J1m I'm tired o calng Iinahemli pond whon ina propertp in front o! It is much more auphemisticatty called Centannial Park. There bas t e ae aler sotmding asme that wiU cenney a more accuratepic- lure o! ha1 ery pleasant bedy of war nff Martin St. Ibal is incoporaled lntbe tewn's centenniat projeo. I don'l inow woshasine auinority 10 namo the body of war bt 'd suggest somating like Conederation Lake mtil a ballar namne csmes atoog. Asp sug- gestions? Whsiile I Ibank o!bitto, I hope prnts wili ba sure the ceis safen theamfli pond tefore ltling yongtrs skate saIt. The water aroond thie opllway particuterlp Is gable deap and Il'd hale 10 sea problems devetop fromn chîldren ging throogh ina bon bfore Il reaches a sale thlchess. Sinon the thctaess caon ary greatp fromn day to day, tere'o ne other wap ni teing sure it'î o.k. *Il may tome as a surprise bt 1967 marbaf anotbar aeniersary tesîdes inat o! Confederation. Il is the golden an- niversary e! ine faderai income ta. It was la l917t at Sic Thomas Wite, inen Minuster tof Finance, intredued bis tecome Tan Bll. Aitbougb eluctant 10 do so, Sr Thomas was taced witb a wartme emr- penny and fet Iha amerpency measuran gara seossarp. Canadians gare assured il was a temporarp tas oly and wnetd te abolishad aI tbe war's end That eu It wai four pr cent ee crporations. I's Soon lot7 il bte hsory. But t's tees a notable year and tefore Il dlosi and passes on Id like te nominale sevarai po- ple and groopi for specl year-endawards for their actions ln 191. Sorry if Ilveamssd you off my ipeclal UnIs, but iere lsn't room te it everpone. Rre are ina Down (s) Awards for 16l. CENTENNIAL PROJECI AWARD: Tn al those copes wbo tegas thaîrconten- tat projecli last new year's ave and entted up wta Septembar 30 or October i hables. SHEER OUTS AWARD: Toineîwobreak- in artlsti who led a 1mcai factory ni $2,000 worin o! chominm paing supplies on tarea différent occasions, grt scarad off on a forth try, and finally got sabtedmak- ing their fiftlitnttampt. Taik about pr- neverascel IIERQES 0F THE VEAR AWARD TIsa Miton Police andl O.P.P. who grabbed ina culprti mentloned nbove. GIFT-GIVERS AWARDc The Departman o! Reiorm Institutions, whlch declded 1n reliava Ballon and Peel Conties o! ina cots and worries o! a nw jont lai, and wtl tase omer ina reglonat detenion rentre at Hornby ail by iemseîves. SUAIIT TIINON AWARD Prime Min- Iter Lster B. Pearson, who annousced ho was guting as leader 0! the connry. This award lu gven nol'because ha quit, buttbe- cause he was cleer enoogb 1in step down tefore ho gels ton olat and feeble. QUICII WtT AWARD: To Robin Shace, Librai Candidate binbe loti provincial elecîlon, who bandeat ho P.C. oppono Jim Inove the sguelch o! ina ear. Jim, Robin, and N.D.P. candidate BillOilies wera sittteg aroond tefere a local meel- ina-candidates meeting mahlng imail tate. A lady te ine grop gt tatIdng about fami- tes and Jim Snow bold ber mot o! ina Inow anostori ad tees literais. «And I gesi you're ina black sheep e! ina family,0piped upShoce. CELEBRATOR AWARD: To Jlm ObUls, award gos for hlm braoerp in climbngînto ina dingy lawer o! the tows hall tat New sJottings b y i m d i 11 bees sald hafore. Thora'. nothlng aU apermanent' as a *temporary* tan. *One of the things thai olten gon wtth- out toc much comment is the attract- ively decorated store windows tIsai Une tIse local business sections. They contribute a lot of interest to a walb along the otreet, and while they are an important part nfia merchast's selling program they also ban- etit the walher. t thlnk we have some of the mont aitractivae decorated windows of any business sentinasd the yaar-end seems like a gond time 10 Say a word ni appreciation 10 the merchansnwhose efforts ara represented there. * Seems reports on the future areaacilma a doses, but they stîi continue to fascloate me and probably a gond masy cthers. A recent recsmmendation irom the Mtra- politan Toronto and Region Transportation