Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Dec 1967, p. 7

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On Frlday, October 27, Knox Presbyterie Cbrch, Milton, wux the scene of a pretty double- ring ceremony wchcsuoted ix- gether le cedlock, Miss Dnsa Isabelle Perry, only daugiter xf Mr. and Ms. Johs Perry of R. R. 1, Milicn and William Lurie Manuel, son of Mr. and Ms. Laurle Manuel of Canning, Nova Scotia ctb 1ev. J.K.L. McGxcn xhifclating over the ceremssy. The church cxx decrtedcitlt baskets ofiwchte and red can- ines and cwhite bece anrd cara- alons onetise pews. The bride exlered the ciurcir by the side of tIer faier la Prise the Lord, te Kig of lleaven plxyed by the rganis Ms. Smpsoneof Brxmpton. Sol- oit cas Wlter Bell. Tbe bride core x fixer lengtb wedding gocnofxiwite satin witlc an empire cxit line and an open pleat faling te tbe fluor. lier al lace leees orming a pin- pint at the wrist mached tbe bodice of ber goc. Tixe lace train istesed ithbo baoixthe back nckline and telIlenxaplex- ed effecite the fler. Hier head- pleoe of tree-tlered veil cas atened by a cluste r o rose pet- aIs embedded ciib smali pearîs and sequins chich tel te the calt. She carried a bouquet af ced roses sxembled cit ivy. Tbe bride wore a small iear- sbaped pendant citb a tiny di- mond le the centre, a gift of tbe groom. Matro xfhour, cas Mise Mary Campbell, a friend of tise bride. Tbe maid oet bner's geca eau a floor leagtb gowe et red cl- vet citb an empire wistlin. lnitiate girls Tbose recently inititxted ie thre C.G.I.T. greup of St. Pxl's. Uited Cburcb iociude Barbara Tom, Susan Arbic and Janet Brodie, nxw ix the itermedixte grnep; Nancy Heaieriagixa, Nancy Noble, Pauline McEacb- ere, Mary Niot, Catbeli[B Baud- er, Pel Berry, Debbte Sior and Jante Bird, sec in the junior grnep. GO Transit to expand> Apparently plaased cis the GO Transit system, tbe pronin- cial goveremeet bas called lor a arvey o extensions te tbe eort, pssibly including George- toc. Goerament officiels rafuse t( give Inormatione as ix bat Ian( wold be involned in rder t( avoid a ike In land prices. TbE survey tsexepected te be inlligb. wxys Minister George Gemme'. bonds le Janaary. Tbe seven mentis nid serviCE bas already built a diiy palmen age of 16,000 pereous. $1,500 damage A total o $1,500 damage ext dose le a tco-car colision Sat urday evenig un No. 5 Siderex near ligbway 25 nrtb of Mitxr Driver 01 a car wicb recelv ed $800 danage, Charles Sbubel oi R.R. 3, Milice andxapassenge Allan Shubert receined mxxr injuries, as did te drixer efthi other car, Grald Nlsu Milton. Exlier tbe caainenening, car drinen by Tbomas J. Daicîr efthte R.C.A.F. station, Ange receined $400 damage in a one car accident just couh et Spey side on ligbcay 25. The drive suiiered mnor lacertixx. «John, ilI sbxuid (ie, and y( sbold anr marry again, prot ise me you'îî neer lai yur ci cear my clotbe. 'Sure, I promiee - beide tbey wouldn't fit br.' Tbe bock xi the goca bxd a cape elieci cuis a bec lanlice cenre. Ber matching ceddiag-ring beadpiece cxc accampanied by a amal two ter veil atened acrosthe back, Sba cera cite accessorias, and a tiny black dixmnond pendant, a gifi et tbe bride. Norm Kiervin, a iriead xoflice groom cas groxmsman, and tbe usbers were Jobs and Eddie Pr- ry, breibare of the bride. Following te ceddiug a dinner raceptian cue beld ut tbe Uioin Bll ex Mactin St. Tbeeiriee's enter ore a beige lace drese ciib brown a- esories and a corsage of pinit sceetbexrt roses. Tbe groum'c mtier cure jade green, cul blackaccecxxriee and a corsage et gld roses. Leaving for a trip ibrough tlie Noribaro States and oxc otei