nesdap, Dcembar 27, 1967Copeeresa es forum Merchant! bpyb bh b u rt t Cananiai ear han corne and aiitbu gon, and altgh tera wre ten gay ceibaioss oste stors acesa te cony'x tirt- day set far from latang sxstced. LIhaeavery year and every low, Milos bad wioxers and tosers. Tiis cotoma shaà la dedtcalod 1turrntalisclsg aitot happentngs and accompisitoets on te spors cese ix Milos drixg 1967. .As 1 sas uet hre snliMay te accool of shal bappeoed uli h00 mnay nul leasan ivil as Il otherwise soul la, But lte's laite a look ai tilt Spors. It's oaiy appropriale a losa lit seern oexisealamos soieiy for hockey from anlomo 1u sprlog niosl eleirale te aio's 1011h iirtday hy coppiog 001 ose or Iso laI five Trt-County biles. Titis te ay il appexed. Milos hockey tlent hrosghl Tri- Cosel> cbampionssbt tannera for eacit of te five divisions fromn Tylar lhrosgit Juventle canks o bitonsaArasa. 1967 wanxlutie as geserous 1 inte Milon Merchasîs in te Junior dvsion as tey tit vtlm 10 elimintallIn t le firsl round agant Arora Tigera. The Tigers weat os 10 defeat the poser bosse 1n tho nort, teGeorgetownoRaders 1inte fiais. ilenalo Bertoi gradsaled from Junor hockey and tob siit hlm te Most Vauabto Merchant Award for the 196-t seasos. A more deicated man cosl soltave tosed is say lx the head "C f tac Milon Minor Hockey Eocoive tas Bill Bossey. Bil, sho ef is knowx an a releoltes soriter for fao yoasg laddtog hockey sars la low, tbah over troos Jir Mrray sbobandled the ratn int9l5- 1966. Milton bosed taeomInt annal Jnoexlie Hockey Toursameol in fise fashtos tat wioer. Thet Iurnamesl dracled hy Butlitowsey eterlai.sed over 50i0iboys froil differant tows ad ttracled more people tase ilever hin 1 ls blalory. Titan ter a s a itatl. The eslaxxtai versios of t thMilton Juvanile leam came itîhis miaules of bin"go an all-Onlario tille borne.fil sas rntl-Oclolar lafora the Jsveniie fiais sero flxahiy wrapped up and Ciippasa decael tae Provncial Champion. The nommer of 1917 sas a por ose for te lo's itrmediate entry i0 the Baton League. Te RedSnt slumhiedtreugithlie firal 13 gares sifanul a viclory lafora flxally ektxg a 101h lxxlsg 6-t sIx over fao Waerdoss Tigers. Dtck Ctemesl, coach of te Bed So, slepped dosn aler the oit game f the seasnsdse 10 eavy buiess commilîrnas and vo- eras Red Sax infiler Art Meiasene rose te paosono piuyiog- coacht shile Cemeol cosixood as presideal of teIlaucbi. Wietet perpetuaity poserfui Carpliville Mrchants decided 10 go Inermellate B insead f C, il meanl fao seak Mitos tearn seild bave 10 oldigier in fao regar sease paytan te Vliag- rs 10 socure a hrt 1inte piapoff. Aler dse cossideration Preoideot l Cenoland coacht Meisesox *pt a Junior eslry logetoer. The Juniors elimtaaled Wakerlon ln tac scr-fntais and osed 10 Bodney tante finai sre. .Betore te laglxoing of te 1917 asehali easnsLes Andrws, sho ad guidcd the Viiagorn tiregb 15 ears ot succensful han- ha, made ieadites siit tac anotncerna of Mn rosignallot. AI- thfaugit Eari Carna dld lake over te ranaglngof te doit yos cetId * iardip say Andrcws reslgned. Titîre sas hardip a game or prac- lice t inte voeras leacitr's absence. Sports tans and paricipanss era siocla Inl eura thal Eimer ilarxity ad died. Elmer cotrllated proitaity as mucit sel mayla jos a 111110 more titan even some f the stasochet supporters f sports ila lid owbn. Elmer is cradllcd al ite fooodlag f the Pro-Arn hockey ieague sittit inslUR gxlsg xrong, un weii as Indutriîj hockey nverai yaars ago. e was actng an Preident ufthte RoI So. But Elmr's conributioxnantlilmile ed teilive duies. 