Study proposes a string of satellite cities stretching trom Waterdown 10 Strenînville, according tona news report. Satellite dites woold ho develcved at Waterdnwn and in tha northern sections of Burlington and Oakvifle. They woold ho linhod 10 Toronto by a multi-lane treeway paraliel 10 the Queen Elizabth and Macdonald-Cartier Fraeway. The report notes the recom- mendation was contaised in a report that han tees In the hands of the provincial cab- inet for about a yaar but sevar made pub- lic. Now whera dons that leave Milton: on tha fringa of a satellite city? The nucleus for the satellite city? Oh watt, yoo can speculate for yourseli, bearisg in mind re- ports Uho that nf Plunisaît and Smith, and coma up with whatever answer nuIts you. Year's ave 1u weicome thoenw yaar tewin a 100-hoUl salute. SWEEPER OF THE TEAR: ToBiUlCml- ter, Wardan of Rallon Conntp, whose snew broom swapt a wide swahin te allon and claaned up a lot o! leffovar busnss and prablaisbaqueained to hlm by preions counits. Notable among BII's clas-up projets was tho dispute win toe rses. . I dont give BIU Il tho cradil bt bis lead- arship hlped gain a dacision tat suted bth sidesinte aease. THUMB-FINOERS AWARD: TIhis musI suraty go 10 ine Deparîmant of Municipal Afairs, ils teposed MInister J.W. Spoonr and Its off-shoot arm the Otario Municipal Bard, for the hast job o! thnmb-fingerad management o! ina century. This depar- ment, whte using any nId excuse te block Mlton's honet attempt for ortierly davel- opmaent, ras ine gamut o stalîs whlch in- cluctea procrastination, dobe-lalIng, tho Pluakett Report andt aven the Smiin Taxa- tion Report. Measwhle Milton watts, andt watts, and watts. SHEER STIIPIDITY AWARDr An award 10 inrea bask rnbbers imom London who puliet a heit ai a Toronto bask, and were sitly enough 10 thlnk inay coulat blaantly drive inroogli ina Milton O.P.P. Zona on lttghway 401 withot gttisg canght. Our boys casght 'em. BIG STEP AWARD An aard 10 Brias MCristal, former Champion staffer, who pullad off a capr inat every yuung man dreami ni doing--ho yankad hislahoshere and went west tnBC., gota nice joblin e newspaper busnss and lsenjoyisg the time of hi. 11e. Brins was home for a holiday tis week and reports innb whte ha misses Milton and lise Champion, ha wil neyer regret hi. itchy-feet manseuver. And one final award, wtslch mut go 10 the reatters who have tept Down (s) In This Corner gotng with ieir occasionat words o! praise, nadmisonof 1readership,ansd constructive (plus ther types o)crittcism. A Happy New Year 1968 to &I. IPEEKING; INTO MILTON'S PAST il i "SPRUCE 100'O, tire fine aid esidence lond in 1907 end remained in tire 0cm- et Dr. Sturt, mas a dominaering figure tond neme untit tour yeari age miren il on Multons Main St. opposite tire toma mas soîd and Crn domn te make may irait mien tris photo mus takan &reund for a tour-store comptea betmeen tire 1904. le mas purcirased by Or. M. Gom- Bank et Nova Scella and Cirotie. St. Sugar and Spice b y bii 1 s m i e y AN 0W I4OLLOW TRIE they discovered happine mode a perfect "fort" for Dean, Gregory evcdent and Lise Gynire, children of Mr and Mrs Merle Gunby, Mllgrove Thecr io_èkno ,4 littie té of Jccst betora Canodo's Cantennial yeor fades eut et existence it s mortir o loot bock on tire local scene te set tire stage for a mirole nem century for Con- ado, as mail as gattînig reody for Milton - 1968. Tirea mre some irrigirt spots local- y in t967 and one eft tiem mail surety bave ireen tire dadication ofthtie tomn's centenniai preîecf, Centeno li Park on the iranks et the historîc miii pond. Countiess otirer cantennial yaar func- tiens added te bcsy.ness ot the yeor. Tirere mas the fcnal approvai and initiation et construction on a major addition te tire Milton District Higir Scireol that miii moka tire local edaca- tianai centre inIe a full composite scirool mîirtirte resuiting irigirer status ond broader basaeto courses avaioabe. Miltton