RATEPAYERS Decembr 19 Ljadtes' htgh sngle, Banale MeLeee 319, ladies' high triple, Banne cLead 778. Men's igh single. Bill Cairns 301, rnn'a igh triple, Jark Champoas 797. Other gnod singles, Jack Chamnrn x(281-294-22Z), Norma MacMurphy 293, Tom Few 273, las Adams 248, Irane Few (22î- 228-279), Ed De ia Jr. (247- 200-239), Jim Clvia (271-247- 261), Dava Dîmles 251, Bannie Mceaod 264, Amelia Bassatt 222, 241, Donna Neal 264, Winstas Cameras 251. Other goad triplas. BilîCairns 105, Jtrn Caîvn 779, Amelin Basetl 346, Tem Few 65,lreae Few 734, El De Bia Jr. 619, Nrma MacMurphy 653. Beatniks wan 5 for 66, Safely Pins 7 for 61, Hippies 2 for 54, Centuries 5 for 53, SPtfires 2 for 46, Biaoprs 2 fr 43, Cr- onet Blues 5 for 35, Avngrs 0 fr 34. Kitride school vas Oe sceas o Oiesanana Christmnas meeting o! the Borne and chool Associa- tion last Masday Decmbar 18, Mrs. Mary ltasphrry,president, cqened Oe rmetisg, than fumait over Oe proceedisgsto Principal Jaues Morrisoandtha stodents. The paalng nomber vas dona by the mrnralg indergarfen ciss, ta Satas Wrhshop and Away in a Manger directel by Mro, A. Berry. The schal choir enertainad ilhFrostyOihe Sno- ma. The aternoan indergacten claso asder the direction of Mrs. A. Berry put on tvo seleclioou, Christmnas Gretiags and The Toymas Ban. The prirnarp classes presented Christrnas in Glher Land, diracted by 1.i1ss Brackeatary, Miss Paldon and Mrs. Somler. Grade ana 611 France, Mexico; Grades 1-2 England, Spain; grades 2-3, Swedea and Balland. Follaving Iis Oe chir siog- isg The uron Carat, tventp- Oree children frnrn grades 4-5-6 gava a choraEraading etitled, OThe Boy Who Laoglsed aI Santa Claus uasgr te direction o John Mrrow. The Juniors thon atel at Dicens' «Christrnas Crol'. The choir enterfainel wiOi ivo more selaclions,Dsono Hear What I HRr and We Wish Yen a Merry Christmnan. Bob Story braught Chrismas greelings to Oe parants frorn fho scboi chilran and staff. Dr. Mirhead, an bhaaf f the Rome MildSchoot Assocaion thastrnd the hachersandsisdauiu for Oie aveaing'o entartainmenl, AI the conclusion o Oie aven- lng, jaly 011 S. Nick arrivait on Urne in is right raI suit ad snov whiae chishrs ith a treat for Il Oie chilren. The Explorero asd C.G.I.T. hel thir annua Chrsmnas con- car Thrslay eveningDecarnhai 21. The prograrn includel orgn solos, soag, plays and a Bible realisg bp Debia Saul ilh Paggy Smith as master o! caca- mooles. AI Oia conclusion o! the evenlng Sana arrivaI ih a treat for ail the girls.L j 48 ALLEY PACI<ERS Decmber 18 Ladies' high single, Yvone Teasitel 306, ladies' hfgb triple, Yvonne Taasdel 725. Other garni singls, Marlena Mrias 27, BrbVerstraete 257, Jessia McCllanit 253. Othar goal triples, Marlene Moron 648, Brb Versrai5te 624, hart Malyb 613. Pin enîfs von 3 for 56, rill- ers 7 fur 53, Kout Ratz 0 for 51, ling Pins 4 fr 49, Scutflebus 3 for 48, Four Pins 2 for 48, ReanI Pins 5 for 44, Hot Shofs 4 for 43. 24 CLUB Decembr 20 Ladies' hlgh singie,PollyCn nas 245, ladies' lgb tile, PoUly Cannoan673, thar gool singles, Colteen Grvais 235, Phil ashrry 233. Othr gool triples, Thelma Bousel 638, Phil Rashrry 121, Jase Knox von 2 for 64, Joan Srith 5 for 55, Thel ma Bousiel 5 for 52, Phil tiasharry 2 for 39. Ms. Russell Couuson, R.1. 