chamionYO UTH FRONT Exclusive for thîe Front. MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1967 Santa exposes Rudolph Rednose tale outlines plant procedure at N. Pole by Larry Marin A Champion reporer's oar- drums aren't solely designed for the machine-gos Ibunder of bis and is co-worker'n lypevrilers and the rasping buzz of Ibe inter- office lelephono. They gel accuslomed le chain- saws allachlag the Irons 1n the paring lo, cals allachlng eacb oiher inlte alloy, the edior a- lackIdg the reporters and 50 forth. One ting lhey'ro rarely ready for, hovever, is the yapping of sine huskIes and a ruslng cer- menlary from an Eskimo-opeak- lng sed driver 1,675 miles norlh f Yellowkinfe on the way 10 see Sana Caos. I vas varaed efore 1 left Mbll- ion I'd nover mahe Il ail the way Up b Ithe North Pole hy lwo-door Brand X, even wilh 000w ires, bul you lmow boy Canadians are. AI the main gale ofthIe mas- sive Claus International complex ai the Pole, I was met hy the genial general manager imseUf, vibo escorled me op 10 the eec- uive offices for the Interview. Ho bro qusion me 10 «You'rei lag a blu the rod occasloîi Uvory na - thal bouts, th Mr. CI mire hol Seve r Emmanu f MIRll mas hy Hiospitl day), arc A nUM carulling evoxdng, moter: &round7 roughl up lbe mostlobvions lealher or ruither leggngs, litI a imnelf. to presorve bis image. ipose, be said, lrealiag The main office ai the Pole bs Ihal famoun bellylaugh, supplemealed hy Archic region wonderngwyl'mwear- installations around the world. se pin-slripe suit. Well, 'So mnny people neem 1e tbink 1unltorm Is for officiai 1 can do te Impossihle,* Sana s only ... parades, de- smiled. «Now I ash yos, is il igtb, vlsiliag dignilarles rensonable 10 expoci one faclory, nore f ling. 1 keep the evea one Iis sire, could possih- though. Need 'om la Iis ly lors oui ail of Ihose gifts? We prefer le iteep mosl of the manu- Claus wenl 0010 menion facluriag ta the counry of dellv- ?' la warmer limale, ite ery. Il helps os cst cosis an A'earn 10w ofords, wilh import dies, and ail Iha.0 Organinalion nf delivery sighl - -schodules is handled hy a ta 0f geograpiers, who divido lte Carollers globee tto longiudinal sîrips, accordlug 10 the Ilime zne. rl yonng members of the Thal way, «drops» canhe made nel Bapisl Cborch choir 1n some parts of the viorld long Su wll ho siagiaf Christ- aller Ontario cildreu have wak- ýymns ai Milton Disrict eaed up Christmas Day, and sîlti il Iis evening (Wedes- ho on lime. ound 5:30. There vins a lime when Mir. mier 6f groupa have been Claos cold slip rtght dowu cim- g la varlous areas. TIs neys and sel the presenîs onder e, Girl Gides and Iheir the lroe, bol gas fruaces and -s fronm Kiliride wil ho eleclric bealing have ail but de- ing Ihal commuai ly from foaled this style. 7 lu i p.m. *I's hard lueieep a sheletos key far lvieen1 casions I main «Soi the hId posilitl aboutlt iced he ss l hogant the sto tbing st Refei mylha orize d ho siale pellllve allerW muchc leavini do theo the Iree Ca A so vins he Thurscl shop tI soeta Suashin derfult Weh Mas cal Tues vientl aIl siN tbe hr go-roui )r every loch made, hut ho- ested oaly inîhe sounh-east Aslan bulose windows and the oc- trade. ra house wth a firoplace, Whea asited boy he managedlo e l, ho luld me. keep is ovin flrm out ofdebors noltimes, If the parents are prison, Santa said ttwashycare- ap, I jui drop the gifts on fol tavestmoal 0f lime and per- ichen table and beave the sonnel, and the lad ho bas cul odang nip lu lem. We had duvin un the qoantity ut giftu ne- iplainl fromt a young girl tually manufaclured ai the plant. lwo years aback, who uoi- We've prolly veil svillcbed or parents plactng the pro- over lu huytng qualily hrand under the lroe and acloally names for deivery,he admttled. 