ta live Itie uttdlgltp, tumar-d lave. ltectes uieotapa dtaIed strathae etpapude iettstre.n Perbapo pai'd prefer Recttude, rlgintenn- nesu and religi. Orîsdustr,itliUPaoe Ivue maiaged tutuo ail Iese ttlusgsl tuene and tntegrttp. Pair enougit simple Iiogu, aud feal tbal tifs mates Up, la nume measare, toc tue tact thtl1911 1 liteie atai use tepre mare diS- viai probablp the Mont barrassg pear of cuit. I liad it extremetp tard ta lu digat- mp entire ife. ied, noumater htai I trp. 'a aimait Ira- possie to relainsnse etfinurItacs lIse laut ear bau beu aie ut tone nigol poIaefut '.as Aa r encoeroa tar tuet the tu to N NIV ecotor 25 recocomerdedthe applicatioe SX ut a lourescevt tppe of ectiecljue mat- criai n ou mroimwap cars particuiorlp. t This cenisit cvuld te a tecrifir hclpi e h givivg earieg har a craie mas oarce lu tract, caheeher or vue etere mare marn- om cog loshcvg liguets. Admilledlp tein- te salaionuofut mriog lighes or gales t rolwop rossiogs icsoupenvle tutte osr-sharieg arangement ucter mhirh ce la duce is suot ru encourage sach Ttecocrils ut tsqueacvg and Nen- sogauvepa oult do mal ru aurveepetc eoîaeccg leuci crosiegs, coidcricg te corant fuse outhe raliroode and te orgertyofuthesiuation. le musctoc relizedteassesameor ut reed. canoet e mode enirlp arc tetoais ut ruse. The tcou rrgcdica chartoae rtaen place toue ieuolucd pouug peuple toue tte hazard tnouas au oge iiuls and lite ia for btopud o prire tag. Prelcrcicarp reporta frourIriroce in- ticare the ffecrt rf tif0cm lama de- ucaredrto eep drcvtn rivuersaffthe eoda s atiaarctcorp, cotie reports pour- .ctinof utrOsing teul vnCanada Thora are hîcetoasico faces mirt oppear tu cucweigcutailtheargumecca oct huirecplcrvcng debtae Thrre are ou cauptcuuntor cumparctdriversonte rot, pcc co roruaveoue cProuro adecrurtetru eece the proiecu; and taere icno vu olotle ccrhut, more et- feccive hou tercarhalpzrc luntelace utfccouvcccq tearh olis ou cheh tgtmoys r hecorces cure and mure ecenito ru ccccrcrote tocards Drcctcvg drivcrs 'a or oftheu- ("ditpcriai note " 3cce h htr ofpeuple grttcccg h0 pcc c ri otehir rghrs. 'S Cuespicu ccocprcuc, mccophr cu srocco Oc gtc teot et ng cke ru r qoecrc cube rect unogrp cn Te perctcecr cacicr olou ese c chatert e pplaoocu1c cachuiaoc or The couanc ccoaioarocccg r- btcoorcc cd ruc t ýs ire hlco cccud tn eoro tc lapct ru bllcec hccr 00v prupagocta, o coca for te cyncaul Wcucrvcrs cecer catc ick id Whtrtce odicidual moues isan au co, ocoocical guctepuse stomicg hico tce t- map ruooEsp Sreet. the soi Buiding a awmcmica Pool, il map toi im, agreet. is a core aciatle coap ru heir a siuation hoc callircg eue tet roupe ate vian ypupinot pai rnell and ittiarta. ,d iteu pou pluch pairnelf anid0daout cIt, It means unIp ttat pou're se numbpai solt leet. Mp lirai bern uicorllege and vient ou ie hum, tue tam. Mexnico, avi Orleans, santreat, Espe and novi Neu York, utere els atsdplug acting. Up brsvin-eped tbpb, Dvbum t unce tald tedtlme sterles about utkle-Uucle-Untle and utters, tes boul from the depths ut ner SOUl nd ados to go aviap aud te a viitreaf aid IVO, Up tata lu a tapt viumail.upt bp ne, I miulat add) lu the rîtp, and aies I do e ber, vimn tu t lituntit 4 a.m. about etusote, Schopenhauer aid a lut of citer eopte 1 cau't 0000 pronuuce, let alune aIL Sumatimea I feol lite crplug, tarstbug nto tearu, and lettiug the drips fait vitere be map. But I cau't. fie flair bai juat cen pelisbed. And sumebtap bai tu te t the garbage, and drive t0e oleaadogladp But, as pou cou aie, tuera's sumelldog cations. fis ta ail erp atatract. Let's get dews ta raicrete euaraptea. Raceypu ever trted ta lu digsllied utile perfarmisg a flig tactie ai pair dangbter la tte savwinbathe tact pard asshne's tcanlng tance for gond, ai midalgint? RIane pou ever trled tu reluis a gay eom of tamar aiea pair tome faren bau glees pou, far Christmas, tastead utfte root pou canlidentip eccpected, a btli fshac- lng oti? jiome peopte rai drink ti; I can't.) Hava pou ever trled ta love nomeaM ttt ad treatu, a conulait nIS and diotp lingersaits. tut wvite luticalip a joui, dil persai? At, vicll, tue teck Witt tt. tus anater per. Osce a square, aluapa a agnar. Andt ait ttree memlurs uftam lipagme tuati Pm tue mast purleclprunded sae tbep'ncecer mal. Bcd Ilm trptagtolutanu aI leaut a paraietagram la '6B. And the same tapaiu. 