Su bdivider's agreement.. (Cosiued fram Page 1) th. toua shows Iis plan af sub- division wculd put a brisn ai th tous la the way of capital purposes, he adai, Oand the coeus l5ai nh toua ta justlty thls levy. Mr. NeWliios revieusi ho bail pai a levy on a smal sub- divilsionai sm years ago, and th. moiey han les slttng ln a toua bask accounit ever since. *Tlui toua han stifl ont fond a way ta openi ta. mney. The subdivision should ot af- fect h. tov's capital requira- ments because the school oesrby bas vacant space, the sewage plant han luen elarged la serve 4000 more people thanpreseatly live la Miltai, aid tlure bs an sisquate uaer supply sytem ul1h the nov Kelso WeUl, hetest- lie pointai out h. proposai wu more a re-isvelopment of useless land than a complet. neu develcpment, and as soch sholi ot lu subject ta the levy ci $1,000. «The tou a y uai Cadilllso services, but the camn- cil han 10 renfla. the cots b.- corne prohibitive, he sai, ont- lag the cot of purchasng, serv- lclag, sorveylag ail reglsterlag h lan, plus the legal oss, performance boa&ani engneer- ing tees o top of h. touas $1,000 capital cotribtiai voli put h. pria. of each lut alrough- ly $7,000 up. OAnd that ioeant Include tat storc trunb seur,» h. summeil ap. Mr. McWlliams noted the houalng ohortage la Mltai, h lack of poplai gruvth, ad the tac1 ail subivsinas had been frazn for seven yearo. «Now commil han iscisid tluy are go- lng ta have perfection la suhdilv- tso servces.' Assesuor John Charlton van questloned about the «break- even point la assessment a home muet reach ta pay is oua uay la h. commualty, and about the towos lniuatrlal-reuiclentlal ratio of ansssinent. Mr. Me- Wllilams» engineer SG. Barber also 100k the stand ta comment ai varions services the toua raqurvi. He notai the roais speolficalis seemeil more strict tham usual, ail thai six inch uniermains uere calleil tor ulun many streets la toua have as smaUi a service astuolaches, At Iis pint la the hearlng, 0.M.B. repraseatative Jamesai lajeoteil the aily ray of lit tor th tov's aieul. o 10Iis point. «Thra is nothlag 10 pravent a toua tram upgrsilag Its stand- aris, ail somebody has la lu 1h. tirai ta gel stuok ulta the neu sandrds,O he oplned. Toua solcitor T.M liolden sii it vas ont juai a cas ot the aine lots la question, bt van turther roum tor haines ai Mel property ta the aorlh Ibat wuld one iay h. ilevelopeil. Mayor-elect Bria Beai van calleil hy tae applicant, 10 ans- uer several questoas on th. tou'u grouth ail the real e- taie picture. Unctr testlmaiy h. sisteil Iere han been 1111e building la the past teu years, restrioteil manly loas feu scat- tarai los tatth. tou. The hous- lag shortage vasnsot cooineil ta Milton but preail tarmigis h. province, he sai, ail there lu a great neeil for homes tor fam- illes tatae louer Incarne brack- ets. Lack af hoslng wu aie con- trlbotlng tactor la th lassofa nom. prospective neuidustries, h. aimitteil, but lack of serviceil iluatial land uns another big tactor. The tov's tallure ta gala any sutable ansuers ta ins anexatiai i uan aie reasai for the slow grovth ot recent years. The mayor-eleci also ansuer- ei quetions on pavei streets, uievnlks, aiormnseuer syaiems, nohool populations, voler aid sevage facilities. Be summeil op h. subdvder's agreement uns falno asict stanirsO set hy toua plcy -- 'They shouli lu the highest standlards aid h. subjet ta negotiations,' he cai- luilei. Toua clerk Mrs. Aurey Brush testilei the counil bai met Mr. McWllian.,c ta iebate the terces of ta. agreemeent, aid hai agreei th. $1,000 capital levy couli b. ctlayei util the time the bildi- lag permts are Issuaf. A com-. promidse van msa beiug reacluil ai engineering aadinsopectiai chargea. Sue stateil, lnansvertoaquory froce th. applcaat that Burllng- tai requireil s $1,050 capital levy ai each nov home uhile ln Oak- ville the price van SiO.Torooto Townhp collectai $060 aid Streetuville $800. Mr. MOwiUi- iama remlidei lur ta. clly of Hamittai requireil no ouch levy. Toua engLneer Ken Byde 0f R.V. Anctrson ani Assocatas sai t. pecificallios vere »not excessive' aid tBey are betog eaiorcedinl many mualolomlties. tacludilg metro suburhm 11h. Markham, Norh York aid Scar- sugestoi by h. Departceent <et lttghuays, soi 1h. rosi pattarn ta. toua requestail uli lunec- essary tot 11nla uta future de- uelopment ta h. north. Drainag la h. sudivsi, lu seggetai, vwn nt h. luai an Il wuli h. In th. beatiintre of thelutoua ta gelta.hesurface usier ta h. creek lantinsi argument, Mr. MOWIU- laces sai h. toua findsis tlt gin the uaseecely soi untenasle position of freezng isvelopceent la the toua for the tat sevea years, soi ashlng the Ontaria Municipal ori for more1a, yeî Il il nul show more favel- opmeat right la ta. toua. Aai 0vwhy psy tar glt-eigeil services la an Isolateil hackusier of th. toua? The toua abouti encour- age ievelopmeat of messy stripa 11 