10 vonder if THEY buughl vibeu you deal in the volume I uf. Cas youoimagine any- do, you can bardly loe.' o ahurd?» Progreus bas belped Clans a rrtag furîher lu the ld lutInla is career. aboot parents hoing aolh- Lalely ho has porcbasod a lut filîl lufor SanaaCCaus, fleel of bellcegulrs, 10 folluvi tbe ed thore vian a umaîl coin- Flytng Sleigli arouud wlb ro- ie company slarled shurlly serves of gifts. World War II, mnkiog gifis Ho silîl prefers the comfort- cheapor Ihan ho cuuld, and ahle old deer-dravin voiclo for il sp b olher persuns lu hume visils and personal Iravel. î ropptng and placiugounder There vias only once be wlmed ae. 0u1 lbey are suv int0er- ho vias la a mure substanlial crafl. Durtng the Bli t fLond- on, Christmas of 1941, an ouemy bomber flred soveral burots aI im, damaglag the lefI runuer. ards sold out «everbed wokia0onan hy George Adamo modera macbine for some ime, lhough, ho lInimnled. «lve hoos ;octal oventng vitlh dancing heeptnil as much under covor àeld ai the Uni on Hall on as possible 10 prevoal someone ;day Novemhor l3forviorb- getng the plans and usiog Il as trainees of H.O.P.E. viorit- a viapon.' and senior pnpilsofnIthe Hoevioldn'l allovi any more ne School. We hnd a won, inormation for publicaion, bt l ime. 1 wîderslauid it's round ini shape, have sold ail our Christ- villh flanhing colored ligbls and :ards. goes ai Iremendous speod. aday (December 12>) vie So far be bas'l lrted il ouI to Toroulo's Fairyland. We imsolf, bol bas ef Ithe prellm- ivi Santa and bad rides on inary testlog up lu is green- 'an, old cars and merry- uttormed brigade ut four-fool ud.- - elves, The folluvilng Thorsdny, the senior pupils enlerlaised guesîs ai Iheir auual Christmas dlnner. We are holdng our Chrstmas concert ai the ochool Frtday ai 9:30 aL.m. AIl are vilcome. This year, as bfore, heIll use the sletgh. Whea asbed about the famous evonlug lu the earlter pari of the <CtueonsuPage B2) A DIMRHUNT DRUM, yoo mighl say. Beatkeep- bais gutarist Rick O'Hara, iead guitarist Ailan er Rick Figg of "The Wilderness' gels hat Nixon and rhythm guitarint Ken O'Hara. Ils poundivg rhythm from fellose band members a Milton group. (Staff Photo) Individuality of style for MiIton's "Wilderness" band by Marsba Zuesl biltIon District Hlgh School. Rlck Figg, 15, lu the drommer for the Hecenlly, I bad tbe cpportonlly group. Ken OYHara, 15, pays 10 lalk 10 the Wld rnoss, a grOUP rhythm gelar. Ricit O'Hara, 16, 0f billion boys dedtcaled lu pop- plays basu gullar. Ho dons most ular music. 0f the slsging and annouacen aU Alan NiXon, 17, atends Waler- the sungi. You mighl cali bim dovin District Hlgh chool and the leader. plays lend guilar for tbe group. Grog Durna acîs as manager He also plays the levis hnrp ta f the group. He providesîrans- an amussng prelude la Ibeir act. portallon for the boys and their The olhor tbree boys atend Iastruments and ho lu alvinys on hand aithIe practîses bo operalo the psychedelic ltghls. la taliung luthe lildernes I fouad Iheir favorite groups ara the Ugly Ducliags and the British Md Beats, and lbey ose many outIheir snngs la the aci. Hovever, the group feels thir music Is au expression ut them- selves. They may use the smigs <Cotned sn Page B2) MAYBE Hi School Happenings ... You Heard... Grade 13 assembly coming .. .... p-Akp c knwç rAelru-,ii,, WITH NO BARS HELO, stedents of Milton Dist- rep Nancy Houd holds a selection for feliose' rict High Sehool have been seiling chocolats saiestady Marmie Haro. Good cause, good bars in the area ta nise money for outdoor bars. football bleachers. Here t IA student council (Staff Photo) * Tie Democratic Hit Parade î MOVES ON- -ýHello Goudityr" 2-"Daydream Believer" 3-t1 Say a Little Prayer' 4-"Massachmsetts' 5-"Suoopys Christmam" O-"Next Plauc lu London" 7-'Suzanne' f-RBotule of Wie" 9-"Love Me Tino Times" 1-'Titr Ramn, Tite Park aud ter Things" Be an INVOLVED Music Lover. Help the D.H.P._get 50 ballots Be a winvoer of 2 "45's" or an LP like Mike Arnold of 406 Mountalnvimw Dr. Salve Your Gift Problems with a