'air. Ticket Taer' sas a namne hoerxed titrougit Ils services aI the arexa sel the hal park Elmer was the type rf iasohaii prosi- dant sho xol oaiy prasidel over the leam laI rahel the dimmool they piael on. Tite asnusl Ballon Couseyln termelite Ai-Star game went off sitanul a hich ad provilel shat orne olI timers refrral 10 an tho iargesl crol lhep hal 0000 10 Waterîown hall park The game Iself sas te Al-Stars sqseak hp tac Guelpht C-Joyn 1n the niata imslsg but many peope iii also rememlar te «Ms Ballon Baseait' laaulp compeilion wo hy Miss Linla Neoas 0f Surlilglon. Ace hurler for te Campltville leam Jackt Rolarts was samel as te Most Vaunaitie Plaer linte eague. Summer 1917 sas a rovivi ut top nolcit talles softlaii seler tho coaching 0f Murray Whistler, Sleve Gervals and Jse Wisn, Manp miliramomlar Milon Bottes scortog a 35-2 wln ovr Pal- ermo b o ara a ie w11h Gorgetown for first place 10 the Baton beague. Mltlon selGeorgeown met in the finlandse orgeton mon te championhp 150 games luose. BnI eoit ekwe mIS l aootk itoo1968 sel mal tb oupect os the local spors cene for te yer. ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. Opaometrlaa Tu«day 9 am. t. 3S p. Friday 9 a.m. b R pao 184 MAIN ST., MILTON (DamIa JwsfleuuRid.) led g' Jrt s], I 90 ,s wun 12-4, lose 12.3 over weekend ta-i dfeal Satsrday aflernoosin Aax, aller itoonciol Richtmosd B11 ity att almool idenicai 12-4 margix te nighl itfore. «The whoie thin was a schmozcie from beitatnlng 10end, Manager Aite Parlon satd. Thé game was aciteduied for ,2.3o andI sas hetd 5E for se hosr wie hoti tlearn s allied te ar- rivai ut the officiais, sho SU11 have yet lu show up ... Finatty arangements sere made forimwo reforoos from Oshawa 10 son, te gme. Tite second pertod looh oversan hour 10 pilay. Eecstve memiers from hoti t ams sore dlsgosled wiitite reforeolsg lhey dil fin- aity receive. Mito Manager Parlo said te O.H.A. souid re- celvo a report on te tocidenltbu as of Tue sday no ose reaityiosevo whal happened te officiais sito TEMPERS REACHED a peak hem nvght guru't- jiptugte-ivr'Iy rtsqie rr ui Irrhec viten the irchnoud HilRotes ursrted the' Mer 's vur no fsv'vui phis vrrtrt chants. Mcrcttunts upset the Ranis 1? 4 and hon lost 12-3 the foliuoing day iv Arcu Tire 'Staff Photo) Pro-Arn report By John aicLeas caions wmitîe TlmlarSselndJor- lasnieipel sut once each. LasI Tue slay olgiti Wisotop- Frel Dulmura sel Tom Ram- ed Peldie 5-3 as Brise McDuffe stas tacol te attacit mith apair ed the say w11h a pair of goals of goals eacitas Cbampouutruu- nI a pair f assinlu. Singe col Edarîs 0-2 in te irsl ais se ra scuredity Dos Wilsse, game Tiurslap evenlng. Bryse lm Keaso sel AI Jordas. Ram- ilison, Cari Smit, Lou Nalalis ias, Tlmlars and Bell assistel sel Nrm Sariter ail fired ose oce. KIen Thompson, Dosg Pel- gol eaci tol ensure te viclorp. ie and ip Grvas aut firel une Assisîs came trum Duimstra (2) ;oat eacitase a raspose trom Nalalin (2), ilson, Smitht, 1art- te losers. Grvas (2), Pellie er anul Siarpen. Terrp hanter Ln Lawrence assislol. sel Rolrs rupliel weaittp for In the olgitlcap, McCuceos Elsards itit une goa apleco. recelvcd ose gol trom Jim McDutfe Ires une assint. ease (wIta TiompsoosandGren- lunte fluai