High Scho l»nings ... Hundreds of gifts for needy children FORGET RUDOLPH AND VIXEN avd ail thosa by Chrstmas cutina Yvonn Agvew, Marslta furry beastsi M.D.H.S. Santa Cl ause represen- Wilson, Sandi Wilson, Lnda Ledvih, Pam etive Deug Tght arrvved ai the Grade 13 As- Green, Lyvda Serons and Mary Anderson. sembly of M.D.H.S. Frday ia a wagon drawa (Staff Photn) ISNYTIIAT TOUCHING? "Mafia-ite" Alan sceve froc oae of te rany skits presented at Waîkar r-evacis hs revît- breakivg dnaih M.G H S Grade 13 isse,,,bly (Staff Photo) The staffsud memMers of te Green Wilos Riding Sabie ei their Christma parly la Trafal-1 gar Tonshiip Hall Titrsday ev- ening. Thte party, arranged ity Daidel Jones, manager, for te slaile's ynuthfl ide, sas atleaded by about 90, but il is felI atleodaoce sas hampered omewit by te A band iciteduledlonappearsnss unable lu malte i, sud recorded music sas sed fr dancing. Two parties enjoyed by Matthews staff Tsi Citrismas parties sere held recently by emplaeeof te James H. Mattiews & C. (CaLn- ada) Ltd., Nippssiag Rd., Mltan, la celebrate te holiday seasan. À children's party sas ield for emploees' familles Suday aternasa, DecemMer 17 shea chlldren reoelved a preseid. Darlene Ervin sud Dolanu Poinni enlerlained on tem accordions. The party was sponsored by te emplaees' flsd. The previaus Titrsday even- Mng, 47 enjoyed a staffParty sud dunce a te Legion Hall. J.C. and te Squires provided te dace mai1c sud a smrgasburd suiqer fllowed. Manager Nels Barbeot wsinl charge of1the ar- rangements for te parly. Wtt îpfre iato for pour patronage we extend our es New Years wihes Henry and Edna Gorter Inviled tb riog fieids, te riders also ield an eucitaage nf gifl, sud refresitmeals were served. days lefS anil NEXT Chrisimasl --The Chrismas ligbtiig dis- playsoutnaînlo Ical homes dres many rave commeals from holi- day visilors, 'Mltlobas thte Most home decorationu 1 have seenaniywiere,i on lsiior tbld Tite Champion. By Shrl Pasons The Home Ec. ciass uner lra. By Shri Pasins MoDonel, sau conducting a Thte lait week of scitiol itetore party-type child itudy. the Christma vacation sait out i diit kilos if the situe evot sitit a bang as the gade 13's want over very seil with tie preseited titir sssemhiy. Along youigsters, but averyon else sii nreriai ilts açhirstmas seemed ta eijoy it. titeme sas presenled. This poux M.D.H.S.'s boys' baiketbfl hosever, the Chrtstmas tieme Mear necauitered close vie- took i new tara: te god guys vs. tories ovr Acton on Tuesday, thte had gipi ns. gond ni' Sait Decemiter 19. The midgets, jn- Nlck who cold't decide on lors aad seniors will Me practie- whose side ho nos! ing dring te holiday veeh in liesideh a lot offoliogaodfuo, preparation for the Silverbaîl the assetohly hidia far more im- Touroameot shichi held in Kit- portant purpose: thal of tite pro- ciener during teitolidayi. It s senlation of Cirismas gifle to an open Inrnament ield in St. te varions towshsiips ity thte it Jerome's Higit Scitool sud lista dents of M.D.i.S. Literally us- fnr twi dap. Tiis silI glve nar dredi of giflas ere received 1'y teami a ciace tucompire the m represeatatives ni thetowsis, selves wit teamo frnm vannaus and Mlton Maor-eleci Briai ater areas. iest oni MitaiS nf eedy familles. Mir. Back aanooaced oni Fridiy The iorm whicit coleced te DecemMer 22 taIlite second mos guIts was form 1lE sito Driver Edacation Course will îrnudiy preseîled 24 preseti. commence Jauary 9. Tite frm sas rewîrded witithlie scitani mascol. See tai? We're (ast gettiig Friday DecemMer 22 wasalaso mino ur itnidays bai esets fnr a speciol day fnr te grade 12 te second term are sitaping ap. Home Econmics girls. Eicit i gues ou can't ieep te action girl sas accompanied bo scitool down ai M.D.H.S. Let's hope te by a ciarmiag yatasg :ao. .. or acion miite New Year is evea lady, chiidreo Metweeo the age s oni Mter ta wit las aiready tree aid fine. passed. Tighter restrictions coming on waste wcater Hallon East M.P.P. James W. SnonsIis seoit reports munici- palilins sud indusîies acrosstite Province of Onaro soo siU Imos more ahnut te igitler re- srictinnisithicit will bM applied te waslewater trealmeni, accor- ding la Onarie Saler Ieurces Commission Generil Manager David S. Caveri. Tite OWRC'î Commitlee on Waler Qualty Ojectives, siticit already bas produced a nmMr of policy guldeilses calliag for wstnewaier trealmeal eyed la te reqirements sud ses af each receiving watercourse, silI produce a second report la 1968 dealing more specifically wilh lte problem, Mr. Caeriy tbld delegales ite receal Ontario Pllutioa Cont roi Conferesce iM Toreto. He sald Iis repnrt 5111 defie te basic waer qnalilp ob- jeclives applicable bo ail waters PLEASE NOTE THERE WILLB NO GARBAGE PICKUP MONDAY - JAN, i e PLEASE REMEMBER Sf Collection Normally Mode on These DaysWiIb oeo etRglrPc-pDy For Your Areac CHRISTMAS TREE PICK UP STARTS TUESDAY, JAN. 2 Please do flot place trees out for collection before titis date to prevent them blowing away. Collections wiII begin at 8 arn. on January 2. PS.-Plastic Gas-age Rags are asailie ai the Town Hall for OnIy $2.50 far 50 hsgs - Meo-e Sanillas- Mos-e Convenient Cc use. BRUCE McKERR, Works Supermluendent The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, December 27, 1967 3 -PoUge urge everyonesto bave a suie snd sal New Yer's cel- ebrafi= .Tey're udous 10 show ynu 1h51 r hospitslity. 246 MAIN ST. 1878-23431 I PRESCRIPIN PikdUp & Djivered FREE DELIVEPY A BUSY MAN ai Frday's Grade 13 Christmas assemhly was- AI Restivo, who MC.'d it and also, helped a lot in the pro- duction, Retributiinas exacted when ho 'stuck-up' English teacher W, G Pollen, viso active in the production, following the show (Staff Photo of te Provnce; te meanlof nf sringeal or mnre precise Ob- jectives and condiionis nder siticit liese sonld aPPIY; sud condilios under wiich specific efflunt constraints wouid nppiy. --Do'l go ouitsiitite nid year -- Use saly. We're grateful ao our maîy friends an ishithiem Nrw Year happinesi. CLEMENT PAINT and WALLPAPER COAT SALE OUR ENTIRE STOCK Specual Rack 0F DRESSES 0F LADIES COATSAN CAR COATS GO ON SALE THURS. -DEC. 28 AT 9 A. M. 0 CLOTH COATS 0 CLOTH - FUR TRIM 0 FUR FABRIC 0 FUR JACKETS 0 CAR COATS 3OPF Milton Department Sale Open Friday 'Tii 9 p.m. 200 Main St. 878-9261 I Green Willows stable has. Christmas party 1 - bu@"