h n laorisr ta salve Iis problec.0 Be uggestei is applcation vms hetag pichai nais aatest can for h. nov service sani- ards, an attempt ubich wuli irrive the pria. of houslng op ta impossible levels.0 Reports... <Cattuei from Page 6) Clerk J.C. Montyre ulll reply la th letter racelvei, attag 1h. tounship cannat posalhly chocs. a sullable persai soi have h. aswer hock ta Otaua by th end of 1967 as raqueaiei. The racipleai of ta. medluwlU h. anammei aI soine laterdute.. Rosi superntleaisatGrant Mc- Millan reportei ta. committai ban s new utder raaiy for op- eratiai os Basagaueys rosis. A by-lau ta authorine issuace of ish.ntures 0f $283,000 for th. adihtion la Brookville Pubfle Scool vas passei, plus anther, la fulfill lb. requirement 0f 1h. Emergeacy Mlesures Act in re- garis ta mutua ansoiservice la evesl of natioaldilsaster. Camaeil enterai commottee of ta. ubole to aiuiy a report tram lb. commlltee meeting 0f h. personnel aidoffice administra- tiai staff. Minutes f Iis m.t- ing were amesisi. The Reeve aidIrannurer vara ataorlnd oi la py alrosi mai genoral aecoais on or hefara 1h.'s en. Mr. Moîtyre van instructei 10 arrange a meeting ulta 1h. Minier ai Muicipal Afiars toa scertata ta. cause i Oie delay ta approvlng Naoaga- ueya sofficllplan soi aailsg by-lsu aid 10 lsouse racoce- meoitiais coecerslng amesi- ments Io ta. planning soi. Hornby Holstein sets high record A purebrai IHolstein cou itta band of Clauis F. Piclut, Bora- by, bas recently compl.ledi ne record of performance prodeci- lai lest. As an elght-yer-oliin 305 isys on lIra-a-day miling, Acme Shamrock Zanete proiso- .i 22,5118 to. mllk conailang 890 Ib. fat, average tat 3.95% butterfal. This record han a Brei Clans Average of 193%for mllk aid 208% for fat. Caninuei ai test for 365 isys ai luira-a-day milbing, Zanette proiscei 25,852 Iho. milk con- lsaiag 1,029 1h..ft, average test 3.98% buterfat. This re- cri van oufficteat for lurtore- ails. a Superlor Proisolloncer-' tificata avarisi by h. Bostein- Friesian Asociain0f Canada. Zanelte ls clsslflied'Very Gooi» for boiy conformationeand 1e frocetOie Very GooilaniTvo Star Broui Cou, Acce, Tnona Rackette. Zanette is by Oie& E- aillent, soi Clans Etra sire, A B C efectiai Soverelge. 878-2341 TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED A courteotus ad taker W i KOSKI wilI aosist you in plac- LIMITED 878-9452 M io ing n succetoful classi-- 1 f imd where over 13,50013011Iaýr-zu rendort in the central AND.. Halton market can te6 SOUTH SIDE PAINTS & SUPPLIES what you have to offer. /Ytenthis accus ai a coach and four arriwing ait a cauntry inn and th.eanarvel. oi th. spuce ag.,-there are many cantraste. As w. greet aur fionde ait 1h. New Year, we wauld wimh for today's world th. boat of bath times-whalehearted acceptazaceofa new challenge%, wlth continu.d appreciatiosa for 1h. "old-iasohioned" ways af warm cardiality. W. groatly value 1h. gênerons share ai such cardiality w. enjoy in aur pleasant association with aur cuatamera, and il in a constant support ta us in aur endeavans. Happy New Teani lHe challeagei 1h. capitaloa- tributiai -- bath 1h. price aid the legallty --aid dareillu toua to show tom hou Ibis subivisiai wmld pst a strain on 1h. clvlc ecoomy. "Thetoua picluil a figueaout 0f the airubich smmn 11h. a sice fat figueata uoak th. applicant vita.0 *Th. toua Isleulng onreanon- able, th. toua shouli lu ansist- lng me te stralgbtea mit Ibis mess,* he caicluisi. Solicitor Balisna rgueil cous- cil vas more conceraei vlth the fInaclal positionsoflia preseot laxpayers, Iba some future res- lisais. Mr. McWlnlams iaev lb. pOlicy bulbhesusbmlttei plans thal ii at caiforce, be chargei. He sali 1he standards are rea- soable, or lhey vouli net h. la practice la other touas. Be in- vitai 1he . 0.0.ta rule ai 1h. legality 0f the capital contribut- Iai, actlag ta. 0.M.B. ban recog- snzeil ta. existence 0fscb a levy la pant disonas bot nover hau passeil ay opinions oalis leglity, Caeil aily naigilt "a tirai clasreslisoilal oudilvlsiai,nol 10 suboilcze a 1ow coai bousiag projeot," Oie solicitor coacluisi, The sWllcant came backvitha relort Ibat the toua lus shown ls incompetance 10 isvelop lb. ladultbin Ils oua bosadaries, 1uto hcb Ilayar-eleot Brian Hast Jimpei lotois teel aniastaiper- mission ta reply. Mir. Beai ravleued the maiey Miltai ban opent for Oie pant four years ai expanig ls val- er supply, ealsrgnthlb seusge treaiment plant aid makling sur-, veys aid sal touts on Oie truak sever program ta serve recent- ly-aexei lande noar Blgbuay 401. Il us1h. falt 0f the Ont- aria Department of Municipal Affairs thal lb. iscisiai ai the touas anexatiai case uns de- layei over aid over again, soi once Miltainbailsemae conclus- lv. ansuers on anexation the future isvelopment coulibe more orderly aid btter planaei. % eheartag caicluisi vita Mfr. Jarniesai's promise ta, have an aser vithon 10 inys.