District Hospital otficialiy openad les fine nam addition, tire On- tarie Scirool for tire Deof mas otticiatiy epened and tire long-needed generai purpose reem for Milton Public Scirools mas epened aî 'ire Martin St. sciroot. Multon's mayor receîved an officiai cirain et office to e e ore iry tire temnis ciif magistrate ot coueicil meetings and ccvîc functions. Letter carrier service mas introduced and a numbar et otirer milestones mare reacired. tl moi o year mitir ils frustrations, tee- Heading tirat iist mouid have to ire tire Jactet aetivity on tira tome's dur- mant annexarien application. Witirout a daubetireahiave been more eoercises n totiiity connectad mithirlttiron ony- ti e ase. Tire yaar iregan mitir 0e- tempes te get Oakviiie teo grea te a t00 ocre onnaxatien and continued tirrougir proposais for amalgamnation and a joint service agreement. At tire store et 1968 tira bail is bock in tire same park mitirtire Deporement sug- gasting pessibiy discussions beemeen tireaconic ils migir e rerneficiai. Anotirer efthtie trustrations mas al tire planning învoived centira Mary St seraigirtaning proposai and off street parking tirat failad to sce any coocrete action in t1967. Tira veto on tire assaîsment corn- missiener systae for tire ceunty mot an- oCrer diioppaintent. As Morden Ceel' ter cenciudad ivniris final summary et county activities, tir a y airead, in 1968 may iratirat mucir more compiicatad iracausa of this rejection. Tire paeing pianvad on Bromn St. fer tris year dideft get off tire grouni and tire section et road le front et tht couvty buildings is badly le nead of permanent improvement. Tira property (Photo by Merle Gunbyl may technically ce owned by tire coan- ry bot it seems reasonoble' the tome might undertake the work Stili out in limbo are some projects ice the airport planned for north Oak- ville. Approvals for tire project seem te b e rolling alon g but il is stili nef on accompished or occepted face. Tieres a lttie more cartaiety nom about te regionol detention centra since the Mînister made some stote- ments on provincial plans.Tire prov- inces assomption of tbe costs ot justice lift tire project from tire table of tire coonty councils of Pee!l and Haton and place it mitirtire provcnce Indications are for some mort on a site betweee Milton and Brampton sometime int1968. Preseroation of escarpment tonds, promised by tire Premier, is yet le ire determined; opproval for constroction on tire Hilton FollioDom and tire Scotcir Block reservoir are seull te be firtlized. On thre horizon re plaes te develop thre Moster teeds researcir farm in thre rea, os onnoonced tirst le Thre Choam- pion naricer tics yeor, igi risa apart- ments nee t te tire plazo if annecootion is ever receîoed on the londs, more argu- ment on tire proposed merger of tire Hlton and Peel Heltir Unts and o mu- jor provcnciol Boy Scoot Jamboree in Augcst tirot mili attract 3,000 scouts f rom Canoda and airrood to tire Kelso Conservation Ares. Yen, t iras ireen s geor ot brigirt spots and frustrations. Tirere are irung- oners into t1968 tiraI provîde a bouis on hincirte adivonce into tire neon yaar. Tire compleoion of Mlton Cooncil i0 qaîte dîttereot t rom tiraIot tire paît tmo years and aiong mitire boards and eommttees tirey miii be cirrged wîtir impruvement reltedl to ecenemy. 1 Tire Hlton Cooety Couecil miii be ditterent mitir tour tam members talc- î ng tireir ioms thcs yeur aed preporing for tire1969 conversion te a single county iroard et eduatien. In tire meus- ticoe tireir task noy ire increased if tire province determines any nem mies fer ares geverement tirat cootd affect tira mirole coonty. A mirole nom yeor mill ipeli eut a *lot ot cianges. It men't animer aIl tire proilems. previdle ailthtie solutions or ire ail roîy. For yoo and yours tirougir, m. e misir tireirait. May you ire prepared t or tire proiriems, enjoy tire irighl espots, aspire te greoter accomplitirmetst tf and by eampte ire a guide te dthrm y tirreugir1968. 