Gift Voucher Drop in and See the Children's Christmas Records Wuyne'S Honnoy Recis 14 MARTIN ST. 878-2131 See Our Selection of Christmas Records, Music Books and Sheet Music for Guitar, Organ and Piano -Theitnison the miiipond masnot safe for %aiers thii wveck due te the mild speil. a a a a a v SPECIAL 1 CHRISTMAS 0Gift Wrapping Service #After 4 p.m. every duy - Proceedu for Special Project of Milton District High 0 School girls. * BEAUTIFULLY WRAPPED AT MODEST COST AT MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE w Me a ,uutnuswgete Icik * Noi even vrillen commeuls, let alose action, has greeied the Frou's billIon yoolh centre suggestions of lasI veeh. AI leasl aoi from Ihose viho sand te booefil from the centrels establishment. Mlto's OpimnisI Club, according te president lierh Higgs, has hoen givtug lhooghl tb the situation tor somne turne; and the Milton Jaycees, viho are yractically neviboro inta uvn, hase ai least en- pressed villingeesu to discuso il. Bu13o tIhe tasolved leenage cilizeary -- noing. binybe everyoue lu toe bosy wth euams Iis lime of year. *If youuhlleve lu coincideace, herels use for you. I bad n lobk ai a music mag cailed 'Whai's Happeisg» receaily, viilh a big Page One slory on a group called 'The Hainy Fields». Apparenlly Ibey're one oftIhe tevi musicina-colleclions lefi vihu don'l use siroho ligtilng. Whea you rend SirIls columo iis week, yo'Il ueo lhey played M.D.H.S.Is Christmas dance. * Medical types ta L.B.J. contory have come upwllh n melhod of .creaIingl lite la the lah. Some seointe liab vilîia 10 years, Ihuse viho vant lu il ho able lu gel ioed p 10 lise 140 pearsil's go- lng teho vild lueviahe up soume ssany murai ng 1n02690 and say, 'I romembor readlag Yoolh Front Decembor 20, 1967.1 * la another 12 days te lilile yellnvi Cealennial tlag on the cur- uer of my desit vilîl have about as mucit symbollsm as te payer luviels ta the washroum. Or wII il? Seems lu me the pasl Ivelve monlhs have hea fulof kickts for iasulsed Canucits. Lel's face il -- nu draft, nu rice diel, no civil var (yel), au race fighls, and I ~A~ I~ ,i Iw VV , I ]1VI um l As il appronc forviarc a tevic vile, t on. Il vii Couacil wici about i vil., LirnI i MiI go jecis. Il vi: swieater sales si Stode used te: Inys 1 Christi renint hy Sirl Parsons of gameo onlil aller the Christ- mas baltdays. the Christmas hlîdays A Iravelogue vias presealed la :h, sîndeals reinx and look lte gym Tbsrsday, by Mr. Via- 'd ta eagerantilcipatian tb cen, 'ebualoag wIb bhis vite and ciys ot freedoin. Mean- cildrea lraveloed Ibrougit South te lurcit of nclivity boras America. The iravelogue taclud- od a short t as vell as clured sldes ot Soutb America. The as aanouaced by Studeni stodenis viere able la gel a I the chocolate bar sales, glimpse ut nai only lte differoal bave hea golag on for geographical paterns butalsn the a veoit, have hoon dulaf living conditions andîraditions 0f AU sales vere lu ho fiaa- lte people. y Tuesday. Theo moaey On Tbursday eveniag te Eag- loviards te scbools pro- llsb departmeal ut M.D.H.S. pro- enled the film 'Lord utfte Files'. Aayone lalerosled lnai- es nîso annaouaced sciool lendlag could do sobypsrchaslng ýrs wll go on display for a ticktlaIte aominal tee of 25Ç. S0on. The munie provod soi ualy iner- aits vere urged lu iriaf esliag bol also boîptul lu tbe ys ta good condition. The grade 12 sludenlsespectaily,vbo are heing cullocted as are studying lte slory Ibis year. vas gits for aeosy emîs- te area, lii ltn-- vie aenm ao ainurse r Lm ages. lu I coOtO on 50 Moaday, December 11, touad curoy, tere could bo lotm ut vurse places lu ho yoong in -oven t&.5..s grade 12's la court vithoul a poult commre. observtng n lypical day ai tho beach. The slodeatu loftionibuses *That nasiy 01d Man Wterls oho duvin te mini-sirts but for ai 9.00 nam. and roîurned hrlly a fevi moats. t'm a but oui of my elemeal fsio-fure castng. aller 