4Pages of the Past !îIÇIAL~f raom ch am pion files 20 years ago Taten tram te issue utfiTe Caiadiou Champian, December 31, t1947. Readers msp lu cuerotet bn soinsiut tue reaulta uftheta tliug utfcqualicatons for raididates'uunomiation Muuda. la tscluesîug ail offies vere flluet bp a- ctamatlo, inrludiug reese George Cteane, depuf-rece George Currie, couacillurs George Leslie, H. Cralg Red, WilfridOlcrd. P.0. Bron ai aisaoumbuabed, beltatu- drevi. Tuo former coucllors are seetaug tue ofie ut ReaeelunNaucagavepa, etecto lu te beld Jaiaarp 5. Alao hear, a former couillur and eeue, wvitu s nombaleit for bot tuatraieran uncit faledtot qualitp. Reece Loydt Cravitrd, vita ar- er bat ainuacut is intentian ut rtlrtag tais ear did ail cpaaif. Alttgetuar six resîdensa erenoumlsaled ta lili turea mats ou the ictail Aras Trusteeard.n ibroc qualiit ait aire acctalmed.« The asuuat Christmas trea entertalnmeid ut ttc Ebeneer United Curct Sandap Ictuat was teit to otdapevaslog, Dec. ember Zlis itabi g rovit preaeiuae-7 loythte progrsm, aidthIe distribtinut presnts tp iodta Claus. tIe.0,Sf. Pick- eraglt vai oairmas forteocaionu. The popits ut S.S. No. t, Omagt, wtt tteir tearber tirs. Robert roairidge toIt tueir Christmas concert lu the scboutited- esp. A flue pcogaam vai glse, follou- et bp ai aurtouge of gifsa. tuo ay apaaweet, $1.25 dailp.Appip tira. 0.0. Graham, abae stare. 100 years. ago Taten frora 10e isoues ut Tte Cecda ChamplinMilton,ourrainding tua nevi pear. As prînters require tulidasau aillai cter people, tbaretait te noaitsue uc inab Charapian nent aiet. Osr subcrrtterl wtt pbeaue remamber Ibis tact. igh uar readere, aie and ait a ttepppINewi Yen., Juta Wittte, Osin.. l.P.P., returned lu Mnilton ai fetardep eventsg tait. NIa oura- erais friande tait te gtad to ebantuaIt e il tuatg ai tale and beartp ai ecer. ite are indelted la tir. Muarrap for tue pruoecdings af Osqaestag coailon tin- dap tat. Bp litructlis frumntMessrs. tictaagbtou and Llsdsap, the anfartesal difflcaifp utbut enuig tar Iteece and ilcepucaoIdat. Mc. Lindsayp ttI e usoppesed tac Depetp. te adula a&Il air frienda tcleori.MtiatfutOn utoi lu a vaisatie merater ofthe CaUntp COUR- cil. te nserecananteit t ethat&itaiea- tiaseerlaf dadge la edtampted ta te uaed agalst tir. t<trbp for Couacliar, tp tIr- outlatu at te lu favorable ta dinturtlsg tue schoat nections. As ht eIsaune ft Dr. Rersa la about te latradine Ia tiltsi- ta tue Local LagiSattre toabaOlighthtu Section spntem altugetter, tir. tttrbp ara- eiders it ustane ta meddie utth1k. ueit- 50 y ar g - 6 1U.s... .. -da. Tateu fromt the issue utfiTe Couan Champion, Jaioacy 3, 1917. Ou Toeudap PIe. Arthur Maes, vito re-TH tarait trom Fraice tout ear, saut on utt CANADIAN CHAMPION I te jil, Sterif Wester bavlag appici- pall et him Iorokep, lu suceed Sf.0, ed, re- Ofl , fffl m UUv S nCe. sua. slgeed. fie abrilfisluai adcate of 1W ro1901-oi tmt Estu Ph-n 805 emplopmaot ot returaed sldiers la al easa. e-a*a poiti vwitct Itepare capable o ut litllng a j-î.n.. acc, M-91ag9o Usa ait vas consisteat lu tais appululment. w RtE. D-...ican ae.adIEIII At tat, a uutdier's lraining specal igs- eW ut. a.. ai5on.119 iiet tam fortetaidiof utprtsaiera. . bracina ,c.tuym.ana.c0c19eeMaile t. fie Daccotersutfte Empre tave secur- occ,,, oc.,c aMb t*.C..adi-urne aekie ed Jak Miuer, tho greatest tîrd main ta 5 ,s mtr ence..cc d».,a ted.o ceanSi the world, ta give tas faraous tttustraed c e .O.vsA-cnti n r.,t ar.im a. rc lecture un tard lite and babils I the Prta- -in erra,.Comm", c'tr;$7000 1e.cc1 eun cesu af Febcuarp .Tfils tailte a& r are eî.ah h.i a. C ..na aie treat tac the peopletofaMtou. lluep 1Wh c, ..,,Idor - tcemm.ca a ccnsc.saaccuSh" -daa - ' date open. f cuis',- .cn55biciara a Jact Ian esterdap a ire tartedlain ~ii... ocnoctnc .tlksea.àa- the parttin etueenRuter Stadioand- feth, no.aff b.Sa me toc nia Johnta lau's Siue ibog. fieara nu cIn , of c.a imoahic a- reaia soaaded, the lire brigade trned at and g-ea -. 1 tcs a -g prît.. ssoonextngulakedthIe ire, ubl o vaid :-1S , wy- m s, oAairr ce.nerai bave teenseaibus ifl tbaidicd ou promp- uce..d .. Oand CDuean tbe, Upy. 0 tc oum nacacr.oais.. i t si BC SPECI 'W.' i SPE, c SPE c SPE L SPI LI 1~