1 yu ne gli hil im he lei wl SI til Sb wi in fo cc hi th th Si v It 1 c e u à 1 Naighbors can te a nuisance. But sot if yon cultivais inem prcperly. 1 hava a gond alighbnr, and ty handling hlm wiin kid gloves durteg ina summer, 1 reoeive froon lim tho only Christmas present tat really impresses me. lt's a crafty place o! work, and I hotte he doesn't rend this. 'Abat I do is tbjoc I let hlm teat me aI golf nil summer. I gasp elth admdration when ha hlts n tramendous slice off the tee. 1 shabe my haad te posl- tve disbeliaf aI hln approach shots. I shont a resonndlng, «Weil dona, old boyt ehen ha sinho n 14-loch pull. By the end of summer, 1 have hlm rlgbt inah patim o! my hand. 'He hasn't realnzed for a moment, inat any lime t wanted le, I could Isaehlm ont on the course and give atm a terrible drubbtng. Wbat I have dose b te inculcate in hlm tha idea 1h01 he cas ado things mnchbtetter than I. And juslt efore Christmas, I sprlsg the trap. I bnp my Christmas tree, tug il home nd get ina usual comment from my wLfe test lt's tha scraggllest trea in town and can'l I even te lrssted tobutepa decenl-tnehlog Christmas tree. No malter, Il doeso't bother me. I meretp invite ber to ke Il bacb and gel ateetIe rone. Then I bagin thoesperience that has dri- ves me dloser to a sIrote inan anplbing aIse te my Ilte: putting ina rotten conglom- eration of gem and prlckly seedtes te an uprtght position. Thera are very few thingo Ibal I wilt admit, according te my wtfe. toam arrogant smart-aecky and opisiosaed. Intecr opilo- ionated opinion. I wlll flght satlthe lasI dug lu hung, she says, (and by ina way, wbo ever heard of anyne hangisg a dog?)oner a matter of priscipte, sncb as who inrev te chowder in Mms. Mnrpbp's overalis. But therels on thlsg I wUl admit, bumbty. t can'l pet Christmas trees te stand op stralgbt. 'Thap don'l just lean a wee bit. Yon can remedy tat wlth shims under ose foot o! ina stand and ropes andbailingwlre. Pages of the P ast f r0o n c ip jo n tie0S 20 years ago Toas nfrosne Islsue e! The Canadian Champion, Dacetobar 24, 1947. Nelson Township Scheool Aen Board boid innîr final meetng o! the pear nI ine home ni te secretary on Teesdap eenang tat waek. W.E. Breokon prasîdedandail mers- bars were prasent. The baanceof nithe a- cousnfor ina pear vare pnssedaned ine resignation 0f Miss Cowling, caeteer e! LimsIona Scheel, was acceptad. The board catI tIis was a pear ln wbacb much tiad tees accomplislseo. The lenwood Sohool had teesn fflcialip epeneol le Octo- er, pans were undemway for ine for-roomn addition te Strainena ScItoo, aned ta maIn the pear compte, a motion was passeol aI tais meeting be proceed aI onon with the cbooslng et a sultabie site te the nortll end of ina Tonshp foc n new modems scbooi, as central as possible, and wheme an ample supply o! sprlng watem cotld te ebtalead. The board unaatlmonsly and sinonretp feUt tant sncb a scooot hs eeded tb maIn edeca- tianal fadlties qaen thelteonshp. Prier te the business meeting Wlbur ando Mmi. Kerns entertained thIe membars te dinner. 50 years ago Taken fom the issue o! The Canachan Champion, Deonmbam 27,1911. On ina 5tb lnst., Coanel Ptntamp's litt' son, Robrt, broke inmnugh ina ice enste pond. (Dellp Roffep pluchdllpwent bteh edpe of ina bote andt draggad ine bnp ou, a rascon worthp of the Ropal Itumane Soc- iet's medal.) Lait Mondap Mme, Ptotemp gave the plucky litlte girl a vemp ace Christmas prasent accompanbed bp ine foi- towteg note: 'Dear Doltp, - Pleasa accept tis lillle present ns a imnil tohon o re- gard andl appreciation for pour courage andl prasesce of mnd te asslsting or bey frms n vamypepailoos situaion on Dec. lin bolt, and wishlng pou a vamp Memmy Christmas and Happy New er.' Nassagnwapa municipal maters are cary quiet. fIlaislearnedat tenaprasent reeve, J.M. Carton, la desiros of gulting, bt as persistent pressure bas teen brogbt os hlm by ina ratapapars itils underibood he bn considemtef ina mutar. Mrs. Armstrong, of tinaS1u1h Ward, widow of ina laie William Amstrng, turn- ed nt and voteol on ina litb inst. thnegb sIte lu ntsetp pears of age. Her non, Ed- word bai tees in France in n foestmy bat- tliton for somelime. Two of hem grand- sons have teeshIdltle naction, wennded, bath sons oftin a te Roert Armstrong e! Toronto. Mme, Armstrong uniol she votad for Dr. Anderson and tae Union Onovre- ment. 100 years ago Takcn c... ýt!)