East Coast, thle bride chosce a metallitc white sbeatb dres itb a burguedy veInai cet, cwhite bat and glovac, blackpurce andebuee and a corsace eicbite carnations. Prixr te the caddingtite bride- te-be wa boneored aiseeeral cbxer, oeagivn iy thle matrxa ut bunr, Mary Campbll and use by tcx anale of tbe bride Mr. Pearl Strritt and MusscIsabele Leslie. Fllowing te bney- mxxx tbe bride sud groomn cea busored at a ebecar givea by Irieude and aigbberc athîe lixyne Community Catre. Tbe Recretiex Ceommittea andi girls efthlie Canadisu Meter Co preseeted tise bride witbuabrid's bnook and seeral lneely gifl. Tbe grenom is emytnyed t Bell lime. Ld, nui thte bride is an emleyee efthIe CandianuMter C. A telegram of congratulations wxe rend ni tbe receptixu trum thre gruem'e iser and er buc- ut St. John, NB. LE~îou Smith-Christie St. Pallx Uited Ciurcis cas tise ceane et a prelty lal eddiag ona Sturday, Nnember5,tforthse marriage ut Janet Mary Smths sud Garry Wayne Chisieia, e. Ciares Haier ntiriated attise eremuny. Mc. Magen piayed tise rgan. Vaes et wite and yaiiuc mume flsuked tie atar. Tise bride le lise daugitar et Mr. sud bre. J. Smith ut Milton and tise groom le tiseesnetfMr. and brs. Ane ChisitiaetfMi- tu. For br ceddinglise bride woea a fixer laugtb wite catie gown cis a lxce verd'eec. erisexd- piace cas a cryctxi tiara aile x fixer languis eil. Baer bouquet wxc a cascade ni pink sud ciite roesc. Tise bridals attendante were Adiann Salen, mid-xt-bxnxr and PaÈcy Sxmpon, brideemaid. Tisay core idenical street tenkis yelew dresses ix A-int styla Bxxred guecto care lice bridelc grandmtber Mc. bIner teclie, great aunt bre. F. Steen and grat uncle Bey McMillan. Gustc ttesded ron Actea, Oxiville, Toronto, Kitcener, Guelphl, Port Pcrry, Brampton, Canning, N.S., Streatenille sud Mille. Upen returciag troantexo weab boeymxen trip, thie couple Dear Sr: It IS tltting lisal xc Iis lime I citxuld express tisnaks for lise iactual raportiug xifcisai migit1 le termad 'O.P.P. Nec' anar tise paxi yaar. We are uxwcocmpletiug tise Sirsi iceine monuliserind iucwhuct ait newu media tiîrnugiseît tre yrovrnce rave ieen recereiug regutar adices trem eut Ferce lsreugis xur Public Inxrmation Prxgrnm. hfic grtiutyiug ta se ties pirit oflcx-cperationuiisaiis deneleperi ne tise rauli ai Ibie cxmparatiiety receat eudeqour. Jusi ac il iceeseniialtisataewe be mnde availaisie tirnagisal media by tise police, co il ix im- portat lutise administratinuni justice tisat tise public be kepi latxrmed et tise service sud resyxacibiities efthtie pulice. I looklarcard totehie cetiaued gnndunadrsudiaglsat yreseeuty maintaixe, Witis beci cidres. Dr., Milton. Oxiville, Acster and Brant- tord. The couple bave rturaed trxm tbeir boeymonu andare reeidiug xl 173 T'haras Street, Milton. Prier te tise eeddiug misel- lanaxue ebewer e enginen fr thie bride xl tbe bome et Mr. William Woodc, sud eighbburexf tise bride atiexded nariscel- lsnunsebxee r authie bome ut brs. Sarpna. witb greena bedpiece anud carried aeeegayc et gold ana wite tunis. John Dryden, a triand ufthtie groom xcted xc greumeman sud tise usier wne DeonatlChisrtie, a bruiner etftira groom. Feitnwtng tise aidieg a diener receptinians etd attise Mohawk In, Camrrlieii. Tise grunm'e motber reeeined in a twn-piace deep pinis dres nd cual an- semble citis blacks cceeenriee. er corsagewans et chte eceet- isart roens. Tise brides motier wxce n turquise dress witb brxwa acceeenriec and a white coreage. Tbhetbriri table was cetrad witb a tw-ier weddiug cake, fianred iy go nd uwhiite nums. Tise toaestixlie bride waxepro- poed iy Johnu Drydenxand reylled te by tise groom. Out-n-teca