Three wuse men probably Persians I Nes Testameni isalry ac- cordlag lu Malliew the narrative oftheb threMagi visa tuitused a sailuBethleiem I earcis ut lise Infant Jeuu deucrîbea tiem slmply ausliree *uloe meo tram te eas.1 il sas nul unili lie 2od centsry liat tiep ver. massn as Otlngs in a ciarmlng legend liseS traces Ils nelglnlutisatlme. Tise MOgi lglaly represet- ed lie prletiy caste ufthlie an- cleni Perulan Zrsasiati rellg- lms As lis religion moved sesard, Il came 1.10 contact wtit Babylnien bllets adprac- ies, sud tussdrlved a urong interestinl aslrulugy, demufll- gy sud mage. By lie ime Itiad reacied the Graeco-Romsu surld, Zrasr- lla s as aimual Idenical sitis aslrolagy sud magie lunlise Pp- uas vIe. Thits explaina tise use uithlie term stise men» in Mal- liew's New Testamen accoua, ft e lie iree meno descrised lierelu sec. actualp aslrniug- ers sud st Idng. Tise Empresu iHeletna lu red- lied wihs iavlug irougit tie iesofuthlie Wse Mes lu Con- salotipe; tram lieeliepsere ctmuved lu Milan sud adervard to Cologne. This sexplalas visy tise Wise Men sure often eferr- ed ssas tise Tisuee ings ot Col- ogn. Their cruvua are exhbi- lted lunlie Ciapel ufthlie Three ings la Cologtne Caliedra, wvils uppsedtacuntaliselr IT. MOOREI INSURANCEI CAMPIELIVLLI 4 ERE'S THE 4IDEAL GIFT FOR... Parents and Friends as a Newslefter f rom You That Son or Daughter Away from Home A Dear Friend or Loved One Who Han Moved Away Those Who Are Conf ined to Home or Hospital GIVE THE 52 THAT'S W FR11 THE MI Arrange a Subscriptiý Dropping in to the 191 Main St. - 1 sareu %-MT 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 WEEu rî fl HISfCHISTMAS ELCOMED BY FAMILY AND ENDS LIVING AWAY. ILTON CHAMPION ion Now by WE SEND A LOVELY DOff ice at GIFT CARD WITH ~ -Milton YOUR COMPLIMIENTS Harley to Halton b y ha r riyha rle y m. p. JOLLY 0WD SAINT NICHOLAS mas everywhiere tiis pault ese meeku, even Moisamwk Racemay, sehere h. f lese in via ielecopler direct from lise Norths Ple la disribule baga of treals la over 800 children. Moisawk closed ils inier met Salrday aflernoan and Sanas arrivaI. complet. ils tiree Sanas ielpers in mini- kirîs riding on lise raceways ire trucks, mas ast one of lise closing day iigiligisls. Driver Jack Kenney of Ancaler mas "Santa" for lise day. His prelly helpers mer. Susan Anderson, Barbara Beecisy and Donna Syrnyk AItlise rigisliss tiseire trucks driver. Henry Neave. (Staff Pioto) Tise mosi signilicant malter introduced la tise House oI Commons in tise preions waek bas beau a Goverament Bill 10 amend Canada's divorce laws. Il ba-s been estimated by tise Caaadian Bar Association that sne500,000 Canadi ans are o day living in commun law mainaifîx iecaui xcout-ipic'- eut hîîcs m,îkc lcgal divorce andl remarrlage an impossîbli- ils' Tisa grounds for divorce asl blch esîandad Io include i- garnt, pisvsical and mental cruelt%, and marriage break- clown.' The narriage breaisdosvo concept ma-t bc provad in tise Courts. Il could ha nasad on imprisoomeol f or one of tise nlarriage parîners for a cer tain period of time or gross acddictin IcI lcîcbol or act cx ailis failure of irealmant Icr tlissdisorders. Saparation mili ha grounds lue dieorce miera lise rIl- liciner bas been unable Ioci aie bar marriafe prtuer fnr b rea saurs, or aviera une f lise mrriaga parînars daerts tisa ctisar for t leasi fisc vas. Il mas pintcd ouItlisat mosl dvorce lawx in Canada wr vr100 saurs old and as sacis bad tIle rai avance lin t- d.