Yeur-aad summory Halton's agriculture in review AN UNEXPECTED CHRISTMAS GIPT mas mon ut the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Here 1 . by Sam Mills of Martiio St ThUusdaî mhev his O E. representative Mrs. Stuc Roberts presenis ticket mus chosen in the PO C E $50 monny- the tee to Mr. Milis. irue dram. The trees luchy ouner mss piclted Staff Photo) Thu puuuthlitp ut inter-com- munion Metceen me mMms outhle AngUican sud Unted churches ha movud a stup cosuer. The oubjeot cas une of the major Items on the agenda ut the Orn- erai Commission ou Union k)c- tcuen the tco churches whucS mt at Bolton inDe ce mhor. Whilu nome Anglicans sud Un- ited Chnrch cogregations haro Muen perticipatiug in each ohr's communion oervices, officiai sanction ufthOe Anglican Church hasn ot t bMen given. A com- mittue heu noc Moen authoiced to tudy the pousiility ut a cov- eaant chich conid aluc tfoc un- ter-communion. The GeoraI Commission ou Union, comprising 20 meroers from uach denomination, moi nE Cedar len, a conference entre rvoscted hy the United Church. lu, addition to the 40 Generel Commission memhoru, co- chairmen trom Oie special com- missions ut doctrine, ltrgy, constitution, legal mattern and lUe church la thu corld partici- paird lu the discussion. TUe Gneral Commiusion un- ecotive, madeunp of ciergy and lut representatises ruc Uth dmnontîtatiouu, cas ashdiopre- pure ftOe seul meeting guida Unes for pariuh ciergy for on- perimentation ai the local leoul. This wouid include uuch nuhiectn us a Joint Anglicsu-Uited Church miistry, co-operativu planning sud Joint use ut resoorces. One ut the twu permanent suc- cetories lu corh ou church union cas named aI the meeting. Hu is Run. Canon Ralph R. Laimer, general secreiary of the AngUi- cao Church of Canada, cho il assume fu duties ut the nec position Jane t, 1968. Ih lu on- pected the United Church ciii maku a similar appololment uhnrtly. Targui dates for the complet- lon of repors of the ino special commissions cure aiso agreed upoo. The commissions un doctrine, Uturgy and the church lu the cortd are to complote their re- ports hy aiuast December, 1968. The coostitutionai commission il report hy aet bout June, 1969 and thu legai commission hy DecumMer, 1969. The final document, propared hy the gnrai commissioo, de- taillng hoc union is to ho con- uumatud, lu to bM ruady toc pre- sentulion to the ico churches hy Jun, 1972. It ciii Me suhmitted for appronail othe highest church The tollocing lu a year-end report on Agriculture ina lton County during 1967, pruparedior this necupaper by Henry J.Stan- ley, AgriculturalRepresentative. Our Centennial Year certan- ly cannot Me classed au a normal pear for agriculture. Reiniail was considerahlp ahone normal lu Jue, resultlng lu delayed haping and slow ger- mination sud grocth uft he spriog grains sud coru. The hay yield cas coslderably ahove anerage, but qualiy cao pour hecaune ut the main. As a resoît, cocu are turnlng up their nosaet thelr forage tis donter andnont pro- doclog as mucli milk from il. Resolutions id pou moUe ap resoutiona laut New Year's? And iftou, dldJ you houp them? lteuolutlous are easy tu mahe, but much harder lu ceep. Onu that ce ail shouldt make lu lu resolve lu reduce tUe accidents lu our humes and ou sur formo and hlghcays thru '68. This resolution meana corhing anI h ail peur, hut Il could really pay dividuadu. courts, the gunerat synod of the Anglcan Church sud the gunerali council of tUe Unted Chnrch. The tco churches may meuttol- gether lu the istu summer orfallq ut 1972.1 If this fiuai document lu ea-1 proved, ih cll go lu the apprcp-i riate hodies throughout ht churches for ratification. 1 With purer drainage on unr heavY day enfle, oala, arluy, and cura ielde cere sUlghtyhe- loc normal. Hocever, on the Uightur nulslenl the aorth and cent ot Haltoa, ieldu cure con-j eiderahly ahove average., chUJ grain corn ildiag up lu 1301 uhelse pr acre, onoomu farme.: Curn silage had a ldgh percent-1 agu of cell-rnaiuruci kernlo, chlch wdli add considerahle un- ergy for the dairy and heef cattie. Heautîfol sun centhur pre- vailed durlng the firut ihree ceeko le Septumhur, permitting farmers tu catch up cith ihe harnuotinK and oummer aclue ut worh. Thon raine came arlui and grain cure harveuting con- tinuud util juI rucently. 