3, Camphltvlle cas hostess lu the Firul Klibrile LaslRasger Com- pany asditheir moîers ai a Christmas banqueltast Thurslay evanng itbhrs. Dorofbp Grant, District Comnlssioner, Mrs. B. Anlarcheck, badge secrelnrY, Mms. Ruby Lillycropp, Ranger Leader anI Mrs. Richards as special gueufs. Master ai ceremonies for Oie occasiovas Sanly Couison. The toast f0Oie Queeo vas by Carol Stroz. Theresa LillysiopP sait Oie Grace. Each gues vas preseolel ilb a corsage on bhaaf o! the Rang- The assembly on Frilay morîî- ing Decemhar 15 vas preseulel by Mrs. Surner's grades 2 - 3. eather Cosens vas macler o! crernoniesan d the scripture rending vas Matthev Clînyfer 2, verses i lu 11. The couire class touh parinb a Dance Aroual Our Chrisimas Tro. ruce Bestes-, hrtaised ithvitwIo ccordias solos, Sulent Nigbl ouIdJAngle BaUs. The class choir sang Angels Song and ua. BonIfer Jury probes four deaths Speeding, drinking, didn't see train Failure ta sea the train; in- adequate raad mainteonance and passible speeding were listed as causes ieaiiing te the fatal acci- dent that took tbe lUnes a!ftoor i7-year-oid boys, Nov. 25. The inquost was bell Wed. Dec. 20. Ail four diel whan the car they were drising, a 1930 Plymouth coupo crashedito ba train on lje c. pR. main iioe on the First Line of Nassagaveya. A patboiogist's report preseot- oit by Dr. Verne Watdorf shovel ail four boys had been drinlng prier f0 tbe crash. Terrence Van Busktrk of IL.R. 2, Camp- beiiniiie, the ovoar andt prabable driver of the car bnd .06 par cent aicobolinjo is blood stram. This is equivaient te four bears or six ounces of liquor. Alcohol readlogs rangel from .02 to .05 percent in ibheother Obrea youths. Dr. Watdorf statel Vas Bus- llrkhbal suffarel o crusbad cbest vbicb vas incurred vban ho came into contact vith an oval shapel object, probnbty the steeriog vbeei. Ibis was the rnly indicatan Oiaf cold ha sait for identification f tha driver. The car vas registared la Van Buslr's namne. Gntario Provincial Police Con- stable Terry Devina stateit he had faloved Oie car frorn Mi- fat just befara 4 a.rn. but neer cama dloser Oiaananequarter of a mile taOie car. Constable Devise stafeit ehadilplaooeitol mabe a routine check offtbe car itse to the time of nighl, andt the asly ttrna ha sav Oie car ai- ter thal vas when ha came ta the crest ai a il. tn within osa foot ai hitliag Oie train hi mseif, asd neyer naw Oie train or asy waraing Uights or signais soil afe rba hai tlppad. At that time ha saw Oie Uighls tn Oie eanst hich vare iantarns carrfeit by fralnman, Rafli Cosstable Devine asnd Harold Agiov, a psseugerlothe cruiil,er and i ndiepeiiileof it- ness tlitthe jury lbey hbtiean travelling ai about 55 miles as haur ani t tas close to 500 feel to corne ton flt stop aller ap- Cousens touk part in a Scolish lance. The asience participatel in a sing s00g by singing their favor- ite Christ mas carais. The ciasn ail toote parin10the recilations about Christmas Symbols. The prugram casclodel viOi Oie Quee. Centennial medals for Esquesing Candian Cenfemlial mals ilib avarIai tof George Leslie retiriog eeve ofEsquesingiovo- sip, andt cierb KC. Lndsay. At tbe lnsf meeting o! Esque- sfug cousit a leteer vas eaI ri Wm. hcItyre, secrelarY of fthe Cabinet, nshisgranil t e mo 1 ivo nanes as Ieir choice for the mels 10 Esque- sing. Cousitl ecidel on the ceufennial year Reeve, aslClerk KICCLtndsay ln recognitioni ut is years of service to Oie tovn- ship. Police praisal a Milton Jail staffer for prsviding a tip that tbree susplcisus meo vere sean prowlUng la Oie neighharhuait. Three costables hagas looklng aroanit the nef gbborbol asnd fin- ally spotted a truck an t3ronta St. When thep pullei tIhe trucke anar, une of Oie occupants ras Jaycees to meet tonight Milton Jaycees are holding their firsi dosner meeting ai the Caravan Restaurant tonigbf, (Welaeslny), The meeting viii hagin at 6:30 prn. asnd the douner 15 espectel to ha servel about 7:15. This is an opan meeting. Aop- ase interestel inhacuolongaJny- cee or lisding oui about the or- ganizaf Ian is veicome tu attendt. The Jaycee loy drive bal sois- eral boues of fays itonniel toIthe casse Welnesitay atlernao, .AI- toiagh Oie drive vas scbeitulel and carriel ast GoSaturlay ftha greater perceotage of the tuys carne in aller that day and tbe drive vas a laie success. The Ooys vere ta ha turnedoverluthe Cfùllren's Aid Suclelp. --Don't torget the Oloui l ii mol Tburslay, January 4. another Neiv eor supplante the l . givinguls nwo)pp)rtuIiIy go fuifilît ur ,treame a anns ,I.u.appy.NewkIar, .ust thank venu fr s ur fri.'