Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Dec 1967, p. 5

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Redmen upset Merchats in highà scoingumaie Milton Merchanso aw the end of a five gaine sndefeated streair wben Newmarket Redmen handed theis a 10-9 upot in Newmarket Tharsday ni ght. It as only the flittt wi n in 15 stats for the sev- enth place Nowmarket team, The Merchanto tooh a 5-3 lead early la t he second period wheo Cralg Bruoh scored iso irst goal of the game. Wth two goals in hand ihingo looked rosi for tfelc bais but then if hoppenecLýi.iiitOcsesconis of each other boih Les Chaisson and Gong Widdifild scocod, and ail of a suddon il was anybody's hal game. Cralg Brnoh scorod his second goal of the gaine for the Merch- nsfanmd Terry Hennie completed bis bat trick hefoce the second perlod osded, giving 1theOedmen a 7-f edge. Btuntt7Us lose te Guelph Guelph Bantams edged Milton 3-1. Musrray scored trom Mrry and bicCarthy for Milio's only goal. Fraser, Proir and Coler ere the Guelph corrs. Manager nf the Millon ioam, Bll Rowney oaid tho boys playod moîl la the icol period hut really lot UP in the second and lldrd aOur power play just didn'l mark ai al. 1 don'l Ihnk lhoy were ceally Ihal gond,houtor boys jnsi dldn' joll.' The billIon POwr Play comin- atioa falled Ire score oihredif- ferent aflemplo, Rotary midgets los. squeaker Guelph Midgois score I ihroo licol period goals to secure a 4-3 vlglory over the billion Rloary Mldgets. billIon came hach iih a goal la the second anA lwo Ilictho Iird bol silîl fol short niGuelyhos effort s. Zolnsi and Kealîsg spLil the Guelph acnring. Zonal yivhed top the icol Imo mnd Kealîng scored the winno r. Chnghmach scoted the iraI Mlton goal from Blridgman, Bridgman scorod fromOhochmach aod Yosng, h00 Clischmach scor- ed the tihrd goal b figsre in oa alI f 1he billion scorîng. iliton enters three teuims in tourne y Pee We, Sqnicl and lIlmam teams from oser 10 difiereol commonities wll parlake in a hockey lournameni basud on 01- ympic cles and custslon Hes- peler fcom Dec. 2 b Dec. 30. Teniy-fnur borne, elght ln each division ili play ýcother once, so each loam is rnsored of seven games. 100 loomament il lal frnm December 22 10 Satucday, December 30 and tho inoor chosen on a points asis as is dnne ia Olompîr cr-mpei- Ition. Also in heepiog wîlh 1he Olympiecucsoms, gold, oliver and bronze awards wilI 0e gloon ta the warcmlted ieams. Imdiv- idusi scoring Irophies ilîl also 0e awarded. MillIon, aridge Acres and Beapelor iii have eniries il Ual tbcee divisions. Milon wili play their firsl gane ahen the Pe Wes mot Osbcldgo Acres Sal- srday, Decomber 23. Other feamns enforlng 1he roin- petitlon are Preston, Gali, Cfdn- guacossy, Gal, Thoruill, Ham- ilton, Brampton, Deliiand Wa- erloo. M oha wk sets ut reords on closin Close 10 6,000 hsceso raciag Koth onthuiasts mre on hmnd ai Mo- Saarda bamk Raceway's closiag day Sai- the cic urday heu three revomIs more Santa brokea. day, Ori tribute Tbe progr-am runcluced a sche- dule of 275 Jockey Club raclag datea mich attravbed 1,420,808 fans wmonwageced $79,464,174. WiIh as