1967 cou a pear of gruat chan- ges la dairylng, ciih the alloca- tion of quotas and the Improvud standards la qoaiity ruquiru- muns. Aimout 100 darymen lu Halton have suld their farme or quit produciag muRk. Avr- age mîlU production cotinues lu Improvu uach year. Halton bh u III up a repu- tation for qualitp cattie. Manp acards have Me cou at faire, eut onlp la Milton,,but through- ont Canada and the UntedStates. A hlghiight cou the cale outhOe Hlolstein huli caUhbyCleude Pick- et for e world record price ut $150,000. 1967 cao a year ot decline ln ugg and hug pricus, and pricu improvement for Muef. Our 4-H'1eros ad Junior Farm- ors had a record yuar, cinlng the Provincial 4-H Inter-Club Field Crup competition, the Quens Guineas competition, and Oie Judging Comptition authOe Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. NOUSTRIAI AND COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING SUBTAtItONS AND K40TORREIRSalt- UNuteGOUND WRING POLiEtUNt CONSTRUCtION - AIlAi tlOODLIGutiNG CUSTOM CONtROt PANtLS 24 H0U1 MAINTENANCE ENIRICI LOU NADALIN Agriculture ie chaaging rapid- l i ta lton. To muet theso changea farmeru are attendieg Mncreeeiag aumMers ut meetings one farm management and other epecifi c topice. The succenuful fermer of the future muet M an up-to-date asuOie accoustant, lacper, or tan colluctor - la faci, hu ohould Me more su. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Ducember :1, 1îoo, *PRESCRIPTIONS ELSLEY PHARMACY1 24 MOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 878-4492 - Aller Mers 0708-M FRE ELIVERY - REVION COSMETICS K. H. ELSLEV. 0.Sc., PRIM. 1/te Co'aèici1 ftte 7iwi4)Kitc Extends its grateful appreciation f0 the members of the various municipal groups that contribute to the. welfare of the town. Many hours of personal effort and interest are extended by these public spirited citizens who serve on the Boards and Committees and it is only f itting at the year end that this contribution to the Municipality be publicly recognized. MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD W Doîgnan, Chairman C Sý Loche Robeit Markay Toms Cuniella Isabln Thocîpson K W Clement Lillian Gowland .1 Langedyk MILTON RECREATION COMMITTEE H. Scitryler A Cousent C. Gervais, Chaurmas T. Jnnninqs R Watiîns O. Ptolemy A, Ledmith MILTON ARENA BOARD Homard Crsmold, Chairmas Robert lrush Charles Johnsnn Ray Harrison Chartes Menef y MILTON PARKS BOARD 0F MANAGEMENT James ils, Chairman Dave Smith G. Krantz H. Hopkin E. B. Cluments Bob McCuaig A. Cousnne MILTON PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD Ron Harris, Chairman M. Kernighan O E. Stinson A. Cooke D. Cruîckshank H. P. Johnson MILTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD R. Gardhouse, Chairman A. H. Brtton Ross Carberi A. N. Keilty David C. Smith John Noble Glynn Roberts MILTON SEPARATE SCIIOOL BOARD John Bradley, Chairman J. Lewin R. W. Clarke Father J. J. Murphy Angein Tonelli J. C. Langedyk A. Melanson MUNICIPAL COUNCIL S G. CHILDS, Mayor A. LEDWITH, Reeve C. MENEFY, Deputy Reeve A. COUSENS, Councillor P. BARR, Councullor B. BEST, Councillor C. FAY, Councillor C. JOHNSON, Councillor G. KRANTZ, Councillor MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION Colin Smillie M. Romney, Chairman S. G. Childs MILTON PLANNING BOARD M. S.Kernighan. Chairman G. C. Gomland A. Woodley G. Krantz C. Fay P. Barr M. Caputo N. Pearce S. G. Childs MILTON COMMITTEE 0F ADJUSTMENT Edwin Harnp, Chairman C. S. Lockie Charles Thomson C. W. Clark MILTON PARKING AUTHORITY J M. Ledwith, Chairman K. H. Elsley C. B. Knight MILTON INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION S. W. Gazley, Chairman Roger Randeil S. A. Pay J. M. Ledwith Chariot Johnon A.J. Nichols O. L. Hadtey MILTON REPRESENTATIVES C. A. Mactio - Halton Region Conservation Authority Austan Ledmith - Halton Children'e Aid Society Aleo Cooke - Hattoît Musuum Bourd Charles Wilson - Milton Arua ire Conimiteue S. W. Gazley - Hetton County todustriet Commitîe Anglicans, Unaiteds working towards inter-coimunion OF . .... z Courl expresses ils sincee appreciation in ail participating indioiduals, gronps and organizations mho morked 50 harci to cnake Miltnn's centennial celebrations 1-4rtempi $les RD.. M.LTON. 0.,«g 878-9204