WELCOME WINDOW Lt cour pictore window aeltome bouidas guesls 10 v0cr homte. Place a candle, a wrea 1h co a spray cf ener- green in the idow, remeon- herino, ai the came ime that toc Imach of ccv cf these will yol the effectinenesc cf voar uindcv. The children might eno rcing a clained-glas f- lcc aitlhcasilc woched off cc- Imng ad artilîctal cnow clrL%. A ical treat for child- relli, %%orkiny c It luminouc pains.Thes ciios' admiring hec laniork on thoce Personals Mr . nd Mrc. A. R. Cocter and Mr. and Mrc. Bugene Coutter laIt on Saturday to vscit Mr. and Mms. Lynne Coltar and famils cof Edmon- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Aikincon cf Lacomfse. Alto., lorrthe Chritmas ceacan. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Decamber 20, 1967 Cg FAMILIAR MESSAGE Chritmas cards were oct cary popular for came îwc de- cades after they first appear- cd in England in the 1840s. Very little ic knoomofcIthe carliestîcards, except for lwo the 'British Museum. These Imo hear the camne message of peace and goodwill, wtich hacn't been imprcned upon, cnesn i he modern cards we favor tlcday. LORRAINE BEAUTY SALON CAMPBELLVILLE ENTIRELY IIN GERMAN, studeits of the Ger- Chrstmas party and dinner for1 man language sehool operated by the German- Stodents are sftomn gatfteted Canadian Club of Halfon County enfertained cradie as they recite fireir parts thair parents with a natiity ptay Sunday after- coo. If mas the highlight of the clubs annoal TWO CUT LITTLE LADIES who helped perfcrm in the German- Canadien Club of Halio Coonty natvity play on Sonday mere caught by the cameraman as rfey lined op for the program. One portrayed a star, te cîler ao angel in the play. Children from the German language school acted out the natiity on Garmnan. (Staff Phtoto) Saf e driving week does cut fatalities Safe Driing Week in Decem- ber proned once again Ihat traffic accidents con be redu- ced ho safetty campaigos. Pre- liminarv figures for Ontario show a total cf 14 tralfic deaths. whicb c esc thon hall the ancrage even - dav tcl for the time f ear. Safe Drivieg Week is a Cao- odian Higbwav Safetv Council campaigo, pomotcd in Ontar- o bnv the Ontario Safets League. inea.ch of the 12 vers it bas h een conducled, fatlitics hase been substantially toer thon e'spected, statisticoîts. Totalting the t2 ycarc fines an anrage of 21.2 trafic dealhs n Ontario dcring the fist ce- yen dans cf December. The senen-day ancrage for al Nos' ember and December, 1956- 1966 was 3.1. Gray Jay stamp Thts nec Canodian tamp ic part c f thc mild lIc series 10 he ccmplclad mithie four %cears. The sîamp mas dcsign- cd hy Martin Glan Loates cf Wllosvdale. It i'. vertical in lsrmatl and shows maIe and lemalc Grav Jacc. In the bot- tom l hand corner abovc GEAI GRIS, tha French vers- ion, i, Pericoreus Canadansis. teir' clIspaIth camp c the hr rils the Ocd the serned Coolidg CARII CRU are NOW AVAIL, ALL YEAR R( Brochures on these cri picked up t the tri, -LET US PLAN THIS TRII MILTON TRAVEL 878-9211 14 Martin S- arond the "LITTLE WEEPY" AND SANTA had a bosy day in the UAW n German. Centre in Milton Sonday as Ontario Steel Products Social and Athletic Club members assisted the old gent in dispensiog 538 (Staff Photo) presents for employons' chiidren. Litte Weepy, tftat curicas locking gent in the top hat on the lef t, is sometimes known _______as Weepy Taylor from Actor,. Another emplcyee, Harry Lowrie dressed as a clown to heip entertain throoghoot the aflernoon. 