game utfte eet, ke asnitbng)alitaI sas te Cain loublel utu ou itîr4-Z as tntsi as Turner dompel taom the siseers' goals camue frum -1. Srlan McDsffo sel Terry tour plaers, Bruce Gales, Fred airas eacit fre1 a pair o mr- Sullivan, Boit NesalI and Ross ors for te viclors sel single Siarpoo. Starpen () and 'roie aiSes came tram Soit Lsrence Vasnnst assiste. Laveri tlacit- nI Bruce McDuft. ip Gervas incitanul Tom Ramuiaw taliio as top masn ite setup loparl- fao gols for te tuers sitile mntn as ho assistel on four oc- Doalîson sndel 1110 assisb'-'. Skiing starts at Glen Eden Sdiers guItteir irsl chance of fao season lu lry te nos ro- vampel taciitîes aI Gies Eden Si area yeslorciay (Tuesday). The siug is reportel an laing geld sel blay bave egitt incites 0f 51105 on thoeman siope. Al fao T-bars are in operaios. Snusmaitng lagan os Salur- day. Artificial s005 ceupiel w11h fao freshiy tailen unos pro- vidI a 4a1d surface for te fmir day o siiol. Woritmen have made a coscen- Iruled effort 10 gel evorythiug in shape for te openioc axt.Man- ager Ken PotIer hart reasonu b show coorero eartp last eoit sten Inctement sealher conliE- ion promnisol aspîiol but fav- orable skiting. But PotIer re- portel fae siupe sas ltakog gond stape mter beavy rans lasI week Juvenile Ail Stars Miton NalSo Eecrrc Fîers wilIla represeoel on te Tri- County Ail Stars meu tOey meel Northr York inGeorgetownoThors- Public dyngt skating Ken PEtotu.have aIt carnie' l Star bitrts. Thte annual cucul Miton Arena wll la openolailtp mUtlaite place lnGergtuwosel Decetolar 27 trougit Decemlar te Al Stars sîlila itasîdleri ir 30j for pubieti skaiuî from 2 bu Jse Wilson, Veru Gootitngnrd Stu 4 p.r., and agalu on Janualry z, asoantl atfutMilton. GE A LOAD 0F THIS" PLSEIGMA1ERIAI.S anjj1jjostof Buildi1ng, Materials Ltd. 2436 Lkahors Rd. W. Phone.Domt. $27-1007 Ne Toli h PIE LE . .. sepped 38 asea (Staff Photo) ' rm~N GRAH4AM 14181... a lot of nifty mavs Staff Photo) About Bruce N.L retere" Bruce Bol of Milton sas tealure inlutire Hock- ey News lmt secit. Boul, st sit itanlie about 50 N..L. games tiis year, is lu tstirI year mitite N..L. sel caSlel te final penalty sitot uft lievear. Ajaxnt la6u-2 ieal in the fmir period, allel ose more la tho second sel fise in the Ibird. Mer- chatass mre limilel tolswo goals in lte firstamdolne010inbte final penlod. Ricit Blacktsas lte top mas os fao Ajan roster, proviliol tanr goasndelssisling oslw Olte rn. AI Palberson recorlel uhulînicit shile Silt Morrisos firaI a pair and singles sent 10 Terry Row- land, Sasly Fergusos and Dan Plotrowst. Roger Wiltfosg, Grahtam Bora anI Deug Bearns a&l sconol for the Merchants. Stickle, RilleSl sel Brosh il itpicitol up assints. Manager Partos fait Friday's game bore ugalnnl Richmondlcon- Inilalel 10 the Mercitants' panr sitoslng in AjaSaturlay, «If se ital piayol a close lame Fnl- lay wemeogit have laen up for lte game Saturday' te saId. Thte manager sail Aja eseruol 1e vin lte lame, btutont y the score they dII. 'Dur boys liln't pi&y meilai toit' te saiI. 'Ttey are 10101 10 bave 10 stariitling. Prie have ose 0f the itiggest teams in lte ieague sel ston pour torsarîs areu'ltlliting Il matas il roui rougit on ourlde- fencemax. Bath Sleve Lawrence sel John Ralvai tlires a couple *Did you give your wite titat of checksS aturuay sut ohrta lecture ooecoonv you talitel tt titey seren'l hiittg,» Parlon about" said. 