.ndsiaînî nd,,tgn.... I JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE MAIN ST. MILTON avap. He vas lter apprebenitei atfampting f0 hifchblbe on No. 10 Sîderoal. Tliree furmier Nov- foundîanui resideufs vbo receotly arrivadinluToronovwere chargnit, Thay are iso vanfedin lucon- nectian vtb thefts of siher e- idles lu the Toroto vicinily. The local vehicle vas parbel in front o! a Bohaerf Sf. home. Il hlungs fo a Streelsilile frm. Police Chie! Ray Andress sait thanhe vas also due f0 Milton O.PP. vbo leot n baud iuriog the incident. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Decemnber 27, 1967 -Nnv's the time ta try & flty b. looklng for yor unvat- Champion classified, if yau're ed Items, and It coits oe Uttle to short o cash following the hoUi- lBt them in theo-For Sales day season. Hundredso0f hayers calumon. piying Oie bratees. There were no id marks frnm the VanEBus- ldrk car, f ndicating ns attampi 10 stop Oie car. Mr. Agtsew testiffad ha bal sean the warning aigu on Oie rlght hasd side ef the raad. *I saw if, bot I cas ondersland Mr. Devina not nefng if.fi vas a itarte afgbt asd be had bis eyas os the rond,' Mr. Agsav salit. Rotb Coostable Devine ond Mr. Agnew climei tfhey sa no Uights, hennit no batis or whlstles hlowfsg as tbay appraachad Oie train, anit naOie r had anyidica- lias Oint a trais vas abeait of tbem ustil they vara about 500 feaf away. John Srnith, a f raismas for Oia C.P.R. asnitoty that aighf dlaim- ed a ball vas ri nging continuous- ly asnd a whist le was blown as sn as he sav beaitiights comfag. Graham Day, as attorney ce- preseoiog the C.P.R. esplainaed the raiivay vas obtigatait by taw ta have a mas flashisg a iigbl whi ta the angine procaeitad cross the crsssing, but not vhf ta the trais vas shusting or stat- ionerp acrass the intersection. ABter three bours of evidence anditwIo hours of iteUberation, tha jory recmnsied railay cars ha eqoipped it ih raflectiva marteers andtaat tevei crossisgs ha equippeii witb protecliva lighfs, vhether thep ha fn Oie form ai flashars or wig vags. SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S DAY DI1N NE R Served f rom 12 noon to 8 p.m. WE WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONED Milton Manyponr New Yeac he bright withinony happy hoars ..rich in good brniîh andt good fortune. Halton LJ~ Branch UNITED CO OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO Wecolobrate thes -; etîlo fortor m0815 be ibis coosollesty. May thei New Yen brinz' lForvserly Allen's Esso Service) Corner Main and Ontario Sts. - 878-3641 We HonrAIH Special Booblets Previously tssaed A N NOU NC EM EN T MILTON TV CLINIC ELECTRICAL REPAURS IS NOW SEPARATED INTO TWO DIVISIONS AS FOLLOWS Milton TV Clinic HARDY NIENABER RR R b MILTON Phone 878-3836 REPAIR SERVICE ON 0 TV 0 RADIO 0 TAPE RECORDERS 0 ANTENNAS 0 Specializing inREuropean Hi-Fi Sets 0 HFi Repairs and Cus- tom Ruila Hi-is HARDY NIENABER WERNER WEBER Weber Eîectric WERNER WEBER, Prop. 136 MartinlSt. Milon PHONO 078-6034 0 POLE LINE CONSTRUC- TION * INDUSTRIAL 0 COMMERCIAL 0 DOMESTIC 0 ELECTRC HEATING And Eloctrîcat Rpaire of Att Knds ""WE WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR" j . . . . . . . Three truck thieves apprehended by police KILBRIDE Students present concert ,n lie ,th e-