*c Issu,' ci!the Cc.saalae ctoccpivrc, Mîi crin. cc 2c6cc , 1867. A tc ' a' j, o, u oed Man nacci' cci'" c- ccrtitcr bowin ce bilîeai e-cic ceas li Frank', corocitbed suicide iy cccbinlit bs Iroat wilba a cor. bir ique'st vs beid on ine boybal ý ve anc clieacned lie nature ni Uic verdict. île bave' rio Ivubl thatthe rash aci vas ccîccc.cted dccing mental abbar- ratiee, as te cea-. 1icýttc i ifemIns- cbole-. HLic vaoîrrled abaut a year ago, and 'tai laîcli left Milton for Oîeag. b Ccccroicerv dc al oilte ginen te tha Oinagt i, . li Sic 1uncrnvsday, lice 310ft of Deceinicer, for lhýb.-lonil vina'love Pump. Vocal aunicnet rccc.'--tol cmusic le attend- noce. T'a tb e scivecl ai bat! pasl soyas u'cloce . Mr. Meaucrtcîn laes tIci ioorm ine Mun- icipal vt l e nf IiTonhip cr f Esques- lng, tiat t inteccJs o lvrua foc ina Office o! Recce,rt tc, EleciobbIS nI ath seceraf cccliii" ci'e ouvi cModay ina gin bcWa.iicc..,i.C onccWdesday tat, incrn vus q'Cl ai eseiliment, cauoed te cesecic ev i c..cii.a.c v eard's resi- denci ilctccic' ccc'. .lic - ericelo ai Gener- ai Auneu" lical lcnaiiec-. oippoSug tant anotutter pncc.i loit adc cmmenced, anet te. cccngccorrecchlo-ia nieS, tegas ir- lai ccig'miýial. c .rcibctdi vbn came le siglt. tit lca tc Iice ciplsive war- rions veî. , a,ed el lere Ibat mansgad lu htIacc cuce, CANADIAN CHAMPION c %.. - L17 a 2 ac1 a P- tagl eA- 'crc.. xta .vcc,~r rr, tec,-cccernc, c m. c. , "cc c c. c i rW , i, i..cc.c....'c.ecc.c-.c,. .1-o, 1,cel, 01, c c..1 c -11. .'md Acv. j- 5c.mc.iby,, Down[s] in this w t 0y d ns Corner Blet my lrees de't tean. Ttsey gesiect. Thep ineel in prayer te the fireptace. This used le drive me loto acld rages whicb were very bnrd on me. Cursing,' sweatieg, ronrioc wilb rage nI my fnrelty, ksecebirc ail the sikm off tevery knackte on t'oui tbn, a i' aicecitliU"ailcinl- sane nniScic, cc iong ctli bvboig '.titb the g race ocda IpiclanÏe cakiciclber frsI curtccy. And Iis ie were my oammer'sbumilla- lion coe n1. Ob, 1 sîi go througit the motions. I 00W vcronus leoglbs o! lrunk off the bollom. 1 hacb awoy a few branches. I swear and yolt a bit. Bt Iis i0 entY a coer, focr hïe fainlyn'Or Wben iv' liai enoîcib iof play-acting, I colt my neigbboc, lobe, and le dulcet tons ask, 'Nov 10 tebncI llc, otdCbnslmaLs- tree-ptater-iele te obole cmimtry?' Hles ùcc cr t) ,jt qeccse ce 60seconds, I In abat gcci'c c.1c rci 1crmmd. He thllms 'Poor .,oc. H4e ac' t 'cc cPly golf. The least I railfo 'le gice lccec oa onef wtb bis Irce, wbl"ce 'i; el l'e ç.tr,!y.' And fi 1, 10 1 have l ertecc i.ltulaIt h'5a speclalist In matbemati ýi cci cysace fie pcpsooer, loosai the tir-e', gr .cýlviiisoeut thantina bultl Ispsecq i th, - laociaI a 45 degrea angle, cî;gret- t, acinp gonu Uhc ruddy thing. In thri. c eccutes. Sanding inera. Seild, sleady, oct a jcccvcr, Il bsn't fates dow oie ccc' c, u e ce ni egbbors. tcery ime il bOprs, 110 lite o fresh mrscle t,, m'. I ok ai tbe blasled thbng and Iboce il cc-., cielcl, clgnifed, and nul tronce ci np wltcotes like 2 rueoway calf, as cin r' vO cacaJ te te lcnce Jebn. fils prtt, hr to btake Ibat licki.nt goif ai Lcuc t ica cat yc o osa saine baccala alicciJohn 'ca. a 1coatîlul ban bnll: liaIs ccc- tht îgci ccloffite tee in the geocrol chal -c i na ,ac),ye c mate up an the Cbrirtireci,..;'ý as Hacgli DunoaI, that grand, oâd i .cca.c thieeleveccteeti Ceotcc"y 'e A c til Pctt i!No, put I. Goolf .cc't ' c I'cec inci te doyen- tept ent eccl. Note a gond 1i-c cicr, goMdrsii nlghbcncoail.