î's conditions. Al of tise speeches to date n lise House of Commons have beau in favor ofthtie Bill and il mould appear t this ima tisaI il siould puss îîuicistp. Tisa nasaBudget wilt ha de- baîrd over lise vet sis days and sajîl pecîvîde lise Opposit- ion ils Icrtisar upportanilies tif votinf non-cîofidence in tisa -o,ernmant. It 1s expected liat lise Minis- ter of National Revenue, tise Honourable Mr. Benson, wili be maiing a statemeat lanlis. House oI Commoos concara- ing tise varions cutbacks tisat tise goserameot is making dur- iog tise carrent sear lu limit goseroiment spending. Ih la an- îicipaied Ihal thiseecatbacks ssill llfeci ci crs deparîmnenl ofgoîcro ment. If is dîlhculttlu m 5al thi. lime whclisar anv of these cul- backs waili has'e anv influence on lise program scurrentty un- derxvav la tise Countv of Hal- ton. Tree trimnming Tise prettileu Chistîsma tree loks ia 1beai uaiy, Il il lu prnp- erly Irimmeci. Tihe namier of lgisauaed - vltetiser Ian tes ar ton many affects lthe apearance af ev., tise muai perfeci lree. tlece'a a formula used iy pro- tesslanal lgtlag experts: Helgisi oftIre. (la feel) a mIdis offtre, ai base (la teel) a 3. l'u nul as eumplcaled as Il soumis. Foc example, If pour re. Is I leel higisand 4 1/2 feel wlde aitishe ise; 3 o 4 1/2 a 3 eqalss8i ligiss foc a good llghilng effet. CANADAI OLDEST isowna public dlock, alop tise fire hall i. HMC Dockyard in Halifax, bas junt b een repaioted a brigisi gold. Conalructed in Londau. Eogland in 1767, tise dlock was installed over a sail oft la 1772 and operated con- tinuouuly until becoming a Ca- sualty nf tise Halifax explosion ia 1917. It mas repaired, hom- ever, and in 1941 uioved to tbe specially designed tomer above tbe nem ire hall, caeril bt as since remnained. )Annouuce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles bmwrhaidsand«irt daesld oS A recoaed ra.archistitutshâte (bond a uniqaeistaling substane with thn abiity tao inis hemor- risoilispaainesly. It relinvesntoh apeeda ap hnliag af the injrend, inimetssue i.. ln aea aer case, uwhie gustly relisving pain, stual resictias (srnae ,ikplace. Mot imiportant afIaiî-rnaalta weresotisaraaghthattisimprave- vint waa maintained anr a period ofl maay mantha. This wuaa scnmpllisd suit a snwhunegsabeauna Bio-Dynal nibicis qaiekiy blpa hast inj rsi relia and stimulati« grahilh us Nnestia.Dyne fsnfféred inoint- ment adsup5aitr nrm aed @torea.%tinfaaction ar puife ssaey refudsi. The Canadien Champion, Wednenday, Decemnber 20, 1967 Cl IT'S FOR TH1E BIRDS 1 MIXED BIRDSEED 0 c 100-1b. Lot i lb Lsua10% SUNFLOWER SEED cFull Bag 25b Lots Less 10% McKIM HARDWARE 260 Main St. 'lt Serve$ Yeu Rlght" 878"222 THOMAS M. HOLDEN JOHN P. H. FORD formerly praclîslng as HOLDEN & FORD MURRAY J. HAESLER Arn pleased oc announce the formation of a n.w par nnship forIfh. pacice of law lobe known as: Holden, Ford &£ Huesier with offices at 196 MAIN ST, MILTON Phono 878.4491 and 155 CHURCH ST., OAKVILLE Phone 845.3475 ANNOUNCEMENT MILTON TV CLINIC ELECTRICAL REPAIRS IS NOW SEPARATED INTO TWO DIVISIONS AS FOLLOWS I Milton TV Cîunic HARDY NIENABER R.R. 6 MILTON Phone 878-3836 REPAît SERVICE ON * TV * RADIO 0 TAPE RECORDERS 0 ANTENNAS " Speciaizing in laropeun Hi-Fi Sels * Hi-Pi Repaira and Cas- tam Bult Hi-Fis ( vrlfli,ý Weber Electric WERNER WtBER, Prop. 136 Martin St. Mlteon PHONE 8786034 0 POLE uNE CONSTRUC- TION 0 INDUSTRIAL 0 COMMERCIAL 0 DOMESTIC 0 ELECTRIC HEATING AndSiIectriciRepaies ef Ail lkns SEASONS GREETINGS N THE SPIRIT 0F THIS GLADSOME SEASON, AND WITH PRIDE N THE FRIENDSHIP 0F OUR CUSTOMERS, WE OFFER OUR SINCERE BEST WISHES AND WARM THANKS.1 Individuality o t he Key to Beauty. Have Your Hair Re-Styled ~lt' o by Fashion- Knowledgeable Experts at Çoifè, Coppi 133 Main St. West 878-2131 -. ' WATCH OUR - SPECIALS AT West End ~~ MEAT MARKIT CIosed Mon. open AilDay Wd. Open Tisse. and Frlday tilt,9 DOZLDNS 0f ,wHffE GiPTSr for needy child- aftie gifis îhey broughl and placed an tise We Fealare Red Bran neuf ru. more cantrîbated by tise children of Betisel altar. A Christmas play enacîed by tise"Yaung W. Serve thse EastsEnd, Te. United Cisurcis at Dramqain daring a pe- Flk" graup wsa anoliser iigilight of tise Chrismas service on Sunday mrning. A service. group af lise children are hosen siti s omp (Staff Pisoto)