12 duys proidice 364 yal preseats A mattemaicatty-mlnd.ed saut once calculated thtalif aacb gift matloned ln 'The Twetne Days of Chrstmas' wra acaally de- llnerad b ta hetrue taes hocco tera would ha 364 presats, (ast short f conefor easetiday f tae year. Thta folklore tetind thasa twelva days is toly as la- tarestlng, as astoslshlcg as are the gifts mentlosed la the song. Thea atteant orîglanOf tae daysl has tees lracad la the Teutons. Wda, the kng f Grmane godsanad Frigga, is wfe, catabratadtae domsn days wtt a Wld Hut, allasdad hy sprts frnm ValttaUs. Ttetwet- va days f tae otd RgUsIt year wra not as fierca la Iheir ch- sernance, teltlItay wre jnly and marked tty mach fasting. On Crsmas Day, ptum pud- ding was a mst. To make a wlsh for each day as the frst sponfut of puddng wastrst tin ta hemouth was te,155cmr gond Iock. The nat day tecama tasown as Boing Day -- sel a day for fisîlcuffs, bt a day for dlslribntlng alms la Christmas boeas for tae saedy. The galety of tae season reaahed ifs' clm- ax wit New Yar'5 Ee. Epîith- any, tae lasI day of tha lwetn, fron the Graek maaong an a- pearancc, is mpreseted hy lte ttrea Magi. Ttsse Tttree Klags were also ldanllfled wth tond, te Twlfth Nîglt Cake. Atcascîlar awac discard- c d holiday gIt rayyings petîmytIs front the ie arat. En Limoist trcc scl harn if gnited hc cuch Lt ire around INSURANCE R.R. FORD Milton, Ont. 878-6357 Kiervin loses council seat Alîhccgh ha didnt 4011e scc.eedîlithi, qaccl lor an alderman'c sceat n hecity 01 Wndcor, Mr. and Mrc. Arhur Kcîsîn ni Milton report their ,on Jack %vas quitehappysstlh leic îcultc hegot. A 22%aar-old ccîoarcî vt .0 dent intha cits, Mr. Kierin 'ltd nol rea11îs cspece Iu0gel in,lhescaid.hbutruadeaa ttood slhoingiSn therDcecmhcl h elcion. 246 MAIN st. 1878-23431 PRESCRIPTIONS PikdUp & DLvereZI FREE DELIVR me CANADA. Thc anar - I.- MI BANKING HOURS ~ ttcttting c Ita alion-mM mnîyChrîsbmas Tre NMLO 1 hite House sas Ob-IhM LO og 1023 hr o d nt D U IH O L ID A Y C EA S O N I l M, ALL CANADIAN BANKS HAVE ANNOUNCED THAT THEY WILL MONDAY, DECEMBER 25th .ABLE BE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26th >UN___CLOS-ED MONDAY, JANUARY 1sf uises on beFOR THE CONVENIENCE 0F CUSTOMERS VOI office. BANKS WILL SE OPEN 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. P FOR YOU - g on te twa FRIDAYS, Decemnber 22 and December 29 SERVICEfrntr 9 &.m .- 12 Nona SATURDAY, December 23 t. 878-2457 THE CHARTERED BANKS UN MILTON FLOWERS Bins Chrstmas cheer ito your onhome or the home of someone dear with a lovely growing plant or flamers. a Poinsettia " Mums 0 Azaleas " Cyclamen 0 Roses " Mixed Bouquets 10 Mixed Poinsettia Pans CHOOSE ARRANGEMENTS NOW FOR BEST SELECTION 431 Main St. .878-9501 .- - 5 PROCLAMATION CIVIC HOLIDAY TUESDAY DECEMBER 26, 1967 BOXING DAY Wftereas at a meeting of the Coancil of the Corporation of the Twn of Mlton fteld on the 4ît day of December, 1967, it mas resolved thaf Tesday, December 26, 1967 (Boing Dayl be and tfte cama is heteby fixed as a Civic Holiday for the carrent year and that the Mayor be authorized te publisfi a proclamation in connaction therewith. These are, therefore, te moka knomn tftat in compliance witf, the aforesaid resolation 1 do hereby proclaim Tuesday, December 26, t1967 lBcxing Dayl as a CIVIC HOLIDAY. S. G. CHILOS, Mayor 000 SAVE THE OUEEN [-J-EWELLERS-1 Stacey Lynn, Milton, was one of Santa's visitors. (Staff Photo)