12 nocn. Thte majurity said but I Imagime I'm spenkiag for mos t lte area's maIe population ltey found te ouperleace Ier- vihea I caîl for a retors engagemnent nexi spriag. ROT juol because estiag as vieIl as honeticial It ut the violon tavolved eitier. I cas'It Iinit of te ater reaonas, gave tem an oppurtunily lu see bol 1 knovtey're tere. Canada's judictal syslem la Bulits flashed, as voîl as sminles, us Tborsday vihes lte scitool phoiugrapitor relurned. Class grous and Iadividoal grad- A uation pictures viere lakon. Theme are te pîclures lu ho pulta inte M ERRY The Draina Club has caulparts for te ivo pnys, 'Pink and Pal- cies' and .11StiStnsudthfa CHRISTMAS and H ose.' Thoso iacloded ilath 0 casi are Trevnr Houson, Mary M Hadioy, Racbael Audroito, Donna Galbtrailt, otit Wardie, Marg HAPPY NEW YEAK Machay, Gro ibr n David Roglm. Prosîdeal Gordon Tîmbers said prRctices are beiag FROMitold aller scitool and ovening praclices are hiag planned fnr Herman and the Gang at the sear fnture. The itoy's haskelbal l eams lravolled 10 Atn mon eday for suothe r exhibiion game. Miltmi'm Club i alibleamu vers succostul. Relbher Iegirls' nr faoboys' leama wilI slart Ibeir regelar achedae The Ways and Means Commit- tee are making use nofaoh Christ- mas rush hy helptng lu virappar- cols aI ite Deparimenî Store. The moaey wMli ut course go lu belp vifa lite eapeases of te ansual grade 12 tip. Thte grade 13's are gelllag rondy tu preseai lite annoal grade 13 assemhly viicit is usua.lly pîenty ut tua for aoi oaly ltuose la fao audience butlfaose lakingparl. Il gloeslte uludeais ofrTade 13 mie laul chance lu 'spea theibr mlnda' in te old «Alma Mter.» if ail gnes as plannod the asnem- bly vil ho prosented on Frlday, December 22. M.D.H.S.'s Christmas Dance 'eau hold Frlday. The dance on- Uitled 'Saowftakes and Idocles' muvod lu the rhyltm 0f the HRalay Felda». Tbis vilîl ho tho lasi dance unlil lte second lorm. For a merry Christmas remember the meaning by Janet Ferrier lu s quet. The firels lit, logs are bornlng, inarsbmailovim are rnauliag, pop curnin poppiog, and ll'sfa the utofChrimtmas. Sauvi lu softly falliag, geaily, inb a blaubel t vwibieaess. Cbildroa are luckeoo behd viltith Itetion 0f slaylag aviake uoilI Santa sueezes dovia fao rod brick cimaey. The old- er members ufthlie tamily are Sitting vifa fae feeling of con. lenimoni and itappinoos hasging from fao decoratod lroo. It Is arguod Christmas isnon longer vibat il used tu be, and nn langer han any deep meanlg.., the Idea nov holng commercial, a lifoe for bargalas, andlbe mait- iag ut a fast hock for fao bus- Inesmemn, . . uo ho Il, if that la vibat yon WAN2T. You gel ouI ut Christmas mly vibal you put lis Il' Christmas han meanlng only vibea pou givo il anme. Rot la prean, brigbt Ugitis, or vavlag stroamors, but viit unselllmb- ness,' the loy of givlng (sol gel- llag), fao remembranceofuthIe iirlb ut Jeun. Slag nul, ho merry, bul ho olacere. B3e kiod, ho genile. The Augel sang oui praises ufthfa Lord, su sbould vie. Go caroliag fais Chitsmas bye, vilfa wtlisg iteartu, voicos, and smigm. Yon vilîl teel a gluvi vithis, and the giov ilMIIromain viit pou Ibrougitoul lte vitle year. Dua'I go carolue jusi In polup afront, for you are docelviag ouormeif, as vieIl as others, bol yuo are ast decoling God. is Son died su that vie coîîld ho for- givea, sud te leasI vo couîd do vuuld be lu reluire Hiu hirtit, Don'I ho annoyod or vorrled about sneers or saicers, for te doors are only dolug vrmig lu Ibonselves. Thoy are lte unsn vite are lackiag lte spiri t o Chitsmas, and you ondoubtedip bave uomefiagfar more valuaitle fhasu Iey il evor have. Th spirit of Christmas comem from vifais pourself, sud Il sproadas ont lu others by way 0f siagiag, praylng, sud giving. Wben you viake up Christmas mors, enjoy fao Iree,,btlrem- ember ln peur beart, Jonum, sud His irlt,. This is How YOu Voted 'em in Dec. 8 - Dec. 15