additlonal 30 dapo ln- cloded la the chedule, tbIaIs as-t lly topped 1966 figures of 1,180,-f 471 ccomd and $62,287,497 eting. Saiucday'o cr-omd ai Miohawk sot a record of $28,106 agred fr the daily dm01le pool. There man à record $30,844 in the onactorI pool and a Irack igh of $401,042E passed thcmigb the mutuel wiad-1 mO.1 A seve 10 pri for lb( olstod orgai Mc. mllo: vallon ensa the gi foc Ch Nemmachet lncreased their lead ith Imo ealy third perlad maclera hefoce Rlck Cale scor- ed foc Mlton. Glenn Waller ncored namber 10 for the Red.- mon and pst the lead out of reach. Ja Rddell and Grabams Beca scoced lade la 10e third period in a futile bld for vlctocy. The game took a cotly toI -on the birchas a spomer. Ted Hood, Klp Tachwell andPaulKt- chen were al cemoved frais 1he gaine wîlh injuries. Hoodtookl2 silches te close a cot over is oye and Tockwll sffered ahcao- kon nose. Both HBnedand Tuck- mol saw action on Frlday algt. Tuckwell wore a protective mask foc is nose. The biecchants lacked the hua- île aeeded te secare a win. «They played terrible frais the bIne lino hck,' magerAlPan'- ton sad, «The formards played well enough 10 acore ine goals and fhat sbold lie enongo ta in a hockey game.1 *Don'l fnrgol Teddy Hood, Tockwll and Kitchen mre aIl romoved fcnm the gamo and Iis roally hurt,' coach Ed Sisa said. Graham fiera beaded the Mer- chant marksmen ih Imo goals mnd an assit. Cralg Brusb fat- loned is scocing record hy Imo goals and Leon Stlcke, Jus Cale and Ted Bood ai ascored singles for the bilîton casse. Torry Resale and Doug Widdi- field each aolcbed bal tricks whilo Gary Bellamy, Hago bic- Evoy, Bob BabeadLesCbals- son al added singles for New- market. The berchmîts bave gailnedbut one point in the last lwn guises againsf sevonth and elghth place teams, mnd mill have to ksckle down if tbey are golng ta ro- main noar thetop of t0e 105<5e. They meef Richmond Hilbore Decemhor 2 and play la Ajan Lecember 23. .StJbibARY Flrst Period 1. Nbi - Resale (Kase, Scotch) 2.10 2. bitrh - Hemn (Sticklo, TuCk- Wel) 2.36 3. Nbi - Resale (Scotch, Koys) 7.01 4. Nbi - bicEvoy (Barber, Bond) 8:18 5. Mlton - Stlckle (Hall, liera) 17,00 6. Milîton- J. Cole (Rt. Colo, Hearas) 17.32 7. billton -Hoed(RdrielI)19.11 Penalties: R. Colo (Mi) 4.46; Bond, (NMi) 7:37; Hall (M) 1036; Scotch, (NMS) (major) 1.42; Hern (bi) 20.00. Second Peiod 8, billion- Brash (Sîlokie) 1:09 9. Nbi - Chaisson (Widdifleld) 1c:19 10. NM -Wddiiold (Bellamy, Chaisson) 1:19 il bilîton - Brash (Ktches) 6A45 12 NMi -Rene (Ke) 6:54 13 Nbi - Wlddifield (Bellamy, Keys) 10:50 Penalties: Lawrence (M) 3:53; Wthecspaon (NM) 5:25; Bond (N bi) :01; Nommarbot (Benchmin- or) 8:15; R. Cole (M) (major) 10:06; J. Colo (Mi) 11:07; Sickle (b) (major) 15:55 Tird Period 14 Nbi - llellamy (Kane, Resale) 1-.16 15 Nbi - Barber (Bond, bcEvoy) 1:44 16 billion R. Colo (Homos, J. Coloe)7:45 17 Nb - Wddifleld (Bellary, Kmne) 12.14 10 Millon - RlddeUl 15:01 19 bilfon - Bra (Rt. Cle, Brush) 18:36 Penalties: Lawrence (b) 0:I4; Rlddell (b) 4:16; J. Cale (b) 8:34; Keys (NMb) 9:11; J. Colo (bi) 14:51; Walkor (NIM) 15:41; Kase (Nbi) 16:29; Kane (Nb) 18:46. CHOOSING WEAPONS at thre Halton Sports- wether tu attend thre shoot Saturday and mens Club rarkey shoot is club president Paul mony mont home witir their Christmas dininer. Coulson avd AI Bock from the Hamilton Gun Club. A large crowd braved cold, windy (Staff Photo) Decorations at hospital A Chrlatman-y hue Is pemead- lng Milton District Hospital Ibis pre-Christms seasos, an avar- iety of milllngmoce rs holp malm Christts a little more cheorfial for thone patients and staff who willî bave 10 apend thir Christ- mas la the hospital. The eteclor of10e hospitaî has bees gaily decorated mîth colar- fnl llghtlng dispîays. Throngo the halls, mombecs xl the Women's Auillary mnd severol staff nur- ses bave decuraled rooms,ixors and windows for the seavon. Sev- oral children patients in t0ens- pitl have helped il h 10e decor- aiing, tlu. $350 dumage A car drives hy Louis James toiomtt, 466 Kingsleigh Court, billIon masonoe of the veiclos involved ia motor vebiclo acc- enits In the North Halton aroa duiag the pool weok, Milton . P.P. report. Mr. Bomt mas snhurt but is cor recoived $350 damage In a on-car accident un ighmay 25 mast nrth nf billton Thursday oveniag. Il it threo highmoy guardraiis. -Santa CIiue ha., hein the notrispopiil.r (and cbuil mau in lieraln ib sot wek. He ha, .ppereiiat dir;cssof localridieis. WIARING A WINNING SMILEi s Vern Gowing of Preston, left to rigirt they are Joe Nitcfr of Preston, Jiri Brochie (Tri- recîpieve o) rien Tri-County Honor Award presented at t ho County Treasarer). Vern Gowing of Preston and Tri-County Tr -oi vi Presdv s G vo neriMilton, Decerebe 8. From President Fred Hsmîvorîd of Oakocllie (Staff Photo) %%Il[ hv FronCanadian a BI1 D. I OWVILLE 52, Bil Deveiir 15, 1967. 45 Ladies' rAgh single Arn-l'afi, 241, ladies' high triyle Amelea B. 598, men's 01gb single Stu K. 253, meo's hîgh triple Stu K. 653. Gfher good singles: Gordun B. 207, Johsnil. 218,224, Ken P. 202 & 218, ioda K. 207, iieg. S.229, Jack K. 205s 216, Lee C. 216, Pal G. 203, Madoene M. 206, Jeannette P, 217, Jacque P. 251, Mariha B, 203, Mary C. 202, 0111 G. 246, Jim Nd. 219, Janet R. 223, OBi C. 210. Liber govciiriples: John B. 614, Ken P. 603, Jack K, 616, Bill G, 601. SOi monO0 for 47, Jack 6 for48, Mol O foc 49, Marleoe O for 52, VANDALISM DISGOiSTS RESIDENT Su.i 1r ___________________ ou i . l ire ieb ut à1903 101- aluili dccciii;Illie Iiglil t ai - y d u:,Licuniber la. du 3aU rtendunceg.d auutte hc saidcai dallraitericulenc9 g du yThe prupertyy cureotie F10 th Wspleos mon is 25tbrace moarir crcs p.rrkcd c, prcs.ile ay and is theopdriver in 1) orrred b h le cenr-oel 0 cat. &;di 900 liiîpered roirh, ancd ta Clausoas i the loalag inhich S cieedevîrous ai asmai, sii.i9he yooî acclw.cc ,rrlviag hy hellcqter ta dis- a SIca , t ei ng col u r auo-.i- egilis ta the ldddiea. o.iiieaiunolgetirg pour nir%%rie Wiryet cltillike 10e rdopt families bccr ? 