'Yes.0 Miltono Merchants itomitrded Anv rults ' Richmond 1Hill Barns ilb a six l'1ve gui to gue up smoking.* goal Ihird perio effort to Ibsart FAY'S ELECTRIC A COMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICE NDUSTRIAL O COMMERCIAL * ESIDENTIA S0 ELECTIRIC HEATING 10 RURAL POLE LUNES and SERVICES PHONE 878-2048 for FREE ESTIMATIS sama two learno mol conter la 710 1400 ...fisc pointn (Staff Photo) the Morcitants could munler. Aithougi t ley se re oulsitot 18- t in the firsl portol the Mercit- axIs carriel a 3-2 bal itb lte second periol. Roger Wiltfosg, Tel Boanse Kevto Ball scorel lte firsl por- loI mariters for lthe Milton team, Rhichmontd ocoral lthe flrslgoalici te lame os a meait stt lit sever il e re itulbutfoul ils wap bo the corner ufthe net. Thal martel tac iasl lime lte Rich- mond leam hel lte teal laIttey more xover suutofthe lame usel the ltird periol. Craig Brssh, Jlm Chaikiepsend Doug Bearos 001101 lite second periol martars 10 glve lte Mer- chatass a coolrollsg interost a 6-5 command. Theo MerciataSs scorad on lte tirslttree shoîn ut lte poriol. Chaikiey'o goal sas poraaps lthe muni laaulittulte xlgbl. The big formard pîcitel the psch up eltsido las osnbiue- lUse seldirohe losards iiaop-~ poseals net siith TollpBs*obso bis ming. Citaihioy loel 10 toh rigitt, sent 10 lte tefi sel nlippol the pucit aito ite goator miith o proitiem. Milton sent mbib te finalper- loI aitaal 6-4 sel came ouItsiith a 12-4 win. Theo Mercitanîn taI 20 nits in thealidIperiodalone and managcd to osîshoot te vis- itors 40-38 ton te itole. Roger Wiidfottg, Kevia Bal, Jtrn Chaiktey, Jan Rtddell and Laon Stickie ait scored tltae finai period. FOOTNOTES: Teddyflooditl- lened bts scortxg record Friday nigitl siit a goaiandfourasosiats. Graham Bora piayed ose or itbs better games. Attioogit honover scored a goal ho picel sE ttree assists anudplayed a whate ut a checIolgomare. Bolh Cote roterssaloulFri- day's game for stdppintgpractttte. Coacht Eddy Sstss bau asioed for a sis agatosl Richmond Bill os Frilay aod Aax os Salsrday for Christmas. When asked if ltere sere auy ptayers osnte learn ho toit playel oslslaadlng in Frtday's game the coachttagas 10 rityme off a lsto f names tat sosndod ite te entiro rosIer. Thon ho sald «I1 sas acluaity a rosi team eftort.» ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Br. 136 Milton NEW YEAR'S EVE BALL Sunday, December 31, 1967 DANCING 9 TILL 1 A.M. LEGION HALL - MILTON music BY The Clansmen Orchestra GUELPH Admission - $1000 Per Couple CONTINUQUS BUFFET - BAR - PRIZES FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 878-9005 FOR YOUR CAR'S PROTECTIONj WITH ESSO PRODUCTS Minor Motor Tune-up Coolin0 Sytem Points and Condenser - replace if vecessa rp " Clean Air Fiter & Fuel Fiter and replace if vecessary. " Adîost Carboretor and Automatic Choke " Check Generator or AI- iervator Chargrng Rate " Clean Batterp Terminais Rodrator. " Tighten Hose Connec- " Change or AId Anti- Freeze if necessarp. " Winterrze Wrndshieid Washer " Check Heater and Del roster " Check Batterp Efficiency and AId Water if recessa ry Protect Your Car with ESSO "Rustband" OnIy $1 1.95 for Undercoating of Standard Models. GO IN SNOW with Studded Winter Tires We wiII ho Closed New Year's Day MILTON ESSO (Formeriy Allen's Esso Service) Corner Main and Ontario Sts. - 878-3641 We Honor Ail Speciol Bookiets Previousiy Issued i. i - ti t 7