guccI ceerre resenstrerîrGuelph, Solid Prospects In Millwork Guaranteed increace Current over et 2 years Starting ru meit rate tst class Cabinet Makers and Machne Men $2 3-' $2 64 upnlý $3 12 tet Close Wicdoea Asemblers Woodwxrkicg Machine Operators 2?24-249 ,p ti 2 97 212- 2 32 -ep tu277 Yours iucerely, (Erie Suik Ceermicixuer. A Cbrictmas Day menu efirnest beel or turkey belped xoolbe the day for 35 patientc cix cpeet lice bxliday in Milton Dictrict Itesp- utal. Permitted by the adminis- tration ta incita relatives 10 bave disuer citb tilen, tbcycera accumpanied by about 20 nn- patiente. Tbe M.D.H, Wxmen's Arail- iacy decxratad tire building, la- cluding a tree fer ice occupants efthIe cbildren's card. A irerth ie rmaintenance staif haa arrainged te riaceSuanta Clans elsit tbe nurd, but tle jdimnuity of rasideuts ixrced Santa ta xitbdraw bic utter. Membere ut Emmanuel Bnp- tiet Citurcb junior cboir sang carxls Wedaesday eeniug. The staff report admittancec acre ligbt uner tbe bxliday, euth mnet cases resultiug trerx the flifluenza nuibreuil. 1 'VirltI1neenle,O esylaiued Jtire irsrnce salesmair tn a be- vwiiiiereit yrospect, 'ana anutri enur, mite carry asn i ynu ciîruid 'Weli,' aecwered tle farrner cen nnaity,'I len't recisentiîat'e aire corrcenofi rire - as rongas claie ibevelierseli aSlile l'rii aiiee., MR. AND MRS. WILFRID GREENIEES ef C,3yrl ivle e mar d 3Oyar on 8 -1celehrit dtFcicIni versary ar a denner air rhe P e ,jan 1 he Canadian Champion, Wedxesdty, Decemtser 27, 19677 The Government of Ontario introduces... Insurance Registration 1Board If youehave eleîrrOntario Meiicai Services i nsuance Plan (OMSI P) or Ontario Hospiral lesuraîrce 10H11 yciur milson ei itie, ariii o the Heaith lisur,trie'Hi, ictriiot er (HIRB), Tise Heaith i cseraîc e Rngistratîutt Beard has ieen set ep isy tise Province reu iet as arr agetîce er Luelt OMI Pond Ontario Hospital 1lns rrie nce. i 11H mil Le tretcentrail reicrratiee office miii, i ili, il,. ietîîlriet. biliips and pri t eniret, cciteiicaier inqniut about Oliturio 5sceiical r et tîipitaî iresur rie pians. OMSIP and Ontario HospitalIinsnrance wiii rontinue te preerde thier prasant cxn- eruge. The eniy dîttarence is that, tren nw one. when Yecr seecHIRB, yenii isow it rreaec tie Hé-lth iL icrtiCt Iegistration Board is sereirig yoec it behait et Otaneos heaitis inseraîrce plans. If you h ave al e ion s aboetc i pruvi c il hcaiil esutancetPirorlieni t remnos ins wite te. Health Insurance Registration Board ? 195 Ye eýSt net, Terento 7 GOVERNMENT 0F ONTARIO Hecn. JOHN P. nOBARTS, Prime Minster Manuel-Perry Roa*st beef, turkey, 'visitors ease patients over holiday MR. AND MRS. W. L.MANUEL (She is the fermer Donna Perryj Furniture Finishers One of Canadas largest manufacturers of achool equipment, and intertor for universities, churches, etc., ls now establishing a complote finishing department. This offert oery unusual opportunitien for rapld and secure advancemont. 0 Wagec are paid meli above the terni- ture industry. litAlil trniture ticîehing siilis required. " Steady Empixyment. " Excellent working conditions wrth thse neweet of ectupment. NICHOLSON Building Components Limited 1303 Ontario Street Burlington, Ontario 634-2333 Apply - Box 228, stating age, SxpOYj*flcê, and teleplione number. 0 Steady Employment 0 Very progressive Company 0 Ample opportunity for promotion te Supervisory Levels 0 Excellent working conditions NICHOLSON Building Components Limnited 1303 Ontario Street Brlington, Ontario 634-2333 Apply - Box 228, stating age, experience, and telephone numnber "i e i

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