0 ce l apsdl Don'( deem saur-nainle and ýeral Millon familles unable .rddr-ess ce oeeded tor publica- ovine a d~eet Chritmasntiua. as vois people ioeolved iec cilren are belng as- ar-e aire ut il. Wander if aoy a igas Iis yesx oy localoa you ar-e big enough 10 pay zafonsu lyqcbng thougotOcth bill ihat was iscsrrcd by Audrey Bruch, tbe town's Vourar-tl e offcer. Lions, the Sal- Limne groap we mec ihauks lu, sud thtic ce hMillon Police army,bidgh nobool stnd- mho responded inslanlly 10 mnd Boy Scouts are iOng oi cal1 rnd brrr- assistdancres- coupsa adcçtlng fNMiles decrd. ritisas. Guogsed LadiE niec 23 Laing5 GIber binsons, 218. Ph Laing2 212,Sfi Otheo las 561 Parkins 503, Di binKrdg Arlen 'Wllord 18, Sal Bail 2j for 13, -i L, ue, c curer- ico rie ccd 1) 7 for 51,Boger W. 7for ccl iiii;ce il,-%lic: vi Il P. 7for 48,Lidal1for ml oeiviiicign,. WED. NITch icue i ieeiiicicî-ii kar iiiiccloci13,1967. e;ri, m Decemher 1 3 "cn c b lcnrcal I cîcri'. in flice e,îrI 8800e,.cMzios ccr-c li' 01gb single, lme Fo-e cir- cccccii ze l ý37, lade'bhigh triple, Sally ,ccliioeaon flic iriiol .and 580. iii fin illeI onic ilci r gond singles: Lynne Par- l'aký 206, Betty Kngdom 202 - Many of tbis cci e Chr-i- ?humna bcKighl 200, Sally ma, îe:ii ie ciiipiieîî1evCcM 213 - 230, Arleno Ballan icLè'e ccc litiiiiiri,î Cviieîeoîcc iriey Hall 215. Ciiciiii.iIi iîcicîi tci r godliriples: ArlosofHal .ii .111,1cîl liil il ii c i, Sirley Bail 568, Lynno viic nolailgic apciciiiMîclc son 519, Befty Kiugdm in1citjiicaceTomiiiR,Icrie gom ficîLcrîc Sti,îceî, C ilIce Mc Imne Ferriem c68, Phurna ci ciiand cIilîcrs Iciu cc: ic i Ighl 528, Gail Coulson 507. kicc eci ciIk (lîunir land, ?ne Ballas mon 5 for 27, k j iriciii i.;cie-eOOcr-o dine Van Grunovon 0Ofor litii:: il aiIch gceliiîîc.int lly Laing 7 for 44, Sirley Ic ofiiccliinii mi i foc 31, Rosemnne Davis O pOti . 1Betiy Kingdom 7 for 41, r. cmîe Ifuc mai by Clussy F orm CICZY ormal Wear al "ear COMPLEE FORMAL WEAR For Al Occasions At Modest Cost TAILORING SH I 7Main St. - 878-33021 Peu nti h ccFoiltl i 111cc%%icl] Cc hicoicc],, di: cith veenk pa.noramai -11](1 Vecîvîci Mcmldiketche-cor- flrl htlicI Faile Sa 1-411, ictuio lir v i co:icIfl% c cît: llems. -The %vezihvrman'. preilic- ing joNeihie ns ou ii Chrri- The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, December 20, 1967 PRISENTING A CHEQUE f rom t he Recreation Commission t0 tire Javenîle basebali team is Recrestion Cirairman Chsck Gervais. Juvonile manager Wayne Tirnbers accepted the cheque on hehaîf of tire team. The donation is go towards jackets for the test-o. whîch went 10 tthe Ontario finals and was eliminated in thre final game agaînor Chippawa. (Staff Photo) a r a7r5&wk1-àdoo the hgPht-foeted sew rbi-.j - (NO OBLIGATION) DON'T r YOUR t, 4S CHANCE AND WHAT BITTER FAMILY GinT THAN A ir - NEW CAR? 'e., c 1964 Mercury 2 Doore. , Hardtop - Lic. 693586 S ., Power steerîng andi cei ii ccc. brakes, automatir r.,, 30,0G0 actual miles. Excellent ealue at $1,875 or $100 cown & Pavaients tb Suit. s r C cc: .i; (Put the Keys Under te.Treel .,) vc.ce BE SURE TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR TV DRAW - NO OBLIGATION YOUR PONTIAC BUICK DEALER IN MILTON MILTON MOTOR SALES 388 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-235S

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